The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2037: Actually found it

Jump up excitedly?

Xiao Han is getting more and more weird. What exactly is this holy fruit of Bodhi, will he jump up excited when he knows it?

Is it so exaggerated?

Xiao Han didn't believe it.

Unless it was a treasure of the level like the Sky Sword, Xiao Han would really not be able to jump up excitedly.

Xiao Han felt that it might be that the nine princesses were exaggerating.

But think about it, it doesn't seem like a prudent person in the Nine Princesses is joking.

"This bodhi sacred fruit is a fruit that grows on the bodhi tree. This bodhi tree is a kind of sacred tree that has been extinct in ancient times." The nine princesses continued: "It is said that the bodhi tree blooms once every three thousand years, and once every three thousand years. As a result, it takes at least six thousand years to get the bodhi sacred fruit."

"No? Six thousand years?"

"What's so rare, Miss Nine, what is the function of the bodhi sacred fruit you are talking about?"

"Yes, what is the role of the linden tree that can only bear fruit for six thousand years?"


Seeing the expressions of expectation on the faces of several people around, the nine princesses said softly: "The sacred bodhi fruit grown from the bodhi tree, after the human race refiner swallowed one, the bodhi sacred fruit was refined. After his heaven and earth aura, he can directly increase to a small realm, but which human race refiner swallows it will have the same effect."

Raise a small state?

No matter what realm of the human race refiner swallowed this bodhi fruit, can he raise a small realm?

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.


There are such good things in this world.

No matter what kind of human race refiner in the realm of cultivation level, after swallowing this bodhi sacred fruit, they can rise to a small realm.

Does this mean that as long as Xiao Han, a fellow at the peak of the Tongyou period, has swallowed a bodhi sacred fruit and refined the spiritual energy contained in the bodhi sacred fruit, he can step into the tragedy smoothly Early period?

Xiao Han also looked excited. He looked into the eyes of the nine princesses, and asked seriously: "Nine princesses, is what you said is true? This bodhi sacred fruit really has such a magical effect?"

The nine princesses smiled and nodded, and then said: "Yes, this bodhi sacred fruit is so magical, and after swallowing the bodhi sacred fruit, there will be no sequelae, and it can be said to be suitable for all human races. Refiner."

"So, the so-called earth-shaking treasure in this cave is the holy fruit of Bodhi?"

The nine princesses corrected: "It is not a bodhi sacred fruit to be exact, but a bodhi tree, but I am not sure whether the bodhi sacred fruit on this bodhi tree is mature or not, compared to the huge one in this ancient relic. The power has been destroyed for thousands of years. If the bodhi sacred fruit on the bodhi tree is not yet mature, it is completely useless, so now it depends on our luck."

"Miss Nine, are you sure that the smell we smell now is the holy fruit of Bodhi?" Xiao Han asked quickly.

"Well, I have smelled this taste once, it should be the taste of the Bodhi Sacred Fruit." The Ninth Princess nodded, and then said: "I can only guarantee that this is the Bodhi Sacred Fruit, as for the Bodhi Sacred Fruit here. I don’t know if it’s mature or not."

"Well, since you said that, then there should be nothing wrong. Comparing your ability to perceive this kind of natural treasure, all of us present together can't catch up with you alone."

As he said, Xiao Han smiled and said: "It's not too late, let's set off now."

When the nine princesses heard Xiao Han say this, she went straight on the road.

The figure of the nine princesses flashed, and the whole person appeared in the air, and then the whole figure rushed forward so quickly.

As soon as the nine princesses left, Xiao Han and the others immediately chased them.

"Shoo, hoo..."

In this way, the five figures turned into an afterimage and swept forward directly.

As time goes by, at this time, everyone can perceive that the special fragrance around is getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that the kind of linden tree mentioned by the nine princesses should be getting closer and closer.

At this time, after Xiao Han and others learned that other people had entered this world, the speed of their journey was obviously much happier.

If someone in the team of other people has heard of the existence of the Bodhi tree, they might rush here at full speed.

If Xiao Han and others can't find the Bodhi tree before the others arrive, then a battle might break out to fight for the Bodhi Sacred Fruit.

Although Xiao Han was not worried about wars or wars, but the baby in front of him was about to get his hands. It's always unpleasant just like this.

So Nine Princesses and Xiao Han took the lead and drove their speed to the pinnacle.

In the mountains and forests at this time, a few wind-breaking sounds passed through them.

Because they were worried about catching up with those who later entered the world, Xiao Han, the Ninth Princess and the others were already on their way to the extreme.

Xiao Han led Yumei Niangniang and others through the mountains and forests behind the nine princesses. They drove three minutes' journey again. The surrounding trees gradually became scarce and turned into low flowers.

Soon, the nine princesses leading the way finally stopped at the edge of a lake.

"Here, we found it."

The face of the nine princesses was full of excitement, she said this in her mouth, but her eyes were staring straight ahead.

Xiao Han and others who followed the Nine Princesses quickly stabilized their figures, and Xiao Han and others looked forward along the lines of the Nine Princesses.

Soon, all the expressions were fixed on his face like this.

"Is this the Bodhi tree?"

"I'll go, this linden tree, really blooms once in three thousand years? It will bear fruit in three thousand years?"

"This is the legendary Bodhi tree? Is that Bodhi fruit?"


At this time, Xiao Han and others were standing beside a green lake.

The lake is not so wide, at most it is the size of two or three football fields.

The water in this lake is extremely green, not as clear, but it makes people feel unfathomable.

Just like the lake in front of you, there are famous mountains and rivers without depth and breadth.


What is even more strange is that there will be tides in such a small lake.

In the place occupied by Xiao Han and others, walking more than ten meters away is a small sandy beach around the lake.

But now, the waves above the lake are magnificent, and waves of waves are beating against the beach by the lake, which looks amazing.

It is really rare for such a small lake to have waves.

And this small green lake is not endless.

In the center of this small lake, there is a small island.

The area is small, at most the size of a basketball court.

Green grass grows on that small island, just like an artificial lawn.

And what made Xiao Han and others' expressions freeze directly on the spot was a small sapling growing in the very center of the small island in the middle of the lake.

The tree can't reach two or three meters, and the thickest part is just the thickness of an adult's thigh.

The strange thing is that the trunk of the whole tree is dark golden, and it is covered with golden leaves.

Under the shining of the eyes, the golden leaves are refracting light and look very dazzling.

At this time, the nine princesses who reacted immediately cheered and shouted: "Xiao Han, this is it, this is the linden tree, the leaves are golden, the trunk is dark golden, this is the linden tree that my grandfather mentioned to me. "

So small? Is such a weird-looking sapling really a bodhi tree?

It's not just Xiao Han, all the people present, except the nine princesses, have a dumb expression on their faces.

Logically, shouldn't the Bodhi tree be the kind of giant tree that can be hugged by a dozen people?

You know, the nine princesses mentioned before, this linden tree blooms once in three thousand years and bears fruit once in three thousand years.

Even if the bodhi sacred fruit on the bodhi tree is not yet mature, how could this bodhi tree have lived for thousands of years?

The huge forces that left the ancient ruins have disappeared for thousands of years.

And the linden tree in the middle of this island, how can it be thousands of years old?

But thousands of years have passed, how could it grow so little height?

Three meters may be there, but this height is definitely not four meters.

Have it grown to such a height of four meters in a few months for thousands of years? Who believes it?

Yang Silang stunned: "Miss Nine, are you sure that the little sapling in front of you is the Bodhi tree?"

Zhou Min also asked incredulously: "Miss Nine, although this dark golden little tree still looks amazing, is it really a linden tree that has survived for thousands of years? How do I feel like it's only three years old? The four-year tree age is the same?"

"What do you know." The nine princesses said without looking back: "An adult linden tree is generally only about two meters in height. Now the linden tree in front of us should be four meters in height, so at least tens of thousands. Years old."

"Oh I see."

"It's really strange, this tens of thousands of years old tree is so short."

"Since we have found all of them, should we go and have a look?" Yang Silang winked at Zhou Min.

At this moment, Zhou Min's figure flashed, and he flew directly into the air, rushing towards the island.

"Be careful."

The nine princesses who had just reacted suddenly exclaimed: "There is something in the lake, why did you rush out so recklessly."

Before the nine princesses had just finished speaking, the surface of the lake, which was originally still calm, suddenly changed.

Zhou Min's figure leaping into the air had just crossed the general lake surface, and suddenly a jet of water shot out from the lake, heading straight towards Zhou Min.

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