Xiao Han competed with the remaining seven people in a team to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider. In the consciousness of the seven members of the "Devil Slayer", Xiao Han had little chance of winning.

However, Xiao Han didn't think so. Xiao Han looked at Zhong Xuanhai and others in the "Zhu Devil Team", smiled slightly, and then said, "Do you think that I am inferior to the group of seven of you?"

Zhong Xuanhai and the others looked at each other, and then nodded in unison, do you still need to ask, no matter how good Xiao Han is, it is only one person, and there are seven people here, although they said they just pulled out one person. Come, the cultivation level is much worse than that of Xiao Han, but the saying that people are more powerful is not an empty word, and now they are facing Tier 1 Demon Spiders, which are already powerful in combat. Not to mention, and the cooperation between them is very tacit. There is a big difference between a group of first-order magic spiders and seven or eight people against a group of first-order magic spiders.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is not necessarily true! Who said that I am no better than the seven of you, so the grouping is done like this. As for the more Tier 1 Demon Spiders I killed by myself, it is you. Seven people beheaded more Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and there will only be results at the end. It is too early to say these."

Xiao Han confirmed the grouping method in one sentence. In other words, Xiao Han will be in a team today, and a team of seven people including Zhong Xuanhai. The match will see that the team kills more Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Seeing that Xiao Han has already decided, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others are not good at saying anything. After all, Xiao Han was originally the captain of their "Devil Slayer Squad". Besides, they also agreed to Xiao last night. Han, the next actions in Penglai Wonderland must all obey Xiao Han's command. At this time, there is no need for them to argue over the trivial matter of grouping.

Xiao Han’s team alone is of course a good thing for Li Jian and others. After all, Li Jian and the others will have a great chance of winning. Unless there is a miracle, Xiao Han will be killed by himself. How could the first-order demon spider of Li Jian kill more first-order demon spiders than Li Jian and the seven people.

Thinking about this, Li Jian approached Xiao Han and jokingly said, "Boss Xiao! Can you say that you are in a group? If you kill fewer Tier 1 Demon Spiders today, you will stand guard at that night. Watch"

Xiao Han was a little dumbfounded. The guy Li Jian now proposed to stand guard at night, not just to remind Xiao Han that if the group that loses in today's grouping match, it will be punished in the end. This punishment is the one that loses. The team will be responsible for vigil every night for the next week.

Although this punishment is not serious, it is definitely not light. The vigil for a week in a row means that if Xiao Han loses when their "Devil Slayer Squad" camps, they will not be able to sleep every night and can only stand. Patrol and guard around the camp, responsible for the night security of the entire "Devil Slayer".

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Since I said that I will be a team for today's game, if I don't have as many Tier 1 Demon Spiders killed by your team at the end, then I will be responsible for the next week, every night. Xiao Han came to watch the night."

When Li Jian heard this, his eyes rolled, and he laughed: "Boss Xiao, this is what you said. If you lose today, the vigil for the next week will be handed over to you!"

This guy Li Jian just stood in front of Xiao Han and just blocked Xiao Han’s sight. Moreover, Li Jian's meaning was very obvious. He believed that Xiao Han would definitely lose in today’s game. It is estimated that it is not just Li Jian. This guy thinks this way, even Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others think so.

Xiao Han gave Li Jian a glance, and then stretched out his hand to pat Li Jian's shoulder hard. With a three-point force, Xiao Han's palm slapped Li Jian into the sand for nearly half. Mi, but in this way, Li Jian, a big man with a round waist, finally did not block Xiao Han's sight.

Xiao Han slapped Li Jian into the sand with an understatement, then looked at the situation at the foot of the mountain, and then laughed softly: "Okay, the groups have been divided, and the rules of the game are almost set. Next we are ready to start fighting!"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, Li Jian hurriedly pulled his legs out of the sand and walked to the position where he stood before. The seven people from the "Zhu Devil Team" stood in a row beside Xiao Han, and everyone looked away. Throwing to the foot of the mountain.

There, the first group of dozens of Tier 1 demon spider teams are quickly climbing to the top of the mountain. Not far from them, there are several other teams of Tier 1 demon spiders slowly. Approaching the small hill where Xiao Han and the others are located, further away, there are other Tier 1 Demon Spider teams coming here constantly. From the distance now, we can clearly see these. The number of first-order magic spiders in the team has increased.

The number of first-order demon spiders at the foot of this mountain alone has exceeded one hundred at least. The larger group consists of nearly twenty first-order demon spiders, and there are eight first-order demon spiders in the missing batch. Compared with the two first-order demon spiders and four first-order demon spiders that Zhong Xuanhai and others had just encountered when they entered the Penglai Wonderland yesterday, the number is already extremely large.

Xiao Han and the others came from the direction where the first-order demon spiders came, so the first-order demon spiders here are the most concentrated, and on the hillside behind Xiao Han and the others, few first-order demon spiders appeared. , Most of the first-order demon spiders will appear on the hillside where Xiao Han and others are located. Of course, some first-order demon spiders will come up from behind Xiao Han and the others to make a surprise attack.

It won't take long for the first wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders to arrive at the top of the mountain one after another, and then the battle will really begin.

In addition to these Tier 1 Demon Spiders that are about to reach the foot of the mountain and have already reached the foot of the mountain, at the end of Xiao Han and others' sight, the tumbling smoke is already very close to the area where Xiao Han and the others are located. Only Xiao Han can It was judged that under the tumbling smoke and dust were at least two hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Looking at the situation in front of them, except for the faint smile on the corners of Xiao Han’s mouth, the faces of Zhong Xuanhai and others were very solemn. This was the first time they had seen so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and there were seven of them. Among them, Yan Lingmin had not encountered a Tier 1 Demon Spider yesterday, and today is the first time he has seen such a Tier 1 Demon Spider in Penglai Wonderland.

At this time, Xiao Han stretched out his hand, and the sky sword suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and it appeared in Xiao Han's hand out of thin air.

The sky sword suddenly appeared in Xiao Han's hands, which changed Xiao Han's entire personality. At this time, Xiao Han was almost at the peak of his whole state, even Zhong Xuanhai and others standing beside Xiao Han. It was also a gift in his heart, and the whole person's mind was involuntarily affected by the breath radiating from Xiao Han.

From Xiao Han, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others felt a vigorous fighting spirit, which made their bodies tremble.

Xiao Han held a sword in the sky, and then poured an aura into the sword. The sword in the sky was affected by the infusion of the aura, and the light was more radiant, almost comparable to the brilliance of the sun in the Penglai fairyland sky, Zhong Xuanhai, etc People didn't dare to look directly at the sky sword in Xiao Han's hands, and narrowed their eyes.

After that, Xiao Han stood steadily on the spot, but with a heavy swing of the sky sword in his hand, an unparalleled sword aura was emitted from the sky sword. After that sword aura flew out of the sky sword, It immediately turned into a light of nearly a hundred meters, and as Xiao Han swung the sword of the sky heavily, the light of nearly a hundred meters directly hit the hillside in front of Xiao Han.

Affected by the sword aura emanating from Xiao Han's body, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, the strongest members of the "Zhu Devil Squad", were shocked by the sharp sword aura emanating from Xiao Han's body. Li Jian and Yan Lingmin, whose cultivation realm was a little lower than Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, were shocked by the sharp sword aura emanating from Xiao Han's body and backed two or three steps.

As for the two of Ren Xin and Ren Nian with the lowest cultivation level and strength among the seven people, they were shocked by the sharp sword aura emanating from Xiao Han back five or six steps.

At this moment, they took a step forward at the same time, and when they returned to their original positions, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo opened their eyes incredibly, looking at the hillside in front of them, and could not speak for a long time. When Li Jian also took two steps forward and stood back to his original position, he suddenly cried out strangely: "Oh fuck!"

After Li Jian gave a strange cry, he suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed at the hillside below. Only then did Yan Lingmin, Zhang Qiang and others walked back to where they were and looked in the direction pointed by Li Jian’s finger. When they saw the situation on the hillside, they were also shocked and dumbfounded by the situation on the hillside.

The eight people, Xiao Han and Li Jian, are standing on the edge of the mountain. Looking down, it happens to be the place with the widest view. The reason why Li Jian suddenly screamed, and Zhong Xuanhai and others were caught in front of them. They were shocked and dumbfounded because they looked down and discovered that the sword aura that Xiao Han had swung hard just now happened to be cut on the hillside below, and that unparalleled sword aura left on the hillside. A ravine of more than one meter deep was formed.

This ravine is at least nearly two to three hundred meters long and more than one meter deep. The sword energy that Xiao Han issued just now spreads the black sand in the ravine to both sides, leaving this road nearly two to three hundred meters long and one meter long. What a deep gully, looking down from the position of Li Jian and others, it is even more shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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