The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2185: Zhao Family Team

Although Guo Nan and Guo Bei are not the top superpowers in Tianlun City, the two Guo elders are also quite famous in Tianlun City.

But now, the two of them were thrown on the ground like two dead dogs, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead. Now, Zhao Mu was a little confused.

Zhao Mu pointed to the two dead dogs on the ground and asked with horror: "These two are the elders of the Guo family, why are they in the hands of our Zhao family team?"

"The two elders of the Guo family wanted to grab me and send me to the Guo family under house arrest, and then forced our Zhao family to submit." Zhao Duoer then pointed at Xiao Han who was not far away, and said faintly: "That's right. This Mr. Xiao Han made a shot and defeated the two elders of Guo Nan and Guo Bei. Do you think his strength is qualified to be the distinguished guest of our Zhao family?"

"What? He defeated the two elders of the Guo family?" Zhao Mu's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Xiao Han in disbelief.

Zhao Mu really wondered if it was true.

As the Zhao family, Zhao Mu is naturally very familiar with the two elders Guo Bei and Guo Nan of the Guo Family in Tianlun City.

But because of this, Zhao Mu's heart became more clear.

The two old guys, Guo Nan and Guo Bei in front of them, were real powerhouses in the peak realm of the Tongyou Period.

Moreover, the two are brothers, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly. In addition, it has been a long time to reach the peak of the Tongyou period. If the two brothers work together, the combat power that can be exerted can be compared to the one who just stepped in. The masters in the early stage of the robbery period fought hard.

Although it is difficult to overcome, it is not impossible to delay it for a while.

But now looking like this, the two were completely defeated, and they were in the hands of a guy who looked like his age.

"No...impossible?" Zhao Mu turned his head to look at Zhao Duoer with a look of horror, as if he wanted to find the flaw in Zhao Duoer's face.

It’s not like that, right?

At least Zhao Mu's first reaction was that it was impossible.

"Who else could he be? Is it you? Do you think there is someone in our Zhao family team that has this ability?" Zhao Duoer seems to have a bad impression of Zhao Mu, a bit impatient in his words. Earth look.

"Master Mu, the two elders of the Guo family were indeed defeated by Mr. Xiao Han, otherwise, the eldest lady would definitely be taken away."

"Yes, this Mr. Xiao Han previously saved the eldest lady from the hands of the Snake King Baiqi, who was still in the Ten Thousand Snake Cave on the road. We all saw it with our own eyes.

"Yes, yes, we can all prove it."


Zhao Duoer was not polite at all, Zhao Mu naturally heard it.

But now Zhao Mu's focus is on Guo Nan and Guo Bei, as well as the calm youth.

Zhao Mu couldn't help feeling upset when he saw Zhao Duoer's expression of radiance.

However, the tragic situation of Guo Nan and Guo Bei, the two Guo elders, made Zhao Mu feel cold.

A strong man who can easily defeat two masters of the peak realm of the Tongyou period is definitely a guest in Zhao's family.

No wonder Zhao Duoer said that this guy is a distinguished guest of the Zhao family.

After Zhao Mu's face changed several times, he could only suppress his unhappiness.

The strength of the opponent was enough to make him shiver.

Don't say it's this mysterious master. Compared with Zhao Duo'er, he is only an uncle, and it is very reluctant for him to deal with a Guo Bei.

At this time, Zhao Mu barely squeezed a smile on his face.

If the Patriarch and other elders knew that he had such a bad attitude towards a VIP, he would have to be scolded and detained.

Zhao Mu arched his hands at Xiao Han, and the smile on his face was very stiff: "This distinguished guest, I'm so sorry, hahaha, I'm sorry not to retort, I didn't understand the situation before, so I was offended and offended."

Xiao Han looked at Zhao Mu, his expression remained unchanged from beginning to end.

He was familiar with the members of the Zhao family team and had a good relationship with Zhao Duoer. As for Zhao Mu, Xiao Han was too lazy to take care of it.

He had spoken harshly and had a bad attitude. Xiao Han didn't care about Zhao Duoer, Zhao Yun and others because of the face.

Zhao Mu saw that Xiao Han looked cold towards him, so he had to laugh twice, then turned to look at Zhao Duoer next to him, and said softly: "Sister Duoer, let's go back first. The Patriarch and the elders are waiting for you at home, but they are very anxious. ."

When Zhao Duoer heard that Xiao Han was willing to stay, he couldn't help feeling much more relaxed and happy.

Seeing that Xiao Han was not upset by Zhao Mu's words just now, Zhao Duoer was relieved a lot.

This Zhao Mu is the grandson of the elder of the Zhao family, and Zhao Duoer is not willing to offend him because of the face of the elder. After all, everyone is the descendant of the Zhao family.

When Zhao Mu mentioned his father and the great elder, Zhao Duoer also nodded gently.

"Throw these two old guys in the car and let's go into town."

Zhao Duoer ordered Zhao Yun and the others to throw the unconscious Guo Nan and Guo Bei into the carriage.

Then Shi Shiran walked to Xiao Han's side and said softly, "Mr. Xiao Han, let's go, I will take you to see my father and the elders of the family."

"This..." Xiao Han originally wanted to say that this is unnecessary, right?

After all, Xiao Han agreed to see the situation, but didn't want to have too much ties to the Zhao family.

Originally Xiao Han refused, but seeing Zhao Duoer's look of expectation and eagerness in front of him, Xiao Han couldn't bear to refuse Zhao Duo'er's invitation.

Anyway, you have already arrived in Tianlun City anyway, so just go.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said softly, "Well, I'll go and see with you."

"Hahaha, great, really great."

Seeing Xiao Han finally nodded in agreement, Zhao Duoer couldn't help but beamed.

A woman who had always been calm and calm in front of others, but in front of Xiao Han, her indifference and calmness seemed to disappear.

In front of Xiao Han, Zhao Duoer's cheering look finally looked like a little girl.

This scene is naturally upset in the eyes of Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu thought that Zhao Duoer was not a day or two.

After so many years, Zhao Muke had never seen Zhao Duo'er showing that little woman in front of him.

On weekdays, the attitude towards him is always cold, not very bad, but never enthusiastic.

Originally, Zhao Mu felt that Zhao Duoer had such a temperament, so he was a little bit disappointed, but he didn't feel so uncomfortable.

But now, Zhao Duoer is so enthusiastic to a strange man, which makes Zhao Mu a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, this strange man is about the same age as him, and he is handsome in length.

After Zhao Mu knew Xiao Han's terrifying strength, the sense of crisis became even stronger.

However, even if Zhao Mu was very upset, he didn't dare to show such an upset look.

In the face of a powerhouse of this level, his peak state of Tongyou Period is really nothing.

Even the veteran powerhouses like Guo Nan and Guo Bei were beaten to death by Xiao Han. How could he dare to compare Zhao Mu with Xiao Han?

So when Zhao Mu saw Xiao Han's gaze swept towards him, he could only grin open his mouth and let out an ugly smile.

It was not until Zhao Duoer and others turned around that Zhao Mu, who was upset, followed the team.

When he got close, Xiao Han found that the scale of Tianlun City was indeed much larger than that of Galaxy City.

Human race refiners and monsters entering the city are also in an endless stream.

It seems that Tianlun City is also very popular.

Moreover, the area around Tianlun City is very vast. There is only such a human race city in a radius of thousands of miles. The prosperous level can be imagined.

The gate of Tianlun City is dozens of feet high, and the tower is also majestic.

It seems that Tianlun City has a very long history, and the mottled black stones on the city wall reveal a trace of vicissitudes of life.

When entering the arena, Zhao Duoer and his party did not faint any obstruction.

After Zhao Duoer and Zhao Mu had their identities, they didn't even have to pay the entrance tax, so they let them go.

It seems that in this Tianlun City, their Zhao family's strength and reputation are indeed very strong.

"The entire city defense of Tianlun City is controlled by two big families in the city. These two families are our Zhao family and Guo family.

However, the reason why the Guo family is stronger than our Zhao family’s power is only because the Guo family controls a space teleportation formation. Otherwise, my Zhao family can stabilize the Guo family. "

At this time, Zhao Duoer, who was by Xiao Han's side, explained quietly.

Xiao Han nodded and understood.

It seems that the situation in Tianlun City is a bit similar to Galaxy City.

Several big families control the management of the entire city, but they check and balance each other, and no one can monopolize a city.

This situation is actually due to the fact that their respective strengths are not very different. If one party wants to eat the other, it will be hurt and easy to be profited by other power fishermen.

It seems that in this Tianlun City, besides the Guo Family and Zhao Family, there must be other forces, only one line weaker than the two of them.

Although it is not qualified to occupy the management power of Tianlun City, the power should not be underestimated.

Therefore, whether it is in Galaxy City or Tianlun City, there is a certain delicate balance maintained, and everyone dare not act rashly.

This time, if it hadn't been for the past few years, the Guo Family of Tianlun City had a relationship with the Three Sects and Four Sects of the Star Fall Sect.

When the Zhao family's motorcade slowly entered Tianlun City, a street hundreds of meters wide appeared in front of Xiao Han and others.

There are densely packed human heads everywhere in the city, and among them there are some monster beasts raised in captivity by human race refiners. They are several meters tall and huge in size, so they are mixed in the crowd.

When Xiao Han followed Zhao Duoer and the others into the city, bursts of noise rushed toward him.

This makes Xiao Han, who has become accustomed to a quiet environment these days, really feel a little uncomfortable.

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