The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2279: Rush at night

Moreover, Xiao Han could also clearly feel that the closer to the summit, the stronger the fighting power of the monster beasts encountered.

At this time, every time a seventh-order monster beheaded, Xiao Han spent more time, so Xiao Han was even more afraid to delay on the road.

Gradually, time passed slowly in Xiao Han's process.

There is no sign of reaching the top of the mountain, but the sky is already dark.

Xiao Han estimated that he should have passed the mountainside by now.

However, as the sky darkened, the surrounding clouds seemed to get thicker and thicker, like a substantial barrier, just surrounding Xiao Han.

After the sky was completely dimmed, he could barely see his fingers.

Even worse, Xiao Han clearly felt that after dark, the monster beasts in Beiyue Peak began to become more and more violent and fierce.

Xiao Han felt that this was more related to the dense clouds and mists around him.

After the sky darkened, the clouds and mist in the mountains and forests began to become dense, and with it, the surrounding monsters began to become more fierce.

At this time, Xiao Han felt that it was no longer suitable for rushing through the night among Beiyue Peak.

It is estimated that even if Ruan Qingqing, Zhu Ci and others, they should find a place to practice after nightfall?

Traveling through the mountains and forests all day, plus having to deal with monsters around him.

And in this Beiyue Peak, the strength was suppressed to only half.

This kind of battle will probably not be easy for all the Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters who enter Beiyue Peak.

At night time, naturally, find a place to spend the night, and then take advantage of this time to recover the aura consumed in the body.

After all, it is important to hurry, but first you must ensure that you can climb to the top of Beiyue Peak.

As a result, Xiao Han also hesitated.

Should you just find a place to stay overnight, or continue on your way?

Although there is prosperity leading the way, Xiao Han will not lose his way in the thick clouds, but there seems to be a lot of risks in doing so.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to take a break and continue on the road.

Xiao Han knew very well that he was not familiar with the terrain of Beiyue Peak at all, and he had fallen behind Ruan Qingqing and the others from the beginning.

Later, relying on Wangcai's lead, although he caught up a bit, he must still be far behind Ruan Qingqing and others.

Besides, this is only one of the entrances, the entrances in the other three directions, there must be others in front of Xiao Han.

After Xiao Han met the Guiyuan Sect disciple named Zhuci before, Xiao Han never encountered this Zhuci again when he hurried along, so Xiao Han felt that even that Zhuci would throw him far away. Go behind.

So far behind, if Xiao Han wants to catch up with the proud sons of the major sects, he has to find another way.

There is no other way to choose to hurry up in the dark.

This would definitely be more dangerous than rushing during the day, but Xiao Han felt that with prosperous wealth to lead the way, coupled with his own strength enough to cope with emergencies, there must be risks, but no major problems can arise.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han found a place to sit down and rest, and took the little demon beast Wangcai in his arms.

Wangcai seems to be very unaccustomed to the environment in Beiyue Peak. It usually likes to doze off, but now he is looking everywhere with his eyes wide open.

Xiao Han gently touched Wangcai's little head, took out a magic weapon from Qiankun Bag, and stuffed it into Wangcai's mouth.

With delicious food, Wangcai finally cheered up and focused on dealing with that magic weapon.

Now, most people who have heard of Xiao Han know that Xiao Han has a high-grade spiritual tool on his body, but many people don't know that this high-grade spiritual tool on Xiao Han's body is actually a little monster.

After the little demon beast had eaten the magic weapon, Xiao Han stood up, ready to continue on his way.

After eating, the little demon beast seemed to have improved a lot, and took the lead to rush forward, Xiao Han's figure also flashed, and the whole person turned into a fuzzy shadow and disappeared in the jungle.


An afterimage flashed across the dark mountain forest, and then that afterimage stepped on the head of a monster hiding in a pile of rocks.

The huge force directly crushed the head of the seventh-order monster beast, and died before the pit could even utter a sound.

Stretching out his hand, the demon pill in the monster beast appeared in his hand.

After a while, the figure slowly sat down on the stone beside him and took a breath.

This was the sixth Tier 7 monster that Xiao Han had killed after he hit the road again.

Discrimination on the road is actually more difficult than expected.

Originally, the line of sight was not good. After dark, those monster beasts like to hide in the corner and attack.

Had it not been for Xiao Han's wealth, and Xiao Han's spiritual knowledge and fighting power were terrifying, I am afraid Xiao Han would at least be embarrassed by those monsters' sneak attacks.

It's not easy to get injured, but it doesn't feel good to be attacked by monsters from time to time.

It seems that Beiyue Peak at night is really dangerous.

Taking a look at the corpse of the seventh-order monster under his feet, Xiao Han frowned.

Taking out an ordinary seventh-order pill from the Qiankun bag, Xiao Han slowly put it in his mouth, and then began to refine the demon pill, hoping to restore some of the consumed aura.

Xiao Han's nerves were tense during the night of the slander, and in every battle, Xiao Han had to make a quick fight, so as to kill him with one blow.

Therefore, Xiao Han's physical strength and spiritual energy are very large, and he encountered some seventh-tier monsters that were extremely powerful in combat and was about to enter the eighth-tier. The battle even consumed a lot of Xiao Han's aura.

If Ruan Qingqing, Zhu Ci and others knew that Xiao Han had discredited his journey, they would have their jaws dropped.

You must know that the advice they received from those senior sects was that they should never drive in the dark among Beiyue Peak.

However, Xiao Han, a newborn calf, didn't know anything about it, and actually chose to take advantage of the night.

But even though it was a bit difficult, Xiao Han was able to live it up.

Although this kind of battle was a bit hard, for Xiao Han, it was a kind of training.

After resting on the spot for a short while, after finishing the refining of the seventh-order demon pill, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes.

Xiao Han was secretly delighted when he felt the stronger and stronger breath of sky thunder around him.

It seems that Xiao Han should not be far from the top of Beiyue Peak now.

At least in this way, it should not be far behind Ruan Qingqing and Chu Ci.

Anyway, Xiao Han now feels that he is getting closer and closer to his destination.

"I hope that when those guys wake up tomorrow, I will be stunned when they find that I actually go in front of them, hehe."

Xiao Han grinned, then stood up and signaled that Wangcai could continue on the road. Only then did his figure flash, and his whole body flashed into the mountains and forests into afterimages.

One night, Xiao Han stopped and went.

, Not part of the time, Xiao Han would stop and rest for a while after killing a monster beast.

Xiao Han still knows the truth that haste is not.

Along the way, Xiao Han vaguely noticed a few guys hiding in the trees to rest.

Xiao Han didn't care about whether the opponent was a human refiner or a monster master. Anyway, there were at least seven or eight people who were caught up by Xiao Han.

Two of them also noticed that someone was passing below, and they were shocked when they saw that they dared to drive on the road while it was dark.

Gradually, Xiao Han found that the sky had reached its darkest time.

Xiao Han calculated the time and felt that it should not be far from dawn.

Not going to sleep all night, for Xiao Han now, naturally there is no problem.

And as the journey progressed, Xiao Han also began to sum up some experience, so the number of monsters encountered on the road became much less.

When Xiao Han killed the tenth Tier 7 monster, he looked up, and Xiao Han found that the sky began to become brighter.

It was about to dawn, and the monster beasts that became fierce at night seemed to begin to weaken.

At this time, Xiao Han just took advantage of this time to hurry up and continue on his way.

The mountain became steeper and steeper, and the surrounding sky thunder aura began to become more and more vigorous.

This made Xiao Han also secretly surprised.

In the surrounding clouds, the aura of sky thunder also began to become more and more obvious.

Sometimes, the naked eye can vaguely see the thunder atmosphere rolling in the clouds.

The surrounding sky thunder aura is so strong, it seems that this place is almost close to the top of the mountain.

Only countless nine-day profound thunders can condense such a strong atmosphere of sky thunder.

When the sky gradually lighted up, Xiao Han began to find a place to hide and rest.

The thick clouds and mist around him began to fade a little, and the field of vision was much wider.

At this time, the monsters in the forest seemed to have become much more normal.

However, Xiao Han was not in a hurry.

At this time, Xiao Han needed to make a judgment. He drove all night, where he was and how far was the top of Julio Mountain.

Although I don't necessarily go the wrong way, at this time, if I meet other people, I should be able to ask to determine the distance to the top of the mountain.

So after dawn, Xiao Han stopped and waited.

Anyway, I hurriedly hurried all night, not to mention being far ahead of everyone, Xiao Han's current position should not be considered backward.

But after waiting for a while, there was no half figure around.

This made Xiao Han a little puzzled.

At this moment, Xiao Han's heart moved, vaguely aware of a slight fighting sound not far away.

Whether it was fighting against a monster or a human qi refiner and a human qi refiner, Xiao Han didn't care anyway.

Xiao Han encountered many similar situations along the way.

It's rare for Xiao Han to respond.

After resting for a while, Xiao Han slowly stood up without waiting for others to come up, ready to continue on his way.

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