The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2039: Xiao Han pressure array

The Jade Water Golden Crocodile is famous for its rough skin and thick flesh, especially its scales are very hard, and ordinary flying sword magic weapons can be completely ignored.

Therefore, in the ancient times, those gas refiners and monsters like to besieged and slaughtered the clear water golden crocodiles, and obtained the scales on it to make magic weapons and armors.

In this way, the clear water golden crocodile was slaughtered forcibly by human refiners and monster masters in ancient times.

It's like in the secular world, in order to obtain some crocodile skins to make leather, the human race has almost killed all wild crocodiles.

You must know that in the ancient times, the fighting power of this azure water golden crocodile was very powerful.

Moreover, it is rumored that the bloodline of this azure water golden crocodile comes from a prehistoric giant crocodile. If it is not because the number of azure water golden crocodile is very rare, I am afraid that thousands of years later, the four high-level monsters in the ten-party refining domain , There would be nothing about the Black Water Xuantianjia clan.

At this time, the nine princesses retracted their fists and looked at the clear water and golden crocodile with a playful look, and laughed softly: "Big man, give you a chance to behave and help me pick all the bodhi sacred fruit on the linden tree. Come down."

"Girl, don't deceive people too much." The clear water golden crocodile said angrily: "You let me out and I will come out, but if you want to pay attention to the bodhi sacred fruit, then I will not follow, this bodhi saint If I have been staring at the flesh of my heart for thousands of years, you will **** it as soon as you come. Isn't it too domineering."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "It seems that this clear water golden crocodile has been coveting the sacred fruit of Bodhi for a long time, and also, after waiting for thousands of years, seeing the sacred fruit of Bodhi is about to mature, but we will be snatched away. It is also normal."

The nine princesses nodded slightly and laughed softly: "It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Xiao Han also said softly: "Alright, I'll be here to help you hold the line."

The nine princesses were about to make a move, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed the Sky Sword in his hand.

The strength of this clear-water golden crocodile was already the peak of the seventh-order great demon, only one step away from the eighth-order.

After Zhiyao waited until the bodhi sacred fruit was fully mature and swallowed the bodhi sacred fruit, he would be able to use the effects of the bodhi sacred fruit to completely promote the eighth-order monster.

Even now, although this azure water golden crocodile has not yet entered the eighth level, relying on his very abnormal defensive ability, I am afraid that a peak powerhouse in the passage of the secluded period may not be able to do it.

Although Xiao Han made a move, it should be no problem to defeat the opponent, but if Xiao Han really made a move, I am afraid that the movement created would be quite big.

Therefore, if you can do it, try not to do it. After all, no one knows how many human beings and monsters have entered this world except Xiao Han.

Besides, in the process of Xiao Han's shot, when the azure water golden crocodile realized that he was bound to be defeated, with the mentality of breaking the jar, he would make a fierce attack and directly destroy the whole linden tree. All are destroyed, so that no one can get the bodhi holy fruit.

If this is the case, then this time Xiao Han and the others will really be exhausted.

Therefore, even if Xiao Han had been thinking about when to shoot, but in the end he still left the matter to the nine princesses.

The nine princesses looked at the huge head on the lake, and laughed softly: "Are you sure you won't give up? It's not a good idea to negotiate, you have to let me be rough, right."

The clear water golden crocodile said in a deep voice, "No, you want the Bodhi Holy Fruit? I won't give it to death."

"Since you are not being praised, don't blame me for being rude."

Having said this, the figure of the nine princesses suddenly flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

In the next moment, the petite figure of the nine princesses appeared directly on the head of the crocodile in clear water and gold.

The figure of the nine princesses fell so lightly on the head of the clear water and golden crocodile, and soon a golden light burst out from the body of the nine princesses.

A very righteous and peaceful aura began to diffuse over the lake.

On the top of the azure water golden crocodile, behind the nine princesses, a faint shadow of a golden dragon appeared.

Even if the nine princesses did not fully reveal their true body, but with the help of the phantom of the golden dragon released, the coercion of the dragon race on the field became stronger and stronger.


The azure water golden crocodile seemed to be under tremendous pressure. When the phantom of the golden dragon behind the nine princesses appeared, the azure water golden crocodile suddenly roared and roared from its mouth.

"Not convinced?"

At this time, the crisp and sweet voice of the Nine Princesses began to come, and as the voice of the Nine Princesses fell, the huge head of the azure gold crocodile actually began to be unable to withstand the pressure, and slowly descended.

There was a crunch of bones cracking under the pressure that they could hardly hold on.


The azure water golden crocodile seemed to have not been succumbed by the nine princesses, and persisted for a long time, but did not say the word of obedience.

Had it not been for Xiao Han's concern that the clear water golden crocodile might madly destroy the linden tree in the center of the lake before dying, Xiao Han would have rushed forward at this time.

However, with the passage of time, the head of that clear water golden crocodile became lower and lower under the terrifying pressure released from the whole body of the nine princesses, and it was about to be pressed below the surface of the water by the nine princesses. Up.

At this time, if the azure water golden crocodile does not yield, wait until the nine princesses suppress its head below the surface of the water, even if the azure water golden crocodile is not reconciled, Xiao Han can take this opportunity to rush to the lake. Go to the island of the heart to grab the holy fruit of Bodhi.

In this way, no matter how powerful the clear water golden crocodile is, Xiao Han and others who have learned the sacred fruit of Bodhi can retreat directly without entanglement with this clear water golden crocodile.

In fact, in the coercion that the azure water golden crocodile is now releasing from the nine princesses, it has been very hard to persevere.

This golden dragon clan is the supreme existence among all monsters, and coupled with the blood of the prehistoric giant crocodile in this clear water golden crocodile, how can it be compared with the purest blood of the golden dragon clan?

Therefore, although this azure water golden crocodile said that it was very powerful, the terrifying coercion emanating from the nine princesses still suppressed it and couldn't raise its head.

This is the direct difference between the seventh-order big monster and the eighth-order big monster.

If this azure water golden crocodile is now an eighth-order great demon, although it cannot ignore the golden dragon blood pressure on the nine princesses, it should be no problem to offset most of it.

At least not as passive as it is now.

"Blue water and golden crocodile, give you one last chance, are you convinced? If you don't accept it, don't blame us for being cruel."

At this time, the cold voice of the nine princesses began to sound.

After a while, the azure water golden crocodile did not seem to respond.

The nine princesses didn't even think about it, and directly shouted in a deep voice: "Xiao Han, take it, kill it."

Upon hearing this, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the azure-water golden crocodile.

The woman of the golden dragon clan standing above her head, although said to be very powerful and backed by the terrifying coercion of the golden dragon clan, it is actually a bit difficult to kill this azure water golden crocodile.

However, if there is another master Xiao Han who is not weak in strength and the nine princesses, then this clear water golden crocodile will undoubtedly die today.

You must know that the golden crocodile in the clear water just now still has lingering fears about the long sword in Xiao Han's hand.

Just now the tail of the azure water golden crocodile collided with that long sword, and even the thick skinned azure golden crocodile was secretly surprised.

The rank of the long sword is very high, and it can even feel the sharp aura from above.

"I took it, I took it, I will give you the bodhi sacred fruit, don't kill me, I am wrong, can't I be wrong if I am wrong?"

Before Xiao Han could make a move, the murderous aura in the eyes of the green water golden crocodile finally began to fade away.

The huge body slowly retracted into the water, and the huge head moved towards the nine princesses, like a pet, already extremely gentle.

Hearing this, Xiao Han, who was about to make a move, and the surrounding Yang Silang, Yumei Niangniang and others were lightly relieved.

This big demon of the seventh-order peak finally succumbed.

If the nine princesses can't suppress it and bow its head, then I am afraid that the trend of today's affairs is left to kill.

Fortunately, the crocodile crocodile succumbed at the last moment.

There was no murderous aura in the eyes of the azure water golden crocodile, but only a trace of pleading and docility.

It begged softly: "Miss Dragon Race, can you discuss one thing, you can take the bodhi sacred fruit, but can you promise me one condition?"

The Ninth Princess was taken aback for a moment, and then whispered: "You first talk about your conditions, and I will consider whether to satisfy you."

The azure water golden crocodile said softly: "I have waited for thousands of hours here, just to swallow it when the holy fruit of Bodhi is fully mature, and successfully stepped into the eighth step. Now it is time for the holy fruit to mature. There is not much left, but the sacred fruit of Bodhi will be taken away by you. My thousands of years of time have been wasted in vain, so can you give me something good so that I have the hope of successfully advancing."

At this time, Xiao Han said with some doubts: "There are heaven and earth treasures everywhere in this world. As long as you have swallowed enough heaven and earth treasures and gained enough heaven and earth aura, won't you be able to advance? Why is it so troublesome to wait for thousands of years?"

"You don't know anything." The clear water golden crocodile said softly: "Although our clear water golden crocodile family says that it has a long lifespan, it is indeed extremely difficult to step into the eighth rank. The ordinary heavenly materials and earth treasures have little effect. Up."

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