The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2241: Zhao family shot

At this time, Xiao Han naturally knew that Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family in front of him, was naturally very embarrassed.

Of course Xiao Han knew that if there was a master in the middle of the Tribulation Period standing by his side at this time, Xiao Han would face much less pressure.

In this way, Xiao Han can let Zhao Yuan be responsible for dealing with Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, and then the little monster beast transformed with a high-grade spiritual weapon can be responsible for dealing with an elder of the Starfall Sect.

Xiao Han's voice just fell, Zhao Yuanxian, the ancestor of the Zhao family, was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Xiao Han is still thinking about the Zhao family?

If the Zhao family didn't take action at this critical moment, Xiao Han would not blame the Zhao family?

Hearing this, Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, looked moved, and everyone in the Zhao family below couldn't help tears in their eyes.

"Little brother, I can meet a friend like you in the Zhao family. It's really my Zhao family's deep bond."

Zhao Jin took a deep breath, raised his head, and solemnly saluted Xiao Han. Then, he glanced at the three elders of Xingyuanzong with a stern look, and yelled with anger: "Little brother, if it is my Zhao family You fight together, what should you do."

Hearing this, the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect did not have much emotional changes, but Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, did change his face slightly.

But soon, the ancestors of the Guo family realized that if the Zhao family really made a move with Xiao Han, then their Guo family could take this opportunity to use the power of the Star Meteorite Sect to eradicate the entire Zhao family's power in a fair way.

"Mr. Zhao, if this is the case, then I can only send you a word." Xiao Han first smiled slightly: "If you don't leave, I will live and die."

Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, was stunned, and everyone in the Zhao family was stunned.

"Hahahaha, with the words of the little brother, my old life, Zhao Yun, is left to you, and my Guo family will fight to the death with the little brother."

As soon as the words of Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, fell, all the members of the Zhao family below roared loudly: "Fight to the death, fight to the death, fight to the death..."

The reaction of the ancestors of the Zhao family and the Zhao family made the faces of several elders of the Xingyizong gradually murderous.

"Today, my Star Meteorite Sect will let you Zhao Jiaji and Dog not stay."

The four elders of Xingyizong shouted sharply, resounding through the world.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Master, you only need to be responsible for helping me deal with the old guy Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family. As for the many masters of the Zhao family, they are responsible for dealing with the scum of the Guo family. All the three elders of the Starfall Sect Leave it to me."

Now, Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, is responsible for dragging Guo Hua, the ancestor of the Guo family, and Xiao Han and the little monster beast can concentrate on dealing with the three elders of the Starfall Sect.

As for the remaining powerhouses of the Guo family, it is no longer a concern. Xiao Han abandoned a group and killed a group before. The remaining one is very small, and everyone in the Zhao family can handle it.

As for the ancestor of the Guo family, Guo Hua, it should be no problem to come to the Zhao family to be responsible for holding it.

At this time, Xiao Han felt that there were still some fights tonight.

"Xiao Han, I want you to pay for your behavior."

The four elders of Xingyizong's face sank, and his aura was extremely fierce.

The Zhao family finally stood up completely. Originally, Xingyizong didn't care about the power of the Zhao family in Tianlun City, and didn't even bother to get rid of it.

But now, the four elders of Xingyizong decided to let the entire Zhao family be buried with Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, no matter how big your background is, today my Star Meteorite Sect will not let you leave Tianlun City alive."

The fierce aura, slowly bursting out of the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, then the three fierce auras directly turned into a murderous aura and rushed straight into the sky.

"It depends on whether you have this ability."

Xiao Han's cold drink made it even more fierce and terrifying when the murderous aura filled the entire Tianlun City.

Even if the situation on Xiao Han and Zhao's family is a bit unfavorable, Xiao Han and Zhao's family can both choose to fight to the death at this time, and Dangdang's attitude of seeing death as home is admirable.

All the people in Tianlun City are paying attention to the development of the situation. At this time, the big station will be triggered.

Seeing the murderous aura spreading from all around, Xiao Han slowly raised his head.

It seems that in order to deal with him, the three elders are bound to win.

Even if the Zhao family were mixed in, the elders of Xingyizong didn't care.

It seemed that they felt that the power they controlled was enough to kill Xiao Han and eradicate the Zhao family.

"Your Star Meteorite Sect hijacked the Zhao Family to force me out. It seems that your Xing Meteorite Sect's style is indeed an uncompromising method. Today's events spread throughout the area around the Demon Imperial City, even if you eradicate the Zhao Family, I see how you would evaluate your Star Meteorite Sect has no bottom line in doing things."

Hearing this, the four elders face changed slightly.

Saying this in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Tianlun City, Xiao Han's words quickly spread throughout Tianlun City.

No matter how powerful the Star Meteorite Sect is, this time the Xing Meteorite Sect is indeed a bit too much in dealing with the Zhao family.

Not to mention that it was the three elders of the Xingyi Sect who came, even if the Sect Master of the Xingyi Sect came personally, it would not be able to stop you from talking.

Xiao Han's statement also makes sense.

A behemoth like Xiang Xing's Meteorite Sect, even if it is domineering, it will take into account some of its own reputation.

Xiao Han said this, completely putting some pressure on Xingyizong.

"Don't take our Star Meteorite Sect to be so domineering."

The four elders of the Star Meteorite Sect pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "How to deal with the Zhao family? The Star Meteorite Sect must be dealt with. The cultivation technique of the Fengyun Transformation Body is the secret of our Xing Meteorite Sect and will never allow outsiders to practice."

"Today, regardless of Xiao Han's life or death, how to deal with the Zhao family has nothing to do with our Star Meteorite Sect."

The long eyebrow elder stared at Xiao Han, but his voice echoed over the entire Tianlun City.

These days, the Zhao family has been besieged, and the whole Tianlun City is indeed full of rumors.

Although no one made irresponsible remarks in front of the elders of the Xingyi Sect, the elders of the Xingyi Sect also knew that this kind of thing would not sound good to go out.

Now that the four elders were forced by Xiao Han to say these words, it actually eased everyone's leisurely mouth.

The Zhao family was happy, but Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, had a calm face.

Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, knew very well in his heart that the fourth elder of Xingyizong said this only to silence hundreds of thousands of people.

What Xingyizong said was good, but it didn't mean that Xingyizong wouldn't return to the autumn to settle accounts.

Pushing the destiny of the Zhao family into the hands of the Guo family, at best, when the Guo family is dealing with the Zhao family in the future, the Star Meteorite Sect will only support it secretly, and will not act openly.

But not to give Tianlun City and Zhao family a way to survive.

"It's really old and cunning, no way. The old fox is the old fox."

Xiao Leng laughed.

Xiao Han certainly knew the mystery of the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, but in fact he still wanted to restore some of the Star Meteorite's reputation.

After all, these days in Tianlun City, Xingyizong used the Guo family to besie Tianlun City, this matter spread, and it has already caused a certain impact on the reputation of Xingyunzong.

A behemoth like the Star Meteorite Sect will pay more attention to his feathers to a certain extent.

Moreover, the Star Meteorite Sect is only one of the Three Sects and the Four Sects. If it is because of the Zhao Family’s affairs that affect the reputation of the Xing Meteorite Sect, the other forces of the Three Sects and the Four Sects will take this matter in the future. Disgusting Star Meteorite Sect?

Anyway, for the three elders of the Star Meteorite Sect, they don't care whether the Zhao family is dead or alive. In the future, the Guo Family will deal with the Zhao Family, and the Star Meteorite Sect secretly supports it. What does it matter?

Xiao Han directly broke the fourth elder's calculation, which made the fourth elder and the others gloomy.

Xiao Han turned his head to look at Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, grinned, and then looked down at Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, and Xiao Han laughed and said: "Guo family's strongman will be handed over to you. Entertain."


Zhao Jin nodded.

Zhao Jin had already heard Xiao Han's overtones.

It is of course possible for the Guo family to use the support of the Star Meteorite Sect to deal with the Zhao family in the future.

The premise is that after today's battle, how many strong players can the Guo family have?

As long as the Zhao family took advantage of today's opportunity to kill all the remaining power of the Guo family, then the entire Guo family would exist in name only.

Hearing this, Guo Hua's face twitched.

After such a short time, Guo Hua felt that their Guo family was pitted by the Starfall Sect?

Regardless of whether Xiao Han is dead or not, according to the current situation, the ending of their Guo family seems to be unfavorable.

Xiao Han calmly looked at the three elders of Xingyizong with no sadness or joy on his face. He whispered: "Several elders, just do it right away. I, Xiao Han, will never get caught. You want to kill me. Catch me, it depends on your ability."

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, it was not Xiao Han or the elder of Xingyizong who did it first.

But Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family.

Zhao Yuan flashed directly and rushed towards Guo Hua.

In these days, Zhao Yuan, the ancestor of the Zhao family, hated Guo Hua deeply.

After finally finding an opportunity, the two sides can fight alone. Of course, Zhao Yuan must seize this opportunity and clean up Guo Hua.

The ancestor of the Zhao family roared: "Guo Hua, you bastard, I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes, and today I will let you come and go."

Guo Hua's face was gloomy. Originally, following the forces of the Star Meteorite Sect, he wanted to uproot the entire Zhao family.

But now, Guo Hua vaguely realized that his wishful thinking seemed to have been lost.

It is not only the ancestors of the Zhao family who have to face the ancestors of the Zhao family, but the Guo family members below are now surrounded by the Zhao family. Now the Zhao family is playing more and less, which is not what Guo Hua wants to see.

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