The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2240: Show strength

After the breath of Xiao Han's body was completely released, even the raindrops pouring down in midair stagnated for a moment.

"In the middle of the tribulation period? Fuck, this guy named Xiao Han broke the boundary again?"

"No, he... isn't he the early stage of the Tribulation Period? How did he break the boundary? It's only a few days now."

"Yes, when he was fighting Guo Yi in Tianlun City before, he did only overcome the strength of the early stage of the catastrophe, and now he has broken the boundary again."

"I'm afraid this person is so talented. Compared to Xiao Han in the middle of the catastrophe period of such a young age, the other seniors are really nothing."


When Xiao Han completely revealed his breath, there were a series of exclamations in Tianlun City.

The Zhao family members who stood in the pavilion watching the battle were also dumbfounded.

"Father, Mr. Xiao Han is broken, and Mr. Xiao Han is broken. Do you think Mr. Xiao Han has some chance of winning?" Zhao Duoer looked excited.

"It's hard."

Zhao Jin's solemn expression didn't ease because of Xiao Han's growth.

Although Xiao Han's strength has improved a lot, but with his strength alone, it is difficult to defeat the three elders of the Starfall Sect, let alone the Guo family ancestor Guo Hua who is staring behind him?

"Father, you think Mr. Xiao Han is so talented, should we help? This kind of genius is much better than Guo Yi and so on. The future achievements of Mr. Xiao Han are definitely not what we can imagine. "Zhao Duoer said hurriedly.

Zhao Duoer hopes that the Zhao family will take action and overcome difficulties with Xiao Han.

Before, Xiao Han did such a big favor to the Zhao family, but now Xiao Han is in trouble, how can the Zhao family stand by and watch?

Zhao Jin smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said softly: "Silly girl, let's talk about the situation, I can't make fun of the future of the entire Zhao family."

Zhao Duoer wanted to say something, now that the Zhao family has been bullied to this point by Xingyizong, what else is there to talk about.

However, Zhao Duoer did not dare to say, nor could he say.

She knew that her father also had to suffer.

"Father, if you don't care, then I will go to the ancestor."

Zhao Duoer stomped her feet, then turned around and ran out.

In the past few days, the ancestors of the Zhao family have not shown up.

The ancestor of the Zhao family is the pillar of the Zhao family.

The ancestors of the Zhao family did not show up, and Xingyizong did not dare to tear his face completely.

Although Xingyizong's request was a bit excessive, the Zhao family was helpless.

A strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period cannot change the comparison of strength between the two sides.

If it is really fully developed, the Zhao family will die, but before the ancestors of the Zhao family die, at least this time the lineup sent by the Starfall Sect will be greatly injured, at least the ten sect disciples of the peak realm of the Tongyou period Want to go back alive.

Zhao Duoer ran to find the ancestors of the Zhao family, Zhao Jin also looked depressed.

In fact, Zhao Jin didn't want to take action on this matter.

However, the ancestors of the Zhao family have different opinions and have not come forward to express their views.

The Zhao family not only hoped that Zhao Duo would take action, but the other Zhao family powerhouses around also looked forward to it.

If Zhao Jin, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, ordered a shot at this time, the surrounding Zhao family would rush out desperately without hesitation.

In these days, the Zhao family was really bullied by Xingyizong too much.

And Xiao Han suddenly broke the boundary and stepped into the middle of the Tribulation Period, which also surprised the three elders of Xingyizong.

In the message that Chen Huohuo passed back, Xiao Han in front of him was indeed a strong man in the early stage of the Tribulation Period. With this perverted strength and the assistance of a high-grade spiritual weapon, he could barely kill Chen Huohuo.

But now, Xiao Han's demonstrated strength is already able to fight against any of the three Star Meteorite elders on the field.

"Several elders, are they a little surprised? It doesn't matter, when we start to do it, you will be even more surprised."

Xiao Han looked at the three elders of Xingyizong with a ruthless look on his face.

Xingyuzong was so aggressive, which made Xiao Han a little bit fierce.

Today, Xiao Han will surely let several elders of Xingyizong see his true strength.

The four elders of the Star Meteorite Sect stared at Xiao Han firmly, and said softly: "The ancestor Guo Hua of the Guo family is right. The talent and foundation of your little guy is really shocking. In just a few days, You can actually break through? No wonder you dared to show up. It turns out that your strength has skyrocketed."

The fourth elder was the one who brought the most pressure to Xiao Han on the court.

Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, can be said to be weak in front of the fourth elder of the Star Meteorite Sect.

At least Xiao Han's current strength can completely crush the ancestors of the Guo family, but when Xiao Han confronts the four elders of this Star Meteorite Sect, he vaguely feels a hint of danger.

This feeling made Xiao Han's face gradually serious.

Although Xiao Han was confident in his own strength, under such circumstances, Xiao Han still had to be cautious.

"I can only say that it is a pity to meet a little guy like you. Your strength is indeed very good. If I hadn't killed the elders of our Star Meteorite Sect, I would definitely have some love for talent when I met you today. I want to invite you to join our Star Meteorite Sect, but if you kill Chen Huohuo, it will be different. Today, you must die. Our Star Meteorite Sect will never let you out of Tianlun City alive." The elder's eyes narrowed.

"Bring the horse here." Xiao Han spit out four words gently.

At this time, saying everything is superfluous, and in the end, I still have to see the truth under my hand.

Moreover, Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that this time the Xingyi Sect was so inspiring and moving, he would definitely not be overkill.

"Guo Hua, isn't it going to come out? You will take care of the high-grade spirit weapon of this little guy."

At this time, the four elders shouted at the discussion hall below.

At this time, a figure sprang from the chamber.

It seemed that the ancestors of the Guo family had been waiting in the chamber until the Fourth Elder called.

"Four elders, don’t worry, I will be responsible for holding the high-grade spiritual tool. You can deal with Xiao Han. I can only promise to do my best to fight Xiao Han. Before you kill Xiao Han, that high-grade spiritual tool will not help Xiao. cold."

Guo Hua's figure flashed from the chamber, and finally stopped beside the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect.

At this moment, Xiao Han frowned slightly, and it seemed that the three elders of Xingyizong were ready to join forces to deal with him.

Originally, that little monster beast could be responsible for dealing with the elders of one Star Meteorite Sect, but Xiao Han could still deal with the other two Star Meteorite Sect's elders through gritted teeth.

But now, as Xiao Han had expected before, the worst plan is that Xiao Han will face the three star meteor elders alone.

Just after Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, just came out, an old figure appeared in the Zhao family's inner house.

This figure was the ancestor of the Zhao family who gave Xiao Han a Pill of Destiny outside Tianlun City that day.

"Are you really bullying my Zhao family?"

The ancestor of the Zhao family looked a little ugly.

He hadn't shown up for a long time before, just hoping that the situation would not deteriorate to the worst.

If Xiao Han does not appear, Xingyizong will be sure of the Zhao Family's final move. At that time, the Zhao Family's ancestors will take the entire Zhao Family and the Guo Family to die.

But Xiao Han finally showed up, and the ancestors of the Zhao family saw a glimmer of hope in despair.

The ancestor of the Zhao family appeared at this time, and there would be some resistance to the Xingyizong's attempt to kill Xiao Han.

So after seeing the Zhao family ancestors show up, the four elders of the Star Meteorite Sect raised their brows and said in a deep voice, "Zhao Yuan, if you dare to come in today, the old man promises you that today, your Zhao family will be restless."

Hearing this, the Zhao family ancestor's face sank.

And when the fourth elders of Xingyizong's voice fell, among the Zhao family below, there were roars.

"Old ancestor, our Zhao family is not afraid of them, we will fight with them."

"That is, even if it's dead, our Zhao family can't let them bully like this."

"Old ancestor, fight, fight with them."

"Fight, fight, fight..."

At this time, the Zhao family members in the entire Zhao family manor began to shout loudly.


This represents the voice of the entire Zhao family.

Even if the opponent is a terrifying behemoth, Star Meteorite Sect, all of their Zhao family decided to fight.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City couldn't help their blood boiled over when they heard the unwilling shouts.

In the past few days, the entire Zhao family was suppressed by Xingyizong, and even the entire Zhao family manor was blocked by Xingyizong and Guo family.

Everyone was bullied and the Zhao family chose forbearance.

This made many people feel that although the Zhao family was facing the behemoth Star Meteorite Sect, it was indeed a bit weak and aggrieved.

In the past few days, many people in Tianlun City secretly laughed at the Zhao family behind their backs, not even daring to work hard.

But now, the entire Zhao family roared, making everyone in Tianlun City listen with enthusiasm.

Even if he is dead, he is unwilling to live, this is the real unyielding and perseverance.

Listening to the unyielding roars of the Zhao family below, Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, also showed a look of struggle.

Now everyone is looking at Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family.

His decision will affect the fate of all Zhao family members.

If Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, decides to fight side by side with Xiao Han, then the entire Zhao family may be destroyed.

However, if Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, decides to be patient, then the Zhao family may be spared, but in the future, the Zhao family will no longer be able to raise their heads in Tianlun City.

At this time, countless eyes looked at Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family in mid-air.

Just when Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, was struggling, a clear voice came.

"Master Zhao, their Starfall Sect is so aggressive. If you are worried about the fate of the entire Zhao family, you can retreat first. I won't blame you."

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