The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1014: Lu Xuan's concealment

Actually speaking, the reason why Ye Longxuan agreed to the invitation of Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, agreed to enter this Penglai Wonderland, in addition to hoping to gain some opportunities and inheritance from Penglai Wonderland to improve his own strength, The most important reason is that he wants to meet Xiao Han in the Penglai Wonderland, and then fight Xiao Han dignifiedly, defeating Xiao Han in front of everyone, and Yelongxuan is still the same Yelongxuan in front of him. Ye Longxuan, where all the difficulties and obstacles stepped on.

The owner of Penglai Island just told Ye Longxuan that Xiao Han would also participate in this trip to Penglai Wonderland, and he would enter Penglai Wonderland one step earlier. Ye Longxuan agreed without hesitation, even without Penglai. The island’s owner Lu Xuan said one more word, just to find Xiao Han and stand with him.

However, Ye Longxuan didn’t know that Xiao Han’s cultivation had already stepped into the Nascent Soul Stage before him, and it was not the middle Nascent Stage, but the peak realm of the Nascent Stage, and he was far from breaking into the God-Transforming Stage. Only one step away.

In order to break the realm as quickly as possible, Xiao Han now followed the ghost king Chen into the ghost domain, and turned the eerie ghost domain upside down, and went to the world in the soul orb, and the soul in the soul orb. The world is completely unified under his command, and he can even obtain the power of faith from the heaven and earth on the soul orb side, and use it to enhance his combat effectiveness.

Although this trip to the fairyland of Penglai, among the nearly one hundred disciples of the sect, almost everyone thinks that Yelongxuan is already the first person in the younger generation in the world of secular cultivation, and the previous Xiao Han has already It is not as good as the current Ye Longxuan, but only Ye Longxuan knows that before Xiao Han defeated Xiao Han, the so-called first master of the younger generation in the world of secular practice is not worthy of its name.

Ever since it was presented to Xiao Han at the Alliance Competition, Ye Longxuan knew that it was called Tianwai, Tianren, Renren, and it was not only the sect disciple who could open up and expand the territory on the way to cultivation, Xiao Han could also.

So in Ye Longxuan's heart, since losing to Xiao Han's hands, no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he never looked down upon Xiao Han again, and even though Ye Longxuan had never looked down upon Xiao Han since that hurried competition I never saw Xiao Han again, and Ye Longxuan didn't know how much Xiao Han's strength had increased, but Ye Longxuan knew that Xiao Han would definitely not be much worse than himself.

Defeating these four giant spiders cleanly and neatly, Ye Longxuan did not leave much attention on the four giant spiders. In his opinion, although these giant spiders cooperate tacitly and are extremely intelligent, they are also very powerful. Very powerful, but unless this giant spider is attacking him in groups, otherwise there is no way to pose a substantial threat to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan turned and left the place where he had just fought. The most important thing now is to launch that flare as soon as possible to gather the sect disciples scattered nearby.

Ye Longxuan walked to the hillside that he had selected before, and at the same time, took out the special flare gun from Qiankun's bag and stuffed a flare into the magazine.

Just when Ye Longxuan encountered Tier 1 demon spiders for the first time in the Penglai Wonderland, Ye Longxuan also slayed the four giant spiders neatly, and was preparing to launch a signal flare to notify other sect disciples to approach him. At that time, Xiao Han had just filled his stomach and sat on a rock contentedly to digest.

Seeing that it was not too early, Xiao Han thought for a while. People have been buried, and the Universe Bag is already in hand. Now that the sky is getting dark, it's time for the gloomy evil spirits to come out and move.

Xiao Han's heart moved. He remembered that when he used his consciousness to examine the Qiankun bag on the Wuyi Palace disciple, he seemed to have accidentally seen a small porcelain object. Originally, Xiao Han didn't care about a small porcelain object. Yes, after all, all kinds of Chinese specialties accounted for the vast majority in the Qiankun bag of the Wuyi Palace disciple just now. At that time, Xiao Han just happened to be hungry and screaming, so his focus has always been They are all on the various Chinese specialties, and not too much attention to other things.

Now when I think about it, the little porcelain that he saw accidentally seems to be similar to the little porcelain that Xiao Han's Qiankun bag had previously installed eight Qi Qi Dan on Penglai Island for him.

Could it be that this Wuyi Palace disciple's Qiankun bag also contains Penglai Island's Qi Qidan?

Xiao Han thought for a while. This possibility is still very high. Since this Wuyi Palace disciple and Xiao Han are in the same world, and since this Wuyi Palace disciple can come to this Penglai Wonderland, it can only It came in through the entrance of the Patriarch's Shrine on Penglai Island.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's heart moved and sent his consciousness directly into the Universe Bag. The next moment, that little porcelain **** appeared in Xiao Han's hands.

Xiao Han took the small porcelain ** in his hand, and felt that this small porcelain ** was indeed exactly the same as the one in Xiao Han’s Qiankun bag. Xiao Han gently shook it with his hand and found that this small porcelain ** was indeed Things are indeed installed, and the weight is not much different.

Xiao Han poured out one of the things in Xiao Porcelain ** and found that it was not the transparent glass marbles Xiao Han had seen before, but a brown pill the size of a thumb, and it surprised Xiao Han. Yes, this thumb-sized brown pill was emitting a faint fragrance of medicine. Xiao Han sniffed it in front of his nose. The faint fragrance of medicine refreshed Xiao Han's spirit.

Just smell it, and the medicinal fragrance from this thumb-sized brown pill can even lift Xiao Han's spirits, which shows that the effect of this pill is extraordinary. If you swallow it, wouldn't it be more magical?

Although Xiao Han had never tasted this kind of medicine, according to Xiao Han's speculation, this should be the healing medicine of Penglai Island, and he was cultivating the world-famous "Qi Yi Pill".

Xiao Han now doesn’t know whether he should be happy or angry. Now these eight Qi return pills are in Xiao Han’s hands, although Xiao Han already knows that the inner crystal found in the first-order demon spider can be used to replenish the depleted aura , But the inner crystal in the body of this first-order demon spider is still a bit inconvenient to use. It is necessary to mobilize the inner crystal in the body to refine this inner crystal, so that the inner crystal can be converted into aura for Xiao Han to use, but this kind of return Qi Pill is different. Even during the battle, Xiao Han only needs to swallow the Qi Qi Pill into his abdomen, and the effect of the Qi Pill will be naturally displayed, which is much more convenient than the inner crystal of the magic spider.

Originally, Xiao Han couldn’t figure out why Lu Xuan Lu Island of Penglai Island mainly concealed himself. Obviously there were other people who entered Penglai Wonderland like him, but Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, did not have it from beginning to end. Having mentioned this matter, this already made Xiao Han quite depressed. Lu Xuan didn't seem to tell herself that besides him, there would be other people entering the Penglai Wonderland.

In the Penglai Wonderland before, Xiao Han found that the eight Qi Qi Pills in his Qiankun bag had been replaced by eight glass marbles by the Great Elder, and all the food and drinking water in the Qiankun bag had been replaced by the Great Elder. After sending someone to turn his head, Xiao Han had been depressed once.

If it was said that there were eight Qi Qi Pills in the Universe Bag of the Wuyi Palace disciple just now, Xiao Han felt that there was a great possibility that these eight Qi Qi Pills were provided by Penglai Island.

Could it be said that Penglai Island has prepared eight Qi Qi Pills for every refiner who enters Penglai Wonderland. That is to say, this time in Penglai Wonderland, not only Xiao Han has entered Penglai Wonderland, Penglai Island must Many sect disciples have been invited to enter Penglai Wonderland. Since there is a disciple from Wuyi Palace here, it is very likely that other sect disciples have also entered Penglai Wonderland.

Xiao Han couldn't help cursing: "Damn, Lu Xuan, a dead woman, has to hide this from me. What kind of medicine does her gourd sell?

Could it be said that Penglai Island has other purposes for this trip to Penglai Wonderland? What tricks Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, is playing?

Xiao Han still couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, so he cursed: "I knew that I should rush to her house that night, strip his clothes off, and just push it on."

First, I discovered that my food and drinking water were replaced by bricks by the Great Elder of Penglai Island. Later, I discovered that the eight return gas pills that were of great use in this Penglai Wonderland were replaced by eight glass bombs by the Great Elder of Penglai Island. Zhu, now Xiao Han discovered that even after entering the Penglai Wonderland, Penglai Island’s owner Lu Xuan had something to hide from Xiao Han, and Xiao Han became more angry as he thought about it.

But fortunately, now I can find the Qiankun bag from this Wuyi Palace disciple who was besieged to death by the first-order demon spider. It contains enough food and drinking water for Xiao Han to use for a year, as well as eight pieces prepared by Penglai Island. Qi Dan, with these materials, Xiao Han no longer has to worry about supplies in Penglai Wonderland.

Regardless of what kind of ulterior purpose Lu Xuan, the island owner of Penglai Island, has in concealing himself, anyway, Xiao Han has no other way to vent his anger except for a few curses in the Penglai Wonderland. Everything can only wait for Xiao Han to follow. After going out in the Penglai Wonderland, do not care about it.

Besides, Xiao Han is still in the Penglai Wonderland, even if he gritted his teeth with anger? Didn’t Xiao Han have the opportunity to find the Great Elder of Penglai Island to settle the accounts after leaving the Penglai Wonderland?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt much better. He found food and drinking water from the Wuyi Palace disciple just now, enough to consume for a year in the Penglai Wonderland, and these eight Qi Qi Pills. The inner crystal extracted from the body of the first-order demon spider is also very useful in battle.

(End of this chapter)

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