Li Jian laughed twice and looked at Xiao Han with a wry smile: "Boss Xiao, let's rest for two more minutes. As long as we rest for a few minutes, we can definitely recover quickly. As for the Qi Qi Dan, forget it? I'm still going to keep those eight vitality pills to save my life!"

Hearing what Li Jian said, Zhong Xuebing also said quickly: "Yes, Boss Xiao, do you really need to use the Qi Qi Pill to recover the aura? Let's rest for a while, and we can definitely continue on our way!"

Everyone spoke in a rush, no matter what the euphemisms in the words, but the meaning was still surprisingly consistent, they all felt that at this time, it was a little extravagant to use Qi Qi Pill to restore the aura.

Xiao Han waved his hand to stop Zhong Xuebing and others from continuing to speak, and then said sternly: "No, you are wrong, we don't have to continue on the road next, and we don't have so much time to rest, except for the recovery of Qi Danzhi Besides, there is no other way to get everyone back to the best fighting state quickly!"


This guy Li Jian was the first to ask questions. After Li Jian finished speaking, the others also nodded at the same time. Yes, why?

How come there is no time to rest? Shouldn’t it take a while to rest after a long journey?

Although Xiao Han set the rules last night to let everyone in the "Zhu Devil Team" unconditionally obey his own arrangements, Xiao Han is not a domineering person, and it is impossible for everyone to follow his words. Now, the seven people from the "Zhu Demon Squad" only followed him on the first day, and now it is okay to ask why.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han grinned, then pointed to the foot of the mountain, and then said: "Maybe you don’t know yet? There are a large number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders coming to us near this mountain. If you don’t hurry up If we return to the best fighting condition, those of us will definitely die here!"

Everyone was taken aback for a while, and then Zhong Xuebing and the others' faces became very ugly. Xiao Han actually told them that there are now a large number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders like them coming. That is to say, they followed Xiao Han on the first day. It is about to face a tough battle.

Then, Zhong Xuebing and others stood up, looked around the mountain, and saw that many small black spots gathered together in many places, and they were trying to come to this mountain at a slow speed, I am afraid it won’t be useful. How long will it take to get here, then, what should the eight of them do?

Except for Xiao Han, the seven members of the "Zhu Demon Squad" were all stunned by the scenes in front of them. The small black dots were moving at a constant speed, although they were not very clear. But they can also see that those little black spots are not little ants, but first-order magic spiders that are rampant in Penglai Wonderland. Looking at the size of those little black spots, they are all more than ten first-order magic spiders. !

Except for the Tier 1 Demon Spiders that were coming around without a hassle, there was a lot of dust in the air in the direction they came.

"What can we do about this?" Li Jian stretched out a finger, pointed in the direction of the mountain, and stammered.

Not only Li Jian, but even Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo, the two Sect disciples who were at the peak of the Jin Dan stage, their faces were a little pale, and the cold sweat that had dried out appeared on their foreheads.

Xiao Han looked at the clusters of small black spots slowly approaching in the distance, his expression calm, and he could not see any abnormality.

The seven people in the "Zhu Demon Squad" looked very ugly. They looked at each other a few times, and finally realized that Xiao Han took them so far, and still maintained such a fast speed. .

The direction they are heading is toward the direction where Zhen Demon Mountain is located. The area where they started at the assembly point belongs to the edge area in Penglai Wonderland. The number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders in that area is relatively small, and may have gone by half. Heaven, that is, I have encountered several waves of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and there are not many first Tier Demon Spiders in each wave, either two, four, or six, rarely more than six. Eight of them are already at their limit. It is even rarer for Xiao Han to encounter a dozen first-order magic spiders gathering together yesterday.

But if you move in the direction of Demon Mountain, it will be different. The closer you are to Demon Mountain, the more first-order magic spiders will be, and the distribution of first-order magic spiders will become more dense. They followed Xiao Han for fifty or sixty kilometers, and they were already considered to be relatively close to Zhendevil Mountain. Although it was not the core area of ​​Zhendevil Mountain, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders nearby was already considerable.

Just now when they were on the way, Zhong Xuebing and others also saw a lot of small teams of first-order magic spiders on the way, and they all discovered that among these small teams, the number of first-order magic spiders was quite large, and there were only a dozen at every turn. The first-order demon spiders gathered together, and compared with the two first-order demon spiders and four first-order demon spiders they encountered yesterday, it was a far cry from the sky.

But when he was on the way, Xiao Han was able to avoid the Tier 1 Demon Spiders he encountered along the way. At that time, Zhong Xuebing and others of the "Devil Slayer Team" were still a little puzzled. Xiao Han didn't bring them here today. Did you kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider? But why the Tier 1 Demon Spider encountered along the way, Xiao Han didn't even react at all, not to mention stopping and beheading, but avoiding it far away.

At that time, the people of the "Zhu Demon Squad" couldn't figure it out, but now they saw the scene before them, and they finally reacted. It turned out that Xiao Han had planned all this in advance.

The first-order demon spiders met their "Devil Slayer Squad". Although they were a little far away, those first-order demon spiders still followed their "Devil Slayer Squad" by instinct, unless These eight of them disappeared out of thin air in the Penglai Wonderland. Otherwise, the Tier 1 Demon Spiders that followed would keep tracking like this, knowing to kill all eight of them.

Xiao Han’s purpose is very simple. The reason for maintaining such a fast speed, and when encountering Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the road, he would rather detour and avoid them first. It is not that Xiao Han is avoiding those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but Use their team as a bait to attract all the first-order magic spiders encountered on the road.

Is this guy Xiao Han looking for death? In addition to the clusters of small black spots that appear in the line of sight now, there is also the piece of sand that has not yet appeared in the line of sight. Looking at the formation, the number of Tier 1 magic spiders there is not even more than this. The number of first-order magic spiders that have appeared in the line of sight is very small, and it is even more likely to be more.

Hundreds of first-order magic spiders swarmed up, what kind of scene was this? Now standing on the top of the mountain is not the more than 90 sect disciples, but only eight of their "Devil Slayer Squad".

If all the ninety-odd people who have entered the Penglai Wonderland are present, they are still worthy of the upcoming hundreds of first-order demon spiders, and even if everyone works together, hundreds of first-order demon spiders It is not impossible for the spiders to be killed on this mountain, but there are only eight people here now. Could it be said that the "Devil Slayer" of these eight people can resist hundreds of them. Siege of the Tier Devil Spider?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Eight people beheaded hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, except for their "Devil Slayer Squad", all eight people are the same as Xiao Han, who are at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. You can still try to give it a try.

However, among the people present, except for Xiao Han, who was the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm, none of the others were Qi refiners who had broken through the Nascent Soul Stage, except for Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo who were Jin In addition to the strength of the peak realm of the Dan stage, Li Jian and Yan Lingmin are the strengths of the mid-Jin Dan stage. They are a little worse than Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo, and the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Xin are not to mention. Now, the two of them are just the strength that has just entered the Golden Core Stage.

Just relying on such eight people to resist the siege of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

Thinking of this, Li Jian no longer cared about what he wanted to improve in a month. He turned around and yelled at Xiao Han: "Boss Xiao, why are we still here? Run! Let’s run now!"

Zhong Xuebing and the others turned their heads and looked at Xiao Han with a face of earth. Although they didn't yell like Li Jian to run, their expressions also mean the same thing.

The members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" did not think about it. Xiao Han took the seven of them and ran all the way, acting as a bait, attracting hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders in the nearby area, but This kind of behavior is in the minds of Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, it makes no difference that they will be sent to death in the first-order magic spider army on the runway.

Just now, Li Jian asked everyone to run quickly, because he wanted to leave here as soon as the Tier 1 Demon Spiders hadn’t arrived. Maybe it’s not too late, as long as the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders have not yet formed an encirclement. Maybe there is still a chance to escape. If all the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders arrive at this mountain, what else will they run? Just wait for death here.

Li Jian found that everyone did not respond, so he hurriedly walked up to Xiao Han and urged: "Boss Xiao? You, you know that there will be so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders around us, why do you even bring us here? Aren’t we here to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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