The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2141: Unspoken rules

The gray-robed old man had a great affection for Xiao Han, and coupled with Xiao Han's strength, such a strong man naturally had to deal with it carefully.

So the gray-robed old man knew everything about Xiao Han and the others.

"It's just the general situation, I don't know, but one thing is certain is that this space teleportation formation in Galaxy City was set up by an ancestor of our Zhuge family hundreds of years ago by inviting several friends to join hands. After so many years of use, the problem is definitely indispensable.

As for how long it will take to complete the repair, my old man really doesn't know.

If some of you are not in a hurry, then stay in our Galaxy City for a few days, and news should come out in a few days. "

The teleportation formation just happened to have a problem, and Xiao Han was also very helpless.

It would take at least seven or eight days to rush to the next city with a space teleportation formation from this Galaxy City.

Instead of spending seven or eight days on the road, it would be better to wait for a few days in this Galaxy City, maybe that set of space teleportation formations will be repaired soon.

Xiao Han nodded and said with a smile: "Well, let's go to the Galaxy City first. Then thank you, Old Bole."

"You are welcome, you are welcome."

At this time, the gray-robed old man seemed to be thinking of something again, so he once again arched his hands at Xiao Han and the others, and said with a smile: "By the way, the ancestor of our Zhuge family has already posted a notice. Experts who have entered the tribulation period can go to the space teleportation formation office of our Zhuge family to help, and then our Zhuge family will have a good return.

If the little brother has this free time, you can go and do a favor. At that time, our Zhuge family will naturally be grateful. The center of Galaxy City is the location of the space teleportation array, which is easy to find in this city. "

At the invitation of the gray-robed old man, after Xiao Han pondered for a moment, he was still noncommittal, and did not rush to reply. Looking at the expectant face of the old man who would run away, Xiao Han thought for a while and smiled: "Wait for me to advance. In Galaxy City, after I settle down, I will go and see it."

Then, Xiao Han arched his hand at the gray-robed old man, and with a thought, controlled the bald eagle beast to land on the small square outside Galaxy City.

Seeing Xiao Han and others leave, the gray-robed old man from the Zhuge family in Galaxy City also gave a wry smile with regret.

"It would be great if this little brother was willing to help." He muttered secretly: "It is said that this time the problem of the space teleportation formation is not enough, otherwise the strength of the ancestor of our Zhuge family will not be repaid. It’s right to invite helpers, and it must be a human gas refiner who has to cross the catastrophe period or above. A master of this level will not easily go out. Other forces in Galaxy City are not masters who have not crossed the catastrophe. Just waiting to see the joke.

As for the tribulation-period masters passing by this Star River City, they don’t understand the outrageousness. They can invite them to take action, but when they open their mouths, the lions open their mouths. There are not many seventh-order demon pills that are unwilling to do it. ...."

After Xiao Han and the others said goodbye to the gray-robed old man, they didn't follow the gray-robed old man's request to park the bald eagle beast in the special small square.

Xiao Han controlled the bald eagle beast to fly low for a certain distance, and directly crossed the small square, found a small hill outside the city of Galaxy City, and then slowly landed.

This bald eagle beast was provided by Zhao Tianhou, the president of the Xuanfengcheng team liaison guild.

It's not that Xiao Han is unwilling to owe this favor, but next they need to use the space teleportation array to drive on, and this bald eagle beast is no longer needed.

Since this is the case, Xiao Han might as well send the bald eagle beast back.

When the bald eagle beast slowly landed on a large rock, Xiao Han and Yumei Niangniang, Luo Luo flashed off the back of the bald eagle beast.

Xiao Han patted the bald eagle beast's head lightly, and laughed softly: "Okay, let's go on our own way, you can go back."

Although the bald eagle beast said that he did not understand Xiao Han, it was able to communicate with Xiao Han.

Seeing Xiao Han's order, the bald eagle beast gently rubbed Xiao Han's palm with his head, and called out a few times, as if to say goodbye to Xiao Han.

"Express my gratitude to Elder Zhao for me." As he said, Xiao Han took out a Tier 6 Demon Pill from the Universe Bag and stuffed it into the mouth of the bald eagle beast.

"Jie Jie..."

The bald eagle beast received Xiao Han's reward and kept crying excitedly.

It is just a Tier 3 demon beast, and usually eats two Tier 3 and Tier 4 demon pills at most with Father Zhao.

But now Xiao Han shot a sixth-order demon pill, making it happy.

Xiao Han waved his hand and asked the bald eagle beast to go back quickly. Then, the bald eagle beast waved its wings and slowly lifted into the air, and finally disappeared into the vast sky.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang and others had been watching the bald eagle beast leave Galaxy City and flew in the direction of Xuanfeng City, only then slowly turned around and looked at Galaxy City not far away.

"Let's go, let's go to Galaxy City first." Xiao Han looked at the Galaxy City in front of him and sighed softly.

Finally, Xiao Han took Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo to the gate of Galaxy City not far away.

"Brother Xiao Han, you said that the space teleportation formation in Galaxy City is temporarily closed due to a problem, so what should we do?" Luo Luo took a few steps quickly, and then walked side by side with Xiao Han.

Xiao Han turned his head and took a look, then chuckled softly: "That's no way, if it doesn't work, let's take a rest in this Galaxy City and see if there is any news that the space teleportation formation has been repaired. Come, if there is still no good news in these two days, then we will go to the space teleportation formation in the center of Galaxy City to see."

"Yes, we have just caught up, and now we can only go to live in the Galaxy City." Luo Luo nodded lightly and smiled bitterly.

When they reached the gate of Galaxy City, even on the wide entrance avenue, there were long lines.

Entering the city is to pay the entry tax, which is a common unspoken rule in the Shifang Refining Domain.

Even in that small Langshan Town, you need transportation fees to enter Langshan Town, let alone this Galaxy City.

Xiao Han, Yumei Niangniang, Luoluo and others stood in the team.

Both Empress Yumei and Luo Luo wore a veil on their heads, covering their beautiful faces.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Empress Yumei and Luoluo wore a large robe.

After one person handed in a Tier 5 Demon Pill at the gate of the city, he entered the Star River City.

Although the fifth-order demon pill is not considered to be a high-rank demon pill, there are more than tens of thousands of human spirit refiners and monster beasts entering the Galaxy City every day?

This is a very huge wealth.

Thinking of this, even Xiao Han was jealous.

Although Xiao Han had seen Xuanfeng City and Vast Sky City's Rijin Doujin in one piece, whether it was Xuanfeng City or Vast Sky City, compared with the Star River City in front of him, it was really nothing compared to that.

"Brother Xiao Han, there is no City Lord's Mansion in Star River City. Instead, the top five forces or families in Galaxy City hold the control of Galaxy City, which is equivalent to a small alliance, and everyone has a share.

However, the space teleportation formation in Galaxy City is really in the hands of the Zhuge family, so the Zhuge family is regarded as the most powerful force in the Galaxy City, and the right to speak in the Galaxy City is also the heaviest. "

Xiao Han nodded, listening to Luo Luo's introduction, he understood a lot of things.

It seems that in this Galaxy City, there has not yet been a force that can defeat the heroes.

It cannot be said that the Zhuge family is not strong enough, but the Zhuge family is not strong enough to not only control the space teleportation array, but also control the entire Galaxy City.

Xiao Han took Yumei Empress and landed in this Galaxy City for a while, and briefly understood the situation in this Galaxy City.

Finally, Xiao Han found a fairly luxurious inn near the center of the city.

The price of a Tier 4 Demon Pill for a room is very affordable in this Galaxy City.

Xiao Han asked for two rooms, and took Luoluo and Yumei Empress to live.

The more crowded the place, the faster the news can spread out.

If the space teleportation formation in the city was really reopened, Xiao Han would naturally be able to understand what happened in the city in the shortest time in such a prosperous place.

After setting up the two of Yumei Niangniang and Luoluo, Xiao Han suggested that he go out to inquire about the news.

It's not that Empress Yumei and Luoluo don't want to follow Xiao Han. There are two of them by their side, and Xiao Han is a little eye-catching.

Two women with curvaceous bodies in black robes, even if they couldn't see their appearance, but with this lineup alone, Xiao Han and others walked in the crowd very conspicuously.

Xiao Han left the inn and strolled casually on the streets of Galaxy City for a while, basically getting a feel for the situation in Galaxy City.

After smoothly understanding some of the news he wanted, Xiao Han began to go back.

The situation Xiao Han had learned was basically the same as that of the gray-robed old man.

At this time, the space teleportation formation in this Galaxy City has indeed been closed, and from some news that Xiao Han heard, it seems that the problems with that space teleportation formation are indeed very complicated.

In the Galaxy City, it is said that the ancestor of the Zhuge family who was in the middle of the Tribulation Period took the initiative, but he failed to restore the space teleportation formation.

In other words, even a master with a cultivation realm in the middle of the Tribulation Period was helpless with the problem of that space teleportation formation.

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