Xiao Han stared at Ruan Qingqing not far away, and said softly: "Your name is Ruan Qingqing? The strength is really good, but if I want to go, you can't keep me."

Ruan Qingqing also looked at the bearded young man in front of him, and whispered softly: "Able to kill an elder of our Star Meteorite Sect, and to escape smoothly from the hands of our great elder Wan Jianyi, you should be that Xiao Han Right?"

At this time, Xiao Han still retains his appearance after the disguise.

However, Ruan Qingqing recognized it.

As soon as Ruan Qingqing's words fell, everyone around couldn't help taking a breath.

"Xiao Han? So he is Xiao Han?"

"No? He killed the sixth elder Chen Huohuo of the Star Meteorite Sect and defeated the three elders joining forces?"

"It should be, now there is one more item, to escape from the hands of the great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect."


The surrounding eyes looked at the figure in front of Ruan Qingqing with surprise.

In recent days, this name Xiao Han has been spreading in the area near Demon Imperial City.

First, he killed the elders in the middle stage of Xingyizong's tribulation, and then defeated the three elders in Tianlun City to strangle.

Everything is enough to cause a sensation.

Over the years, among the younger generation of masters, the young men who can force the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect to make a shot in person are simply rare.

Moreover, this Xiao Han actually had the ability to escape from the hands of Great Elder Wan Jianyi of Xingyizong, which was even more incredible.

Everyone present was very clear about how terrifying the strength of the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect was.

To be able to become the great elder of the Starfall Sect, Wan Jianyi's strength is naturally beyond doubt.

Moreover, the name of the sword **** Wan Jianyi was well known to passers-by in the area near the Demon Imperial City.

How did this guy named Xiao Han do it?

Xiao Han was also very helpless to the surprised eyes around him.

But now that Ruan Qingqing has recognized it, there is nothing to say.

Sooner or later things.

At this time, Ruan Qingqing stared at Xiao Han's face and asked softly: "You should have undergone a disguise, right?"

Xiao Han had to tear off the disguised things on his face, and his white face came out. He smiled slightly: "I'm afraid I am too handsome, and you will be fascinated by me."

"Cut..." Ruan Qingqing sneered.

But seeing Xiao Han's true face, Ruan Qingqing couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Although he is not the kind of handsome man, he seems very questioning.

This person has clear eyes and a calm face, and looks much more pleasing to the eye than Ouyang Feng.

"I don't have time to spend here with you, I want to rush to the summit." Xiao Lian said with a smile.

"Don't worry, do you think it's really someone who runs fast to occupy the position of a Tianlei Pond? When you reach the top, you have to rely on real skills."

"That's all right, we are all here at the sky thunder pond, and then we will go our own way. I said I don't want to mess with you, but I'm not afraid of you." Xiao Han stared at Ruan Qingqing and said softly. .

Xiao Han naturally could clearly perceive that Ruan Qingqing's strength was not weak.

Moreover, Ruan Qingqing can become one of the candidates for the next Sect Master Xingyi, plus he is also a disciple of Sect Master Xingyi, so naturally there are many cards.

Xiao Han knew that Ruan Qingqing was here, and of course he wasn't here for him.

Ruan Qingqing's goal is the same as Xiao Han's, it must be for the eight seats in Tianlei Lake.

Besides, Xiao Han had an antagonism with Xingyizong, and at this time he didn't want to conflict with Ruan Qingqing.

"Your strength is good, but you are a bit overconfident. I heard that you have a very powerful high-grade spiritual weapon. Here I have to remind you that the use of magic weapons will be restricted on Beiyue Peak, so you have that Baby, I can’t get you any help."

Ruan Qingqing sneered and said: "Don't worry, I don't want to do anything with you now. When you have the ability to reach the top of Beiyue Peak, I will wait for you there. Then we will fight again."

With that said, Ruan Qingqing was all in shape, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and flashed towards the top of the mountain, and finally disappeared quickly in the thick fog around him.

"Hehe, is it possible that I can't deal with you if I don't use that high-grade spiritual weapon?" After Ruan Qingqing left, Xiao Han sneered.

Xiao Han had also heard of the use of magic weapons on this Beiyue Peak that could suppress the use of magic weapons, and Xiao Han did not even take out the sky sword.

However, Xiao Han's strength could not be displayed by relying on magic weapons.

Personal hand-to-hand combat is one of Xiao Han's best methods.

Since Ruan Qingqing was acquainted and didn't choose to do something here, Xiao Han naturally couldn't ask for it.

According to Ruan Qingqing, after almost ascending to the summit of Beiyue Peak, he had to compete as soon as possible to obtain eight places, which instead made Xiao Han feel at ease.

At the very least, after Xiao Han reaches the top, eight seats have already been taken up in advance.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han looked around, ignoring the surprised gazes of everyone around him, and then under the gaze of many gazes, Xiao Han's figure flashed and disappeared directly into the thick fog.

"There was no fight? What a pity, what a pity."

"Yes, they are all the hottest figures recently, and I don't know if it is Xiao Han or Ruan Qingqing."

"What are you afraid of? After they reach the summit, they are not going to fight."

"That's right, it's just entering the mouth now. The two sides don't want to go to war before they reach the top."

"Yes, I heard that there are so many powerful monsters in this Beiyue Peak, especially that that day around Lei Chi is the world of seventh-order monsters and even eighth-order monsters."

"Isn't it? Doesn't it mean that you have to waste your hands and feet if you want to reach the top?"

"It's over. In this Beiyue Peak, we can only show half of our usual strength. If we encounter a few seventh-order monsters, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"Nonsense, so didn't you see that Ruan Qingqing and Xiao Han didn't do anything? Only after reaching the top of the peak, they will fight a battle."


After Xiao Han and Ruan Qingqing had both left, everyone whispered for a while, and they started to go on their own way.

In this Beiyue Peak, everyone's strength is suppressed, so when you encounter a monster that can be handled at will, you have to deal with it carefully.

So many people are starting to call friends and accompany them.

Only some guys who have confidence in their own strength will choose to go alone.

Because of the thick mist everywhere in the Beiyue Peak, there was some difficulty in the process of driving.

Even if it releases the spiritual sense, the range of perception is very small.

There may be monsters around at any time. Whether or not you encounter groups of monsters depends on your luck.

Gradually, as more and more people entered the entrance, Beiyue Fengye, who had been silent, began to gradually become noisy.

At the entrance, there were still humanoid refiners and monster beasts rushing in continuously, and there were four entrances. The number of humanoid refiners and monsters masters who wanted to enter Beiyue Peak this time must be terrifying.

However, I heard that there are many monsters in this Beiyue Peak, and the fighting power is much stronger than the monsters of the same level outside.

In addition, the strength of all the Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters who entered the Beiyue Peak was very much suppressed, and as a result, the entire Beiyue Peak appeared to be perilous.

But fortunately, this Beiyue Peak is due to the nine-day profound thunder, and the monsters living here will also contain a part of the heavenly thunder aura. After killing the monsters here, the demon pill obtained will also carry With a lot of thunder breath.

After refining these demon pills, more benefits can be obtained.

This is an opportunity only available in Beiyue Peak.

In addition to finding a way to cultivate in a location close to the sky thunder pool, killing more monsters and obtaining more monster pills can also improve the cultivation level and strength.

All that said, although there are risks everywhere in Beiyue Peak, the benefits are obvious.

Some Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters who feel that they are not qualified to approach the Tianlei Pool, taking advantage of the fact that the Tianlei Pool has not been activated, it is also excellent to kill some monsters in groups.

As long as there is enough strength, it is easy to get a full harvest in this Beiyue Peak.

In the dense fog that filled the surroundings, Xiao Han couldn't drive faster.

Even if Xiao Han releases his divine consciousness, the range that he can sense is very limited.

This is still the case when Xiao Han's divine consciousness is strong enough, as for other human race refiners and monster beast masters, it is probably even more unbearable.

Moreover, there is no way to fly with swords in this Beiyue Peak, only to shuttle through the mountains and forests.

In addition, the line of sight is blocked, and the ability of divine consciousness is also blocked, and the speed of rushing is too fast.

Xiao Han walked alone in the mountains and forests. After looking around, Xiao Han also had a solemn expression.

Xiao Han found that the closer to the peak, the denser the surrounding fog seemed.

Moreover, these mists are just like the essence, and there is no way to disperse them by releasing the aura.

This thick fog not only obstructs the vision, but also hinders the perception of spiritual consciousness. Walking in the densely foggy mountains and forests, it really feels like a black eye.

After a long time, even Xiao Han wondered if he would get lost.

If you get lost in this Beiyue Peak, it will be a bit difficult.

Although Xiao Han walked up along the direction of the mountain, after a long time, even Xiao Han was a little shaken.

Xiao Han had no way to judge whether he was heading in the right direction.

Xiao Han remembered that he had encountered a similar situation in the Penglai Wonderland before.

That was when Xiao Han was in Demon Mountain.

However, Xiao Han successfully climbed the Zhendevil Mountain with the guidance of the Sky Sword.

But now, in this Beiyue Peak, even magic weapons will be suppressed, which is a bit difficult.

"Even the sense of consciousness doesn't work anymore, the only way is to follow the mountainous terrain of Beiyue Peak.

But if the terrain here is weird, wouldn't it be necessary to go around Beiyue Peak and never reach the top? "

If this goes on, Xiao Han will wonder if he has lost his way.

Isn't it said that there are many monsters in Beiyue Peak?

Why did Xiao Han not find a monster beast after walking for so long?

After a while, Xiao Han could only stop.

I still have to find a way out, just walking aimlessly is not a solution.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Han thought of the tall trees around him.

He leaped into a big tree beside him.

When he reached the top of the tree, Xiao Han was going to see if he could see the situation clearly in the distance or distinguish the direction by standing up high.

However, Xiao Han swept his eyes and was surprised to find that the higher the height, the thicker the fog above.

Only after reaching the top of the tree did Xiao Han realize that standing on the top of the tree, Xiao Han could not see clearly what was three meters away.

Such a thick fog obstructs sight even more than below.

Originally, Xiao Han wanted to go up and try it out, but Xiao Han was surprised to find that in the rain and fog above his head, the thunderous atmosphere filled Xiao Han, which made Xiao Han feel a little palpitating.

It seems that flying with the sword is completely unworkable.

Flying into the air is also not suitable, so I can only rush forward step by step.

After coming down from the top of the tree, Xiao Han sighed slightly.

In this Beiyue Peak, even the Sky Sword could not be used, otherwise, it would be possible to follow the guidance of the Sky Sword and directly avoid many detours to the summit.

It seems that I can only rely on myself.

Xiao Han, like many human qi refiners and monster beast masters, entered the Beiyue Peak for the first time.

As for Ruan Qingqing and others of the Starfall Sect, they must be very clear about the route in the Beiyue Peak.

In sects like Xingyizong, seniors who have entered Beiyue Peak naturally understand the situation better here.

Before you set off, you just need to ask the seniors who have climbed Beiyue Peak. Many things are in your heart.

Therefore, Ruan Qingqing can naturally avoid a lot of detours and go straight to the top of the mountain, saving a lot of time.

Since Ruan Qingqing of Xingyizong can do this, the other sect forces are the same.

Even among some families, only people have ever been to Beiyue Peak, and they will be somewhat prepared.

Calculating this way, it is estimated that Xiao Han is already behind many people now.

I heard that the Tianlei Pool at the top of the peak will open one day after the entrance opens, which means that Xiao Han must reach the peak of Beiyue Peak before dawn tomorrow, otherwise, Xiao Han will not even have the opportunity to compete for eight places.

At this time, Xiao Han's heart moved, thinking of the little monster beast in Qiankun's bag.

Although you can't use magic weapons, the Little Demon Beast Wangcai is a figure transformed from a high-grade spiritual weapon. Strictly speaking, it is not a weapon.

Moreover, the perception ability of the Little Monster Beast was much stronger than Xiao Han.

In this way, why didn't Xiao Han try to let the little demon beast's wealth to lead the way?

Maybe the little monster beast could bring him unexpected joy?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han thought, and the little monster beast appeared on Xiao Han's shoulder.

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