Xiao Han took the initiative to greet him. In fact, there is another reason. The distance between the two first-order demon spiders is only two or three minutes away. In order to catch the first wave of first-order demon spiders, Slashing the spider, taking the initiative to meet it can save a lot of time, and Xiao Han can also retreat while fighting, so that the time difference between the arrival of the first-order magic spider can be maximized.

With Zhong Xuebing's explanation, Li Jian and others admire Xiao Han's five-body shooting. Generally no one cares about such small details, but Xiao Han's calculations are so accurate. It seems that Xiao Han, the captain of their "Devil Slayer Team" In addition to being strong, his mind is also very delicate.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuebing waved his hand and yelled at everyone: "Brothers, we can't be compared by Boss Xiao, Boss Xiao has already set off ahead of schedule, let's rush to it too!"

Li Jian took out a red long sword from his Qiankun bag. This was a fairy sword given to Li Jian by his elders before he entered the Penglai Wonderland. The name of this fairy sword is "Chi Lian". , Is the famous weapon of the elders of Li Jian's division. Before Li Jian set off for Penglai Wonderland, he bestowed this red "Red Lian" to Li Jian.

Li Jian first rushed down the hillside, and while rushing, he waved the "Chi Lian" in his hand and shouted, "Chong, brothers follow me!"

Li Jian ran for a while, and suddenly noticed something was wrong. He slowly stopped and turned his head and found that everyone he expected was rushing forward with him. Except for him, everyone else stood still and looked confused. Forced to look at him.

Li Jian laughed twice, looked back, and said, "No, what are you still doing? Hurry up and fight. Our Tier 1 Demon Spider is about to reach the mountainside. Try to fight for it!"

After Li Jian's words were finished, Zhong Xuanhai and the others took out their weapons from the Qiankun bag and rushed down the hillside with Li Jian.

The ravine cut by Xiao Han's sword serves as the dividing line. The first-order demon spiders that appeared to the left of the dividing line belonged to the group of Zhong Xuanhai and Li Jian, and the first-order demon spiders that appeared to the right of the dividing line. All of them are Xiao Han alone. In this way, there will be no unclear statistics of the first-order demon spiders killed.

Now, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others have just moved forward from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and at this time, Xiao Han has just walked halfway up the mountain and is about to meet the first wave of twenty first-order magic spiders. , The war is about to start.

Xiao Han looked at the twenty first-tier demon spiders that were about to climb in front of him, and shook the sky sword in his hand. When Xiao Han flew down from the top of the mountain just now, he did not use the aura in his body at all. The physical speed rushed here.

I have fought with these Tier 1 Demon Spiders more than once before, and Xiao Han looked at the Tier 1 Demon Spider that rushed forward, and he yelled at him with teeth and claws, his mouth wide open, revealing the long mouth. Fangs.

Xiao Han knew that once the twenty first-order demon spiders in front of them were surrounded by them, it would be more troublesome to kill them later. These guys cooperated with each other very tacitly, and they would also raise the black sand on the ground to affect the enemy. The line of sight, should take advantage of these first-order demon spiders to take the initiative to attack before forming an encirclement, otherwise, when these twenty first-order demon spiders formed an encirclement against Xiao Han, the entire battle time would be much longer.

Xiao Han glanced at the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders that were about to reach the foot of the mountain in the distance. They would arrive here in about five or six minutes, which meant that Xiao Han had to rush to the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Before arriving here, kill the twenty first-order magic spiders in front of them.

Xiao Han turned his head and glanced at Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and the others behind him, and found that they had also walked down from the top of the mountain. It seemed that they also knew they were racing against time. There were seven people in Zhong Xuanhai's pair. Xiao Han is not worried about the safety of the seven of them. As long as the number of first-order magic spiders is not too many, there are more than ten first-order magic spiders, and it is easy to deal with each of the seven. After all, Zhong Xuanhai among the seven. Both Guo Zimo and Guo Zimo are at the peak of the Golden Core Stage. Although the strength of the others is weaker, the seven people cooperate with each other. In Xiao Han's view, dealing with a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders should not be a big problem.

Xiao Han explained to all the disciples of the sect at the assembly point last night. When slaying the first-order demon spider, you should mainly pay attention to the two strong forelimbs of the first-order demon spider. These two strong forelimbs are extremely powerful. Strong, but if you want to kill a Tier 1 Demon Spider simply and neatly, the most important place to attack is the back of Tier One Demon Spider, just like Xiao Han, every time he thrusts the Sky Sword deeply into the first order. The demon spider's back, pierced its abdomen, so that the first-order demon spider would die and could not die again.

Although Xiao Han is not very worried about the safety of Zhong Xuebing’s small team, Xiao Han still decides to pay attention to it from time to time. Otherwise, it’s only the first day today with seven people from the "Devil Slayer Team" to kill Tier One. The Devil Spider suffered casualties, and Xiao Han's face was also sad.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han decided to solve the twenty first-order magic spiders in front of him as soon as possible. Maybe he would have time to go to the team of Zhong Xuanhai on the left to help!

Xiao Han's figure flashed, and the whole person jumped high into the air. In the next moment, Xiao Han had already appeared above the first-order demon spider that rushed forward, and he didn't wait for the first-order demon spider to react. Coming over, Xiao Han, who was still in mid-air, held the Sky Sword with both hands upside down, and sent the sword body of the Sky Sword down heavily. The whole person seemed to have made a trick of a thousand catties, and fell down at an extremely fast speed.


When Xiao Han's feet stepped on the junior of the first-order demon spider, the sky sword in his hand exuded a dazzling light and pierced the back of the first-order demon spider directly. The descendants of the order magic spider penetrated.

Because Xiao Han fell from mid-air so fast, when Xiao Han’s legs stepped on the descendant of the first-order demon spider, the first-order demon spider could not withstand the force transmitted from Xiao Han’s legs. The entire body was crushed into at least the normal figure in the sand, and the huge figure of this first-order demon spider splashed the black sand on the ground everywhere.

Killed in a single blow, the first-order demon spider that was still flaring its teeth and dancing claws is dead and can't die anymore, because Xiao Han's speed and body skills are too fast, so he can't wait for this first-order. After the magic spider reacted, Xiao Han had already killed it cleanly.

At this time, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others who were rushing halfway up the mountain just happened to see Xiao Han beheading the first-order demon spider. Their appearance was just as incredible as Xiao Han had thought. He was shocked and speechless.

Li Jian looked at the figure of Xiao Han stepping on the back of the Tier 1 Demon Spider, and muttered to himself: "Fuck, Grandpa Xiao is too fierce, right? He killed a Tier 1 in the blink of an eye. Demon spider? How can this be to kill a Tier 1 Demon Spider? This is completely easy, as if you are killing chickens!"

Zhong Xuanhai by his side grinned and looked at Xiao Han's figure with a look of admiration in his eyes, but after a while, he reacted. He hit Li Jian's body with his arm and reminded him: "Don't sigh Ah, no matter how powerful boss Xiao is, we are not in the same group. You see, boss Xiao has already started. If we don’t take action anymore, maybe the first-order demon spiders killed by seven of us really can’t catch up with the one killed by Xiao Han alone. The number of order magic spiders!"

Only then did Li Jian come back to his senses. He curled his lips and looked at the figure of Xiao Han as he walked. He smiled and said: "That's true, the seven of us really want to cheer up. Look at Boss Xiao's posture and kill him. These first-order demon spiders are unreasonable. I think the seven of us must use the strength to feed milk today. Otherwise, they might not be able to keep up with the number of first-order demon spiders killed by Boss Xiao alone!"

Here Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and others are sighing how easy it is for Xiao Han to kill the first-order demon spider, and there is no sign of Xiao Han's face standing on the back of the first-order demon spider. The slightest relaxed expression came out, because he knew that just killing this first Tier 1 Demon Spider was completely a surprise and took advantage of its unpreparedness, and then it would not be so relaxed.

Xiao Han looked at the nineteen first-order magic spiders gradually spreading out with a calm complexion. Even Xiao Han had to praise these first-order magic spiders once again in his heart that they were really sensitive and cooperated very well.

When Xiao Han’s feet were heavily on the first-order demon spider junior who had just been beheaded, almost at the same time, the nineteen first-order demon spiders behind them stopped, and then quickly The speed spreads around, seeming to want to quickly surround Xiao Han in the middle.

The reaction of these first-order demon spiders was really fast. Xiao Han gave a thumbs-up in his heart. Although he had just killed the first-order demon spider that was in front of his feet, the rest of the first-order demon spiders The reaction was quick, and it seemed that he was planning to form an encirclement on the spot, enclosing Xiao Han's circle, and then launching rounds of attacks.

Xiao Han wanted to make a quick battle, just to avoid being surrounded by these first-order demon spiders, so how could he watch the remaining nineteen first-order demon spiders successfully encircle a circle?

Among the nineteen first-order demon spiders, there are three or four first-order demon spiders on the left and right, crawling on both sides with extremely fast crawling speed. If Xiao Han does not take the next step, it may take less than ten seconds. At the time, the encircling circle of these first-order demon spiders was about to form, and Xiao Han was encircled in the middle again.

(End of this chapter)

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