"You should know that the space teleportation formation in this Galaxy City is in the hands of our Zhuge family, little brother, I want to ask you for help."

Xiao Han frowned and said, "Master Zhuge is calling me now, because of that space teleportation formation?"

Master Zhuge stared at Xiao Han's eyes, with a sincere smile on his face and said, "Yes, talking to the little brother is straightforward, and my old man is also quick to talk, so I won't be circumspect.

There are indeed a lot of problems with the space teleportation formation of Star River City, but it is really difficult to repair it only by the strength of my old man alone. At least two masters in the tribulation period are required to make this. Possibility, so my old man wants you to help my little brother, not just what you want. "

It turns out that Master Zhuge wanted to ask himself for help?

Xiao Han grinned, but did not directly reply to Master Zhuge, but suddenly turned his head to look at Empress Yumei beside him.

Empress Yumei has been with Xiao Han for such a long time, of course she knows what Xiao Han thinks very well.

Empress Yumei pondered for a moment before she said softly: "It's okay to help, but it's not an easy job. Is there any benefit?"


Hearing this, everyone around looked at each other.

It seems that these young people are indeed very shrewd, knowing that the Zhuge family was so busy with the space teleportation method that they left hundreds of years ago, so they directly asked for benefits.

Of course, this request is actually quite reasonable, otherwise, who would be willing to help?

There are many people in this Galaxy City who want to please Zhuge's family, but first of all, they must have the strength to overcome the catastrophe.

Hearing that Empress Yumei next to Xiao Han asked so directly, Master Zhuge was stunned for a long time before he smiled bitterly:

"Several people passed through our Star River City just to hurry. If the little brother can help, the space teleportation of our Zhuge family can be repaired as soon as possible, then you can rush to it smoothly. Go to the next destination.

Otherwise, within the ten-day distance of Galaxy City, no second city has a space teleportation array.

So as long as the little brother is willing to help, he can hurry as soon as possible without delaying the trip, and our Zhuge family will naturally not charge this time travel expenses. "

Is it that simple?

Do you want to get Xiao Han to help you for free?

Just kidding?

"Father, it's not that I don't want to help. It's really that I don't know anything about the formation of this space teleportation. I can't help your Zhuge family. I'm really sorry."

Xiao Han tactfully declined Master Zhuge's invitation.

In fact, I really want to talk about it, if the eldest lady from the Zhuge family just didn't offend Xiao Han, then it wouldn't be a big deal for Xiao Han to help, after all, he was indeed in a hurry.

But just now, Xiao Han was very upset by the eldest lady Zhuge Ling, did you want him to help?


If your Zhuge family didn't pay a price, how could Xiao Han be willing to help?

Besides, since it is such an important set of spatial transmission formations, for the Zhuge family, it is a major event related to the rise and fall of the entire family.

Don't let the Zhuge family bleed at this time, Xiao Han really doesn't want to help this.

Seeing Xiao Han's euphemism, but just unwilling to help, Master Zhuge also guessed that Xiao Han meant that he wanted more benefits.

Master Zhuge was also distressed, but now it was their Zhuge family who wanted Xiao Han, so naturally they couldn't say nothing?

"Little brother, don't you think that's it?"

Master Zhuge pondered for a moment, and finally turned his mind and said softly: "Our Zhuge family has accumulated so many years, and we can't be stingy when we make a shot. If the little brother can really help us Zhuge family to restore that set of spatial transmission formations. When it is completed, my old man is willing to take out three eighth-order demon pills as rewards. After the space teleportation array is repaired, the little brothers hungry and the two companions ride on the space array to drive on. Our Zhuge family naturally does not accept it. Money, what do you think?"

"Three? Eighth-order demon pill?"

Hearing the price quoted by Master Zhuge, even Xiao Han couldn't help but feel a move.

Xiao Han has seen this seventh-order demon pill a lot, but the eighth-order demon pill is rare.

Even Xiao Han doesn't have a Tier 8 Demon Pill now.

The strength of this eighth-tier monster beast is very terrifying, equivalent to the strength of the human race refiner in the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

With this kind of existence, ordinary Human Race Qi refiners couldn't kill them at all.

Xiao Han's current strength can naturally be able to kill the eighth-order monsters, but where can the eighth-order monsters be encountered so easily?

Even if they met, the number of subordinate monsters around him might be astonishing.

This Master Zhuge is willing to come up with three eighth-order demon pills, which is very sincere.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, but didn't answer directly, but turned his head and glanced at Empress Yumei next to her.

Seeing that Empress Yumei's eyes also showed surprise, Xiao Han laughed softly: "Are the three eighth-order demon pills that Mr. Zhuge said are real eighth-order demon pills? They will never be of the same value. You have to make up the seventh-order demon pill, right?"

"No, no, how is this possible?"

The Master Zhuge was stunned for a moment, and then quickly explained: "Although this eighth-order demon pill is said to be very rare, but our Zhuge family has inherited it for so many years, there are still a few eighth-order demon pill, little brother Just put a hundred hearts on it, it's definitely an eighth-order demon pill, and you won't use a seventh-order demon pill with the same value to make up the number.

Hearing this, Xiao Han's eyes lit up, but he was a little interested.

As soon as Zhuge Master Zhuge, the ancestor of the Zhuge family opened his mouth, he decided to take out three eighth-order demon pills as a reward for repairing the spatial teleportation formation, Xiao Han was also very surprised.

Although Xiao Han doesn't have many Tier 7 demon pills, with Xiao Han's current strength, it is not difficult to kill Tier 7 monsters.

But the rank of the eighth-order demon pill is very high, Xiao Han has not killed an eighth-order demon beast until now.

Moreover, this eighth-order demon pill can not be simply described as ten or even twenty or thirty seventh-order demon pill.

Although the amount of aura contained in the eighth-order demon pill is terrifying, the essence of the heaven and earth aura that can be condensed in the eighth-order monster beast is not the same level as the heaven and earth aura contained in the seventh-order demon pill.

Xiao Han looked at each other again with Empress Yumei next to her.

Seeing that Empress Yumei was also very satisfied with the reward, Xiao Han nodded softly and said, "Since Mr. Zhuge is so kindly inviting, the kid will try it with you, but if I say in advance, I can only Do your best, but there is no guarantee that you will be able to help the old man restore the space teleportation formation."

"It doesn't matter, with the strength of the little brother, one shot can naturally succeed in one fell swoop."

Seeing that Xiao Han had agreed, Master Zhuge was quietly relieved.

There are still a few of the eighth-order demon pill and their Zhuge family's warehouse. Although this thing is very precious, it is also kept at home.

Compared with the great help of a strong man in the Tribulation Period, three eighth-order Demon Pills are nothing at all.

In recent days, their Zhuge family's space teleportation formation has been closed for a long time, and the value of so many days of loss of income is almost close to three eighth-order demon pills.

So for their Zhuge family, daughters are easy to get, but helpers are hard to find.

It is not that there are no strong men in Star River City during the Tribulation Period, but those who are willing to help are really hard to find.

As for the tribulation period masters in the surrounding cities, please move, but the asking price is too high. Master Zhuge is a bit painful, so it has not been determined for a long time.

Now the three eighth-order demon pills have invited a young master during the tribulation period to help, the price is really not expensive for their Zhuge family.

As long as the space teleportation formation can be repaired, the three eighth-order demon pills will be earned back sooner or later.

Besides, how many people in the entire Galaxy City are waiting to use their Zhuge family's spatial teleportation array to drive on?

The inns in the Galaxy City are almost out of place.

"Hahaha, little brother, did my old man thank you in advance for your help?" Master Zhuge laughed and said, "Please follow my old man. With my little brother, you will help me. The space teleportation array has been repaired."

As he said, Master Zhuge arched his hands at Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others, and then began to lead the way.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others hesitated for a while and followed.

The guard needs to be guarded secretly, but Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang, and Luoluo are also brave people, but they don't worry about what Zhuge Master will use to trick them.

Xiao Han and others followed Master Zhuge.

As soon as Master Zhuge left, there were already those strong men from the Zhuge family who had already opened the way.

The ancestor Zhuge personally led a few young people, and soon caused a sensation in this Galaxy City.

Being able to let the ancestors of Zhuge family lead the way personally, this treatment has been unheard of in Galaxy City for hundreds of years.

Although more and more pedestrians gathered from the surrounding streets, no one dared to get close to the whole body of Zhuge Patriarch and others.

Old Ancestor Zhuge led Xiao Han by half a step, personally led the way in front, and led the three of them to the area in the center of Galaxy City.

Perhaps it is the first time that Xiao Han and others have come to Star River City, so Master Zhuge walked in front of him in a hurry, and introduced Xiao Han and others to some of the most famous in this city. Old shop.

If people who don't know, look at this scene, they think it is the four grandparents playing in this Galaxy City.

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