The Tianlun City in front of him is definitely the most prosperous and majestic city Xiao Han has ever seen in the Shifang Refining Domain.

It can be seen only from the wide streets and dense crowds that are out of sight.

However, even if it is very crowded with people, the planning of this Tianlun City is very reasonable. The main streets are huge streets hundreds of meters wide, and some small streets are 30 to 40 meters wide.

No matter where you go, the whole Tianlun City gives people a sense of grandeur.

Walking from the city gate to the inside, there is a constant flow of people on every spacious street.

Obviously, the popularity of the entire Tianlun City is beyond imagination.

Even Xiao Han has seen such a formation only in a metropolis in the secular world.

This made Xiao Han a little depressed.

There are many shops and inns in Tianlun City. If Xiao Han wants to find the place where Yumei Empress and Luoluo are staying, wouldn't it be very difficult?

Is it possible that everyone posted a notice?

Or one inn to inquire about the past?

This is a bit troublesome.

Xiao Han was thinking, Zhao Duoer started to introduce the power distribution of Tianlun City by Xiao Han's side.

Their Zhao family is located south of the entire Tianlun City.

In the southern part of the city, although many forces are not affiliated forces of Tianlun City, they are basically acting on the face of the Zhao family.

Some are neutral forces, some are families, some are teams, and some are small gangs.

In the entire southern part of the city, the Zhao family basically had the final say.

And the Guo Family's sphere of influence is mainly the northern area of ​​Tianlun City.

The space teleportation array that the Guo family controlled was also in the north area.

One Guo family, one Zhao family, these two families seem to be two giants in the entire Tianlun City, dividing the huge Tianlun City into two completely different spheres of influence.

Of course, there are actually other neutral forces in Tianlun City, and a few of them are also good.

It's just that these forces are much worse than the Guo Family and Zhao Family.

Although the Zhao family and the Guo family did not mandate that the forces in this Tianlun City must take refuge in one of the two.

However, other strengths are equivalent to surviving under the prestige of the Guo family and the Zhao family.

Xiao Han nodded, barely understanding the distribution of forces in this Tianlun City.

It's no wonder that after the Guo family is strong, it seems to be dealing with the Zhao family.

As long as the Guo Family can make the Zhao Family bow their heads, then the Guo Family can control the entire Tianlun City.

At that time, only the Guo family left in Tianlun City.

The reason why the Guo family wants to send someone to deal with Zhao Duoer is actually to control Zhao Duoer in their hands, to coerce and lure the Zhao family into submission.

For example, the Guo family wanted Zhao Duoer to marry the Guo family's eldest master, it was a means.

As long as Zhao Duoer became a woman of the Guo family, it would be equivalent to proclaiming the entire Tianlun City for so long, and the Zhao family would regard the Guo family as its head in the future.

This is a major signal.

For those forces that remain neutral, they will definitely want to take refuge in the Guo family.

At that time, the power balance in Tianlun City will tilt towards the Guo Family, and the balance in Tianlun City will be broken.

Then, Xiao Han followed Zhao Duoer and the members of the Zhao Family team around the streets of the south of Tianlun City for more than 20 minutes before stopping in front of a manor near the city wall.

This manor occupies a very vast area. From a distance, the high gate compound is very magnificent.

After walking along the outer wall of the manor for another seven or eight minutes, the entire convoy arrived at the door of the manor.

"Mr. Xiao Han, this is our Zhao family. I will take you to meet my father and the elders."

At the door of the house, Zhao Duoer's expression became much more relaxed.


At this moment, Zhao Yun, who was leading the way, turned his head to look at Zhao Duoer with a solemn expression.

Zhao Duoer followed Zhao Yun's sight and found out that at the gate of Zhao's Manor, there were several riding beasts and several luxury carriages parked.

Several guards wearing Guo costumes stood beside these riding beasts.

A dark green badge is hung on those carriages, and the word in the middle of the badge is the word "Guo".

Seeing this, the expressions of Zhao Duoer, Zhao Yun and others couldn't help but change slightly.

Zhao Duoer's face was very gloomy. She sneered and said, "I don't know who it is from the Guo family? How dare you come to our Zhao family to be wild?"

Zhao Mu also looked puzzled: "It's weird. Before I went out, I didn't seem to see anyone from the Guo family coming."

It seemed that the Guo family had come to provoke him.

Xiao Han guessed that people from the Guo family must have thought that Guo Nan and Guo Bei who had been sent out had already succeeded.

That's why I came to Zhao's house without fear.

The Guo family thought that Zhao Duoer was already under the control of Guo Nan and Guo Bei, so with this trump card, they were not afraid that the Zhao family would not give in.

"I'll go first, Zhao Yun, Zhao Hu, you will meet the team first." Zhao Duoer's face was full of frost.

With that, Zhao Duoer jumped off the riding beast and ran directly towards the courtyard.

Behind her, Zhao Mu also quickly followed.

Xiao Han knew that something must have happened to the Zhao family now, so he thought it would be the first to find a whereabouts and Yumei.

But after thinking about it, the people of this country have already come to the door, so this Zhao family will definitely be a little difficult to deal with, so Xiao Han still decided to follow Zhao Duoer to see the situation.

Anxious Zhao Duoer rushed all the way into the manor. She was afraid that her father and several elders would bow to the country because of her safety.

So Zhao Duoer hopes to get to his father's side as soon as possible to see what tricks those guys in the Guo family dare to play.

Zhao Duoer met a few guards from the Zhao family on the way, and after asking a few words, she learned about the current situation from the guards.

It turned out that soon after Zhao Mu left the Zhao family, the Guo family came to the door.

I don't know which part of the Guo family made the mistake, this time the attitude of visiting the door is very arrogant.

Now, the Guo family is putting pressure on the Zhao family in the meeting room of the Zhao family. They don't know what the conditions are. Anyway, there are endless quarrels in the meeting room, and the attitudes of both sides are a little impatient.

After hearing this, Zhao Duoer also knew about what the Guo family was here for.

Zhao Duoer sneered, then speeded up and rushed to the chamber in the center of the manor.

When Zhao Duoer was moving forward, seeing Xiao Han chasing behind him like Zhao Mu, Zhao Duoer was completely relieved.

When the road in the middle of the manor came to an end, an extremely majestic and imposing hall appeared in the sight of Xiao Han and others.

This hall is located on the high foundation stone, looks solemn and solemn, it should be the most central place in the entire Zhao family.

And even though it was still a certain distance away, Xiao Han could still vaguely hear a voice in the chamber.

Followed Zhao Duoer rushed to the door of the hall, and saw many Zhao family strong figures gathered at the door of the hall.

When he arrived at the door, Zhao Duoer was not in a hurry. Taking advantage of everyone's attention in the chamber, Zhao Duoer stopped.

After Xiao Han and Zhao Mu both caught up, Zhao Duoer beckoned to Xiao Han gently, led Xiao Han to the side of the chamber, and stopped at a corner where he could see the whole situation. .

"Don't worry, let's take a look first." Xiao Han was afraid that Zhao Duoer would be impulsive, so he reminded softly.

Zhao Duo'er nodded, indicating that he had a sense of measure.

At this time, following Zhao Duoer's sight, Xiao Han's gaze also looked into the hall.

In the chamber, the atmosphere is very tense.

Standing at the top was a middle-aged man with a brocade robe and an elegant face. Zhao Duoer was somewhat similar to him, with similar eyebrows. He should be the Patriarch of the Zhao Family and Zhao Duoer's father.

As for the Patriarch of the Zhao family, there are a few old-faced elders standing behind, and the aura fluctuations on their bodies are quite not weak.

One of them is the early stage of the tribulation period, and the other is the cultivation realm of the late tribulation period.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that there was a woman standing in the hall, who was exactly the same as Zhao Duoer beside him.

Xiao Han looked at Zhao Duoer next to him, and then at the woman in the hall. There was really no difference, except that the clothes of the two were different.

"Is it strange? This is my sister Zhao Xuan'er, twin sister. Isn't it normal to look the same?" Zhao Duo'er smiled slightly and said softly.

Well, it turned out to be a pair of twins.

However, Xiao Han looked at the girl named Zhao Xuan'er, and she really carved it out of the same model as Zhao Duo'er next to her.

Even the temperament is very similar, except that Zhao Xuan'er seems to be colder and more indifferent than Zhao Duo'er beside Xiao Han.

There are many strong players in the Zhao family, but the lineup of the Zhao family is not weak, and the Guo family is not inferior.

Numerous Guo family powerhouses stood in the hall with arrogant faces.

The headed man in yellow robes, behind him, also stood a few old guys with white hair and beards, his cultivation level and strength were no less than the elders on the Zhao family's side.

Xiao Han's gaze was finally placed on the young man.

This person looks about twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He is not very handsome, but he is also quite good-looking.

And there is an invisible aura radiating from this person.

It's just that this person's face showed some unruly expressions, as if the eyes were higher than the top, and ordinary people were not placed in the eyes.

Looking at the appearance of this person, Xiao Han estimated that he should be the young master of the Guo family, a disciple of the Xingyizong sect.

It's just that the Zhao Family Patriarch and several other elders are about to burst into flames in their eyes staring at that person.

Obviously, before Xiao Han and Zhao Duo'er came, the two sides had begun to quarrel, and the exchanges between them were very unpleasant.

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