The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2200: Fight against each other

All the gust of wind finally condenses into a pair of sharp claws in Guo Yi's hands.

After the sharp claws took shape, Guo Yi's aura surged in strength, and he forced his palms free from Xiao Han's two fingers.

When it comes to a certain level of master fights, although all the movements look very plain, there are not too many bells and whistles, but the danger inside is unparalleled.

After Guo Yi pulled the palm of his hand from Xiao Han's fingers, even the surrounding air was torn apart by Guo Yi's sharp claws.

Wherever the claws passed, even the surrounding space began to break apart.

Feeling that Guo Yi's offensive was getting more and more fierce, Xiao Han was also a little surprised.

This Guo Yi is indeed the strongest opponent he has encountered in such a long time.

However, Xiao Han didn't have any fear, and he made a fist directly, and a faint flame from above his fist burst out quickly, directly colliding with Guo Yi's claws.


A muffled sound sounded, and Guo Yi's body was shaken back by the tremendous force, but Guo Yi soon flew forward again.

Guo Yi's eyes flashed through a four-pointer, and the whole person raised his speed to the extreme.

In everyone's eyes, Guo Yi's body directly turned into afterimages, which was not real at all.

Everyone only felt that the afterimages on the field kept flashing, which was simply a dazzling feeling.

The sharp claws brought gusts of wind, directly covering Xiao Han's whole body.

"Boom boom boom..."

A low, muffled sound reverberated continuously on the court, and the momentum was shocking.

In the face of Guo Yi's fierce offensive, Xiao Han's face still did not change much.

A cold breath and a blue flame breath formed two layers of defensive nets directly in front of Xiao Han.

Under that powerful sense of consciousness, no matter how fast Guo Yi attacked, Xiao Han could still sense Guo Yi's offensive trajectory in advance and react in advance.

Even if Guo Yi's sharp claws attacked, Xiao Han still hit back with a punch without giving way.

"Boom boom boom..."

As Xiao Han and Guo Yi got faster and faster, the two figures had disappeared even after their shadows.

There was a low muffled sound left on the court, and black slabs that were getting broken under his feet.

Even the masters of the pinnacle realm of the Tongyou period still find it difficult to pinpoint where the two are.

The sound shook the sky, and the atmosphere on the court became more and more violent.

Even Zhao Duoer's level couldn't see clearly the figure of the two fighting each other.

The hundreds of thousands of spectators who had expected to enjoy a big battle were suddenly dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that a strong man of this level would not even be able to see his figure in battle.

I can only hear the thunder rumbling, but I can't see even half of the lightning, just like this feeling of depression.

Soon, everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see the situation on the court clearly, but no matter how hard they tried, they only heard the sound, not even the shadow of the road.

Only a few masters in the early stages of the Tribulation Period can barely see that Xiao Han and Guo Yi are happily playing with you.

"Can you see it?"

"I can't see, I can't see anything. If it weren't for the loud noise on the court, I didn't know anyone was fighting."

"Haha, you know you can't see clearly."

"It means you can see clearly?"

"Then of course, if you can't see your figure, don't you see where the floor is broken?"

"His, really smart, really awesome."

After being reminded, many people have learned well.

Since the figures on the court are no longer visible, there is no idea how the two sides played against each other, so just look at the floor instead of looking for the figures of Xiao Han and Guo Yi.

Wherever the non-floor tiles were broken by the energy, it shows where Xiao Han and Guo Yi both hit.

"Fuck... really awesome."

"How awesome?"

"I don't know, I can't even see the shadow, isn't it awesome?"



The scene in front of us made countless people in the surrounding square look forward to it.

How come the winner is still not divided?

Most people care about who wins and who wins. After all, everyone has bet. Whether they can bet depends on the final result.

But many people have reacted, and then let out a series of exclamations.

No one thought that Xiao Han, the inconspicuous young man, was able to stand head-to-head with Guo Yi, the eldest of the Guo family, for so many rounds and remained unbeaten. This alone is already a rare genius.


There was a loud noise that was even more terrifying than the previous volume.

Then, everyone saw that two figures appeared out of thin air, and then they backed again and again at the same time.

Because they didn't know where Xiao Han and Guo Yi flew out from, only a few people could vaguely perceive that the match just now was actually a draw, and it was still a situation that was not divided.

After violently attacking so many moves, Xiao Han resisted them one by one, and Guo Yi finally showed a solemn look on his face.

Before, Guo Yi hadn't paid attention to this nameless pawn, but gradually Guo Yi had realized that Xiao Han in front of him did have the strength to fight him.

"The wind is desperate."

Guo Yi put away the trace of contempt in his heart, and suddenly burst into anger.

Several tornadoes suddenly appeared out of thin air on the court.

These tornadoes brought the strong wind of aura, and rolled up all the rubble on the ground quickly. The speed of the tornado was getting faster and faster, and the rubble in it was rotating faster and faster. Gradually, the field was like Several rotating stone walls appeared.

These high-speed rotating stone walls rushed towards Xiao Han with an incomparable thundering force, as if he wanted to cut Xiao Han directly into meatloaf.

Looking at this posture, if Xiao Han was besieged by several tornadoes, I'm afraid Xiao Han would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Hehehe, this kind of move is still a bit powerful."

Xiao Han sneered first, then quickly stepped back.

A sharp light suddenly appeared in Xiao Han's eyes.

"Two heavens of ice and fire."

Two powerful and unmatched auras suddenly came from Xiao Han's whole body.

A cold breath, a faint blue flame, at this time the two breaths were like mountain torrents pouring down from the top of the mountain, spewing out from Xiao Han's body overwhelmingly.

"Hey, how can two diametrically opposed breaths be displayed at the same time?"

"I don't know, isn't this water and fire intolerable? How can Xiao Han actually display the two completely different breaths of water and fire at the same time?"

"Fuck, it's all right?"


Obviously, it is the first time that almost everyone around me has seen it, and there can be two kinds of breaths of mutual growth and restraint in a person.

It is important to know that ordinary Qi refiners practice the same kind of aura. Even if they want to practice other attributes, they definitely choose attributes that do not restrain each other.

However, Xiao Han in front of him can actually show the water and fire perfectly with different auras. Isn't this a bit weird?

At this moment, Xiao Han, who had always suppressed his cultivation realm and strength, also revealed his strength without reservation.

"Fuck, the early stage of the catastrophe?"

"No, it's no wonder that Xiao Han dared to appear in place of Zhao Duoer. It turns out that his strength is much stronger than Zhao Duo'er, Miss Zhao's."

"Nonsense, without any real ability, how dare you challenge Guo Yi?"

"It turns out that Xiao Han is also in the early stage of the Tribulation Period. Then it depends on whose combat effectiveness is stronger."

"Nima, after doing it for a long time, it turns out that Xiao Han is also the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period? I thought I could see Guo Yi beating his opponent."


Feeling the powerful aura suddenly surging out of Xiao Han's body, countless people on the square couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. Unbelievable exclamations rang out on the court.

The strength that Xiao Han suddenly revealed, not only caused everyone in the square to talk, but even the strong people around the platform were very surprised.

But when I think about it, I think it's normal. If he hadn't reached the level of cultivation in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, how could this Xiao Han challenge Guo Yi so confidently?

At this time, the few tornadoes formed by the violent wind that Guo Yishi showed had approached Xiao Han's body.

Xiao Han screamed, and the two breaths around his body suddenly rose.


The sound of space shattering sounded around Xiao Han's fist.

Then, in the eyes of many surprises, Xiao Han's fists violently collided with Guo Yi's wind.


The earth-shaking sound was very abrupt and sounded over the entire square, and ripples of surging strength surged from the place where the two touched, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Not only the black stone slabs around the platform, which are considered to be net numbers, spread out a series of scary gaps like spider webs.

Even those strong men sitting in a circle around the platform can't help but mobilize the spiritual energy in their bodies to resist the energy emanating from the surroundings.

Although no one was injured, he was still a little embarrassed looking at it from a distance.

Only the powerhouses at the level of Zhao Jin and Guo Meng can dissolve the spreading energy with a light wave of their sleeves.

Cracks in the black stone slab spread quickly, and soon spread across the entire platform. Some Qi refiners with lower cultivation levels and lower strengths even saw the black stone slabs under their feet.

At this moment, suddenly a figure flew upside down from the center of the platform.

The figure flew tens of meters away, and then his feet dragged a trace of more than ten meters on the ground before he could stabilize his figure.

The other person only stopped after seven or eight steps back in place.

"His hiss..."

However, when everyone's eyes hurriedly looked at the figure that had stepped back, many people involuntarily took a breath.

It turned out that the person who was shaken back several tens of meters was actually Guo Yi, not Xiao Han.

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