The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2277: Wangcai leads the way

After Wangcai appeared on Xiao Han's shoulder, he was obviously surprised by the thick mist around him. A pair of thief eyes flickered and he looked suspicious.

Xiao Han asked softly: "Wangcai, can you lead the way? I'm going to the top of the mountain, can you feel how to get to the top of the mountain?"

The little monster beast jumped off Xiao Han's shoulder first, and then turned around.

A look of contemplation appeared on Wangcai's face.

Xiao Han wasn't in a hurry. At this time, besides groping for himself, Xiao Han could only try to see if Little Monster Beast Wangcai could find his way.

Although it was a bit of a joke, Xiao Han still wanted to give it a try.

At least this Beiyue Peak can suppress magic weapons, and the little monster beast looks nothing unusual, so it might work.

Anyway, there is no better way, so I can only try it.

At this time, Little Monster Beast Wangcai suddenly looked up at Xiao Han, and then slowly walked in one of the directions.

"Huh, have you found your way?"

With joy in Xiao Han's heart, he began to follow Wangcai.

Wangcai is not slow, at least countless times faster than Xiao Han.

Xiao Han stepped on the ground and rushed out directly following the little monster.

Gradually, Xiao Han began to notice the movement around him.

Following Wangcai along the way, Xiao Han met many human spirit refiners and monster masters who were fighting against monsters.

These masters who were originally the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, or even the early stage of the Tribulation Period, would often be hurriedly suppressed by one or two Tier 6 monsters.

There is no way, in this Beiyue Peak, the only strength that is suppressed is the average level outside. It is really more difficult to encounter a Tier 6 monster than it is to encounter a Tier 7 monster outside.

However, Xiao Han ignored the surrounding battles, anyway, the little monster beast in front had been rushing forward.

Xiao Han's figure also passed directly through the surrounding battlefield.

Gradually, Xiao Han seemed to vaguely perceive that Wangcai, who was leading the way, seemed to be able to take Xiao Han over the places where monsters and beasts were infested by virtue of his perception ability.

If this is the case, that would be good news for Xiao Han.

Since the little monster beast can detect in advance whether there are monsters around it, it can avoid a lot of trouble.

This way, Xiao Han can save a lot of time and avoid a series of battles.

Following the little monster beast for half an hour, Wang Cai's speed gradually began to slow down.

Xiao Han could also feel that the monster beasts that haunted him seemed to have begun to become stronger and stronger.

If it's too fast, maybe some monsters can't avoid it, or they will attract the attention of some powerful monsters.

Although the strength is now suppressed very strongly, as long as it is not a Tier 8 monster, Xiao Han can barely handle it.

But once the battle begins, the speed of the journey will definitely be affected.

So even if Xiao Han knew to kill the surrounding monsters to obtain the monster pill, he would be able to obtain great benefits in the future through refining, but Xiao Han still did not want to fight frequently.

At this time, Xiao Han tried his best to keep his rushing movement quieter, and even when he landed on the ground, he didn't make any sound.

As he walked, Xiao Han found that Wangcai had stopped in front of him.

Xiao Han's heart moved, he walked forward, saw the little monster beast in his arms, and then walked a distance gently, and saw that there were two faint paths in the dense fog not far away. The figure stood there.

It looks like it should be a human race refiner and a huge monster beast.

When Xiao Han walked over, the two sides had not yet started a war, they were just facing each other far away.

Moving closer, Xiao Han saw the huge monster beast first.

"Seventh-order? This guy doesn't seem to be very lucky, and he actually encountered a seventh-order monster?"

Xiao Han was also a little surprised. Along the way, seventh-order monsters were rare.

Of course, it may also be because Xiao Han has not yet approached the top of the mountain.

A seventh-order monster beast, in this Beiyue Peak, is much more difficult than an eighth-order monster beast.

It seems that this guy has bad luck. If he doesn't have any strength, it may be difficult to get out.

Therefore, Xiao Han naturally looked at the figure facing the seventh-order monster.

This person was dressed in a strong gray suit, with a delicate face, and looked young, just like Xiao Han.

It's just that this person's face is calm, and he has no fear in front of a seventh-order monster.

In this man's hand, he was holding a long sword, but Xiao Han could tell at a glance that the long sword in his hand was not a magic weapon, it could only be said to be a relatively ordinary weapon.

It's just that even if this is the case, the long sword in that person's hand still vaguely emits fierce sword aura.

Such an ordinary weapon can actually condense sword energy.

And it was still in the situation where the realm was suppressed by half.

It seems that the guy in front of him is not simple.

But Xiao Han was relieved after thinking about it.

This person can walk in front of him and seems to be familiar with the route here.

In addition, the long sword in his hand was estimated to be specially prepared for walking among the Beiyue Peak. Although it was of low grade, it was strong and durable.

Moreover, it is naturally not ordinary people who can come here.

There is no fear in front of a seventh-order monster, this person must have confidence in his strength.

And it seems that before Xiao Han appeared, this person should have already crossed the confrontation with this seventh-order monster. At least Xiao Han looked at the other party's calm and relaxed appearance. Obviously, the seventh-order monster did not take advantage. .

On the contrary, the seventh-order monster beast was a little out of breath, and it seemed that in the previous contest, it didn't take advantage of this person's hand.

Just after holding the little demon beast Wangcai and hiding in a secret place to watch, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Then, he slowly grasped the woman's long sword in his hand, and shot towards the seventh-order monster beast.

Seeing the opponent suddenly started, the seventh-order monster let out a roar and rushed out.

The two bodies with huge differences in size just rushed away.


There was a slight noise on the court.

He took the figure and rushed forward for a certain distance before stopping, and then carried the long sword in his hand on his shoulder casually.


As for the Tier 7 monster beast behind him, its huge head was cut directly from its neck, blood was dripping, and its head fell to the ground.

After a while, the huge body of that seventh-order monster beast collapsed, shocking a piece of dust.

Xiao Han who saw this scene couldn't help but secretly praise at this moment.

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