The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2187: Sister flower

The head of the Zhao Family Patriarch stared at the Guo Family Young Master, and said in a deep voice, "Guo Yi, is your Guo family too rampant? Directly bring people into our Zhao family, where are you here to discuss matters? , Clearly is here to put pressure, don't think that if you join the Xingyi Sect and become a disciple of the Xingyi Sect, you can come to my Zhao family to go wild.

My Zhao family was able to stand in this Tianlun City for so many years, but it was not frightened. "

Although Zhao Duoer's father said that the volume was not loud, he did not feel irritable or pretentious, and his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. He spoke with a solemn voice, which made people admire.

The other elders behind the Zhao Family Patriarch were also unhappy.

As for those strong in the Guo family, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

When I came to the Zhao family today, the Guo family had already prepared, not afraid that the Zhao family would not bow their heads.

Faced with the question of the Patriarch of the Zhao family, the young man named Guo Yi grinned indifferently.

Then, his eyes suddenly turned to the twin sister of Zhao Duoer, and he laughed softly: "What is Uncle Zhao so excited for? I'm not here to fight, nor to trouble the Zhao family. I'm here today. The Zhao family is here to propose a marriage. A few days ago, our Guo family sent someone to inform Uncle Zhao and Zhang from the Zhao family. My nephew, I want to ask again when I came here today. How is Uncle Zhao thinking? Did you agree to your nephew’s proposal?"

"You are simply wishful thinking." The Patriarch of the Zhao family snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "It is said that it is here to propose a marriage, but it is actually to blackmail our Zhao family. What is your Guo family's thinking, when I don't know?

Besides, it is naturally welcome to come to our Zhao family to kiss us, but I do not agree. That is my Zhao family’s decision, not your Guo family. The conditions of your Guo family are simply laughable and generous, and want to marry me Zhao. Daughter, you must show your sincerity. If you want to marry my two daughters at the same time, then you don’t even have a door. As a father, I will never let my two daughters marry the same person. You die. Right. "


Hearing this, Xiao Han also sneered.

This Guo family is fine.

What Ruyi Abacus is playing is crackling.

Forcibly not to mention the marriage proposal, he actually wanted to marry two at the same time.

It seemed that Guo Yi wanted to marry Zhao Duoer and Zhao Xuaner, the two daughters of the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, to him at the same time.

Ha ha ha.

Xiao Han is a little funny thinking about it.

Guo Yi seems to have a big appetite.

Hearing Xiao Han's sneer, Zhao Duoer turned to look at Xiao Han, but saw Xiao Han's smile, and didn't know what he was smiling.

Seeing Zhao Duoer looking at herself with a weird expression, Xiao Han quickly said softly, "Why are you looking at me? It's really funny. Aside from other things, Guo Yi has a good vision. He actually saw you at the same time. Two sisters from the Zhao family."

Zhao Duoer gave Xiao Han a white look, and said angrily: "People don't want to marry this bastard. It's not impossible to want our sisters to serve a husband together. They must be men who stand up to the ground. It is not like Guo Yi. Shameless man."

Hearing this, Xiao Han nodded and did not answer.

At this time, Zhao Duoer glared, and secretly scolded Xiao Han as an elm head.

After hearing the categorical words of the Patriarch of the Zhao family, the face of Guo Yi, the elder of the Guo family, became very gloomy.

"Since Uncle Zhao is toasting and not eating fine wine, then don't blame our Guo family for being merciless." Guo Yi sneered: "Tell you the truth, your Miss Doer should have been taken by our Guo family by now. The two elders of, received our Guo Family Mansion and went up."


Hearing this, Patriarch Zhao's face changed drastically.

The complexions of all Zhao Jiaqiang in the hall became ugly.

"Your Guo family is despicable and shameless."

"Shameless things, your Guo family dare to **** people."

"The Guo family is really deceiving people too much."


The strong Zhao family in the hall couldn't help cursing.

At this moment, when Zhao Duo'er walked into the hall, there were still a few Zhao Jiaqiang people who accidentally saw Zhao Duo'er.

So soon someone from the Zhao family called out: "Patriarch, Miss Doer is back, and is standing outside the hall."

"Haha, the wishful thinking of the rat generation of the Guo family has come to nothing, don't you think our Miss Doer is standing there properly?"

"Hahaha, that's a real laugh..."


Everyone in the entire hall followed the person who reached out and looked at it, and saw Zhao Duoer standing on the window sill on the side of the hall.

Everyone in the Zhao family was relieved, and the strong people in the Guo family, including the young master Guo Yi, had a sneer on their faces.

How could this be?

Didn't the Guo family send the elders Guo Nan and Guo Bei to intercept Zhao Duoer outside the city?

How could the two elders at the pinnacle level of the Tongyou Period not even catch a Zhao Duoer?

Guo Yi and others were stunned for a long time, and they didn't slow down for a long time.

Everyone in the Guo family didn't know why the two elders, Guo Nan and Guo Bei, had missed.

"Hahaha..." Although the Patriarch of the Zhao family doesn't know what happened, but now his daughter is safe, he is also relieved: "Guo Yi, I am afraid it is not your Guo family, forget to send Are people busy?"

Hearing this, the faces of Guo Yi and others became even more ugly.

Zhao Duoer, who was standing by the window sill, pulled Xiao Han's sleeve at this moment and said softly: "You stand here first, I'll go in first."

Xiao Han nodded lightly and signaled that Zhao Duoer was free to move around. He would meet the machine to act.

Zhao Duoer Shi Shiran walked into the hall and shouted at the outside of the hall: "Come on, call Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu, please bring those two up."

With that, Zhao Duoer walked to his father's side, and whispered a few words into his ear.

Patriarch Zhao's eyes lit up, and then he smiled slightly, his expression relaxed.

Soon, Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu walked in with a body like a dead dog.

"Guo Nan Guo Bei? This...this..."

As soon as Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu entered the hall, the surrounding Guo Jiaqiang recognized the two old guys in their hands. It was their two elders sent by the Guo Family to intercept Zhao Duoer, the young lady of the Zhao Family.

However, Guo Nan and Guo Bei are now half dead.

Zhao Duoer smiled slightly, and then said: "I rushed back to Tianlun City from outside the city, and met Guo Nan and Guo Bei, two seniors lying on the side of the road. They were all injured. They were rescued and were about to send. Those who go to your Guo's house, who knows that if you meet you here, these two people will be handed over to you."

The strong Guo family had already picked up the two elders from Zhao Yun and Zhao Hu. They stretched out their hands and found out that they were indeed ashamed.

"Master, it's dead."

Hearing this, Guo Yi was stunned: "Dead? How is it possible?"

The strength of the two elders Guo Nan and Guo Bei is also quite good in the Guo family, how could they be dead?

Zhao Duoer said with regret: "Oh, that's a pity. I didn't expect Duo'er to be a step too late. It's really sad that Duo'er could not save the lives of the two parents of Guo."

When Guo Nan and Guo Bei were in Xiao Han's hands, they were naturally not dead.

However, Guo Yi could see that Guo Nan and Guo Bei were seriously injured, but the fatal injuries were the two penetrating injuries on the chest, which forcibly shattered the hearts of Guo Nan and Guo Bei.

Obviously it was being killed directly by someone using powerful means. Where is the serious injury and death?

As the person who shot, Xiao Han naturally knew that if the two parents of Guo were treated in time, they would definitely not die, but after a long time, how could they be rescued by the members of the Zhao family team? ?

Didn't they let them fend for themselves?

In fact, when Xiao Han shot, Guo Nan and Guo Bei were already doomed to die.

Guo Yi naturally did not believe what Zhao Duoer said. Guo Nan and Guo Bei must have been killed by a master sent by the Zhao family.

However, Guo Yi has some doubts, aren't all the experts in the Zhao family on the court?

So who killed Guo Nan and Guo Bei?

At this time, the Patriarch of the Zhao family laughed and said: "Guo Yi, I'm really sorry, the little girl was a step late and failed to save the two elders of your Guo family. It's really regrettable."

Guo Yi's face was extremely ugly.

This big loss can only break the silver teeth and swallow it.

This has not succeeded, and the two elders of the peak realm of the Tongyou Period have been lost, even the Guo Family will be painful.

Guo Yi naturally knew the importance of the two elders at the peak of the secluded period to the Guo family.

Therefore, Guo Yi's face is so ugly.

"Humph." Guo Yi sneered: "Don't be proud of it too early. Our Guo family will settle this account with you slowly."

"Guo Yi, don't deceive the Guo family too much." The Patriarch of the Zhao family stared at Guo Yi with a murderous look, and slowly said: "Even if your Guo family is stronger than our Zhao family, but your Guo family wants to swallow Going down to our Zhao family will also end up killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating seven hundred. If you don't believe it, you can try the Guo family."

"Hehe, Uncle Zhao's news is really unclear."

Guo Yi sneered and said, "It seems that Uncle Zhao has not received this news. My nephew, I have been officially shut down by the guard of the Great Elder of the Starfall Sect some time ago."


As soon as Guo Yi's words fell, the Zhao family in the audience couldn't help but their faces changed drastically.

Even Zhao Xuan'er, who had been muffled by the Zhao Family Patriarch, was shocked.

Zhao Duoer's face was also a little surprised.

Obviously, the disciples of the sect of Xingyizong and the disciple of the closed doors of the great elder of the Xingyizong, but there is one world.

Previously, Guo Yi was just an ordinary disciple of the Starfall Sect. Although he was highly valued among the sects, the weight was not heavy.

However, Guo Yi was able to become a closed disciple of the Great Elder of the Starfall Sect, and his status in the sect was indeed self-evident.

In other words, the identity of Guo Yi, the elder of the Guo family, is enough to truly connect Xingyizong and their Guo family.

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