The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2199: Blade of the Void Misty Wind

At this time, seeing Zhao Jin look suspicious, Zhao Duoer had to get to the ear of his father Zhao Jin and briefly said what Xiao Han had just told Zhao Yun to do.

Zhao Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst into laughter.

If this is the case, then it can only explain one thing, that is, Xiao Han is certain that he can defeat Guo Yi, otherwise, why should he place such a heavy bet, and specially ordered Zhao Yun to go to Guo's casino Place a bet?

Just when everyone looked dumbfounded, a figure quickly ran from outside the square.

"Mr. Xiao Han, it's done."

Zhao Yun ran on the platform out of breath, only to realize that everyone around him was staring at him.

It turns out that what Xiao Han said is waiting for this person?

Isn't this person from the Zhao family?

"Okay, that's good." Xiao Han didn't care about the gaze around him. Hearing Zhao Yun said that it was done, Xiao Han finally relaxed.

The reason Xiao Han wanted to do this was not to teach the Guo family in Tianlun City.

Mainly, Xiao Han needs a lot of demon pill.

In these ten refining domains, as long as you have enough demon pills, you can buy anything you want.

Xiao Han now has a pitiful small number of Demon Pills, and Xiao Han had previously left them in the newly formed Heaven and Earth Alliance as working capital.

There is not much left in Xiao Han's Universe Bag.

Had it not been for Xiao Han for earning three Tier 8 Demon Pills in Galaxy City, Xiao Han would have died of poverty.

This time, taking advantage of the fifty seventh-order demon pills sent by the Zhao family, Xiao Han was going to play a big one.

Either it is full of profits, or it is lost.

If you make a profit, you really make a lot of money.

If you lose, it doesn't matter. Xiao Han has not encountered the state of being poor and white. There is no demon pill, so just think of a way to make money.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this scene, Guo Yi asked with a puzzled look.

What little moves was Xiao Han doing before the war?

"I'm not afraid of you laughing." Xiao Han said with a smile on his face: "I heard that in Tianlun City, for our competition this time, all casinos, large and small, have opened markets. I heard that the odds have already arrived. It’s one to fifteen, so I can’t help but hold it a bit."

"Hehe, you are clever." Guo Yi laughed and said, "Knowing that you have no chance of winning, hurry up and make a bet, and you will be able to earn some more later, right."

Hearing Guo Yi's words, many people around him looked at Xiao Han with a little admiration.

This is also an individual talent. Before the war, did you forget to ask people to bet for yourself and bet you lose? Then make a little money?

In fact, let alone Xiao Han, most people on the platform, regardless of their status, bet more or less, right to be entertainment.

"You think too much." Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "I bet on my own win, one to fifteen. I bet one Tier 8 Demon Pill and I can earn 15 Tier 8 Demon Pills. How can I miss this lucrative opportunity."

"You..." Guo Yi's face suddenly sank: "Hehe, I want to see, what do you have, you dare to beat yourself to win, an eighth-order demon pill, you are willing to give up I am afraid that you will lose all your money."

"It's more than an eighth-order demon pill, how could I just put it like this." Xiao Han smiled and said: "If you want to play, play a bigger one. I directly placed three eighth-level demon pill and fifty seventh-order demon pill. Just wait for the end of the battle to see if I get rich overnight or go bankrupt."

"His hiss..."

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, a series of cold breath sounded around.

Three eighth-order demon pills, fifty seventh-order demon pills?

This is a fortune.

This young man with a mysterious origin is so willing to pay for it?

After betting so many demon pills, they all bet on themselves to win?

Isn't this going to be a small boast?

Is it possible that this guy named Xiao Han feels confident that he can defeat Guo Yi?


Guo Yi on the other side couldn't help laughing.

"I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from, think you can beat me?" Guo Yi's face was full of playfulness.

Not only Guo Yi, except for the many powerhouses in the Zhao family, almost everyone thought Xiao Han was crazy.

Actually use all of the possessions for a gamble, just to bet that you can win?

To know such high odds, it means that no one is optimistic that the Zhao family can win, and use all of their net worth to blog. Isn't this crazy?

"Very well, since you like to gamble, then I will take a gamble with you. If you can beat me today, the three eighth-order demon pills you just mentioned, and fifty seventh-order demon pills, I am Guo How about paying you another share?"

"A word is settled." Hearing this, Xiao Han settled it down neatly, as if he was afraid that Guo Yi would regret it.

"What if you lose?" Guo Yi said playfully.

"If I lose, maybe my life is in your hands. Are you still not satisfied?" Xiao Han smiled: "Well, if I lose and luckily not die, I will leave Tianlun immediately. City, never return, what do you think."

Guo Yi grinned and said, "That's good, I hope you have such good luck and can survive in my hands, otherwise, you don't want to leave Tianlun City, stay forever."

Xiao Han smiled and said with a relaxed look: "Stop talking nonsense, why have we talked for so long? Everyone can't wait, let's do it directly."

To say that Guo Yi, the elder of the Guo family, is indeed the same as what Zhao Duoer said. He is quite arrogant. He hasn't played against him yet, and he wants to keep Xiao Han in Tianlun City forever.

The tone is not small, but if you have such a great ability, then you have to see the truth under your hands.

Hearing this, Guo Yi's face gradually became gloomy. He stared at Xiao Han firmly and said with a grinning smile: "Well, well, since you are in a hurry to die, don't blame Ben Shao for acting too hard."

As soon as Guo Yi's words fell, from Guo Yi's body, a violent wind burst out of Guo Yi's body.

In the end, these gusts seemed to be spiritual, covering Guo Yi's whole body.

"It turns out that you are cultivating a rare wind attribute cultivation technique. It's not bad. It's the first time I have seen it."

Xiao Han looked at the violent wind that enveloped Guo Yi's body.

On those strong winds, it seemed like a substantive breath rolled up and down.

Obviously, what Guo Yi was practicing was a wind attribute technique that was vague but extremely difficult to defend.

Before that, Xiao Han had never encountered a technique with this attribute, he had only heard of it a few times.

I didn't expect to see it here today.

"Are you scared? You have to remember my Guo Yi's name well, your destiny is also your good fortune in the hands of you."

Guo Yi sneered, stretched out his hand for a while, a violent wind shot towards Xiao Han.

The wind is something that is tangible and invisible.

However, the violent wind that Guo Yi displayed was like a substantial barrier, and it was basically a violent wind transformed by spiritual energy.

Looking at the violent wind that came with a fierce aura, Xiao Han's figure flashed and directly shot out a breath of cold ice.

In the end, Xiao Han's icy breath directly collided with the gust of wind.


There was a muffled noise on the court.

It seemed that the violent wind that did not seem to have much lethality collided with the icy breath, and even the hard black stone slab on the ground was blasted out of a small deep hole.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Don't try to test, let's just do it directly, Master Guo, what do you do with such a small method? Is it embarrassing?"

Guo Yi's expression was cold, and he snorted coldly, "Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a bit more arrogant than me. If you want me to do my best, it depends on whether you are worth my all-out effort."

A fierce wind burst out again, and then Guo Yi's body looked like a ghost, appearing in front of Xiao Han in the blink of an eye.

The wind-based exercises are originally good at moving, so Guo Yi doesn't need to consume a lot of spiritual energy at all. With a movement of his mind, he can cross a long distance, which is very unpredictable.

Guo Yina's fist, surrounded by violent wind spirit, slammed Xiao Han's head fiercely.

The oncoming violent aura made Xiao Han also had to avoid his front.

Xiao Han's footsteps moved to the side at random, just in time to dodge Guo Yi's fist.

Although the speed of the two is amazing, only a few people can see the movements of Xiao Han and Guo Yi clearly, but this does not mean that their offensive power is not strong.

Only the masters whose cultivation level is in the middle of the Tongyou period can barely see the movements of the two.

Seeing that Xiao Han had easily avoided his own attack, Guo Yi just sneered.

The fist that crossed Xiao Han's head suddenly opened, with his fingers bent into claws, and he slammed Xiao Han's shoulder.

Guo Yi's speed is amazing, even Xiao Han is secretly surprised. It seems that Guo Yi is really strong.

It's just that Guo Yi stopped immediately after grabbing his palm.

It turned out that Guo Yi's palm had been resisted by Xiao Han.

The **** wrapped in the cold and icy breath, like a sharp knife, hit Guo Yi's palm straight.

Just right, the force in Guo Yi's palm was resisted.

"Not bad, but still a bit level."

Seeing that Xiao Lai had been resisted by Xiao Han for two consecutive offensives, Guo Yi couldn't help flashing a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Just now those two tricks were about to reach their extremes, just picking out a master at the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, there was no way to resist it.

Guo Yi began to no longer keep his hands, and suddenly he let out a sharp shout: "The Blade of the Void and Misty Wind."

Xiao Han knew that Guo Yi had begun to enter the state.

I saw that Guo Yi's stern shout just fell, and the wind around Guo Yi's arm was suddenly violent, and a strong breath began to burst out.

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