The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2198: I have to wait for someone

Since Guo Meng specifically mentioned that if Duo'er married into Guo's family, she would definitely not be bullied.

If you think about it the other way round, it means that when Doer joins the Guo family in the future, he will definitely make things difficult for the Guo family.

Hearing this, Zhao Jin's face was a bit ugly, and he snorted coldly: "Sometimes, don't talk too much, be careful that it flashes to your tongue."

Guo Meng just laughed, but didn't continue to struggle.

Behind Guo Meng, Guo Yi frowned slightly, walked two steps forward slowly, walked to his father's side, and sneered: "Stop talking nonsense. After I marry Duo'er's bridal chamber, I will be back in a few days. Xingyizong went to cultivate, there was not so much time delay."

As he said, Guo Yi's figure flashed and appeared silently.

However, Guo Yi's figure seems to be able to travel through space, appearing in the middle of the venue like a ghost.

Guo Yi looked at the seats of the Zhao family with disdain, and cried out in a deep voice: "Who is the Zhao family sent to fight with me? Come out quickly."

Hearing that Guo Yi jumped out to challenge so eagerly, the eyes of the audience instantly turned to where everyone in the Zhao family was.

Then, most of them focused on Zhao Duoer, Miss Zhao's.

In the entire Tianlun City, no one knows that among the younger generation of the Zhao family, only two young ladies, Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuaner, have entered the pinnacle of the Tongyou Period.

And Zhao Xuan'er only broke through within a few months, and the strongest is naturally Zhao Duoer, Miss Zhao's family.

Under the gaze of the audience, Zhao Duoer smiled slightly and said softly: "Guo Yi, our Zhao family doesn't need me to take action today. Naturally someone will deal with you, and he is behind me."

As he said, Zhao Duoer stretched out Qianqianyu's hand and pointed behind him, her clear and sweet voice echoed gently across the square.

"Hey. [笔趣阁]....."

After hearing what Zhao Duoer said, countless eyes of the audience looked behind Zhao Duoer.

Then, everyone looked at the unfamiliar young man behind Zhao Duoer, who was wearing a black attire and looked plain.

"Who is this person? I haven't seen it before."

"I don't know, I don't know, I haven't seen it."


For a while, everyone looked at the figure in astonishment.

Guo Yi looked behind Zhao Duoer with a gloomy face. When he saw the man with a calmly strange face, Guo Yi's face had an expression of contempt and disdain that could not be concealed.

Guo Yi sneered: "Ha ha ha, do you Zhao family want to find a substitute for the dead?"

"The war hasn't started yet, it's a bit early to say who is a human and a ghost." Seeing the disdain on Guo Yi's face, Xiao Han smiled slightly, with a slight indifference on his face.

Under the gaze of the audience, Xiao Han jumped, and his whole person appeared in the middle of the platform.

Then Xiao Han's figure slowly landed like this, also quietly.

But compared with Guo Yi, Xiao Han's way of playing is a bit ordinary, and he doesn't have much momentum at all.

"Who is this guy? Have you never seen this guy?"

"In my opinion, who doesn't seem to be a person from Tianlun City, maybe the Zhao family invited them back from outside?"

"Please come back? But it seems that he doesn't want to be Guo Yi's opponent."

"Then who said, please, who knows what the Zhao family thinks, maybe it's the same as Guo Yi said, just find someone to come back and be a ghost."

"There is also this possibility. After all, no matter who the Zhao family sends out, there is almost no chance of winning."

"But I don't think it should be. After all, this battle is not only related to Miss Doer's lifelong happiness, but also to the future position of the Zhao family in Tianlun City. The Zhao family should not be so hasty."

As soon as Xiao Han appeared on the stage, his surroundings exploded with a buzzing sound.

A series of whispered discussions gathered together, and there was a bang in the audience.

In addition to the discussion, suspicion and scrutiny glanced over Xiao Han.

Many people are a little puzzled, how could the Guo family randomly send a stranger out to fight against Guo Yi, is it possible that it is really a ghost who has been found?

Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, couldn't help but frown when he saw the black-clothed youth in front of him.

In this Tianlun City, no one knew the Zhao family better than Guo Meng.

Guo Meng knew very well in his heart that even if the Zhao family had no chance of winning, they would not lose if they lost.

It is impossible for the Zhao family to find a dead ghost to make up the number in such an important contest.

However, Guo Meng is still a little confused. If the young man in front of him didn't come out to make up the count, does the Zhao family think that this young man has a chance to defeat Guo Yi?

However, even if it was Guo Mengdu's strength in the early stage of the Tribulation, there was no way to see the depth of this young man.

As a result, Guo Meng became even more suspicious.

Behind Guo Meng sat a mysterious old man covered in a large black robe.

From the wrinkled skin on the palm that stretched out the black robe, it can be inferred that this person is very old.

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't even look at the situation on the court at all, even if there was a noise around him, he didn't respond.

"Elder Chen, look at this guy on the field..." Guo Meng seemed to be unable to see the details of the opponent, and turned his head to look at the old man behind him.

Although I don't know where the elder Chen is, but Guo Meng's respectful look doesn't seem like a certain elder of the Guo family.

At least Guo Meng, as the head of the Guo family, would not be so respectful to an elder of the Guo family.

After hearing Guo Meng's questioning, the elder Chen surnamed slightly opened his squinted eyes, and a bright light flashed through the muddy eyes.

The elder Chen glanced at Xiao Han on the court, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Not bad, this little guy is not bad, I don't know where the Zhao family got help."

Hearing this, even the head of the Guo family, Guo Meng, couldn't help but move slightly.

"Ah? Elder Chen, how do you think Guo Yi can win?"

Guo Meng knew very well that being able to make this old guy say such an evaluation would show that the mysterious young man in front of him was not simple.

Since this growing old man gave such a high evaluation to this seemingly ordinary young man, it shows that the young man in front of him is not at all a dead ghost that the Zhao family randomly found.

However, Guo Meng was a little puzzled.

Where did the Zhao family find the young master, who actually has such a powerful strength.

According to what Elder Chen said, wasn't Guo Yi a sure winner in this competition?

As if aware of the worried look on Guo Meng's face, Elder Chen slowly said:

"Relax, the little guy Guo Yi is extremely talented, and he has almost mastered several of the god-level techniques with extraordinary combat power in our Star Meteorite Sect, and this little guy was favored by the elder and gave him a set. Our Xingyizong's top cultivation technique.

In this way, Guo Yi's combat effectiveness can be said to far exceed that of the powerhouses of the same level. Even your father who has entered the early decades of the Tribulation Period is not his opponent.

Maybe Guo Yi could contend against a strong man in the middle of the catastrophe period. As for his peers, there must be people who can defeat him in Demon Imperial City, but it is almost impossible to appear in Tianlun City. "

After the elder Chen said these words, he ignored the reaction of Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family, and closed his eyes again, and began to close his eyes to refresh himself.

"That's good, that's good."

Hearing that Elder Chen said that this point had been assigned, Guo Meng's hanging heart finally let go.

This elder Chen was the elder of Xingyizong who came back to visit relatives with Guo Yi this time.

Although they are not the top elders in the Star Meteorite Sect, their status in the Star Meteorite Sect is not low.

This time when they came to Tianlun City as a guest, the Guo family still had a sense of interest in order to establish a good relationship with the elders of the Starfall Sect.

Thinking of this, Guo Meng couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

Guo Meng wanted to see how wonderful the expressions on the faces of the Zhao family, especially the Patriarch Zhao Jin, would be after this young man who was invited was defeated by Guo Yi.

In the middle of the venue, Guo Yi looked at Xiao Han in front of him with a sneer, and laughed softly: "I Guo Yi never kills no-name soldiers. I should report my name quickly. Otherwise, I won’t wait for you to die. I know which cat or dog you are."

Xiao Han laughed, Guo Yi was pretty rampant, but Xiao Han liked to deal with such rampant people.

Xiao Han didn't care about Guo Yi's arrogant tone and look, but chuckled lightly: "Then I have to disappoint Young Master Guo. My name is Xiao Han, and I am indeed an unknown person. Young Master Guo of the whole city."

Guo Yi's face became stiff, and he said in a deep voice, "Then you are going to be unlucky. What this young master hates most is the sharp-toothed guy. Now I will give you a chance to roll off the court by myself, lest I be impulsive. You will be scrapped as soon as you make a move and thrown directly off the court."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Xiao Han quickly laughed and said, "Wait a minute, I'm still waiting for someone. When he comes, we can start."

"Humph." Guo Yi snorted coldly, "I think you are delaying time, right?"

"Master Guo is not so impatient, right? Isn't it possible that you don't want to wait for a while?" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

Hearing this, many people present were stunned.

Waiting for someone?

What's happening here?

Is it possible that Xiao Han still wants to wait for a helper to come and pay Guo Yi with a two-on-one match?

This seems to violate the test rules, right?

Guo Yi sneered, waved his indifferently big hand, and said solemnly: "Okay, I will wait for you for a while to see what tricks you have."

Seeing Guo Yi actually started to wait, there was no sign of doing anything for the time being, the scene was in an uproar.

This makes everyone unable to understand, not only the others, but even the Zhao Family Patriarch and many Zhao Family Powerhouses are confused.

Xiao Han seems to have never mentioned such a situation before, right?

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