With a flick of your hand, you can wield such a domineering sword aura. Could this be Xiao Han's true strength?

Speaking of the truth, this was the first time that the seven members of Zhong Xuanhai and others from the "Zhu Demon Squad" saw Xiao Han's real shots, and they shocked them. Xiao Han's strength is too terrifying, right?

Before Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others could react, Xiao Han grinned and said, "Isn’t it? The ditch I cut out is the dividing line between our two groups. A ditch appears on the left side of this ditch. The first-order demon spiders belong to your group of seven, and the first-order demon spider that appears on the right side of this ditch belongs to my personal group! Isn't this easy to distinguish?

Everyone suddenly realized that the ravine that Xiao Han had cut was used to delimit the two groups.

Xiao Han waved the sky sword in his hand and said with a serious face: "Everyone remember two points. First, it is important to save your life. The area we are in now is not like the place where we met last night. It is just the edge of Penglai Wonderland. , So the number of first-order demon spiders is not very large, and the number of first-order demon spiders appearing in front of us now is a lot, so it is important to save your life. It is really impossible to hold on. Don't hold on, step back and adjust your breath. , Even if it is to swallow another Qi Qi Pill to restore aura, it is very necessary.

Second, the seven of you must cooperate well with each other. Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo are the strongest relatives, so you two should pay attention to protecting the other players, as long as you can cooperate well. , These Tier 1 Demon Spiders may not be enough for you to kill! "

As soon as Xiao Han’s words fell, Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and others suddenly had a strong sense of war. When Xiao Han was divided into groups, he decided to be a group of people. It was the first time that they were deeply shocked. A master at the pinnacle of the Yuan Ying period can be so confident.

When Xiao Han just wielded a sword in the sky, Zhong Xuanhai and the others were deeply shocked again. It turned out that a master of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm, casually issued a sword aura, can be so domineering.

What else can I say with people like Xiao Han?

One word is dry.

Now, the first batch of first-order magic spiders have climbed halfway up the mountain. There are a batch of first-order magic spiders in Xiao Han's area, which should look like twenty, and there is also an area on the side of Zhong Xuanhai and the seven. The first-order demon spiders should look like fifteen or six, which is a bit later than the first-order demon spiders on Xiao Han's side. The first-order demon spiders on Xiao Han's side have climbed halfway up the mountain, and Zhong Xuanhai and the others are here. The Tier 1 Demon Spider on the side just arrived at the foot of the mountain.

In addition, the second batch of Tier 1 Demon Spiders are only less than three minutes away from the foot of the mountain. Counting the time to climb to the top of the mountain, it will not exceed ten minutes. In other words, Xiao Han's area For the first-order demon spiders, if Xiao Han is not able to make a quick battle and kill the first batch of first-order demon spiders when the second batch of first-order demon spiders arrive, then it means that Xiao Han will be killed by two batches of first-order demon spiders. Spider Siege.

Xiao Han pointed to the Tier 1 Demon Spider at the foot of the mountain, and said with great pride: "Have you seen it? Now that you are climbing up, it is not just Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but inside Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Jing, as long as these first-order demon spiders are killed and the first-order demon spider inner crystals are obtained from them, we talents have the hope that all of us will be raised to a small level in a month. Brothers, you don’t really want to Can you raise a small realm in a month? Follow me, Xiao Han, and I promise you can raise a small realm in a month."

Having said this, Xiao Han paused, turned his head to look at Zhong Xuanhai and the others standing beside him, gave him a grin, and said, “It’s not difficult at all to improve to a small level within a month. One word: Don't persuade, just do it!"

Xiao Han dared to single out twenty first-order demon spiders alone. How brave it is. Now on the hillside where they are, half of the first-order demon spiders in half of the area will be resisted by Xiao Han alone. Perseverance, compared with Zhong Xuanhai and the group of seven, Xiao Han faced much greater pressure than Zhong Xuanhai and the group of seven.

What else can I say with such a leader? At least in Li Jian's thoughts, he is now convinced of Xiao Han. Thinking of this, Li Jian's heart bursts with pride for no reason. He pointed at Xiao Han arched his hands, and then shouted: "Don't worry, Boss Xiao, Li Jian will never let you down!"

Li Jian said so, how could Zhong Xuanhai and others be worse than Li Jian?

Then, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others at the same time arched their hands at Xiao Han, and then shouted: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, we will never let you down!"

Xiao Han nodded and laughed: "Okay, then I will take a step first. Remember, try to kill the first wave of first-order demon spiders as much as possible before the next wave of first-order demon spiders arrive. In other words, life-saving is important. If you can't hold it, you can ask me to come and help, but the first-order demon spider that was killed will naturally be counted in the name of my Xiao Han!"

I don't know that Zhong Xuanhai couldn't help it when he heard this. He patted his chest and laughed: "Boss Xiao, don't worry, even if you try to swallow all the remaining seven Qi Qi Pills, My Zhong Xuanhai will not ask you to come and help!"

At this time, Li Jian also came over and laughed: "That's right, Boss Xiao, you have to be careful alone. If you can't handle it, remember to shout. I, Li Jian, will come over to help you first, but cut The first-order demon spiders killed will naturally be counted under the name of our group!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment. Originally, he just wanted to make fun of Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and the others, so that they could inspire them to work hard, but he didn’t think that Li Jian learned how to do what he did so quickly. He actually made fun of him in reverse.

Xiao Han glared at Li Jian fiercely, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Go and go, it's like I can't handle it by myself. If you can't hold it up for a while, don't ask me for help, call me. I won't come, maybe I will drive the Tier 1 Demon Spider from my side to come over, so that you guys who don't know good or bad will suffer more."


The conversation between Li Jian and Xiao Han made the rest of the people laugh, and the atmosphere on the scene became a lot easier because of the upcoming tension of the first-order magic spider disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Han put the sky sword in his hand against his shoulder, waved his hand at Zhong Xuanhai and the others, and said with a smile: "Okay, now the time is almost up, I will set off first, remember, this line is The dividing line between our two groups, don't cross the boundary to kill the first-order demon spider! Go, kill the first-order demon spider!"

As he said, Xiao Han waved his hand, and walked towards the twenty first-order magic spiders that hadn't climbed to the top of the mountain without looking back, and looked at Xiao Han's majestic vigor, as if he was about to appear in front of him. It is not a powerful first-order demon spider, but twenty chickens.

Zhong Xuanhai and others were infected by Xiao Han’s self-confidence. The whole person was much more relaxed and happy. Zhong Xuanhai turned his head and looked at the other six people standing beside him, Guo Zimo, a man of Jin Dan stage peak realm strength. Guys, Li Jian, Yan Lingmin, and Zhang Qiang are both in the mid-Gold Pill stage cultivation level, while Ren Xin and Ren Nian are the strengths of the early Golden Pill stage, plus Zhong Xuanhai himself, also in the Golden Pill stage. The strength of the pinnacle realm, such a strong team, there is no reason to be compared by Xiao Han alone!

Zhong Xuanhai waved his hand and yelled at everyone: "Brothers, there are seven of us in total. There is no reason why Boss Xiao will get on the ground alone, right?"

Li Jian stomped his feet fiercely, and then yelled: "That is, seven of us with 14 hands, no matter what, we can't be worse than Boss Xiao!"

Zhang Qiang, who usually seldom speaks, also stood up, holding in his hand a small porcelain that had just been found out of the Qiankun bag. He raised the small porcelain in his hand and said: " That’s not it. Even if I, Zhang Qiang, used all the eight Qi-Returning Pills in this **** in a few days, I couldn’t let our team be suppressed by the boss Xiao alone!"

Before others could stand up and express their attitude, Zhong Xuanhai quickly said: "Let’s not post here to shout slogans to show our attitude. Let’s go down and start fighting right away. Didn’t the boss Xiao Han say it? Try to be second. Before the wave of the first-order demon spider arrived, he killed the first wave of the first-order demon spider, so we can't passively wait for those first-order demon spiders to rush up on the top of the mountain. We have to take the initiative to meet him like Boss Xiao. This can buy precious time!"

With that said, Zhong Xuanhai looked at Xiao Han's figure, Xiao Han had already greeted the twenty first-order demon spiders halfway up the mountain in advance, and was about to meet the twenty first-order demon spiders.

When Zhong Xuanhai said so, Li Jian and others reacted, and it was quite meaningful for Xiao Han to take the initiative to greet those first-order magic spiders.

Xiao Han said before that it’s best to kill the first wave of first-order spiders before the second wave of first-order spiders arrives, so as to prevent the two waves of first-order spiders from being attacked at the same time. , There is also a question of strategic depth. The direct point is to take the initiative to meet up, and when the situation is unfavorable, you can slowly kick your legs towards the top of the mountain. This way there is a lot of maneuvering. room.

However, if you wait passively for those Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the top of the mountain, there will be a lot less room for maneuvering, leaving only this clearing on the top of the mountain to deal with. By then, the first wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders will not be cut. Killing cleanly and the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders has arrived again, that would be a little troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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