The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2038: Tier 8 Monster

Before the nine princesses could remind them, Zhou Min had already flown out.

At this time, Zhou Min, who was in mid-air, was shocked by the water column that suddenly shot from below.

Although he was still in the air, he could already feel the horror of the water column.

Forcibly twisting his figure, trying to avoid the water column, Zhou Min just started to feel a strong wind on his side.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Listening to the breaking wind in his ear, Zhou Min was shocked.

It turns out that the water column is just a blindfold, the real offensive is the breaking wind behind it?

But when Zhou Min reacted, time was too late.

"not good."

Zhou Min secretly said that it was bad.

Looking behind him with a corner, Zhou Min found that it was a long tail that had attacked him.


At this moment, Zhou Min's face turned white.

If this tail was shot into the lake, the mighty monster beast hidden in the lake, wouldn't it be devouring itself?

It would be better if it were above the lake, and the surroundings were relatively strong people in the peak realm of the Tongyou period. At this time, there was still some power to fight back.

But if it fell into the lake, it would become the territory of that powerful monster beast. If you want to kill it, you can only rely on the other party's will.

At this time Zhou Min regretted a little, but shouldn't be impulsive.

"My life is over."

This was Zhou Min's last word before the long tail hit Zhou Min.

Zhou Min thought he was going to die, but this was really capsize in the gutter.


Just when Zhou Min felt that he was about to die, suddenly there was a sound of gold and stone crashing behind him.

Zhou Min turned his head and took a look, only to realize that, for some reason, the big tail that had struck him had already bounced back.

And what hit the big and long tail was a long sword with a slender blade.

Zhou Min recognized it at a glance, it was Xiao Han's magic weapon, the sky sword.

However, after the Sky Sword collided with the tail just now, it was also knocked out by the huge counter shock.

Soon, the Cangqiangjian returned to normal and returned to Xiao Han's side with a scream.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhou Min escaped smoothly.

When Zhou Min returned to the shore again, Zhou Min walked quickly to Xiao Han and said respectfully: "Thank you, Young City Lord, for saving your life."

Xiao Han waved his hand and said softly, "Don't be so reckless next time. I can save you once or twice. There will always be a time when you will miss it. Small lives matter, you know?"

Zhou Min nodded heavily and retreated behind Xiao Han.

The nine princesses said softly: "The Xiang Bodhi tree is one of the rarest heaven and earth treasures in the world. There must be very powerful monsters guarding the surroundings, and the bodhi sacred fruit grown on the Bodhi tree can even more. A rare treasure that allows a human race refiner to directly break through a small realm. Although it is not so exaggerated about the effects of some monsters, it is also a rare treasure. The monster that wants to come to this lake is very extraordinary. Looking at it just now, the opponent is not a Tier 8 monster, I am afraid it is not far away."

At this time, the lake had returned to calm, and the long and thick tail had been taken back.

Yang Shilang's face changed slightly when he heard this.

If it really was a Tier 8 monster, it would be a little troublesome.

Although their strength is very strong now, a Tier 8 monster may not be incapable of dealing with it.

But Yang Shilang still felt that the current situation was a bit tricky.

After thinking for a while, Yang Shilang still said softly: "Benevolence, this is a bit troublesome. If the monster does not come out and has been hiding in this lake, how can we get there?"

What Yang Shilang said was actually what Xiao Han was worried about.

The strength of this eighth-order monster was originally very strong, and Xiao Han himself was not sure that he could kill an eighth-order monster alone.

What's more, now that the other party is hiding in the lake, it is still a bit troublesome to really make a move.

Therefore, Xiao Han naturally turned his head to look at the nine princesses.

He knew that if anyone on the court could deal with that monster that might be a Tier 8 monster alone, then there should only be Ninth Princess.

After all, the body of the nine princesses is the golden dragon family.

With the strength of the nine princesses, although it is said that they can suppress the other party, the other party may be afraid of the nine princesses.

Xiao Han said softly: "Miss Nine, see if you can attract that Tier 8 monster beast. If it keeps hiding under the lake, how can we do it?"

"Don't worry, it's not easy to say whether the opponent is Tier 8 or not. I don't know whether I can kill them, but I think it shouldn't be difficult to force the opponent out with the strength I thought."

The nine princesses said this, and the aura on her body suddenly began to rise gradually.

The powerful aura of the golden dragon family in the nine princesses began to gush out of her body without reservation, and even the surface of the lake in front of the nine princesses had ripples.

Fortunately, the breath of the nine princesses was not directed at Empress Yumei and Yang Silang, otherwise, I am afraid that Empress Yumei and Yang Silang would feel uncomfortable at this time.

The terrifying coercion of the golden dragon family comes from blood.

As long as Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang didn't step into the level of the eighth-order monster beast in one day, they would not be able to resist the powerful aura of the golden dragon family.


Just when the nine princesses no longer concealed their breath, and even sent the breath of their own body into the lake without reservation, waves on the lake surface gradually.

Waves more violent than before began to form.

Looking at this situation, something powerful seems to be making waves under the lake.

The entire surface of the lake was still agitated, but within a short period of time, no monsters appeared on the lake.

"Hehe, you dare not come out? I have personally summoned you and gave you a lot of face. Since you don't know how to promote, then don't blame me for being rude."

As the nine princesses said, suddenly stretched out a palm slowly towards the lake.

There was no way how the nine princesses mobilized the aura in the body, she just lightly pushed her palm forward.


At this moment, a very fierce energy spurted from the palm of the nine princesses, and finally slapped fiercely on the surface of the lake that had already begun to be rough.


With this shot of the nine princesses, the lake suddenly became calm, and it was totally different from the previous turbulent situation.

"Can't you come out? Then I will fight until you come out."

Speaking of the nine princesses suddenly clenched a fist, then smoothly handed a fist toward the lake.


The punch of the nine princesses had just been blown out, and suddenly there was a stormy wave in the lake that had just become calm as water.

It seemed that the monster beast hiding in the lake was also frightened and began to toss in the lake.

Soon, a dark monster beast body will be exposed from time to time on the lake.

The entire lake was turned upside down with agitation.

At this time, the nine princesses suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "I ask you one last time, can't you get out?"

As soon as the nine princesses had finished speaking, they saw that the rough lake became calm again, and then, from the lake, a huge monster head appeared.

A monster head resembling a crocodile head broke through the water, and a pair of dark green eyes the size of a lantern looked at the nine princesses, Xiao Han and others with a vicious meaning.

The huge crocodile head did not turn into a human shape, but he said, "Are you annoying? Are you going to force me out, is it fun?"

Seeing the head of the huge monster beast that broke through the water, the nine princesses said with a look of surprise: "Oh, what kind of monster I said it is, in such a small pond, there is a crocodile with clear water and gold."

"Blue water golden crocodile?"

Hearing this, the faces of Xiao Han and others were slightly taken aback. As for Yang Silang, his expression changed. It seems that Yang Silang had heard of the existence of this crocodile before.

"The name of this monster beast is the clear water golden crocodile. This monster beast only existed thousands of years ago. It has been extinct in the ten directions for thousands of years. I did not expect that there is still one hidden in this space .

"Miss Nine, do you even know the monster beast that has been extinct for thousands of years? It's really amazing." At this time, Zhou Min, who was standing behind Xiao Han and Yang Silang, said softly.

The nine princesses said with a playful look: "There are many specimens of monster beasts in my house. I have seen this monster beast when I was a kid. Not only did I watch it, I also crawled on its body to play."

Zhou Min was taken aback, almost yelling out.

These nine princesses are probably not in a low status among the golden dragons.

Xiao Han and the others are also staring at the huge monster beast that has drilled out of the water.

Although only one head was exposed, Xiao Han and others could already feel that if the huge body of this azure water and golden crocodile was completely revealed, I am afraid that it would not avoid the body of Empress Yumei, that of the azure snake demon. How much smaller the body.

This made Xiao Han very curious about how such a big crocodile in clear water and gold moved in this small lake.

This azure water golden crocodile is very familiar with the crocodile's shape. Although only one head is exposed now, it can still be seen that its body is very slender, covered with dark scales.

The clear water golden crocodile, this monster beast has now completely disappeared in the Ten Fang Refining Domain.

This kind of monster beast that only existed in ancient times, Xiao Han had read an introduction on a fragment of a scroll, but he had never seen a living body.

The reason why this azure water golden crocodile is extinct is said to be because the fighting power of azure water golden crocodile itself is too powerful.

The thick scales on its body can withstand the attacks of monsters of the same level.

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