The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2149: Repair the formation

"Old ancestor Zhuge, didn't we just talk about it just before you left? With the three of us working together, it may not be possible to repair this space teleportation formation."

"Yeah, we are not trying our best. Since the Zhuge family has agreed to our conditions, we naturally have to help. It's just that with the strength of the three of us, we may not be able to repair this space teleportation formation. Fortunately, there is another strong man who can survive the catastrophe, it should be almost the same."

As soon as Master Zhuge's words fell, the two arrogant old men stood up and said.

It seems that before Master Zhuge left, the three of them had already determined that with the help of the three masters who passed through the catastrophe period, there was still no way to complete the restoration of that space teleportation formation.

As soon as Master Zhuge came back, he signaled that he could start.

Could it be that this old monster is so forgetful?

Have you forgotten what you just said?

"That's right, I'm sorry I almost forgot to introduce it."

The Master Zhuge arched his hand at Xiao Han and said with a smile: "Little brother, let me introduce you. These two are the second elders of Ouyang, this is the old man, and the other is the old man Yang.

These two may not be well-known in this Star River City, but they are also big names in the distant Han Xuecheng. They are elders of a power. This time they came here specially after receiving the invitation of my old man. Help our Zhuge family to repair this set of space teleportation array. "

Master Zhuge smiled and walked up to the second elder Ouyang, then pointed to the two old men and introduced to Xiao Han.

After that, Master Zhuge turned his gaze to the second elder Ouyang, pointed to Xiao Han and introduced: "This little brother and his two friends are also my old man's helpers to repair the space teleportation formation."

"Just these little dolls are here to repair the space teleportation formation?"

After hearing the introduction of Master Zhuge, before Xiao Han and Niang Niang Yumei and others were talking, the two elders and arrogant Ouyang wrinkled their brows at the same time, and said impatiently, "Master Zhuge, my brother. The two of you also know that your Zhuge family really wants to repair this set of space teleportation formations as soon as possible, but your heart palpitations can't be eaten.

Even if you are impatient, as for your headquarters, just ask a few younger juniors to help you? Is it possible that the ancestor of Zhuge, do you think anyone can help with this space teleportation formation? "

Ignored by the second elder Ouyang, Luo Luo felt nothing to herself, but she was the least willing to hear Xiao Han who looked down upon her.

Therefore, Luo Luo was very angry with the words of the second elder Ouyang.

Luoluo walked to Xiao Han's side and snorted with disdain: "You two are really talking big words and are not afraid to flash your tongue. You are just the people who just broke the border and entered the early stage of the tribulation period. So arrogant, people who don't know think that the two are now at the peak of the Tribulation Period."

The old Ou frowned and said: "What's here is not something you can mix with assholes, and don't look at how many catties you have?"

However, as soon as Ou Lao's words fell, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiao Han who was opposite, his face changed slightly.

Obviously, Xiao Han just released his suppressed breath.

The second veteran Ouyang should have sensed the powerful aura from Xiao Han.

Could it be that the young man in front of him is also the strength of the tribulation period?

No way?

Such a young man in the tribulation period?

Seeing the old man Ouyang with a puzzled look, Xiao Lian laughed and ignored them.

Xiao Han has always bothered to pay attention to this kind of self-righteous and defiant old fellow.

At this moment, Xiao Han turned his head and said to the two of Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo beside him: "You two are waiting here. I will see if I can help. If I can fix this space teleportation formation as soon as possible. The best, the province delayed our trip."

Empress Yumei and Luo Luo nodded gently.

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, he took a step forward.

And as Xiao Han stepped forward, the majestic aura that had originally suppressed the early stage of the Tribulation Period began to pour out.

The Peng Pai aura radiating from Xiao Han soon swept across the entire high platform.

Everyone on the high platform, except Empress Yumei and Luo Luo, everyone including Master Zhuge had a look of astonishment.

"A master who crosses the catastrophe period?"

"Isn't it, this young man is actually a master at crossing the catastrophe period?"

"But, how could his strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period possess such a surging aura?"

"It's unbelievable. It turns out to be a master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period. No wonder the ancestor Zhuge will meet him personally."

The many worshipers and strong men of the Zhuge family on the high platform could not help but scream again and again.

The worship and power of the Zhuge family is nothing more than a look of wonder, after all, such a young powerhouse during the Tribulation Period is rare.

But Ouyang's face was a bit ugly.

Before they put their scores in front of Xiao Han, and looked down on the strength of Xiao Han and others.

Now that Xiao Han had exposed his true aura, they discovered that Xiao Han's strength was even stronger than theirs.

With the eyesight of the second elder Ouyang, after Xiao Han unreservedly released his own breath, he can naturally clearly perceive that although Xiao Han's cultivation level and strength are in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, his breath is surging. , Almost comparable to the master Zhuge who cultivated in the middle stage of the Tribulation Period.

So if compared with them, the strength of the young man in front of him must be a lot stronger.

The two elders Ouyang singled out one, I am afraid that they will not be Xiao Han's opponent, unless the two are joined together, there is a chance of victory.

At the moment, Ouyang and the elders secretly groaned in their hearts.

This is for no reason to offend a young strong man. It would be better if the other party is easy to get along with, if it is not easy to get along with, then if you wear shoes with them and talk a little awkwardly, the two old guys can only listen.

After all, in front of so many people before, they all said so badly.

As soon as they showed their breath, they were indeed the masters in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, and now they were a bit slapped.

And the face was cracked.

The two elders Ouyang looked at each other with an embarrassed expression, and their expressions were a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of the two elders and Ouyang, Zhuge Master Zhuge, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, also snickered in his heart.

Don't say it was Ouyang's two elders, even Master Zhuge, an old monster in the middle of the Tribulation Period, was startled by the aura on Xiao Han's body at first.

Even Master Zhuge had to admit that even though Xiao Han in front of him said that his cultivation level was the first smaller realm than him, it seemed that his combat effectiveness was quite strong.

It is not the same as the completion of the strong in the early stage of the general robbery period.

This point can naturally be seen with the vicious eyes of Master Zhuge.

Therefore, even if it is an old senior in the middle of the catastrophe period, Master Zhuge is still polite in front of Xiao Han.

It is rare to know such a young strong man in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

This is to give Xiao Han a little more time, and his future growth potential will become terrifying.

Master Zhuge naturally knew that the two old guys Ouyang were always very arrogant. Except for those who are stronger than them, no one else was considered by them.

So when Xiao Han and others first appeared, the second elder Ouyang looked disdainful.

Now, the second elder Ouyang lost a big face for his arrogance.

Master Zhuge hurriedly laughed and said: "Haha, my little brother, and Elder Ouyang, it’s just a misunderstanding and a misunderstanding. Please don’t mind. You are all invited by my Master Zhuge, and naturally you are all distinguished guests of our Zhuge family. Don't hurt your peace for a misunderstanding."

"Master, let's do business. I don't care about such trivial matters," Xiao Han said lightly.

"Okay, then I will first introduce some details of this space teleportation formation."

Master Zhuge nodded, and then said softly: "This set of space teleportation formations in our Galaxy City was set up by an ancestor of our Zhuge family and several friends. This set of space teleportation formations There is also a history of seven or eight hundred years in this Galaxy City.

Because of the passage of time, the spatial markings of this set of spatial teleportation arrays set between the two cities have been somewhat blurred.

And after a long time, the energy of this space transfer array is also a bit unstable, so the transfer is unstable only some time ago.

My old man invites three people to come here to help, and it takes three masters who have crossed the Tribulation Period to work together to cast aura into this set of spatial transmission formations.

As long as I have enough aura blessings, I can reinforce the space markers at both ends. In this way, the problem of this space teleportation array should be repaired. "

So it’s just a matter of instilling some aura?

Hearing this, Xiao Han was relieved a lot.

Before that, Xiao Han was worried that this space teleportation formation was too complicated, and Xiao Han might not be able to help.

Now listening to the ancestor Zhuge say this, Master Zhuge should know how to repair this set of space teleportation formations. It's just that it's hard to do it alone, and there is no way to display so many auras to repair it.

Therefore, the talents of Zhuge had to invite three more powerful men who had reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe and had a cultivation level to help.

In this way, Xiao Han has more confidence.

"Little brother, Elder Ouyang, I'm ready to take action next, you three just wait for my instructions."

Xiao Han and Ouyang nodded at the same time.

Having said this, Master Zhuge no longer wastes time, calmly, ready to take action at any time.

Xiao Han glanced at the huge black hole in front of him, and couldn't help thinking of the nine princesses of the dragon clan.

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