The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2139: Flying monster

Thinking about it also makes Xiao Han dumbfounded.

There is a high-grade spirit weapon that can swallow magic weapons.

From time to time, I still have to take magic weapons and weapons of high rank to feed.

Xiao Han hasn't gained anything good recently, and he doesn't know that the little guy is starving.

Xiao Han and others sat on top of the vulture beast, soaring in the sky during the day, and finding a place to camp at night.

Anyway, even if Xiao Han is in a hurry, these ten days will not affect much.

On weekdays, when I saw a place with good scenery, I stopped to rest and sat on the top of the vulture beast on the road. It just happened to give Xiao Han time to practice.

As the journey progresses, the surrounding scenery becomes more and more charming.

The mountains are high and deep, and there are endless peaks.

Below the vulture beast, there are mountains and mountains, and some are overlapping emerald green.

"Brother Xiao Han, take a look, the scenery around here is really great." Luo Luo is a little girl who is still very concerned about this kind of things.

Empress Yumei also stood up and looked at the scenery below with a smile on her lips.

The journey was full of scenery, Xiao Han stood up, looked at the scene below, and laughed softly: "The closer you get to the area near the Demon Imperial City, the steeper the mountain is. It seems that we should almost reach the destination. "

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, Luo Luo's face suddenly burst into joy.

He pointed to the row of mountains that suddenly stood on the ground at the end of his sight, and shouted with surprise on his face: "The Galaxy Mountains, look, Brother Xiao Han, that is the Galaxy Mountains, we are almost there."

"It's finally here." Xiao Han looked at the mountains in the distance with an expression of excitement.

The vulture crossed the mountains below and began to slowly fly into the high mountains.

From a distance, you can see a few spacious avenues among the towering mountains.

It seems that this should be the road to Star River City.

Of course, in addition to the presence of people coming and going on the road extending in all directions, the hustle and bustle that Xiao Han and Yu Mei Niang Niang could hear clearly even though they were far away.

These should be the team members who ate together in the Galaxy Mountains and the human gas refiners of various sects.

There were still quite a few monsters walking along the way.

Some low-level monsters have been domesticated by human refiners and used to carry people or things.

This is rare in other human cities.

As for the other monsters that are incredibly huge, they should be those monsters of Tier 6 or even Tier 7.

What is surprising is that the Human Race refiners who walked side by side with the huge bodies of the seventh-order great monsters did not respond at all. It seemed that all this was a natural thing.

This made Xiao Han and the others a little surprised.

In the sky above the Galaxy Mountains, the flying monster that Xiao Han was riding in was not the only one flying.

Not long after Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others entered the area around the Galaxy Mountain Range sitting on the vultures, there was a breaking wind in some places around.

Soon, Xiao Han and Empress Yumei saw some other flying monsters flying over from a distance, shaking their wings.

When some flying monsters passed by the bald eagle beasts Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang were riding, some of them stared at Xiao Han and the others.

Because of the short distance, when some other flying monsters passed by Xiao Han and others, Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang, and Luo Luo could also clearly see the figures on the flying monsters.

After flying over the boundaries of the Galaxy Mountains, Xiao Han's first impression in the Galaxy Mountains was that it was very popular.

Even if Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others were sitting on top of the bald eagle beast, they could feel the noisy movement everywhere in the entire Galaxy Mountain Range.

Before Xiao Han and the others set out from the Vast Sky City, even in the mid-air of Vast Sky City, it was difficult to encounter other flying monsters.

Most Terran Qi refiners fly with swords.

However, now in the sky around Xiao Han and others, more and more flying monsters began to appear at the same time, and it seemed that there were at least a few hundred.

It seems that in the Galaxy Mountains, this flying monster should be a relatively common way to travel.

Moreover, Xiao Han found that many flying monsters around were not low-rank.

Flying all the way, many flying monsters are at least Tier 4 monsters, Tier 5 monsters are not uncommon, and even Tier 6 flying monsters are quite a few.

You must know that the bald eagle beast presented by Zhao Tianhou, the president of the Xuanfeng City contact guild, was considered a very rare treasure among Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City.

But it seems that the flying monsters around are much stronger than the vulture beasts Xiao Han and the others ride.

Not only is the single rank higher, the flying monster beasts are also larger, and the rank is much higher.

Therefore, as soon as the bald eagle beast that Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang were riding in approached, it immediately aroused the surprised look of many people around.

Obviously, when the eyes of many people around saw that there were only three people sitting on this little vulture beast, the expressions on their faces were a little weird, and even there were some weird expressions in their eyes.

Compared with the flying monsters around, the bald eagle beast that Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others were riding in was too small.

The high-level flying monsters flying around are at least Tier 4 and Tier 5, and they are capable or qualified to tame and raise such high-level monsters as mounts. They are basically the family behind some background or Most people really can only envy the large-scale sect forces.

It's just that the little bald eagle beast that Xiao Han and Empress Yumei sit on is relatively rare in this Galaxy Mountain Range.

Flying monsters at the third level, ordinary people would not dare to fly out even if they had flying monsters at this level.

Soon, some Tier 4 or even Tier 5 flying monsters seemed to be very interested in the Tier 3 bald eagle flying around.

They began to occupy the flight path of the vulture beasts, sometimes deliberately blocking the front and then slowing down, sometimes deliberately flying quickly from both sides, bringing up a gust of wind.

Obviously, the human refiners and monster masters who control those flying monsters are also indulgent or even secretly encouraging this behavior.

Those flying monsters may subconsciously want to eat this Tier 3 condor, but those who control those flying monsters would not be so bold without their acquiescence.

Xiao Han naturally knew what was going on.

These flying beasts want to make trouble, and those human refiners and monster beast masters who control flying beasts do not want to watch the excitement.

"Brother Xiao Han, these flying monsters are deliberate." Looking at the excited screams of those flying monsters, Luo Luo couldn't help but sink.

As for the masters who were sitting on the flying monsters, they were all holding their arms around their chests, looking lively.

The bald eagle beast under the seat of Xiao Han and others was a little frightened, wailed in his mouth, and it was not so safe to fly.

It is strange that a Tier 3 monster is not afraid in front of the surrounding Tier 4, 5 or even 6 monsters.

Seeing the flying monsters around him, they rushed over from time to time, making the bald eagle beast shivering with fear.

"Don't worry, I will handle it."

Xiao Han just smiled slightly.

At this time, a Tier 5 flying beast on the left and right caught it, and flew next to the bald eagle beast. The bald eagle beast was frightened to bump up and down several times, and almost fell from the sky.

And the two Tier 5 flying monsters are very huge, compared with their huge bodies, the bald eagle beast is like a sparrow.


The human refiners and monster masters who were sitting on the two Tier 5 flying monsters laughed at this scene.

Obviously, the horrified look of the bald eagle beast made them find it interesting.

Xiao Han's gaze condensed, and when the two Tier 5 flying monsters approached again, Xiao Han waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, Xiao Han raised the aura in his body to the peak state, and a powerful aura gushed out of Xiao Han's body, and then spread to the surroundings overwhelmingly.

"Jie Jie...Jie Jie..."

The fierce aura emanating from Xiao Han, the two Tier 5 monsters were so frightened by the aura from Xiao Han that their entire body stiffened, and they rolled directly from the sky.

The wings stiffened by the powerful aura of Xiao Han who had cultivated to the realm in the early stage of the Tribulation Period. As soon as he turned his body, he directly gave the humanoid refiners and monster beasts sitting on his back. Turned over.

"Oh fuck, he's a master."

"I'll take it, it's so powerful."

"Master, the opponent is definitely a master, and the strength must be high and scary."


The human race refiners and monster beast powerhouses who were turned over by the two flying beasts were suddenly confused by the changes on the field.

Although the flying monster was out of control, they were turned down, and they were in a panic shape for a while, but the injury was not enough, but their faces were a little uncontrollable.


Xiao Han looked at the surrounding guys who were barely stabilizing their bodies in mid-air with a look of embarrassment, Xiao Lian snorted, and did not care about their reaction, and directly controlled the bald eagle beast to fly to the distant Galaxy City. go with.

Xiao Han didn't care about the shocked and jealous gazes around him.

Those human qi refiners and monster beast masters who were overthrown by Xiao Han just now knew that they had encountered masters, and although they were a little embarrassed, they didn't dare to speak out.

Judging from the powerful aura just now, the opponent is at least the strength of the peak realm of the Tongyou Period, and even the strength of the early stage of the Tribulation Period.

This level of power may not be a big deal in Star River City, but among the surrounding Human Race Refiners and Monster Beast masters, they are indeed first-class masters.

Sometimes, when encountering such a master, it is better to endure it.

As for the woman next to Xiao Han, she was not good at first sight.

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