Guo Zimo couldn't help but muttered: "Fuck, Xiao Han, boss, you are too awkward, right? After running such a long distance, your face is not red and your heart is not beating, it looks like you are all right!"

Zhong Xuebing smiled bitterly, and then sighed: "That's not too bad, you don't want to think about it. Boss Xiao is the strength of the peak realm of the Yuan Ying period. His realm is a lot higher than those of us, so he has been on this way. For Boss Xiao, of course it’s nothing!"

Xiao Han did not pay attention to Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo, so he did not pay attention to the dialogue between Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo. His attention was used to observe the distribution of the surrounding first-order magic spiders. The situation is up.

Moreover, when Xiao Han was on the road before, he didn’t use the aura in his body at all. He relied purely on the strength and speed of the physical body to drive. However, with Xiao Han’s current cultivation level in the Yuan Ying period, even if Xiao Han used the aura in his body, Hurrying to the present, Xiao Han couldn't be as tired and panting as Zhong Xuebing and others.

After Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo rested for a while, Li Jian also rushed to the top of the mountain, followed by Yan Lingmin, and finally Ren Xin and Ren Xin. After they reached the top, they were even more exaggerated than Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo. They all lay down directly on the sand, their chests undulating violently, and their mouths were panting heavily. Not only was the whole person sweaty, but compared to Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuebing, the faces of these few people were also different. Some are pale, it seems that they have just rushed such a long distance. For these sect disciples who are strong in the mid-Gold Pill period or even in the early period, it is really not an easy and happy thing. It seems that a few of them Already approaching the limit in the body.

Just when these people were gasping for breath, taking out a lot of water from the Qiankun bag to pour it in, Xiao Han also slowly recovered, turning his head to look at Zhong Xuebing, who was sitting on the ground and rested. people.

Now, there should be less than ten minutes before the arrival of the first wave of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but when Xiao Han is calculating this world, he considers those Tier 1 Demon Spiders who rushed to the foot of this hill. Time, if the time for the Tier 1 Demon Spider to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is also included, there should be more than ten minutes left.

As for the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders who followed Xiao Han's team, it would take longer to climb to the top of the mountain.

So much time is enough for Xiao Han to arrange everything in advance.

Today Xiao Han’s anything is a bit heavy. In addition to killing some more Tier 1 Demon Spiders and gaining more Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals for herself, Xiao Han also owes debts. He agreed to the Wuyi Palace’s last night. Several disciples exchanged the piece of mutton fat white jade pendant in Wuyi Palace. In addition to the eight Qi Qi recovery pills on Xiao Han, Xiao Han also agreed to take out another two hundred Tier 1 magic spider inner crystals. make up.

But yesterday Xiao Han had only one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals. After giving them all to the Wuyi Palace disciple, Xiao Han still owed them one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals. Xiao Han was the least What I like is owed to others, so Xiao Han decided to use today's time to return the one hundred Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals that he owed to the Wuyi Palace disciples.

All the gains of the day today, in addition to the one hundred used to exchange for the Wuyi Palace disciple, Xiao Han also has to save a little for himself. After all, Xiao Han last night obtained one hundred from killing a Tier 1 Demon Spider during the day. After the first-order magic spider inner crystal was given to the disciple of Wuyi Palace, he didn't even have a first-order magic spider inner crystal on his body.

Last night Xiao Han spent all his time cultivating the "Eternal Immortal Body". The main reason was that this was the first day Xiao Han practiced the "Eternal Immortal Body", so it took a little longer, but there was another time. The main reason is that Xiao Han doesn't even have a Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystal on his body, how can he cultivate?

Therefore, Xiao Han’s task today is a bit heavy. Xiao Han has already planned to enter the state of cultivation earlier this evening. It will take four hours to cultivate the "Eternal Immortal Body" and then spend all the remaining time. Both are used to refine the inner crystal of the first-order magic spider.

After all, for Xiao Han, in addition to cultivating the "eternal immortal body", the cultivation of spiritual energy is equally important. If Xiao Han breaks through the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage and enters the God Transformation Stage, Xiao Han's overall strength will be There is a significant improvement. As a result, in the world of Penglai Wonderland, encountering some extreme situations, Xiao Han's chance of saving his life will be even greater.

Now, what Xiao Han has to do is, within ten minutes, let the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" present to let Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian adjust their state as soon as possible to welcome the coming. The first-order magic spider.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han looked at the people sitting on the ground and said: "Well, everyone sits up and listens to me while resting. Everything I say next is likely to be related to whether everyone can keep their children. Life."

"I go!"

As soon as Xiao Han’s words fell, Li Jian and others, who were lying on the sand like a pile of mud, suddenly screamed, and then they were full of agitation. The whole person bounced from the sand like this, not just Li. Jian and the others, even Zhong Xuebing and Guo Zimo were taken aback, and then looked at Xiao Han with that incredible look.

Everything Xiao Han said next is likely to be related to whether he can save his life?

Do you want to be so exaggerated? Is the above matter so urgent? When Xiao Han actually spoke, it was about whether he could save his life?

Of course, among the eight members of the "Devil Slaying Squad" present, apart from Xiao Han, no one has noticed for the time being. Now there are two Tier 1 Demon Spiders unhurriedly moving towards the place where they are. The hilltops gathered, and within twenty minutes, the hilltop where they were now would be covered with Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

The two batches of first-order demon spiders are all added up, and the number is extremely surprising. At least more than five hundred first-order demon spiders are coming to the mountain where they are located, but they don't know it. If they knew it, they would be frightened. .

Don’t be five hundred. Now with their strength, it is very difficult for one person to deal with ten first-order demon spiders. Like Ren Xin and Ren Xin in the early stage of the Golden Core period, if they really care about it, one person deals with five. Tier 1 Devil Spiders are very dangerous things.

Although they were becoming more and more curious in their hearts, they knew that Xiao Han had important things to say next, so they didn't dare to say a word, even the panting voice was much smaller after deliberate suppression.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, listen carefully, I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, but time is running out, so let's stop asking first and do the most important things first. Next, if I have time, I will explain to you!"

Seeing everyone's attention turned to him, Xiao Han nodded and said: "Next, I want everyone to immediately start to do one thing, that is, take out one from your Qiankun bag. Come back and swallow the pill. I will give you five minutes to adjust your breath and adjust your state to the best state!"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, Zhong Xuebing and the seven others were surprised. Xiao Han asked them to take out a Qi Qi Pill and swallow it, right?

The bodies of Zhong Xuebing and the others just happened to have only eight Qi-Returning Pills. Before entering the Penglai Wonderland, Penglai Island provided them with only eight important supplies for these sect disciples. Now Xiao Han has nothing to say. Just ask them to take out one and swallow it, they will really be a little overwhelmed for a while.

What is Xiao Han doing? They just rushed for a while. Although they have consumed a lot of spiritual energy, they have not yet reached the point where they can't hold on. Besides, aren't everyone already resting? Just take a little more rest. After the rest, when everyone is relieved, you can go straight on the road. What else do you need to swallow the Qi Pill?

Isn't this a huge waste?

Although they knew that when they were just on their way, at least one-third of their aura was consumed by them. If they want to restore the aura in the body quickly, it’s best to take out a pill of energy recovery. It's a way, the treasure of Qi Qi Pill is well-known among the Qi refiners of mundane time. As long as one swallows it, it can quickly restore the aura in the body in a short time.

A Qi refiner like Xiao Han with the strength of the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage consumes one-third of the aura in his body. It may not be enough to swallow a Qi-Return Pill to replenish all the aura, but for Zhong Xuebing As far as the strength of the mid-pill stage is concerned, if one third of the aura is consumed in the body, swallowing a Qi Qi pill is enough to replenish the consumed aura, let alone a gold pill stage like Ren Xin In the early stage of cultivation, it is really a huge waste to use a Qi-Returning Pill to restore the consumed aura.

In fact, Xiao Han asked these people in the "Zhu Devil Team" to take out a pill to swallow it. Zhong Xuebing and others are not reluctant, and should not even be described as reluctant. They are not reluctant, and It is painful, very painful.

There are only eight Qi-Returning Pills in total. This is a life-saving thing. Xiao Han now asks them to take out one, isn't that equivalent to cutting meat?

They really didn't understand why Xiao Han asked them to take out a Qi Qi Pill at this time. After thinking about it, they didn't think it was necessary. Why do they have to use Qi Qi Pill? Just take a few more minutes and take a few more breaths, right? Do I need to use Qi Qi Pill to restore the aura?

(End of this chapter)

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