The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2246: Hand over your universe bag

This is a bit... awesome.

You know, the average gas refiner basically puts all his belongings in the universe bag.

If the two of the elders of the Star Meteorite Sect really handed over the Universe Bag, it would not only be as simple as being defeated by Xiao Han, it would be that even the last face was lost.

"Don't be foolish, even if you defeat us, do you think our Star Meteorite Sect will let you go?" The Fourth Elder roared again and again.

"I never thought that your Star Meteorite Sect would let me go, Xiao Han, but it has no direct connection with whether you want to keep the Universe Bag. You can return to the Star Meteorite Sect smoothly if you leave the Universe Bag. How did you two elders choose?" Xiao Lian laughed.


The Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder roared at the same time, and then they turned around and wanted to leave.

Xiao Han grinned, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a burst of spiritual energy immediately shot towards the two figures.

Xiao Han's offensive was extremely fast, and the two elders could have avoided it.

But they had just been defeated by Xiao Han, their momentum was already extremely weak, even if there was room for resistance, they didn't dare to take action.

So when Xiao Han's breath slammed the Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder fiercely, the two of them trembled, and directly sprayed a stream of blood from their mouths.


The four elders, who were not light in their hands, are now even more injured.

The figures of the two were directly beaten by Xiao Han and flew out, and their figures fell directly to the ground.

"Don't hand it over yet?" Xiao Han looked funny.


At this time, the four elders and the fifth elders finally stood firm on the ground.

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, his whole person had disappeared in midair.

At the next moment, Xiao Han appeared directly in front of the four elders and the fifth elders. He reached out and grabbed it, just to grab it from the chest of the two elders.

"You bastard."

With a touch of their hands, the two elders found that the Qiankun bag in their arms was gone.

The Fifth Elder suddenly became furious, but before the Fifth Elder rushed forward to fight Xiao Han, he was directly held by the Fourth Elder on the side.

"Long elder coming to Japan, leave here first." The fourth elder said here, shouting at the sixth elder who was still fighting the little monster beast: "Old sixth, withdraw."

Xiao Han had already succeeded in two Universe Bags, and he didn't want to push the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect into a hurry.

If the three powerhouses in the middle of the tribulation period are really desperate and choose to expose themselves, not to mention that the entire Tianlun City will definitely be destroyed. Xiao Han is in it, I am afraid it will be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Xiao Han didn't make another move, so that the three long-aged people turned into three afterimages and swept out of Tianlun City, and then quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The man escaped, but the Qiankun bag grabbed two. This is a very good harvest.

If people learn to be content, Xiao Han is content.

One Chen Huohuo's Universe Bag, and the Universe Bags of the other two Star Meteor Sect elders, are enough.

Looking at the two universe bags in his hands, Xiao Han smiled.

Xiao Han was not in a hurry to erase the imprints of the divine consciousness in the two universe bags, after all, there was still an ancestor of the Guo family on the court that had not been cleaned up.

After cleaning up the ancestors of the Guo family, Xiao Han has time to slowly tap today's trophies.

However, Xiao Han still couldn't wait to know whether there would be another half of Fengyun Transformed Body's practice exercises in the universe of the Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder.

If he can obtain the other half of Fengyun Transformation Body's practice technique, Xiao Han can try to cultivate.

Of course, Guo Hua is still fighting against the ancestors of the Zhao family. Although Xiao Han is a little impatient, he won't be able to wait for such an alliance.

Xiao Han put the Qiankun bag in his arms, and then looked at Guo Hua, who was fighting fiercely with Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, not far away.

Xiao Han could let go of the three elders of Xingzong. Of course, it was also because of the strength of the three that Xiao Han didn't want to be too eager.

The more important reason was that Xiao Han's current strength was still weaker in front of a behemoth like Xingyizong.

Therefore, after Xiao Han grabbed the two Universe Bags, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were let go.

But for the ancestor of the Guo family, Guo Hua, in Xiao Han's heart, it was a must-kill target.

Had it not been for their Guo family, Xiao Han would not have gotten so much trouble.

Besides, Xiao Han killed so many Guo family powerhouses, even if he let go of the old guy Guo Hua, don't even think about Xiao Han knowing that he would definitely take the rest of the Guo family to join the Starfall Sect.

At that time, Guo Hua would definitely ask shareholder Xing Yizong to trouble him.

Xiao Han is the person who dislikes trouble the most.

Killing Guo Hua can save a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Han could not kill and did not want to kill the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, but Xiao Han would never let go of the ancestor of the Guo family.

Guo Hua, who was being fought fiercely by Zhao Yuan, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, naturally noticed that after being defeated by Xiao Han, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect had fled.

Guo Hua's face also became quite ugly.

"These three wastes are still the elders of the Xingyizong. Together, they can't even clean up a little bastard. This time I will be miserable."

With a few curses in his heart, Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, was just about to exhaust Zhao Yuan to the ground.

But when he noticed a gaze full of killing time shooting from a distance, Guo Hua couldn't help but trembled.

Feeling the murderous aura in Xiao Han's eyes, Guo Hua's expression was pale, and the corners of his mouth also had a bit of bitterness.

When the three elders of the Starfall Sect fled, Guo Hua finally realized that this time their Guo family provoke a monster like existence.

This time their Guo family was really unlucky.

The Zhao family that could have been suppressed couldn't lift their heads, but suddenly a Xiao Han jumped out, completely destroying their Guo family's plans.

"Master Zhao, you can withdraw and let me deal with him."

Xiao Han held the little demon beast Wangcai that flashed over in his arms and waved at Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan laughed and said: "Hahaha, little brother, then this old man will be handed over to you, I will help you stare at the side, today I can't let this old man run away anyway."

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, the little demon beast rushed out of Xiao Han's arms and rushed directly to Guo Hua.

Seeing this scene, Guo Hua roared: "I don't believe it anymore. I can't even deal with this high-grade spiritual weapon."

Guo Hua urged the aura in his body to the extreme, and the giant sword in his hand was danced by him.

A fierce sword aura whizzed from the giant sword, directly slashing like that little monster.


The little monster beast seemed to underestimate the enemy.

Seeing that the enemy was already left with an old guy, he rushed over, and after dodge a few tricks, he was slashed on its head by Guo Hua.

However, that little monster beast was indeed anomalously powerful. Under Guo Hua's full blow, he actually caused the little monster beast's body to fly upside down.

After stabilizing his figure, Little Monster Beast Wangcai just shook his head and rushed up again.

Guo Hua knew that this old fate was accidentally confessed here today, so he started to be ruthless.

He directly ignored the offensive of the little monster beast, playing desperately.

Although his body was not as tough as the little monster beast, but the little monster beast hit Guo Hua's body and only left some minor injuries. At most, it made the aura in Guo Hua's body churning, which was very uncomfortable.

However, Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, found that he was fighting with a high-grade spiritual weapon, and he couldn't even replace it with an injury. The original ugly face was even more gloomy.

"The old man did it."

With a shout of anger, the ancestors of the Guo family danced wildly with the giant sword in his hand, looking at the little monster beast with fierce sword aura.

Guo Hua has fallen into madness.

He poured the aura of his whole body into the giant sword in his hand, and the look on his face was extremely hideous.

The giant sword in his hand slashed at the little monster beast fiercely, and even the little monster beast suffered a lot of blows under the raging sword aura.

The little demon beast seemed to be starting to get fierce too, ignoring the fierce sword aura around him, his figure flashed and slammed into Guo Hua's chest.

The little monster beast bumped its head, and the terrifying aura poured out, directly causing Guo Hua to let out a muffled snort.

Guo Hua subconsciously slashed the giant sword in his hand to his chest, just in time to smash the little monster beast's figure to the ground.

After being hit with full force by the little demon beast, Guo Hua's figure still flew backwards involuntarily, and the breath in his body was trembling, but the blood in his throat was still suppressed by Guo Hua.


The little monster beast's body slammed directly into the ground, and a deep hole fell in the Zhao family's garden.

"You old man just hurt my wealth, I want you to die."

Guo Hua finally stabilized his figure, but before he could react, a murderous voice suddenly came from behind him.

Seeing that the little monster beast was smashed down for the first time, Xiao Han didn't know if it was damaged, so Xiao Hanbian decided to take action against Guo Hua himself.

If the little monster beast was injured by Guo Hua, Xiao Han would definitely jump up in anger.

The murderous voice came into Guo Hua's ears, and he suddenly stiffened.

Guo Hua quickly turned his head and looked behind him, only to find that Xiao Han's figure disappeared in a flash, leaving only an afterimage behind him.


Xiao Han's speed was surprisingly fast. He had just appeared behind Guo Hua. Before Guo Hua could react, Xiao Han was gone.

When Guo Hua saw Xiao Han's fading afterimage, his expression changed drastically.

Xiao Han made the shot himself, and Guo Hua's heart was enveloped with a breath of death.

At this time, before Guo Hua had time to turn his head, a terrifying energy shot directly towards Guo Hua's chest.

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