Xiao Han smiled slightly, then glanced at the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Team" present, and then smiled: "Don’t worry, although the number of us eight is a bit smaller, the strength is not very strong, but as long as everyone follows Do what I said, we may not have the possibility of winning, and it is not impossible to even kill all the hundreds of Tier 1 magic spiders that have rushed to this mountain!"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, Zhong Xuanhai and the others looked at each other. Everyone looked very weird. They used the bait among the eight people to attract hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders to besiege. Is Xiao Han crazy?

If it weren't crazy, where did Xiao Han's confidence come from using eight gas refiners with such a huge difference in strength to fight against hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders? This is not brave, this is death?

If you know that Xiao Han is such a crazy person, then among the seven people present last night, absolutely no one would still be willing to follow Xiao Han, even if Xiao Han dared to guarantee that all people would be able to get from Golden Core within a month. It is useless to raise the cultivation level of the stage to the stage of transforming the gods. After all, no matter how good it is, if it is said that the sky is falling, it will also have life and enjoyment. What is the use of the painted cake?

There is actually a reason why Xiao Han did not speak for the time being. When the seven people of the "Zhu Devil Team" suddenly faced the current situation, Xiao Han wanted to see what they were like Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and Li Jian. Reaction, at least from the reaction below this situation, you can see whether a person can withstand this extreme situation.

To be honest, don’t talk about Zhong Xuanhai and others. Even if Xiao Han, a master at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage, suddenly learned that he was about to be besieged by hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, it is estimated that Xiao Han himself would inevitably panic. , Let alone these people in the "Zhu Demon Squad".

At least for the performance of the "Devil Slayer", Xiao Han thinks it is good. Now everyone has seen the situation they are facing. Obviously it was planned by Xiao Han. Now these seven members of the "Devil Slayer" Although the individual was pale with fright, and his expression was very panicked, there was no other extreme behavior.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said sternly: "Who told you that you will die in the face of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders? Are you willing to stand here and wait for death, or hurry up to restore the aura in your body and strive for the best? The status is adjusted!"

With that, Xiao Han summoned the Sky Sword, grabbed it in his hand and shook it, causing the surrounding air to tremble.

Zhong Xuanhai and others of the "Zhu Demon Squad" looked at each other and couldn't hide the incomprehension in their eyes. They really didn't understand. It's now this time. Where did Xiao Han get his confidence? Now they only have eight people, can they really fight hundreds of first-order magic spiders with eight people?

Seeing the seven people from the "Zhu Devil Team" still standing still like a piece of wood, Xiao Han sullen his face, then waved his hand and reprimanded loudly: "Why are you still stunned? Don't want to die? If you don’t, I’ll move quickly, Xiao Han, I will let you see what a miracle is today!"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, the seven members of the "Zhu Devil Squad" were taken aback at the same time, and then their mouths showed a bitter smile, and then Zhong Xuanhai immediately sat down on the sand with his legs crossed and found the one in the Qiankun bag. Xiao Ci, who was carrying the Qi Qi Pill, came and poured a pill into his mouth.

Seeing that Zhong Xuanhai had begun to swallow the Qi Qi Pill, the other six people in the "Zhu Demon Squad" also sat cross-legged on the sand with a wry smile, and took out the Qi Qi Pill from the Universe Bag like Zhong Xuanhai.

Zhong Xuanhai and the others also knew that under the current situation, they had no choice. After a long journey just now, they had consumed a lot of spiritual energy in their bodies, and now they are a bit weak. At this time, even if you run away, the speed of the whole person cannot be raised. Even if the speed is raised, there is no way to last. Then the first-order magic spiders will catch up with them. When you are exhausted, it is really a way of thinking to chase these first-order magic spiders in groups to besiege.

The only way now is to take advantage of the hordes of Tier 1 Demon Spiders who have not arrived here, and seize the time to adjust their breath, and strive to adjust their combat state to the best before those Tier 1 Demon Spiders arrive. In this way, are you rushing to fight? Still turned around and ran, there was a hint of confidence in my heart.

So what Xiao Han said was right. Now they have no choice but to consume a Qi-Returning Pill to quickly restore the aura in the body. Now they finally figured it out. Compared with their own small life, one No matter how precious or rare the Qi Qi Pill is, it is definitely not as important as one's own life.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and other seven people lined up in a row and sat cross-legged on the sand. After swallowing a pill of qi recovery, they all closed their hungry eyes and began to adjust their breath.

Now Xiao Han has no Qi Qi Pills anymore. The only eight Qi Qi Pills have been given to the Wuyi Palace disciples by Xiao Han’s bargaining chip in exchange for that piece of sheep fat and white jade pendant. Of course, even now Xiao Han’s body There was also the Qi Qi Pill, he didn't need to swallow it. When he was on the road before, Xiao Han didn't use the spiritual energy in his body at all, but used pure physical power to drive.

While the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" were concentrating on adjusting their breath, Xiao Han walked around the edge of the clearing on the top of the mountain and carefully observed the movement of the Tier 1 demon spiders around. Xiao Han found that except for Zhen Zhen In the direction of the Demon Mountain, the first-order demon spiders have not appeared yet, and a large number of first-order demon spiders have appeared in the other three directions. Groups of small black spots appeared in Xiao Han’s sight, crawling on The first Tier 1 Demon Spider was only five or six minutes away from the foot of the hill where Xiao Han was.

When I walked around the open space on the top of the hill and returned to the original place, Zhong Xuanhai just opened his eyes, from the state of adjusting his breath. Wake up!

Zhong Xuanhai stood up and walked to Xiao Han's side. He basically couldn't see the pale look on his face. The state of the whole person has been adjusted to the peak state, his hands are strong, and his heart is not panicked. , Zhong Xuanhai seemed to feel as if he was not as flustered as before.

Zhong Xuanhai glanced at Xiao Han and found that Xiao Han's face was very calm, not at all as if he was about to face the siege of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. He looked calmly at the one who kept coming from the distance. Order Demon Spider, the whole person seems to be in contemplation.

Zhong Xuanhai was a little confused about the situation. Is Xiao Han, the leader of their "Devil Slayer Squad", a lunatic or a genius? Why at this point, he can still make his face indifferent, as if he is okay, what he sees in front of him does not seem to be hundreds of first-order magic spiders, but the goats leisurely scattered on the grassland grazing. general.

However, Xiao Han's calm and calm state still somewhat infected Zhong Xuanhai. At least now Zhong Xuanhai feels that he is not so nervous anymore. Seeing the clusters of small black spots coming over from the mountain, Zhong Xuanhai's heart rises for no reason. There was a sense of heroism.

Regardless of how many Tier 1 Demon Spiders he came to, it was a big deal. Zhong Xuanhai chose to enter this Penglai Wonderland. Of course, he came in with the mentality of looking for opportunities and treasures of heaven, material and earth, but he had already prepared himself. Preparation, in the final analysis, is just a death, what's to be afraid of.

Before, Xiao Han took the seven members of their "Devil Slaying Squad" and drove more than 60 to 70 miles before stopping. There were also many Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the road, but Xiao Han was not completely absent. Let them kill those first-order demon spiders, but lead everyone to avoid those first-order demon spiders and walk directly in the direction of Zhen Demon Mountain.

When the clock Xuanhai was also very puzzled, what on earth did the boss of their "Devil Killing Team" think? Why did the first-order demon spiders encountered on the road not only take them to kill, but also Avoid it far away?

Now Zhong Xuanhai finally understands, Xiao Han is using their team as a bait to go deep into the area close to Zhen Demon Mountain, attracting all the Tier 1 Demon Spiders who have noticed the existence of their team. , Then, Xiao Han looked for the hill where they were now as a position. According to the current situation, Xiao Han probably wanted to use this hill as a position to snipe the surrounding Tier 1 Demon Spider.

However, according to the current situation, I don’t know if in the end it is their eight-person "devil squad" sniping hundreds of first-order demon spiders, or hundreds of first-order demon spiders besieging their eight. Personal "Zhu Devil Team" slightly.

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuanhai gathered his mind, turned slightly to look at Xiao Han's side, and said sternly: "Boss Xiao, how do you think you are sure of winning this battle?"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a while, turned his head to look at Zhong Xuanhai, grinned, and then asked jokingly: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

truth? Or lie? Of course Zhong Xuanhai wanted to listen to the truth. It's already this juncture. Why don't you listen to the truth?

Zhong Xuanhai was a little bit dumbfounded. He looked at Xiao Han's eyes with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. He really couldn't figure it out. It was such a critical time that Xiao Han was still in the mood to joke with him.

Zhong Xuanhai then asked: "Boss Xiao, don't betray you, of course I want to hear you tell the truth!"


Xiao Han thought for a while. In fact, he didn't know whether he could win this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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