The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2239: Am I not strong enough?

At this moment, many Qi Refiners in Tianlun City vaguely felt that Xiao Han in front of them seemed to be much stronger.

Xiao Han immediately defeated the ten experts of Xingyizong who had a cultivation realm at least through the peak realm of the secluded stage.

Seeing this scene, a burst of exclamation sounded from the entire Tianlun City.

Everyone knew that Xiao Han was terrifying before, but judging from Xiao Han's shot just now, it seems that Xiao Han's strength is not so terrifying than before in Tianlun City, right?

Could it be that Xiao Han hasn't seen this guy for a few days, and his cultivation level and strength have improved again?

Easily repelling the ten experts of the Star Meteorite Sect, Xiao Han moved forward slowly and directly over the ten masters of the Star Meteorite Sect on the ground.

Originally, they thought that even if they couldn't defeat a master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, they would at least be able to hold the other side.

However, he lost as soon as he touched it, and I really didn't expect to lose so soon.

"It turns out that this is the master of the Starfall Sect? I thought it was very powerful, so let's look at it now, three elders, don't send this kind of young man to shoot, if you really want to kill me, show up Wouldn't it be better to come out and do it yourself?"

He easily defeated ten strong masters in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period of the Star Meteorite Sect, Xiao Han looked at the hall of the Zhao Family Manor.

In Xiao Han's perception, there are four powerful auras in the chamber.

One of them should be Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, and the other three are estimated to be the three elders of the Starfall Sect.

Xiao Han's voice couldn't be covered even by the rain curtain. After Xiao Han's voice sounded throughout Tianlun City, the entire Tianlun City was boiling.

Xiao Han, not only did he come, he also took the initiative to challenge the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect?

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, a sneer came from the Zhao family's discussion hall.

"Interestingly, the old man has been an elder in Xingyizong for so many years, and I have never seen a arrogant kid like you. Very good, by the way, this is the first time the old man has dealt with a junior."

After a while, three figures suddenly appeared in the sky above the Zhao family's discussion hall.

Three gray-robed elders slowly appeared, stepping on the void, and walking towards Xiao Han.

There are a total of eight elders of the Starfall Sect.

The sky and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the sun and the moon are stormy.

Chen Huohuo ranked seventh.

The three who are now appearing are Elder Huang, Elder Sun, Elder Yue, who are ranked fourth, fifth and sixth.

These three elders are also famous among the Star Meteorite Sect.

It is rare to see even one person on weekdays, but now there are three at once.

In the sky, the three elders slowly walking towards the void with their feet, Xingyizong dispatched three elders at once, and Xiao Han's eyes were fixed.

I have to say that Xingyuzong is bound to win Xiao Han this time.

The reason why everyone in Tianlun City was surprised was that this was also the most critical point.

In the past, it was very rare for an elder to appear in the Star Meteorite Sect.

And this time three elders appeared at the same time. Even the people in Tianlun City had never heard of it. Xingyizong actually dispatched three elders at the same time to deal with a younger generation.

As one of the three sects and four sects, Xingyizong is a behemoth, so he can't easily shoot.

The aura of the three elders in front of them was much stronger than that of the seven elders, Chen Huohuo.

According to everyone's speculation, although the three elders of the Starfall Sect in front of them have not yet reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, the time they have entered the middle of the Tribulation Period is probably not short.

Moreover, the headed Four Elders with white hair and beards, judging from his breath, I am afraid that he is only one step away from the peak of the Tribulation Period.

And there are three at the same time, which is not a normal lineup.

If you count Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family who hasn't appeared yet, then there are four strong men in the middle of the catastrophe on the Star Meteorite Sect.

Such a strong lineup is just to clean up a younger generation, if this matter is spread, I am afraid the entire Demon Imperial City neighborhood will be a sensation.

You know, how can ordinary people dare to offend a behemoth like the Star Meteorite Sect?

Ordinary people were afraid to avoid it, but the Xiao Han in front of him unexpectedly bumped his head.

In Tianlun City, countless people were watching this scene secretly.

As soon as one shot, there were three masters in the middle of the Tribulation Period, and this was the three elders of the Starfall Sect. If the Starfall Sect had all his cards and sent all the elders, how terrifying would it be?

No wonder this Star Meteorite Sect was able to become one of the top powers near Demon Imperial City. Such a terrifying background really made a name for itself.

Xiao Han hehe smiled: "I sent out three elders all at once. You Xing Meteo Sect really value me Xiao Han, aren't you afraid of overkill?"

"Originally a little overkill, but think about it, since you have the ability to kill the old seven, naturally it is not an ordinary character." The headed old man with white hair and beard smiled faintly: "Since this is the case, we Naturally, the Star Meteorite Sect should pay more attention to it."

The old man's voice was clear and crisp, and the coercion and tolerance in his words were completely natural. Some of the Human Race refiners in Tianlun City even felt a little depressed.

Chen Huohuo sneered, "You said that the old man Chen Huohuo? I'm afraid I didn't want to kill him, but he has to be reluctant, and there is no way. He is looking for death by himself. I can only fulfill him."

"Boy, I have to say, you are arrogant."

"Hehe, when dealing with this kind of people, wherever the three of us are needed, brother, my fifth one is enough."

The headed elder waved his hand gently and looked at Xiao Han and said softly, "Boy, if you tell me honestly, where did you get the Fengyun Transformation Body, maybe we can spare you not to die, and we will meet the Starfall Sect. Accept the disposal."

"Yes, you killed an elder of our Star Meteorite Sect. This is an unforgivable sin. It is not easy for you to practice, and you are a younger generation, as long as you honestly explain where the cultivation method of Fengyun Transformation came from. , Take a trip with our Huixing Meteorite Sect, maybe our Sect Master is compassionate and will spare your life."

Xiao Han grinned, a little speechless.

Do these elders of the Starfall Sect really regard themselves as three-year-olds?

Tell me honestly?

Follow them to the Star Meteorite Sect, isn't that equivalent to waiting for death?

Xiao Han knew that the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect were thinking of defeating soldiers without fighting.

If he was really obediently squeezed and caught, then without them doing anything next, Xiao Han could only wait for the catastrophe to come.

"How many elders consider me Xiao Han a three-year-old child? If I really go to the Star Meteorite Sect with you, I still have my life?" Xiao Han smiled softly: "I am not an old world, but I will not be You'll be fooled by just a few words, don't talk so much nonsense, you can just do it directly."

One of the older men with a shorter stature had a hint of cruelty in his eyes, and he whispered: "Why waste your tongue with this kid, catch it first, and those who dare to kill our Starfall Sect must let him At a heavy price, we caught this kid first, and then abolished the whole body cultivation base to bring back to the Starfall Sect, just to let outsiders know how serious the consequences are for those who want to move our Starfall Sect."

Hearing this, Xiao Han's face gradually became gloomy.

Xiao Han had long known that these old guys would not let him go. Even if he was really caught, he would still be unable to escape the abolition of his cultivation base. Even if the Star Meteorite Sect really showed mercy and forgave him. I'm afraid it's unavoidable to be imprisoned in Xingyizong for eternity.

Although I don't know why Guo Hua hasn't appeared yet, Xiao Han has no fear.

The three elders in the middle of the Tribulation Period, if they were Xiao Han a few days ago, I am afraid that even if they had a high-grade aura on them, they would have to be obediently restrained.

After all, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect plus the Guo family ancestor, Xiao Han will undoubtedly lose without fighting.

But Xiao Han is now entering the middle of the Tribulation Period, let alone winning, at least Xingyizong wants to deal with him, but it is not that easy.

With a thought, the little monster Wangcai directly flashed out of the Qiankun bag.

The little demon beast lay on Xiao Han's shoulders. He stared at the green-robed old man with cold sunlight and sneered: "Want to use my aura? It depends on your qualifications as Che!"

As soon as the little demon beast was prosperous, the expressions of the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect changed a little. The elder with long eyebrows looked carefully, nodded slightly, and said: "It really is a high-grade spiritual weapon. The news returned was correct.

A high-grade spiritual tool, even if our Star Meteorite Sect does not have it, did not expect that your kid's luck is not so good, but if you want to rely on a high-grade spiritual tool to save your life, it is a bit naive. "

The small old man also sneered: "Boy, although you are considered the best in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, but with your ability, even if you add a high-grade spiritual weapon, you will undoubtedly die today, I Advise you to be a talented person who knows the current affairs and don't be so stubborn. It is still the same sentence, cultivation is not easy, and life is even more important. Now you still have the opportunity to think about it."

"You don't have to think about it." Xiao Han stretched out his hand to wipe the hairy head of the little monster Wangcai, and laughed softly: "Since you said that the strength in the early stage of the tribulation period is not enough, what about the middle stage of the tribulation period?"

As Xiao Han's voice fell, a surge of spiritual energy radiated from Xiao Han's body.

With the appearance of Peng Pai's spiritual energy, Xiao Han's aura began to grow rapidly, among everyone's horrified eyes, Xiao Han's aura began to approach the fourth elder with the highest cultivation level on the field.

At this time, Xiao Han's breath in the middle of the catastrophe period was undoubtedly revealed.

When Xiao Han dealt with the ten Star Meteorite Sect masters, he slightly hid a part of his aura.

Now, the battle is imminent, Xiao Han directly revealed his true strength.

Xiao Han's surging aura permeated all around, causing the entire Zhao Family Manor to have a sharp aura.

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