The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2140: Galaxy city

No longer paying attention to the surprised gazes around him, Xiao Han's heart moved, and the bald eagle beast under his feet made a howl.

It seemed that Xiao Han had just made it out for it, and it had already felt it, and the bald eagle beast was also very informative.

The bald eagle howled two cheerfully, then fluttered its wings and flew away in the direction of Galaxy City.

It took about half a day from entering the boundaries of the Galaxy Mountain Range to seeing that Galaxy City from a distance.

The closer you get to Star River City, the more flying beasts you will encounter on the way. When you approached Star River City, Xiao Han found that almost all flying beasts had stopped in a clearing outside of Star River City. No flying beast dared Flying over Galaxy City.

"Brother Xiao Han, all flying monsters must stop outside the city. No matter what force it is, flying monsters cannot cross the city, otherwise they will be regarded as hostile behavior."

This is understandable, if there are flying beasts flying around the entire city, wouldn't it be a mess.

It seems that the rules of this Galaxy City are like this. Flying beasts are not allowed to fly over the city, otherwise someone will kill them.

After the bald eagle beast continued to fly forward for almost half an hour, a huge human city faintly appeared in the surrounding lush mountains.

And as the distance gradually increased, the very huge Galaxy City in the distance gradually appeared in the eyes of Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others.

Sweeping his gaze in midair, Xiao Han took a closer look at the scale of Galaxy City. Even the human race from the secular world like Xiao Han couldn't help but nod secretly.

Although it was said that he couldn't control the flying beast to fly over Galaxy City, he could see from a distance that the scale of this Galaxy City was really too big.

The area of ​​Galaxy City alone was at least twice as large as Xuanfeng City and Haotian City.

Even compared to the large human cities in the secular world, this Galaxy City is no less inferior.

Not only is the area terrifying, but the planning in Star River City is also excellent.

From a distance, people can hear the voices from the city.

"It deserves to be the most popular city within a few thousand miles."

Some of the other flying beasts began to fly obediently to a place outside Galaxy City that was specially used to park flying beasts. Xiao Han looked at the distant Galaxy City, but forgot to drive the vulture beast first.

The bald eagle beast didn't know the rules of this Galaxy City, and it didn't receive the owner's instructions. It naturally flew forward on its own.

Just when Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others looked at the Star River City in front of them with curiosity.

The bald eagle beast was also getting closer and closer to the Galaxy City wall below.

Just as the bald eagle beast was about to leap over the city wall, when Xiao Han was about to drive the bald eagle beast to fly down, suddenly he saw a glorious light flying from the ground.

That dazzling light shot directly into the sky from the walls of Star River City, and quickly blocked the bald eagle beast that Xiao Han and others were riding in, blocking their way.

It was an old man in a gray robe, with gray hair and beard, and a serious look on his face.

Seeing that Xiao Han and the others didn't mean to stop at all, the gray-robed old man had a rather cold expression on his face.

A fierce aura radiated from the gray-robed old man, his strength was not weak.

The gray-robed old man appeared in mid-air, so he stood in front of Xiao Han and others' bald eagle beast, forcing the bald eagle beast to stop in mid-air.

The gray-robed old man looked at Xiao Han and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? Don't you know that no flying beasts are allowed to fly over our Star River City? It's not the first time you have come to our Star River City. Outsider?"

The way forward was blocked, and the bald eagle beast called out a few times, and seemed very dissatisfied.

However, the gray-robed old man's aura was so fierce that the bald eagle beast could only stop his body.

Although this bald eagle beast is only Tier 3, it is fierce.

Even if the yellow-robed old man in front of him had a strong aura, the bald eagle beast's eyes were waiting fiercely for the gray-robed old man who stood in front of him.

At this moment, Xiao Han's heart moved, indicating that the bald eagle beast should not act rashly.

Xiao Hanjiao glanced at the gray-robed old man who stood in front of him. Xiao Han arched his hands at the old man and said with a loud laugh: "We are indeed here for the first time in Star River City. We just didn't pay attention to the rules in Star River City. It was not intentional. Bumping."

There was a hint of spiritual energy in Xiao Han's voice, his voice sounded like a thunder that exploded out of thin air in the ears of the old man in gray robe.

"Yeah, it turns out that it was the strong in the early stage of the Tribulation Period?"

The gray-robed old man felt the breath radiating from Xiao Han's body, and his face suddenly changed.

The gray-robed old man's gaze swept around Xiao Han very vigilantly, and soon he noticed a trace of consternation.

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the strength of this little bald eagle beast, except for the master in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, is not weaker than him. Strength.

Especially the graceful woman, although she said her breath was very vague, she faintly gave him a very depressed feeling.

Even when staring at the woman's eyes, there was a slight obstruction in the flow of spiritual energy in the gray-robed old man.

This gray-robed old man is also a seventh-order monster, but there is no longer the possibility of anyone entering the ranks. With the strength of the seventh-order, he has an errand in this Galaxy City, which is considered to be a good old age.

"This woman is also a monster beast, her strength is terrifying, and it seems that she is not far from the strength of the eighth-order monster beast.

And the young man in front of me was actually in the early stage of the Tribulation Period. In his body, the sharp aura made me secretly surprised. In the entire Galaxy City, the only people who can make me feel this way are the Patriarch and There are a few other big shots, and the total number does not exceed ten.

The strength of these three people is so strong, come to our Star River City at this time, do not know what they are for? "

A whisper appeared in the gray-robed old man's heart.

But in the face of such a strong man, his face gradually became a lot more gentle.

The gray-robed old man arched his hands at Xiao Han and the others, and laughed loudly: "This little brother, our Star River City has had a rule to prevent flying beasts from flying over the years. I hope to forgive me. It is near the gate of that city. , There is a place specially set up by my Zhuge family for everyone to park flying monsters. Please cooperate with my little brother."

"The Zhuge family? By the way, there are many forces in this Galaxy City, and the strength of the sect is also mixed with dragons and snakes, but this Zhuge family is the oldest in this Galaxy City."

Luoluo looked at the gray-robed old man and said softly, "Moreover, the space teleportation formation in this Galaxy City is also in the hands of the Zhuge Family in the Star River City. I heard that the strength of their ancestors in the Zhuge Family is terrifying. It has been many years since I entered the realm of cultivation in the middle of the Tribulation Period. It is said that there is hope to step into the peak state of the Tribulation Period in recent years.

The ancestor of the Zhuge family should be the strongest in this Galaxy City. If it weren’t for the ancestor of the Zhuge family to sit in the town, I’m afraid that the Zhuge family would not have the qualifications to hold the magic circle that was teleported to that space In hand,

After all, the income that a space teleportation circle can generate every day is very terrifying, and there are countless people around this fat and oily circle that are jealous. "

Xiao Han just nodded softly when he heard this.

It seems that this gray-robed old man should belong to the Zhuge family.

Xiao Han's gaze paused on the gray-robed old man.

The strength of this gray-robed old man was actually only Tier 7, even among Xuanfeng City and Haotian City, he could barely be regarded as a strong person with good strength.

However, even though the grey-robed old man in front of him was of average strength, Xiao Han came to this Galaxy City, only wanting to borrow the space-transmitted magic circle in this Galaxy City.

Although Xiao Han's strength could crush the gray-robed old man, Xiao Han didn't want to cause trouble in this Galaxy City.

"Okay, I'll stop the flying beast." Xiao Han said with a smile: "Yes, old man, I want to ask, where is the space teleportation formation in your Galaxy City? We want to take the space teleportation formation and rush to the Demon Imperial City, hoping that the old man will give me some guidance.

"It's a coincidence." Seeing Xiao Han's politeness, the gray-robed old man had a good impression in his heart.

He smiled and said: "I'm sorry to say that, the space teleportation formation in our Galaxy City has just been a problem during this period of time. It has not been activated for seven or eight days. Temporarily closed state.

However, our Zhuge family masters are trying to solve the problem, and I believe that the space teleportation array can be repaired in a few days. "

"What? What happened to that space teleportation formation?" Hearing this, Xiao Han was also dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that they had rushed for ten days and finally arrived in this Galaxy City, but the teleportation formation just happened to be temporarily closed.

I don't know if Xiao Han is out of luck or how to drop it.

"Old man, it will take a few days for the space teleportation formation to be repaired?" Luoluo walked to Xiao Han's side and asked softly.

"How many days will it take? I don't know this. I can't manage the repair of that space teleportation formation. As for how many days it takes, it depends on whether the teleportation formation problem is serious."

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