Although these first-order demon spiders surround Xiao Han, and Xiao Han is familiar with the tactics used, for Xiao Han, he would still spend a lot of money to kill these nineteen first-order demon spiders. , So the best way is to strike first.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's figure moved, and jumped over the first-order demon spider that was about to outflank Xiao Han's afterglow, but what he didn't expect was that Xiao Han's figure was about to appear in that first-order. When it was above the demon spider, the first-order demon spider seemed to be a little convenient for Xiao Han's tactics. When Xiao Han jumped up high, the first-order demon spider did not retreat but moved forward, and directed towards Xiao Han's place. The direction rushed over, it looked like it was like taking advantage of Xiao Han's figure to be in mid-air, facing Xiao Han in advance, and preventing Xiao Han from falling on his back smoothly.

Xiao Han's heart was full. He did not expect this Tier 1 Demon Spider to react so quickly. Before his figure appeared above it, he reacted so quickly. This almost instinctive way of fighting made Xiao Han was also surprised, the adaptability and resilience of these first-order demon spiders were really too strong.

The Tier 1 Demon Spider raised its two sturdy forelimbs high to face Xiao Han, and its entire body was tilted upwards, seeming to try its best to resist Xiao Han, so that Xiao Han could not step on smoothly. On his back, but how could this kind of trifling matter to Xiao Han?

It’s not that Xiao Han can slay a Tier 1 Devil Spider with both feet on the back. Otherwise, how could Xiao Han kill nearly a hundred in one day yesterday? What about the first-order magic spider?

In fact, with Xiao Han’s strength at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is not difficult to kill the nineteen first-order magic spiders in front of him. It’s rare to know how to remove these nineteen first-order magic spiders in the shortest time. Beheaded, and minimize the consumption of spiritual energy in the body, after all, now we are not only facing the dozens of Tier 1 Demon Spiders in front of us, but behind this group of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, there are also a large group of large groups. The Tier 1 Demon Spider is on its way.

If Xiao Han kills the nineteen first-order demon spiders that consume too much aura, then in the next wave of battles, Xiao Han's aura will always be exhausted. After all, in Penglai Immortal In this world, there was not a trace of aura. Xiao Han wanted to replenish the aura consumed in the battle, and he could only recover by swallowing the Qi-Returning Pill or refining the inner crystal in the first-order demon spider.

But now Xiao Han doesn’t even have a Qi-Returning Pill in his body. It is impossible to recover the aura by swallowing the Qi-Returning Pill. He wants to rely on refining the inner crystals in the first-order demon spider to restore the aura. , Let’s not talk about whether there are any Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals on Xiao Han's body. Even if there is, Xiao Han does not have so much time to sit still and adjust her breath to refine these Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals in battle. The inner crystal obtained from the body of the first-order demon spider is not like the Qi-Returning Pill. After swallowing it, it will not take long to recover a part of the aura in the body. Instead, you need to sit cross-legged to stimulate the aura in the body. The inner crystal of the first-order magic spider slowly refined into spiritual energy.

In other words, the biggest problem Xiao Han is facing now is **** these Tier 1 Demon Spiders as soon as possible, and to kill them before the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders arrive here. At the same time, the aura in the body cannot be consumed too much, otherwise, the next wave of battles will consume the aura in Xiao Han's body sooner or later. By that time, Xiao Han will be in dozens or even more first-order Under the siege of the Demon Spider, there was only one waiting to die.

If it were yesterday, Xiao Han would not dare to carry out today's plan. After all, wave after wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders would be siege, no matter how high Xiao Han's cultivation level is, it would be a matter of time to be besieged to death.

However, the "Eternal Immortal Body" that Xiao Han spent four hours to cultivate last night can be used to a great extent now and really help Xiao Han turn the tide of the battle.

From beginning to end, Xiao Han didn’t use the aura in his body at the rest of the time, except for the sword he swung at the top of the mountain just now, leaving a ravine several hundred meters in length on the sand. Relying on pure physical strength to participate in the battle, even now Xiao Han is leaping high in the air, without using a little bit of aura in his body.

Therefore, when Xiao Han not only uses the power of the physical body, but also urges the movement of the aura in his body, he will be able to explode an unexpected terrorist combat power.

Just when the first-order demon spider raised its two sturdy forelimbs high, and the whole body was tilted up, Xiao Han's figure suddenly flashed, and the speed of the whole person was more than twice as happy as when he jumped over. Xiao Han suddenly disappeared in midair.

In the next moment, when Xiao Han reappeared, he had already appeared above another Tier 1 Demon Spider, slamming the Sky Sword in his hand into the body of that Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Xiao Han relied on the power of his physical body to stimulate the spiritual energy in his body. The speed of his whole person suddenly skyrocketed, and he gave up on the previous Tier 1 Demon Spider, and came to the top of another Tier 1 Demon Spider. When the first-order demon spider hadn't reacted, he sent the sky sword into the body of the first-order demon spider.

Next, Xiao Han slowed down from time to time, relying purely on the strength and speed of his physical body to move from side to side among the Tier 1 Demon Spider Swarm, and sometimes burst out suddenly, turning the whole person into an afterimage to pounce on another Tier 1 Demon Spider. Supporting the Tier 1 Demon Spider before it reacted, he plunged the Sky Sword into the body of the Tier 1 Demon Spider. Before the Tier 1 Demon Spider died just now, Xiao Han had already pulled out of the sky. The sword floated away and broke into the side of another Tier 1 Demon Spider.

In this way, Xiao Han relied on his dexterous body and powerful physical strength, coupled with the sharpness of the sky sword in his hand, Xiao Han sent the sky sword into the bodies of Tier 1 Demon Spiders time and time again.





More and more Tier 1 Demon Spiders twitched their bodies and fell on the sand. The small team of twenty Tier 1 Demon Spiders had become less and less under Xiao Han's beheading, and only three were left. The two are still breathing, but these Tier 1 Demon Spiders don’t seem to care at all. Now the battle has completely tilted towards Xiao Han’s direction, and the remaining Tier 1 Demon Spiders are still rushing in desperately. Xiao Han.

Taking advantage of the gap when he had just killed a Tier 1 Demon Spider, Xiao Han looked at the position at the foot of the mountain. The second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spider appeared at the foot of the mountain just at this time, and the one beside Xiao Han The first-order demon spider is almost dead.

Then, Xiao Han turned his head to look at the direction of Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo and the seven of them. At this time, they happened to encounter the first wave of a dozen first-order magic spiders. The weapon greeted the Tier 1 Demon Spider. Although it looked a little messy, it seemed that the momentum was quite scary.

Xiao Han drew the Sky Sword from the body of a Tier 1 Demon Spider, shook it with his hand, and shook off the foul-smelling blue blood of the Tier 1 Demon Spider that was stained on the Sky Sword.

It didn't take long for Xiao Han to behead the last of the twenty first-order demon spiders. The first wave of first-order demon spiders were all resolved by Xiao Han cleanly.

Now that the second wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders is about to arrive here, Xiao Han has no extra time to take out the inner crystals from these slain Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Xiao Han thought about it, and decided not to take it now. After the battle is all over, the inner crystal will be taken out together, and the corpses of the first-order demon spiders on the ground will be temporarily let it go.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han decided to move forward. After all, there were twenty Tier 1 demon spiders lying down on the sandy ground just before the battle. They looked very messy, and Xiao Han didn’t like to smell the corpses. The stench in the air is big from these dead Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Xiao Han put the sky sword on his shoulders again and was about to move forward, but just now he put the sky sword on his shoulders, and a wave of Tier 1 Demon Spider blue blood radiated from the sky sword. The stench that came out made Xiao Han almost nauseous.

Xiao Han frowned. Although he said that he had just shaken the blood of the Tier 1 Demon Spider on the Cangqiang Sword, the smell could not be shaken off. Although there was no trace of blood on the body of the Cangqiang Sword. , But it's hard to avoid leaving a little taste.

No way, Xiao Han was able to put the sky general down, and then walked forward slowly.

Walking down from the place where the twenty first-order demon spiders had just fought, taking advantage of the gap in the second wave of first-order demon spiders, Xiao Han turned around again and looked at Zhong Xuanhai behind him. The fighting situation with Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others.

Xiao Han found out that although Zhong Xuanhai and other seven people were crowded and powerful, and they were all very hardworking, it was probably because they were not very experienced in combat. Although the seven people also killed half of the first-tier. The magic spider, but the seven of them should have consumed a lot of aura. Although there is no sign of defeat, the entire battle arena is slowly retreating towards the top of the mountain. In other words, the current battle situation has entered. Deadlock stage.

Xiao Han shook his head helplessly, knowing that although Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo's group were a little embarrassed, they could still resist a dozen Tier 1 demon spiders at the same time and came up to besiege, so Xiao Han was relieved, at least There is no need for Xiao Han to worry about the safety of the seven of them.

They had already killed half of the first-order demon spiders, and there were fewer than ten first-order demon spiders, and the next wave of first-order demon spiders had not arrived at the foot of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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