The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2040: Jade crocodile

"Moreover, because I am restricted by the operation rules of this world, I can't leave this lake, so even if the surroundings are surrounded by natural treasures, I can't collect them."

Speaking of this, the blue water golden crocodile has a grudge on its face.

It seems that the waiting time of thousands of years has made it very sad. Now that the bodhi sacred fruit that is about to mature has to be given away, this feeling is indeed very uncomfortable.

Seeing the begging look of that azure water golden crocodile, the nine princesses also sighed lightly.

She looked up at Xiao Han, and said softly, "Xiao Han, are there any treasures on your body that can help this clear water golden crocodile reach the eighth rank? Let's **** its bodhi sacred fruit, or else Just give him a little compensation? I think it is not easy for this guy to advance."

Xiao Han looked at Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang, pondered for a moment, and said softly: "I don't have this kind of thing on my body for the time being. Since you need the aura of heaven and earth so much, it's better."

As he said, Xiao Han pointed at Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang, "Lao Yang, Yumei, you guys take out all the treasures you just collected to lend me, I will find a way to compensate you in the future, and If you have time later, you can still charge it again."

Yang Silang and Empress Yumei glanced at each other, and then they reluctantly took out a universe bag and handed it to Xiao Han.

"I have more than 300 plants of all kinds of natural treasures here."

"I don't have more than 400 plants here, they are all carefully selected."

Xiao Han gratefully nodded at Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang, and then threw the two Qiankun bags towards the clear water golden crocodile.

"In these two universe bags, there are just 800 various kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures. Although there is no way to compare the effects of the Bodhi Sacred Fruit, I think it should be enough to promote you."

Hearing this, the eyes of the azure gold crocodile lit up.

There are so many heavenly materials and earth treasures, and the amount of spiritual energy contained in them is probably to a very terrifying level.

With these more than 800 natural treasures, it can really be tried to see if it can all be refined, and let's see if it can be advanced.

"Thanks a lot."

As he said, the azure gold crocodile swallowed the two universe bags in one bite, chew it, and swallowed the two universe bags directly into the stomach.

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of the azure water and golden crocodile.

Xiao Han directly arched his hand towards the clear water and golden crocodile, and said with a smile: "Brother Crocodile, I'm so embarrassed. I snatched your bodhi sacred fruit. I hope that the treasures given to you can help you advance smoothly .

If it doesn't work, before I leave here, if I meet something that suits you, I will take it personally. "

In addition to these treasures of heaven and earth that I have just collected, I have more than a thousand inner crystals of magic spiders that contain a lot of heaven and earth aura, and the rank is also the highest. I will give them all to you, hoping to help you. "

"Okay, okay, thank you very much."

Hearing the words Demon Spider Neijing, the expression of that clear water and golden crocodile immediately became excited, and fell into something like Demon Spider Neijing. It had heard of it.

There are also masters of the demons in these ten refining domains, which have been the case for thousands of years.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this azure water golden crocodile has heard of the existence of the inner crystal of the magic spider.

Seeing the excited look of the clear water golden crocodile, Xiao Han guessed that the more than 1,000 inner crystals of the magic spider, plus the 800 various heavenly materials and earth treasures, should be enough to make this clear water golden essence Crocodile has advanced.

In this way, he got the bodhi sacred fruit, and these azure water and golden crocodiles got enough treasures to advance, which is also a great joy for everyone.

Otherwise, this azure water golden crocodile has to fight them to death and life, and if it takes time to say nothing, it is really not worth the gain.

With that said, Xiao Han threw another universe bag full of inner crystals of the magic spider to the azure water and golden crocodile.

In that Universe Bag, there are the inner crystals of the magic spider that Xiao Han has secretly kept, all of the highest level. Originally, Xiao Han wanted to keep it for emergencies, but now he can only give it to this green water gold essence. crocodile.

The azure water golden crocodile swallowed the Qiankun bag again.

In front of more than 800 plants of all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, plus so many magic spider inner crystals. This azure water golden crocodile has been very satisfied.

The nine princesses pointed to the small island in the middle of the lake and said softly: "Well, are you helping me pick the bodhi sacred fruit, or do we do it ourselves?"

Hearing this, the azure water golden crocodile was taken aback for a moment, and then looked towards the small island in the middle of the lake with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

It has been waiting for the bodhi sacred fruit to mature for so many years in this world. It is about to mature enough to be picked. Of course, it is unwilling to give away such a good treasure.

However, the blood pressure that filled the nine princesses made it irresistible, and Xiao Han and the others had given so much compensation now that it should be content.

"Forget it, you can do it yourself." The clear water golden crocodile said with a wry smile: "I have swallowed so many heavenly materials and earth treasures and the inner crystal of the magic spider. Now I need to retreat and practice, and I'm leaving."

As he said, the azure water golden crocodile shook his head, saying hello to everyone, and then slowly lowered his head, and the whole figure returned directly to the water.

Finally the clear-water golden crocodile was dismissed, and everyone present secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Even the nine princesses are the same.

To be honest, if the clear-water golden crocodile just went crazy, it must fight a fish to die, then it will definitely affect Xiao Han and others to obtain the Bodhi Sacred Fruit.

Now that we can have a happy situation, it is naturally the best.

"Miss Nine, let me take a look on the island." With that, Xiao Han waved at the Nine Princess and Yang Silang, and then his figure flashed, Xiao Han appeared out of thin air on the island. on.

When Xiao Han stood in front of the Bodhi tree, Xiao Han discovered that not only the leaves on the Bodhi tree were golden yellow, but even the holy fruit of the Bodhi tree was the same.

Standing under the Bodhi tree, Xiao Han raised his head and saw a fist-sized golden fruit hanging on the branch.

There is only one sacred Bodhi fruit on the entire Bodhi tree?

Seeing this, Xiao Han was a little disappointed.

Originally, Xiao Han thought, if only a few more bodhi sacred fruits grow from the bodhi tree, then the nine princesses, Yumei Niangniang, Yang Silang and others who followed him could also have one.

But now there was only one bodhi sacred fruit on the entire tree, so Xiao Han had to pick it up and put it away.

The appearance of the bodhi sacred fruit is actually similar to a round light bulb. When Xiao Han stared at it, he could even sense that the light from the surface of the bodhi sacred fruit was even more dazzling.

And Xiao Han's current standing position is the closest to the Bodhi tree. At this time, Xiao Han can even more clearly smell the indescribable scent in the air.

Looking at the bodhi sacred fruit in front of him, Xiao Han thought that after swallowing this golden fruit, he should be able to enter the early stage of the Tribulation Period smoothly, and he was a little excited to think about it.

At this time, after Xiao Han came to the island, Empress Yumei, Yang Silang and others also flashed their figures and appeared directly beside the nine princesses.

Looking at Xiao Han, who seemed to be in a daze, Yang Shilang reminded softly: "Benevolence, time is running out, we must hurry up. I always feel that behind us, those human spirit refiners and those who have also entered this world. The monster beast master is not far from us. And it seems that there are still a lot of people coming in. Let's find a way to evacuate as soon as possible."

"it is good."

Xiao Han gradually recovered. He nodded lightly, then stretched out his hand, and the golden fruit on the branch of the Bodhi tree flew directly into Xiao Han's bag.

Although the bodhi sacred fruit has been obtained, Xiao Han is still cautious.

If it weren't for the flowers that might be rushed to here at any time around now, Xiao Han really wanted to give the lotus the sacred fruit of Bodhi on the spot.

It's just that Xiao Han knew very well in his heart that the heaven and earth aura contained in a treasure of the level of the Swordsman Bodhi Sacred Fruit was probably a terrifying level.

It takes a long time to complete the lotus flower, and there should be no way to do it for a while.

Now there are a large number of Human Race Refiners and Monster Beasts coming. Xiao Han was even more afraid to try.

At this moment, when Xiao Han put the sacred Bodhi fruit in the Universe Bag, Xiao Han found that the Bodhi tree in front of him seemed to have withered a lot.

The leaves that were originally gleaming had become a little dull and dull.

"One flower in three thousand years? One fruit in three thousand years. Fortunately, this bodhi sacred fruit was finally taken away by me."

When the sacred fruit of Bodhi was put into the bag of the universe by Xiao Han, Xiao Han couldn't help feeling a little excited.

It seems that they have stayed in this world for so long, and finally they are not in vain.

If you want to come to this linden tree to blossom and bear fruit next time, it should be six thousand years later.

After installing the Bodhi Sacred Fruit, Xiao Han returned to the nine princesses and the others in a flash.

Just when Xiao Han was about to propose that everyone leave here together, he found that the face of the nine princesses seemed to be something wrong.

The nine princesses frowned slightly at this time, with a thoughtful expression on their face.

The eyes of the nine princesses stared at the other side of the lake, seeming to be aware of it again.

Xiao Han followed the gaze of the nine princesses, but found nothing.

Opposite the lake is a place that Xiao Han and the others have never been to. Now the nine princesses are staring at the front, is it possible...

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help but curiously asked: "Miss Nine, what's the matter? You won't make new discoveries again?"

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