The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2248: Finish crafting

"Hehe, it's not bad, two universe bags from the elders of the Star and Meteorite Sect, plus a universe bag from the ancestors of the Guo family, this time it really made a lot of money."

Xiao Han was ecstatic in his heart.

Having snatched Guo Hua and Chen Huohuo's Qiankun bags before, Xiao Han has already made a fortune.

Now a universe bag of the ancestors of the Guo family and the universe bag of the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect are all in Xiao Han's hands. This time, Xiao Han's harvest will definitely be more generous than the last time.

Xiao Han was thinking about the harvest this time in his heart, but the whole Tianlun City was silent.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Tianlun City were secretly paying attention to the successive battles just now.

When they saw that Guo Hua, the indomitable ancestor of the Guo family, didn't even have the chance to blew himself up, many people took a deep breath after Xiao Han's head was squeezed.

This guy named Xiao Han is not only terrifying to the extreme, but also very harsh.

In the first battle tonight, even the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect could only escape in despair.

As for the Guo family in Luncheng that day, it was completely finished.

Originally, the elite masters of the Guo family were killed by Xiao Han alone, and one third was abolished. Now that Guo Hua, the pillar of the Guo family, is dead, what wave can the remaining strength of the Guo family cause?

The Guo family, who once covered the sky with one hand in Tianlun City, fell into the hands of the young man before him.

This time their Guo family really took the blame, and they actually provoke a task that shouldn't be messed up, and kicked it on the iron plate. I am afraid that in the future, the entire Guo family will not want to turn over.

After defeating Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, knew that the Guo family had gone, so he took the opportunity to shout: "Everyone in the Zhao family listens to the order, surround all the strong Guo family members, don't get out of any one."


All the family members shouted in unison with excitement.

In the past few days, the Zhao family has been fed up with vain, and if they don't behead the Guo family, how can they solve the hatred of the Zhao family?

Soon, the remaining strong men of the Guo family were directly surrounded by the Zhao family.

Haven't done it yet, but the faces of the Guo family are already full of despair.

Everyone in Tianlun City looked at this scene, and they were very clear in their hearts that this time, Tianlun City might be changing.

Not only is the Guo family dead, but the subordinate forces under the Guo family are not immune to terror.

It is certain to be cleaned up by the Zhao family. If you do not hug the thighs of the Zhao family, those affiliated forces under the horrible Guo family will be buried with the Guo family.

The space teleportation formation in Tianlun City that has always been in the hands of the Guo family, I am afraid that the Zhao family will also accept it.

The entire Tianlun City will be controlled by the Zhao Family, and the Zhao Family has become the leading force in Tianlun City. This is an unchangeable fact.

"Don't fight, don't fight, let's surrender, and let us go."

"Right, right, right, we surrender to the Zhao family, as long as I don't kill me, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the Zhao family."

"I won't fight anymore, I will surrender too."


Soon, all the Zhao family gave up resistance and directly knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Still resisting in this situation, isn't it just looking for death?

Now the Guo family's general situation is gone, only surrender, maybe they can survive.

Today's war has come to an end.

All the family members have not been relieved from the happiness that fell from the sky.

Zhao Ren, who was originally suppressed by the Guo family united by Star Meteorite Sect, couldn't lift his head, but Zhao Ren, who was originally desperate, suddenly turned over.

Such a strong contrast is really incredible.

Now that the Guo family has disappeared, and now the Zhao family can justly accept all the industries in the hands of the Guo family. As for those affiliated forces of the Guo family, if they refuse to submit to the Zhao family, they can be eliminated directly.

Of course, what the Zhao family liked most was naturally the spatial teleportation array in the hands of the Guo family.

As long as the space transfer formation is received, it will be able to bring a huge amount of wealth to the Zhao family in the future.

After the war, Xiao Han was going down to check the situation of the little monster.

But before Xiao Han could leave, the little monster beast sprang out from the ground.


The little monster beast did not show any damage, it just groaned in Xiao Han's arms.

Xiao Han laughed dumbly: "Don't pretend to be pitiful, okay, after I lightly harvest, I will definitely make you full."


Hearing this, the little demon beast shut up in an instant, and dived into Xiao Han’s arms excitedly.

Xiao Han looked around and suddenly said loudly: "From today, the Guo family has been removed from Tianlun City. Anyone who is not convinced can come to me, Xiao Han."

The whole Tianlun City was silent, and no one dared to say anything.

Starting tonight, Tianlun City has changed. The Zhao family, which was originally ranked second, is now the number one Big Mac.

There is no doubt about this.

As long as Xiao Han was not beheaded by Xingyizong, no one in Tianlun City would dare to move the Zhao family.

Countless people looked at the figure in the sky with fiery eyes.

The Zhao family was revolving from time to time, and it was almost destroyed by the Guo family. He could still meet such a lucky star.

After that, countless people who secretly watched the battle began to quietly retreat, just thinking in their hearts whether they should find a chance to go to Zhao's family to hold their thighs.

After that, Xiao Han put the little demon beast Wangcai into the Qiankun bag first, and then looked down at the Zhao Family Manor below, his figure flashed, and his whole person disappeared in midair.


Late at night, in the secluded courtyard that Xiao Han had closed before.

When Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, left after chatting with Xiao Han for a while, other important figures of the Zhao family stood in the courtyard, looking at the figure sitting in the courtyard.

Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, slowly walked to Xiao Han's side, and bowed to Xiao Han: "Mr. Xiao Han, thank you for saving our entire Zhao family. In the future, we Zhao Jiawei will look forward to you."

Xiao Han accepted it calmly.

This time, if it hadn't been for Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, to take the Zhao family to take action, no matter if Xiao Han could defeat the three elders of Xingyizong, he would not take care of the Zhao family.

He helped the Zhao family deal with the Guo family, but the Zhao family did not give Xiao Han corresponding support. If it were not for the Pill of Destiny sent by the ancestor of the Zhao family, if it were not for the ancestor of the Zhao family, Zhao Yuan followed Xiao Han to death at a critical time. During the war, the incense between Xiao Han and Zhao's family had completely disappeared.

"It's just a matter of hand, the pill that your Zhao family sent has helped me a lot."

Xiao Han waved his hand gently and said with a smile: "So let's not owe each other, don't thank those who come and thank you, I don't like it."

Hearing this, everyone in the Zhao family bowed to Xiao Han.

A dozen people stood in front of him, and Xiao Han sat alone, which made Xiao Han a little uncomfortable.

However, even though Xiao Han had just killed the Quartet, he defeated the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect and beheaded Guo Hua.

But Xiao Han is actually at the end of the battle.

If the two elders of Xingyizong persisted for a while, the one who lost in the end would be Xiao Han.

So Xiao Han was actually a little bit lucky, his luck was really good and outrageous, even the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were frightened by Xiao Hanxia, ​​and they didn't even see Xiao Han's reality.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han still sat without getting up.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao, after this battle, the Star Meteorite Sect will probably not let go, and I can't stay in Tianlun City for a long time, so you still have to be careful."

When Xiao Han said that he would not stay in Tianlun City for a long time, the two sisters Zhao Duo'er and Zhao Xuan'er were gloomy at the same time.

But Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuan'er were a little helpless.

How can people like Xiao Han be able to hold them back?

Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuaner can only lower their heads, conceal the bitterness on their faces, and bury the feeling in their hearts deeply.

Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, said: "Mr. Xiao Han can rest assured that this time the Guo family is eradicated and the entire Tianlun City is in the hands of our Zhao family. Just give us a few days to rectify the forces in Tianlun City. The Meteorite wants to gnaw off our Zhao family, but also let them lose a few teeth."

Hearing this, Xiao Han felt relieved.

He couldn't always stay in Tianlun City to protect the Zhao family.

Xiao Han wanted to leave Tianlun City a long time ago.

Moreover, now that Empress Yumei and Luoluo have not been found, Xiao Han can't stay in Tianlun City all the time.

What makes Xiao Han a little strange is that after so many days, Empress Yumei and Luoluo have yet to show up.

Did they encounter any accident?

If not, how could Empress Yumei and Luoluo have not appeared in Tianlun City until now.

This made Xiao Han a little worried, wouldn't it be an emergency on the way?

But one thing Xiao Han can be sure of.

He has stayed in Tianlun City for so many days, and Empress Yumei and Luo Luo have not rushed to Tianlun City to meet him. That means that they must have encountered something and cannot get away.

This made Xiao Han a little impatient.

It just so happened that the things in Tianlun City had ended this evening, and Xiao Han happened to be able to leave as soon as possible.

Seeing Xiao Han's expression on his face, Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, asked softly: "Did Mr. Xiao Han have encountered something?"

Xiao Han thought about it for a while, and then said the experience he encountered in the space passage to Tianlun City back and forth.

For this kind of thing, Xiao Han felt that there was nothing to hide.

Zhao Jin nodded and said: "Mr. Xiao Han, don't worry, your two friends should be fine. I will arrange for personnel to go to the major inns in Tianlun City to investigate, and there will be a reply early tomorrow morning."

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Then thank Uncle Zhao."

Think about it or use the Zhao family's power to search for the last time in Tianlun City now.

It happened that Xiao Han could take this opportunity to recover.

If you haven't found Yumei Empress and Luoluo until tomorrow morning, it won't be too late for Xiao Han to leave.

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