The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2247: Kill Guo Hua

"How can this little **** be so powerful, why is it so powerful."

Guo Hua was shocked.

Before he turned around, Guo Hua subconsciously slashed everything in his hand to his chest without hesitation.


The giant sword in Guo Hua's hand slashed directly on the body of the sky sword in Xiao Han's hand.

The sound of the stone impact made everyone in the Zhao Family Manor unable to help their breath.


There was a hard confrontation with Xiao Han, but Guo Hua was shocked to find that his tiger's mouth broke open, and the blood in his throat finally spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably.

On the other hand, Xiao Han just shook his figure, stepped back a few steps, and nothing more.

In this fight, the judgement was made.

Guo Hua knew that he was not Xiao Han's opponent at all.

Before he could wipe the scarlet blood at the corner of his mouth, Guo Hua hurriedly put his sword on his chest and said hurriedly: "Little brother, little brother, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were really not invited by the old man. Then Chen Huohuo was also by The Meteorite Sect sent to Tianlun City to ask our Guo family for offerings. It really does not concern the old man."

"What then? I killed so many people in your Guo family, your son died in my hands, and your grandson was abolished by me. What do you want to say?"

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth has a playful look.

Of course he knew that Guo Hua wanted to surrender. Otherwise, would he call him a little brother in a nice way?

It was a **** before.

Seeing Guo Hua's friendly face in front of him, even Xiao Han had to admire how quickly this old guy changed his face.

Guo Hua quickly said: "Little brother, we blame the Guo family for everything this time. Our Guo family should not trouble the Zhao family. This shocked you, the big Buddha. Since so many people in our Guo family are affected by you Beheaded, then the enmity between our Guo family and you will be wiped out, okay?"


As soon as Guo Hua's voice fell, there was a burst of boos in the entire Tianlun City.

This Guo Hua was really shameless in order to survive. He hated Xiao Han's skin and cramped before, but now the situation has taken a turn for the worse. Guo Hua actually started begging for mercy.

Hearing hiss around, Guo Hua's face stiffened, and he had to laugh twice at Xiao Han to resolve his embarrassment.

"Haha, if you Guo Hua talked so well, how could things have progressed to where they are now." Xiao Han laughed, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, and actually carried the sky sword in his hand on his shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Guo Hua was delighted.

Seeing Xiao Han's reaction, it seems that there is a chance...

The ancestor of the Guo family, Guo Hua’s face changed several times, and he quickly said, "Little brother, it’s all for this. We don’t have to fight for life. Let’s make a price. Our Guo family is willing to do everything we can to satisfy you. As long as we can turn fighting into jade, the Guo family is willing to pay any price."

"Oh?" Xiao Han asked with a look of excitement, "will you ask me the price? Is what you said is true?"

Seeing Xiao Han's expression, he seemed to be very interested in the conditions he proposed, and Guo Hua secretly sighed in his heart.

As long as the old man offers the conditions, I am not afraid that you will not be moved.

"Of course, as long as you speak up, my little brother, what does it matter if our Guo family's savings for hundreds of years are given to you." Guo Hua seemed to be afraid of Xiao Han's repentance, and nodded quickly.

Guo Hua looked sincere, and he really cursed in his heart.

"The old man doesn't believe it anymore. This guy fought a battle with the two elders of the Starfall Sect. The aura in his body did not consume a lot of energy. When your defenses are completely relaxed, I will look for an opportunity to sneak attack. It depends on how you cope.

"You **** killed my son and abolished my grandson, causing the loss of our Guo family elite. This hatred must be reported."

"And this little **** is not a soft-hearted character. After I get the savings of our Guo family for hundreds of years, it is impossible to guarantee that we will not join forces with the Zhao family to kill our Guo family. If this is the case, I must kill. This bastard."

He cursed in his heart, but Guo Hua's face was indeed full of smiles, as if he was afraid that Xiao Han would not please his eyes and refused his request.

So Guo Hua tried to make himself look friendly and sincere, in order to paralyze Xiao Han, and then wait for an opportunity to sneak attack.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "It seems that your old man Guo is very sincere. Since he is willing to use the savings of your Guo family for hundreds of years, it is not bad."

"As the saying goes, people who know the current affairs are handsome."

Guo Hua smiled cautiously: "Since the little brother doesn't like rushing to kill, we naturally try to satisfy you in the Guo family. As long as everyone puts down the hatred, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

I, Guo Hua, admire the behavior of the little brother, and when the time comes to resolve our grudges, maybe we can still become friends of the year. "

Seeing this scene on the court, the Zhao family immediately stayed on the spot.

There was also a dead silence in the entire Tianlun City.

The original situation of bitterness and enmity suddenly changed, and began to talk about things, which is really incredible.

Could it be that Xiao Han really helped the Zhao family deal with the Guo family for the savings of the Guo family for hundreds of years?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's original shining image of Yuntian in Tianlun City and the Zhao family collapsed instantly.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly, and smiled: "Old man Guo said that everything is easy to discuss..."

Then, before Xiao Han's words fell, Xiao Han suddenly flickered, and his whole person disappeared out of thin air.

"This bastard..."

Guo Hua was shocked when he saw this scene.

Before Guo Hua could react, the first thing that appeared before him was a sword aura of spiritual energy.

"What a treacherous kid..."

Feeling the sharp sword aura in front of him, Guo Hua roared, his entire figure exploded back, and the giant sword in his hand also slashed forward fiercely.


There was a crisp sound of gold and stone crashing on the court.

However, Guo Hua looked at it and found that he had slashed on the body of the sky sword, but there was no one behind the hilt, and Xiao Han's figure did not appear in front of Guo Hua at all.

And the head of the little demon beast suddenly appeared, and he opened his mouth and bit, and bit on one of Guo Hua's arms.


The little demon beast Wangcai directly bit Guo Hua's arm in one bite.


Guo Hua let out a scream, and his whole body began to struggle violently.

Guo Hua knew that it was between life and death, and all the remaining spiritual energy in his body gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

With a slap of Guo Hua, a spirit of energy directly shook the little monster beast and the arm in its mouth.

"To die, everyone die together..."

One arm was bitten off by the little demon beast, and the sky sword blocked Guo Hua's counterattack. Guo Hua seemed to know that Xiao Han had already killed him.

A look of madness flashed in Guo Hua's eyes.

At the last juncture, Guo Hua had no other means. To die with Xiao Han, he could only choose to blew himself up while Xiao Han was somewhere around him. Even if he was bound to die, at such a close distance, Xiao could at least do it. To be seriously injured.

Guo Yi aroused the madness of the spiritual energy in his body, and his whole figure began to gradually inflate, as if it were a balloon that was getting bigger and bigger.

"You bastard, even if the old man died, he wouldn't make you feel better."

But Xiao Han's previous fight with Chen Huohuo already knew how terrifying a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe blew up.

"Through it, the old guy Guo Hua will blew himself up."

"It's over, this is in Tianlun City."



Everyone in Tianlun City was stunned. After a while, there was a commotion everywhere, and countless people fled in embarrassment, fighting for a chance to survive.

Now that Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, wants to blew himself up, how could Xiao Han have no defense?

Besides, if the ancestors of the Guo family blew themselves over the Zhao Family Manor, the entire Zhao Family Manor would definitely be destroyed, and even the entire Tianlun City would be a mess.

In Tianlun City with hundreds of thousands of people, under the blew of a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period, one-third of the people can survive it is pretty good.

At that time, Tianlun City will become a real purgatory on earth.

As for Zhao Duoer and others, if they don't die, they will be seriously injured, and other Zhao family powerhouses will definitely die.

Xiao Han had anticipated this scene a long time ago, how could it not have guarded Guo Yi's move?

"Hehehe, don't you want to explode? Then I will let you explode."

There was a sudden sneer on the court.

Just when Guo Hua's body began to swell, Xiao Han could stay away without it. His body was like a ghost and disappeared in a flash, and finally appeared behind Guo Hua.


A crisp sound of broken bones rang out, and Guo Hua, who was preparing to explode, suddenly stiffened.

"His hiss..."

Everyone in Tianlun City who was about to flee looked up, and suddenly took a breath.

Guo Hua, who was about to explode, hung his whole body in mid-air before falling down after a while.

Before this, everyone had seen clearly, Xiao Han had no idea when he had appeared behind Guo Hua.

Xiao Han's palm directly grabbed Guo Hua's head, and then Guo Hua's head was squeezed abruptly by Xiao Han.

In this way, Guo Hua didn't even have a chance to blew himself up. Xiao Han crushed his skull and turned into a dead body.

It wasn't until after the figure fell to the ground that the ancestor Guo incarnation of the Guo family twitched a few times, and there was no movement completely.

Squeezing Guo Hua's head, Xiao Han's heart moved, a spirit of energy around the palm of his hand, evaporating the brain and blood in his hand.

Before Guo Hua's body fell to the ground, Xiao Han had not forgotten to grab Guo Hua's universe bag.

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