Xiao Han grinned again. He stretched out a hand and gently touched his nose, and then said: "The truth is, I am not sure if I can win this battle. To be honest, I don't have any Thinking that we have encountered so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders along the way today, I am already a hundred heads. Who could have predicted that the Tier 1 Demon Spiders appearing around here are actually three to four hundred. !"

Zhong Xuanhai was taken aback for a moment, and he stood there blankly. After hearing the truth from Xiao Han, Zhong Xuanhai suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Even Xiao Han himself is not sure whether he can win or not. How to fight? You must know that they are facing hundreds of Tier 1 magic spiders, not hundreds of pigs, even if they are facing hundreds of them. Pigs, lining up for them to kill, a knife would cost at least a few hundred knives, and what's more, instead of hundreds of pigs, there are hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders with very powerful combat effectiveness.

Seeing that Zhong Xuanhai's mood seemed to be affected by his own words, Xiao Han laughed, and then said: "What are you afraid of? How can I know if I can win until the last minute! Besides, I, Xiao Han, is the strongest, even if it is. Death, I must also kill in front of you!"

Zhong Xuanhai laughed dryly, did not continue to speak, the words after Xiao Han seemed to be comforting.

At this moment, Guo Zimo finished adjusting his breath, followed by Li Jian, and then Yan Lingmin and others stopped adjusting his breath one after another. They all stood up and walked to Xiao Han's side.

When Guo Zimo and others looked at the small black spots that were getting closer and closer, the look on their faces was still a bit ugly.

Xiao Han turned around and looked at the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" standing in a row beside him. Now they are about to face hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. At this time, I should say some encouragement. Morale words, otherwise, Zhong Xuanhai and the fellows would not have any confidence at all, and they would not be able to exert their strongest strength in the process of fighting. Maybe this battle would really be lost.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and pointed to the black spots at the bottom of the mountain and said: "Did you find out? Although the number of Tier 1 magic spiders around is extremely large, they are all gathered together in a small team. Generally, there is a distance of at least a thousand meters between the front and the back, and it seems that these first-order magic spiders are also very distinct. Since they look like the well water does not interfere with the river water, then the eight of us here now It's not that there is no chance. As long as the eight of us work together and cooperate with each other to kill a dozen and twenty Tier 1 demon spiders at once, there should be no problem, right?"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, the eyes of the seven people in the "Zhu Demon Squad" lit up at the same time. What Xiao Han said just now seemed to make sense.

Although these Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the foot of the mountain came in groups, they didn’t seem to be monolithic to each other. They all kept a certain distance from each other, as if these Tier 1 Demon Spiders were fighting separately. There is no meaning to come together afterwards.

In this way, their eight-person "Devil Slayer Squad" does not need to face hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time. As long as everyone is working together, we can deal with the first Tier 1 that arrives at the fastest speed. Devil spiders, after slaying them clean, they will face those first-order devil spiders. In this way, maybe they really have a chance to win?

Thinking of this, the expressions on the faces of the seven people in the "Zhu Demon Squad" seemed to relax a lot. After Xiao Han's words, now thinking about the situation, it seems that the situation is not that there is no room for recovery!

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Dear brothers of the "Devil Slayer", today is the first day we have entered the fighting state! I think it is necessary for our "Devil Squad" to have a game, one after another. For the game of Tier Devil Spider, my purpose of arranging this way is actually to have two. First, let me see your real combat effectiveness, and second, cultivate the team spirit of our Jade Demon Squad.

So I decided, let’s have a game. The eight of us will be divided into two groups. The two groups are responsible for different directions. They clean up the first-order magic spiders that have attacked this hill. After killing them, get those first-order magic spiders. What do you think of the inner crystals on your body, which group has got more first-order magic spider inner crystals, even if that group wins? "

Everyone in the "Zhu Devil Team" heard that this arrangement was quite good. It was inspiring through the game. There is no better way than this. Anyway, everyone is beheading the spider. During the game, Surely everyone can reach their greatest potential.

Zhong Xuanhai nodded, and then asked: "Boss Xiao, I think this method is feasible, you can tell, how do we group, and then how to punish the group that loses the game!"

In addition to Zhong Xuanhai, everyone else also agreed. It's all like this now. Whether it's a game, it can at least inspire everyone to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Xiao Han thought about it, and then laughed: "As for the punishment! Today is a two-group match! That group won a smaller number of first-order magic spider inner crystals. Which group is responsible for standing guard at night, what do you think? "

Responsible for standing guard? The team that lost the game only needs to stand guard during the night tonight? What kind of punishment is this? This punishment is too light, right? Besides, this kind of competition is not as simple as running or comparing speed. It's more than who killed more Tier 1 magic spiders. That is a desperate job. The team that loses only needs to stand guard during the night. Up? Is this also called punishment?

Just staying at night, this kind of painless punishment is equivalent to nothing unusual.

Thinking of this, Yan Lingmin from the "Zhu Devil Team" smiled and said, "Boss Xiao, since it's a game, we have a little more meaning. The team that lost is just standing guard during the night tonight? This is also true. Isn’t it too light? Or else, the team that lost the game today will stay vigil for ten consecutive days from this night when staying overnight. This will allow the winning team to have a good rest in the evening, everyone. how do you feel?"

Ren Xin and Ren Nian nodded their heads and agreed. The losing group had been vigil for ten consecutive days. The punishment was light and light, and heavy and heavy. It was just right for Ren Xin and Ren Nian.

Not only Ren Xin and Ren Nian agreed, but Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others also agreed. Xiao Han saw that everyone had no opinion, so he decided on the punishment of the game.

Although the so-called competition and punishment are not very harsh, Xiao Han found that the topic he raised had successfully diverted the attention of the seven people from the "Zhu Devil Team". At least now everyone is concerned about the competition and What was the punishment for the game, and didn't care about whether the Tier 1 magic spiders that are about to appear around them are dozens or hundreds.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han suggested: "I think our'Devil Killing Team' can completely set a rule in the future! In addition to the match between groups, among the eight of us, who killed the Tier 1 monster that day? The number of spiders is the least, and the number of Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals is the least. Then who will be responsible for preparing food for the eight of us the next day, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

"Yes, of course!"

What made Xiao Han Ju feel a little surprised is that as soon as he proposed this rule, the seven members of the "Zhu Devil Team" were all applauded.

Next, Li Jian stood up and talked about a key question: "Boss Xiao, should we be grouped? If we don't group, the first-order demon spiders that rushed to the front will soon be here. By then we will have The fight has started, but the groups are not separated. Which group does the slashed Tier 1 Demon Spider belong to?"

At this time, Zhong Xuanhai also stood up and smiled: "Yes, Boss Xiao, hurry up to group, otherwise it will be too late!"

Guo Zimo hurriedly shouted; "Boss Xiao, how about I'm with you? Although my Guo Zimo is a little weaker than Zhong Xuanhai, I am much stronger than Li Jian. As a group, you will definitely not suffer!"

Li Jian pulled his face and said with a smile: "Good, you Guo Zimo, you dare to step on my head because your cultivation level is higher than mine. Li Jian, I am not eating dry food, although I The cultivation level is a little lower than yours, but my combat effectiveness is not much worse than yours. Otherwise, let's practice here first?"

With that said, Li Jian didn't wait for Guo Zimo to reply, and quickly turned around to look at Xiao Han and smiled: "Boss Xiao, how do you think I am in a team with you?"

Among the eight people present, Xiao Han has the strongest strength and the highest cultivation level. No matter who is in the same group as Xiao Han, the chance of winning in this group is much higher, so Guo Zi Mo, Li Jian and others are rushing to be in the same group with Xiao Han.

But I didn't expect Xiao Han to wave his hand, and simply and directly refused: "No need!"

Before Li Jian could react from the disappointment, Zhang Qiang also rushed to say: "Boss Xiao! How about letting me be in a team with you? My Zhang Qiang's cultivation level is not high or low, just right. Boss, you form a high-low match!"

I don't know that Xiao Han waved his hand, simply and directly refused: "No need!"

Ren Xin smiled and said, "Boss Xiao, your strength is the strongest among so many of us. It's not very fair who you are in the same group. Only me, Ren Xin and my brother, Ren, we two and Boss Xiao One group, and the remaining five people in your group! This is the fairest way to group!"

(End of this chapter)

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