The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2275: Be recognized

At this time, Xiao Han didn't stay, his whole person turned into a heroic light and rushed over.

Xiao Han also wanted to occupy a good position. He wanted to compete for the eight places in the Tianlei Pool. If he didn't rush up early, it wouldn't work.


A low roar sounded, and the eighth-order flying behemoth of Xingyizong rushed towards the entrance.

Ruan Qingqing turned his head and said, "Third Elder, we have gone in first, and this flying demon will show you. You will come to pick us up in a few days."

"Okay, leave it to me here." The three elders nodded.

Ruan Qingqing looked forward to the entrance not far away.

The day when the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool was opened today can be said to be a major event in the entire area around the Demon Imperial City once every ten years.

Those who are eligible to compete in Tianlei Pool are the best among the younger generation.

Being able to grab a seat in Tianlei Pond will instantly become famous.

Having the ability to grab a spot in Tianlei Pool, that is a symbol of strength.

Thinking of this, Ruan Qingqing's figure flashed, and the whole person turned into a flash of exposure and flew away.

Ruan Qingqing's speed was surprisingly fast, and there were still afterimages behind him.

The speed is so fast that even Ruan Qingqing's deity can't see clearly.

After passing away like this, Ruan Qingqing appeared directly in the crowd.

Now that the entrance has just opened, there are not many lessons for those who have just passed in mid-air.

For the sake of safety, most people still choose to queue in.

When Ruan Qingqing flashed past the crowd, only a fragrance was left in the air.

Many human qi refiners and monster beast experts below know that this is Ruan Qingqing.

Ruan Qingqing did not look down at the crowd below.

Pushing Fengyun's transformation body identity to the extreme again, Ruan Qingqing was surprisingly fast.

Soon, Ruan Qingqing had appeared near the entrance.

Seeing that the entrance is right in front of him, Ruan Qingqing's mouth smiled involuntarily.

"call out......"

And just when Ruan Qingqing was about to fly into the mouth, a sharp breaking wind sounded from behind her.

A figure was fleeting in the air, and after a while, it actually passed Ruan Qingqing directly and passed her.

Suddenly she was overtaken by someone, and the speed of the person was actually faster than her, which made Ruan Qingqing secretly startled.

"What the hell? Someone is faster than me?"

Ruan Qingqing frowned, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the figure that had just passed him, and a swift suction force burst out of her palm.

"Ha ha."

Unexpectedly, Ruan Qingqing would actually make a move, and the figure in front snorted coldly.

I saw his figure flashed, and a fierce breath burst out from his body, directly facing the pulling force from Ruan Qingqing.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two breaths collided, making a low and muffled sound in mid-air.

The figure in front even raised its speed again by the impact of the two breaths colliding.

"Miss Ruan Qingqing, thank you very much."

The figure laughed, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, and finally rushed into the entrance.

"I'll take it, who is that person? Don't let it go? Can you actually **** Ruan Qingqing?"

"No, this person doesn't give Ruan Qingqing face so much, will there be a big battle in the future?"

"Wow, let me just say, there must be a deep hidden master, you see, there are people who are faster than Ruan Qingqing."

"Who is this person, such a terrifying speed?"

"I don't know, maybe it's one of the three masters in the four schools, right?"


A mysterious person who suddenly appeared unexpectedly rushed in front of him, which made Ruan Qingqing's face a little ugly.

Coupled with the exclamations below, Ruan Qingqing was even more upset.

Ruan Qingqing let out a cold snort, and his body disappeared in a flash, and followed the figure in front of him into the entrance.

Among the Beiyue Peak shrouded in thick rain and fog, after waiting to enter, everyone found that after rushing through the entrance, a lot of violent aura appeared around.

For the human qi refiners and monster beast masters, these violent auras are a bit troublesome, and they can actually slow down the spiritual flow in the body a lot.

If you go to a thick fog, your sight will be greatly affected.

Walking in this kind of place requires clothing with the power of God's consciousness, otherwise, you might bump into a tree while walking.

Moreover, the aura in the Beiyue Peak Mountain seems to suppress the aura in the body faintly, and can't perform half of the usual level.

This made a lot of Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters secretly startled.

It seems that there is weirdness in this Beiyue Peak, and everyone has put their vigilance to the highest level.

At this moment, a figure flashed from the woods suddenly, and finally fell to the ground lightly.

This person was Xiao Han who had rushed into the mouth in front of Ruan Qingqing before.

"Then Ruan Qingqing's strength is really good, and she was almost held back by her." After Xiao Han looked around, he laughed softly, "It seems that this woman who is known as the strongest young generation of Xingyizong is not easy. ."

Then, Xiao Han began to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

The violent aura in the mountains and forests can suppress the movement of spirits in the body, and Xiao Han's strength is at most only half of that outside.

It should be the same for other people, the strength is suppressed very much.

Moreover, the entire mountain forest was enveloped by thick fog, and it was difficult to see the situation clearly. If Xiao Han's divine power was not strong enough, he would have to be cautious even on his way.

Moreover, it seemed that Beiyue Peak occupies a large area, and it is still a bit difficult to get to the top of Beiyue Peak.

At this time, just as Xiao Han was about to rush to the top of the peak, there was a slight movement behind him.

A graceful figure flashed over, and finally appeared behind Xiao Han.

Ruan Qingqing looked up and saw the figure standing not far away.

Feeling the movement behind him, Xiao Han knew that Ruan Qingqing had arrived.

Xiao Han didn't look back, his figure flashed directly, and he flashed away toward the top of the mountain.

Seeing the figure in front about to leave, Ruan Qingqing quickly shouted, "You stop it."

"You tell me to stop and I will stop? Are you kidding me?" Xiao Han sneered in his heart.

"Since you don't stop, don't blame me for being rude."

Ruan Qingqing screamed, the other party turned a deaf ear, but Xiao Han speeded up, which made Ruan Qingqing annoyed.

"call out......"

Just when Xiao Han was about to leave, a breaking wind suddenly sounded behind him.

Xiao Han's face changed slightly, his neck crooked, and a fierce energy checked Xiao Han's ear, and finally directly penetrated a boulder in front of him.

Seeing that Ruan Qingqing had no mercy as soon as he shot, Xiao Han couldn't help being a little angry.

At the entrance before, Xiao Han was only one step faster than her, she was about to take action.

It's the same now, Xiao Han didn't even care about her, Ruan Qingqing was so unsparing.

Xiao Han has deliberately closed Ruan Qingqing, and the other party is still reluctant, which is a bit too much.

Seeing that Xiao Han didn't even turn his head, so easily avoided her fierce offensive, Ruan Qingqingmei also showed a look of surprise.

Ruan Qingqing flipped his palm, and a fierce breath shot away again.

Xiao Han repeatedly tolerated that Ruan Qingqing had to make a move, and Xiao Han couldn't help being a little angry.

Xiao Han immediately turned around and hit the fierce aura directly with a palm, dispelling Ruan Qingqing's offensive.

Anxiously flicking his fingers, an ice needle condensed with a cold icy breath shot out from Xiao Han's fingertips.

Ruan Qingqing was also very angry when he saw that man even dared to fight back.

With a movement of her mind, the aura in her body burst out, and finally condensed into an aura barrier in front of her.


Xiao Han's ice needle looked slender, but when it collided with Ruan Qingqing's spiritual barrier, a loud noise broke out.

At this moment, some Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast experts who rushed in from the entrance behind, heard the movement from here, and rushed over with curiosity.

When everyone saw that the person who did it was Ruan Qingqing, the great beauty of Xingyizong, they were secretly shocked.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the young man opposite Ruan Qingqing, with a look of surprise.

"Fuck, so dare to fight Ruan Qingqing?"

"Who is this person, I have never seen him before, is he a genius in the Three Sects and Four Sects?"

"I don't know, it's very face-to-face, but someone who dares to fight Ruan Qingqing is definitely not a so backgroundless stunner."


Just now at the entrance, Xiao Han's speed was too fast, so no one could see Xiao Han's appearance clearly.

Gloomy, few people connect the strange man in front of him with the figure at the entrance.

However, Ruan Qingqing knew that the person in front of him who just rushed in at the entrance was the one in front of him.

"I didn't seem to offend you?" Xiao Han frowned and said, "Why are you holding on to me?"

Ruan Qingqing smiled softly and said: "You didn't offend me, I just think you are not pleasing to the eye, right?"

Nothing wrong.

There is nothing wrong with this.

Hearing this, everyone around was amused.

A man who can be displeased by Ruan Qingqing is also very unusual.

Xiao Han was also a little speechless.

Of course he knew that Ruan Qingqing might have recognized him.

But Xiao Han was not deliberately looking for something. Just before he rushed into the mouth, what Xiao Han displayed was not the Fengyun Transformation Technique.

Why was Ruan Qingqing targeted?

Could it be because I surpassed her?

This woman would never be so careful, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Leng Leng smiled and said: "Don't bother me, I don't want to offend you, but I'm not afraid of you." Xiao Leng Leng smiled and said, "That's it, I have to hurry."

Ruan Qingqing had a playful look: "Do you think you left?"

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