The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2148: Master Zhuge

The Master Zhuge is very talkative, and he has introduced the centuries-old shops in this Galaxy City.

It seems that Master Zhuge is very friendly. He usually enters people, but he looks completely different from when he just showed up.

Walking behind Master Zhuge, Xiao Han, Niang Niang Yumei and others didn't catch a cold when talking about Master Zhuge's very enthusiastic chat, but they just chatted with each other.

And even though the old fellow Zhuge was very enthusiastic, Xiao Han was vaguely aware that Master Zhuge was unknowingly, and it was obvious that he wanted to make their way in secret.

Xiao Han has not seen this kind of old fox who has lived for hundreds of years. Xiao Han still understands the truth that many words must be lost.

Besides, even if Master Zhuge asked about some things, Xiao Han might not answer.

Therefore, for some of the questions of Master Zhuge, whether Xiao Han or Yumei Niangniang, they are vaguely vague. Master Zhuge wants to find out the roots of Xiao Han and others from the conversation. Is impossible.

Therefore, Master Zhuge still got nothing after he tried several times.

The details of Xiao Han and others are still not clear.

I don't know if Xiao Han, Yumei Empress, Luoluo and others were born around Galaxy City or from the sect of the big city like Demon Imperial City.

In the end, Master Zhuge seemed to be aware of the alertness of Xiao Han and others.

I couldn't ask anything, Master Zhuge had to smile wryly in his heart, gave up and continued to probe Xiao Han carefully.

Under the leadership of Master Zhuge, Xiao Han and others walked for about twenty minutes before they approached the very center of Galaxy City.

When he reached the center of Galaxy City, what appeared in front of Xiao Han and the others was a square covering an extremely large area.

The square is at least the size of five or six football fields, and the area is quite vast.

The entire square is paved with a pitch-black stone slab.

In the dark and cold, there was a hint of coldness, and the temperature of the whole world seemed to have dropped a lot.

Around the square, there are guards wearing the costumes of the Zhuge family sect, and the entire square is strictly protected.

In the very center of the square, there is a towering cloud-like platform, which is very spectacular.

It seemed that that should be the place where the space teleportation array was set up.

Because Xiao Han could clearly feel that from above that high platform, a very powerful aura permeated, even Xiao Han felt a little palpitating.

This should be the breath of the space legend array.

It's just that Xiao Han could faintly notice that the aura was somewhat disordered, it seemed very unstable, and it seemed that something went wrong.

In fact, Xiao Han hadn't seen what a set of space teleportation formations was like.

In the cities that Xiao Han had passed through before, he had not encountered any spatial teleportation formation.

So Xiao Han was also very curious as to how this spatial teleportation formation was made.

At this time, the entrance of the square was surrounded by many Zhuge guards, and no one could enter without authorization.

However, Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others had Master Zhuge, the ancestor of Zhuge's family, who opened the way, but they passed through the square smoothly and walked to the high platform.

The guards of Zhuge's family around looked at Xiao Han and others standing behind the master Zhuge with a surprised expression.

My ancestor actually led a few young people here.

They are all very curious, what are the origins of these young people, and they actually need the ancestor Zhuge to greet them personally?

Xiao Han and others followed Master Zhuge and walked up the stone stairs slowly.

About five minutes later, everyone walked to the top of the high platform.

This high platform happens to be located in the center of the entire square.

Standing on the top of the high platform and looking down, you can just have a condescending view of the entire Galaxy City.

On the high platform at this time, in addition to some strong people from the Zhuge family standing around, there are two old faces on the court. Judging from the clothing and breath, it seems that they are not worshipped by the Zhuge family.

Xiao Han could also vaguely perceive that the aura exuding from these two old men was quite powerful. Although they were not as powerful as Zhuge Master Zhuge, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, they should also be a real powerhouse in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

Since these two people don’t want to be the worship of Zhuge’s family, they are also strong in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, so Xiao Han boldly speculates that these two elders are probably also invited by Master Zhuge to repair the spatial array. Fa De's helper.

It's just that the two old men's indifferent expressions and a hint of arrogance in their eyes make people feel inaccessible.

In comparison, Master Zhuge's old face looks more pleasing to the eye.

The two old men looked arrogant and arrogant, which looked annoying.

The strong people of Zhuge's family around did not dare to offend the strong people of this level, and they all waited on them carefully, with smiles on their faces.

In front of this kind of invited masters of the tribulation period, even the ancestor Zhuge had to speak well. They, the Zhuge family members, naturally did not dare to be negligent in front of them.

Although not happy in my heart, these two people have nothing to do with Xiao Han.

Xiao Han just wanted to repair the space teleportation formation as soon as possible, and leave this Galaxy City as soon as possible.

After Xiao Han's gaze swept over the two old men in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, he turned his gaze to the center of the high platform.

There is a black hole tens of meters wide suspended out of thin air.

Around that black hole, there is a layer of surging spiritual air flowing, maintaining the existence of this black hole in that space.

That black hole in space should have been torn apart by using some kind of great supernatural power.

This kind of spatial black hole Xiao Han can actually be created by tearing apart space, but the spatial black hole created by Xiao Han is not that big.

It seems that on this high platform, there should be a certain mysterious formation that can maintain the normal operation of the surrounding space, relying on a lot of spiritual energy to maintain the black hole in this space, and prevent it from gradually healing.

When Xiao Han looked over, the spatial black hole was slowly spinning in midair.

A palpitating atmosphere of space is constantly emanating from the black hole.

Even the powerhouses of Xiao Han's level were slightly moved.

You must know this kind of spatial atmosphere, but only after the space is torn apart can it be emitted.

As long as it is used well, black holes in this space can travel a long distance.

It's just that the spatial atmosphere emanating from the black hole in this space now seems a bit messy, and there is no way to control it.

Looking at the dark and terrifying spatial black hole, Xiao Han couldn't help muttering to himself: "This spatial black hole is the legendary spatial teleportation formation? It really is a magical method that can only be displayed by the strong in the tribulation period. what."

The pitch-black hole in mid-air is like a black hole that constantly devours everything.

Standing on the high platform, Xiao Han could feel the darkness in the black hole that seemed to be able to swallow all the light at a glance, as well as a palpable ability to swallow it.

Even the light around the black hole can't shine directly, and even the surrounding light is slightly distorted. It seems that this kind of spatial black hole can swallow even light.

Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang, who followed Master Zhuge to the high platform, quickly became the focus of everyone around them, and almost all their sights converged on Xiao Han and others.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han with curious expressions, and couldn't make a difference. The ancestor Zhuge just went out, but when he came back, he brought three people.

The headed young man's face was calm, but he couldn't see the realm and strength of his cultivation, and he didn't know what strength it was, or what was the way he could let Old Ancestor Zhuge meet him personally.

After seeing Master Zhuge, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, even two old men with aloof faces politely bowed their hands at Master Zhuge.

After Master Zhuge appeared, the arrogance on the faces of the two old men was slightly reduced.

Although the strength of the two of them is indeed the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period, they are among the top few in this Galaxy City.

But they had just stepped into the realm of cultivation in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, and the strength of the two of them was still quite inferior to the old monsters like Zhuge Master, who had stayed in the middle of the Tribulation Period for decades.

If it hadn't been for the ancestors of Zhuge's family to ask them this time, they would really not dare to stand in front of Master Zhuge.

However, Master Zhuge also knows the current situation. At this time, it is already very good that the two masters in the early stage of the catastrophe period are willing to help. At this time, don't worry about whether they are aloof or not.

So even if Master Zhuge knew that the other lion opened his mouth to ask for compensation a bit too much, he could only bear it.

This set of space teleportation formations is the capital of their Zhuge family to settle down in this Galaxy City.

For that set of space teleportation formations, even if the two old men were arrogant, Master Zhuge and the other powerhouses of the Zhuge family could only pinch their noses to recognize them.

After Master Zhuge took Xiao Han and others to the high platform, the surrounding experts from the Zhuge family and the two masters in the early stage of the Tribulation Period also walked towards Master Zhuge.

Master Zhuge arched his hands at the two old men, and then said with a smile: "You two, I'm sorry, I encountered some trivial things. I went out for a trip. Now I'm back, we can start to fix this. It’s a space teleportation array."

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