The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2036: Bodhi Sacred Fruit

The words of the nine princesses made everyone agree.

At first, the joy and excitement of seeing so many treasures around him gradually subsided.

Everyone's cultivation level and strength are not low, and when you feel it carefully, you can naturally sense the hidden aura hidden in the surrounding mountains and forests.

This space should be more than just a medicine yard.

It is certainly not easy to hide such a good space.

And after everyone walked into the mountains and forests, they felt that this space was very vast, as if it were another world.

Several figures flashed across the forest, and finally stayed in a clearing.

Xiao Han carefully released his divine consciousness and felt the movement around him. Then he reminded him softly: "Let’s stop your breath first and don’t disturb the monsters nearby. I think there are a lot of powerful existences in front of you. Don't startle the snake."

Xiao Han's spiritual consciousness was released, and he could clearly feel the depths of the surrounding mountains and forests, and their location was getting closer and closer to those cryptic and powerful auras.

These vaguely powerful auras should be very powerful presences in this mountain forest.

Yang Shilang also said with a strong face: "Yes, there are a lot of monsters around here. The most important thing is that most of the monsters here have survived for thousands of years, and they are very powerful and powerful. It will be much stronger than the average seventh-order monsters. Maybe there are eighth-order monsters in this place. Let’s be more careful.”

The Ninth Princess said softly: "There are a lot of powerful auras around here, but don't worry, the most important thing is to be careful of some 8th-order monsters. The 7th-order monsters are not a threat in front of us."

The words of the nine princesses are very confident.

The general seventh-order big demon, in front of the golden dragon of the nine princesses, naturally only needs to obey, as long as the nine princesses release their own breath, the surrounding seventh-order big demon can only retreat.

So at this time, the person leading the way changed from Xiao Han to the nine princesses.

"Next, everyone will follow me. I have sensed a little fluctuation. It should be not far in front. There may be something we want."

With that, the nine princesses flashed and rushed directly into the forest.

"Everyone should follow Miss Nine. In such a place, it is safer to follow her." Xiao Han waved his hand and followed the figure of Princess Nine.

Although Yang Shilang and others were puzzled, they still didn't say anything.

The identity of Miss Nine is really mysterious, but according to the speculation of Yang Shilang and others, Miss Nine's identity should be very difficult.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the nine princesses to say such confident words just now.

She was able to ignore all the seventh-order monsters, she said.

If you don't have the ability, how dare you say such a thing.

But in this way, Yang Shilang and others were even more puzzled.

What kind of status is this Nine Miss, dare to ignore all the seventh-order monsters, it is really terrifying.

But wondering, wondering, anyway, Miss Nine is a member of their side, and her team is strong, which is a good thing.

At least Yang Shilang and others have just been around this kind of person, and their sense of security is higher.

So Yang Shilang and others followed up without saying a word.

At this time, everyone discovered that the area of ​​the surrounding mountain forest was a bit scary.

Just like just now, although the speed of Xiao Han and the others was not fast, it was definitely not slow.

After traveling through the forest for half an hour, I still didn't see where the end of the forest was.

This shows that this space is really a world of its own, with a wide range and a large area, and it is not a small space at all.

It is conceivable that the huge power that has been in control for thousands of years is how powerful it is.

Although the mountains and forests are full of treasures of heaven, material and earth, making the two monsters Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang covet, but gradually, they have seen more and almost become numb.

If you step on it with one foot, it is possible to step on a natural treasure, even if it is not very rare, it is also a treasure with a lot of spiritual energy.

Over time, Yang Silang and Yumei Niangniang gradually got used to them.

Just stepping on it, from the beginning of the pain, to later stepping on the more refreshing.

In the middle of the road, some of the subtle auras that Xiao Han and others sensed were still very powerful, and even several times, some powerful existences had already noticed the existence of Xiao Han and others, and deliberately appeared in front of Xiao Han and others.

These daring to show up are basically the seventh-order big monsters, and they come up to see if there is a chance to make a move to kill the rare Human Race Refiners.

However, the final result was that they were shocked. The golden dragon clan's coercion faintly revealed from the nine princesses made the surrounding big monsters dare not act rashly.

In this way, Zhou Min and Yang Silang finally noticed the real dragon pressure on the nine princesses.

The breath of the golden dragon clan can make all monsters tremble.

Even if Yang Shilang knew that the nine princesses were his teammate, the woman of the benefactor, Yang Shilang still felt terrified when standing in front of the nine princesses.

Fortunately, the Nine Princesses were not malicious, otherwise, even though Yang Shilang and the Nine Princesses are almost the same in strength, Yang Shilang would be scared and sweaty in front of the Nine Princesses.

At this moment, the nine princesses and Xiao Han who were on the way stopped at the same time.

The Ninth Princess' face was calm, but Xiao Han's brows were a little frowned.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked at the direction they came before, with a surprised look on his face.

Xiao Han and the nine princesses listened at the same time, and everyone around them stopped.

At this time, she noticed that Xiao Han had a different color on her face, and Empress Yumei asked quickly: "What's wrong? Xiao Han, what did you find?"

Xiao Han retracted his gaze and said with a wry smile: "It's nothing. I originally thought that no one could easily find this space. I didn't want such a secret place. Someone came, and it seemed that they entered this space. There are still a lot of people among them, it should be a certain powerful force, or the mystery of the wall has been seen by others, and they have been told to others."

"Since someone can enter here smoothly, it seems that the mystery of the wall should be seen by others." Yang Silang said in a deep voice.

Xiao Han nodded and said: "It's not necessarily. Maybe the entrance to this space is not just that one. Those people who come in may not necessarily come in through that wall. So let's not think too much. Now we are ahead of others. Half an hour for people should be enough for us to gain something."


At this time, the nine princesses standing in the same place suddenly screamed, seeming to find something very unexpected.

Xiao Han hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Did you find anything?"

The nine princesses whispered: "I remember my grandfather once told me that this place where we are now full of treasures is very rare, but once found, there will be earth-shattering treasures."

"The earth-shattering baby?"

When Xiao Han heard this, his face was different.

What baby can be called the adjective earthshaking?

The nine princesses said softly: "Yes, the heaven and the blessed land here can give birth to something very magical. As for what it is, I don't know what it is, it must be earth-shattering anyway."

Well, since it is a earth-shattering baby, then Xiao Han is even more looking forward to it.

What kind of thing is it that can be called earth-shattering?

Could it be said that even that legendary immortal cultivation technique can't be compared?

Thinking of this, even Xiao Han couldn't help being a little excited.

"Let's go, I should be not far ahead, and I should find out."

With that, the nine princesses flashed and rushed out first.

Obviously, the nine princesses should have discovered something, but they are still not sure in their hearts.

Hearing this, Xiao Han and others couldn't help being a little excited.

What is the earth-shattering treasure in this hole of heaven and blessing that will make the nine princesses of the golden dragon family care so much?

At this time, everyone rushed up with the nine princesses.

After walking forward again for five minutes, the nine princesses stopped again.

Only this time, the face of the nine princesses suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

"This taste, this taste, this taste."

The nine princesses suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

The reaction of the Nine Princesses surprised everyone around them.

What is it that makes the nine princesses so excited?

"What's wrong? Miss Jiu, what does it smell like?" Xiao Han asked quickly.

At this time, the nine princesses repeatedly said the smell, so that everyone present could not help but notice the smell around them.

"It smells good, this smells good."

"Yeah, what is this smell, how can it be so fragrant?"

"Really, this smell is good, what kind of smell is it?"


Not only Yang Silang and Zhou Min, but even Empress Yumei and Xiao Han have already smelled that special smell.

It is a very special fragrance, as if surrounded by that kind of smell, it is easy to make people feel happy involuntarily.

In short, everyone smells that kind of smell and feels very relaxed.

"If I remember correctly, this smell is the smell of something called the Bodhi Sacred Fruit. Is it pleasing to the eye?"

"Bodhi Sacred Fruit?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly asked: "Miss Nine, what is the use of this Bodhi Sacred Fruit?"

"If you know it, you will definitely jump up excitedly." The nine princesses looked at Xiao Han with joy and said with excitement.

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