The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2245: Too enchanting

However, when the two of them joined forces, they couldn't resist Xiao Han's sword trick?

Such an impossible thing happened in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City.

Hearing the voice of the fourth elders vomiting blood continuously, and looking at the same pale face of the fourth and fifth elders, all the people in Tianlun City who were watching the battle in the surroundings couldn't help taking a breath.

This battle stopped the heavy rain that was originally pouring down, and I don't know if it was turned into nothingness by the fierce aura on the court, or the movement on the court had caused the world to change.

When Xiao Han repelled the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect with a sword, the heavy rain on the court had completely stopped, and a little bit of starlight and the bright moon appeared in the sky above the clouded Tianlun City.

"Unexpectedly, even the two elders of Xingyuzong joined hands and tried their best to defeat him. This Xiao Han's strength is simply too enchanting."

"With the power of one person, against the two elders of the Star and Meteorite Sect in the middle of the catastrophe period, the name Xiao Han will probably spread to all the cities near Tianlun City in just a few days."

"Fuck, this stop is really exciting. It didn't come in vain tonight. I have never seen a battle of this level of powerhouses in my life."

"Yes, this Xiao Han is the most powerful young master I have ever seen in my life. Even the two strong men of the older generation don't have to join forces to suppress it. This Xiao Han will have absolutely limitless achievements in the future."

"I heard that there is also a monster in their Starfall Sect, and that guy's strength is also very terrifying. It is said that he is one of the candidates for the next lord. I don't know if that guy can defeat Xiao Han if he makes a move?"

After Xiao Han's sword, the entire Tianlun City began to boil.

The Fourth Elder looked pale and looked at the two long blood stains on his chest and shoulders.

After a while, the face of the four elders finally turned white, and even the aura on his body gradually began to wilt, and he was forcibly dissipated, which was too harmful for them.

"let's go."

The palm of the long eyebrow elder trembled slightly, and after a while, he finally gritted his teeth and shouted.

This scene stunned everyone in Tianlun City, and Xiao Han actually won.

The elders of the two Star Meteorite Sects were actually unable to suppress one Xiao Han, so Xiao Han was able to win.

If someone said before that, Xiao Han could defeat the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect in the middle of the Tribulation, I am afraid no one would believe it.

But Xiao Han really won.

Not only were the hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City stunned there, but everyone in the Zhao family stood there with a face covered in circles.

It is incredible.

Xiao Han was actually able to defeat the two elders of Xingyizong.

If today's incident were to spread, it would probably shock the jaws of the people in the area near Demon Imperial City.

The Star Meteorite Sect dispatched three elders in the middle of the Tribulation Period at the same time, but none of them were able to smoothly kill Xiao Han, let alone beheaded, or even failed to win.

The three elders of the Starfall Sect stood there with earthy faces, dumbfounded.

The expressions of the Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder were ugly.

The sixth elder who was responsible for holding the little monster beast also had an unbelievable expression.

The Sixth Elder, who was suppressed by the little monster beast and unable to raise his head, originally expected that after Xiao Han was beheaded by the fourth elder, that little monster beast would be defeated without fighting, and he would not be top-grade. The spirit weapon suppressed and couldn't raise his head.

But now, the Fifth Elders did not wait until Xiao Han was beheaded or defeated. What he waited for was a result he had never expected.

At this time, the Zhao family began to shout in excitement.

"We won, we won, we really won."

"Too excited, so excited, our Zhao Jiaran won."

Mr. Xiao Han is really our lucky star. It is incredible that even the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect can win.


The Guo family, who had been killed and injured, was completely desperate now.

Even the ancestors of the Guo family are not Xiao Han’s opponents. Now the ancestors of the Guo family have been defeated by the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhao Yuan, and several elders of the Xingyizong have been defeated by Xiao Han. In this way, What can the Guo family expect?

The Guo family is truly gone.

When Xiao Han played against Guo Yi from the Zhao family's side, he was doomed to fail the Guo family.

Guo Yi was abolished, and the Guo family leader suffered heavy casualties. The head of the Guo family, Guo Meng, was beheaded by Xiao Han. At that time, the Guo family began to suffer severely.

And now, the ancestor of the Guo family Guo was entangled by Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, and even the three elders sent by the Guo family's largest patron, the Xingyi Sect, were defeated by Xiao Han.

Now, not only the people of Tianlun City, but even the Guo family know that their Guo family has gone.

Even if the Star Meteorite Sect makes another shot, what can it do?

This time, I sent three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect to take the initiative. Next time, will all the elders of the Xing Meteo Sect be pulled up, or the Sect Master of the Xing Meteo Sect will go out himself?

Just in order to deal with a younger generation, Xingyizong has been mobilizing the public without saying, and now he has lost two games in a row, even if the master of Xingyizong personally kills Xiao Han, Xingyizong's face has been lost.

If the Guo family is eradicated, the Zhao family of Tianlun City will be able to say that all the powers of the Tianlun City have been incorporated. Then, even if the Star Meteorite Sect finds trouble with the Zhao family, he will have to weigh it carefully.

When Xiao Han defeated the three elders of Xingyizong, the fate of the Guo family had already been decided.

Unless the ancestors of the Guo family escape from Tianlun City with the remnants of the Guo family, how many people in the Guo family can live to see the sun tomorrow.

But the question now is whether the ancestors of the Guo family can escape, not to mention the powerful ones of the Guo family below.

Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, naturally knew that no matter what, Guo Hua could not let Guo Hua free to interfere with Xiao Han's battle.

As for Guo Hua's desire to escape, it was even more impossible.

Although Zhao Yuan's strength wants to kill Guo Hua is very difficult, but it is still possible to drag Guo Hua to death.

Realizing that the four elders and five elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were unable to kill Xiao Han together, they were still defeated by Xiao Han, which made Guo Hua's expression difficult to look at.

But even if Guo Hua tried his best to force Zhao Yuan back, Zhao Yuan still rushed forward desperately and dragged Guo Hua down.

"You old man, do you have to be right with our Guo family?" Guo Hua roared with a gloomy expression: "If Guo Hua is to let me escape, I will make your Zhao family pay the price in the future."

"Haha, are you a **** with a brain problem? Who provoked the dispute this time, and who has to challenge it?"

Zhao Yuan sneered: "Besides, you want our Zhao family to pay the price, do you want to see if you have the ability to leave here?"

"Elder Zhao, even if Xiao Han defeated the three elders of Xingyizong, do you think they will let him go? Do you think Xingyizong will let your Zhao family go?" Guo Hua fought and fought. I want to impress Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan coldly snorted: "It's okay, I said that our Zhao family will fight to the end with Xiao Han. Now that we have decided to do it, we don't want to do so much. If the Star Meteorite Sect wants to deal with our Zhao family in the future, our Zhao family That's it. The big deal is the end of the jade and the stone. I don't believe it. No matter how powerful the Star Meteorite Sect is, it will not be able to shake the sky."

When Zhao Yuan decided to take the Zhao family with him, he didn't think about this question a word.

Xingyizong wants to settle accounts after Autumn, so let's come to cover the water.

The attitude of Zhao's ancestors made Guo Hua very helpless.

Guo Hua was about to die in desperation because he couldn't beat and beat, and couldn't escape.

And when Guo Hua saw that the powerful Guo family below were now being besieged by the Zhao family, and the entire army was about to be wiped out, Guo Hua was even more anxious.

But Zhao Yun, this old guy, just entangled him, making him a little desperate.

At this time, the two fourth elders and fifth elders of the two Star Meteorite Sects who were repelled by Xiao Han knew that they were defeated by Xiao Han today. If they stay on the court again, they may not even want to leave.

Both of them retreated in bursts.

The sixth elder who was fighting the little monster beast was about to retreat, but after sensing the abnormal change on the field, the little monster began to drag the sixth elder stubbornly, making the sixth elder unable to get away within a short time. .

"You two are gone, do you want to stay here with the sixth elder?" Xiao Han sneered looking at the two fleeing backs, with a playful look on his face.

The four elders and five elders who were about to flee took a while and stopped on the spot.

"Xiao Han, what do you want to do? You killed an elder of our Star Meteorite Sect. If you dare to be presumptuous, then"

"Hehehe, it is your Star Meteorite Sect that is forcing me to come out. Now I have tried my best to fight with your two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect. If I can't beat me, I want to leave? How can there be such a good thing?"

"It's true that you can beat us. But if you want to keep us, I'm afraid your strength is still a little bit worse. The big deal is the same."

The four elders had a hideous look.

"It doesn't matter if you die together. I'm not interested in the lives of you two old guys. I just think that I took such a big risk to fight against your Star Meteorite Sect. I can't get to the end without any benefit."

Xiao Han grinned, with a playful look on his face.

The four elders and the five elders looked at each other with a surprised look.

Xiao Han didn't talk nonsense with them, and smiled directly: "Leave your universe bag and let you go back alive today, how about?"


As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, exclamations sounded from the entire Tianlun City.

This Xiao Han...

It's really...

It's too cunning.

After defeating the two elders of the Starfall Sect, when the family wanted to escape, Xiao Han should have accepted it as soon as they met.

But now, Xiao Han actually wanted to let the two elders of the Star Meteorite Sect call out the Universe Bag.

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