The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1013: Swarm Spiders

When the four giant spiders got close, Ye Longxuan realized that the four giant spiders seemed to be very spiritual. After they got close to him, they dispersed, faintly forming a circle, enclosing Ye Longxuan in the middle.

Ye Longxuan was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that this kind of giant spiders as big as a millstone actually knew how to cooperate with each other. If these four giant spiders rushed forward regardless of the fact, then Ye Longxuan would not even be willing to fight with them. You can retreat directly with your flexible body, even if this giant spider crawls quickly, you don't necessarily catch up to Ye Longxuan.

But when these four giant spiders came up, they formed a small circle encircling Yelongxuan. In this way, if Yelongxuan wanted to retreat, he had to guard against the siege of these giant spiders. It's better to fight directly.

Ye Longxuan did not dare to care about this kind of giant spider that was so big and fierce for the first time. This Penglai Wonderland was full of weirdness. You can never underestimate the enemy. If you are not careful, you may eat a big one. Unfortunately, Ye Longxuan felt that it was safe to do so, and instead of launching an attack first, he waited for the giant spiders to act first.

Now, these four giant spiders are about three or four meters away from Yelongxuan. Their mouths make a hissing sound, and their fangs are constantly closing towards Yelongxuan, looking like they are following the night. Long Xuan demonstration.

At this moment, the four giant spiders that surrounded Yelongxuan tufted into the black gauze ground with their sturdy forelimbs. Ye Longxuan was taken aback. He thought of a possibility, even his His face has also changed a little.

Looking at this posture, the four giant spiders are preparing to insert their forelimbs into the black sand, and then raise the black sand high on the ground to confuse and influence Ye Longxuan's sight.

If the four giant spiders formed a circle to surround Yelongxuan very tacitly before, although Yelongxuan was surprised, it was not very surprising at that time. Even in the secular world, some animals are also in the natural environment. If you survive for a long time, you will have your own set of effective methods when catching prey.

However, these four giant spiders are obviously much smarter than other animals. They actually know that they can raise the black sand on the ground to confuse and affect the enemy’s sight. This is not something ordinary animals can do. It’s as if it’s wise.

Ye Longxuan's face showed a solemn look for the first time. It was not that he was afraid of the four giant spiders in front of him, but that he was amazed at the cooperation and wisdom displayed by the giant spiders when they were fighting. No wonder he set off again. Before Penglai Wonderland, the ancestors in the door repeatedly told Yelongxuan, you must not be careless in Penglai Wonderland. Although the ancestors in the door have not entered Penglai Wonderland, he has seen Penglai Wonderland from some ancient books. The record, I also know some secrets about the fairy and demons battle more than a thousand years ago, so this was specially designed to find Yelongxuan to remind him before he led the team to Penglai Wonderland.

Just when Ye Longxuan was amazed by the fighting methods of these giant spiders, the four giant spiders inserted their forelimbs into the sand at the same time. Almost at the same time, the methods of the four giant spiders were agreed upon, and they all agreed. The forelimbs inserted into the sand were raised high, driving the black sand on the ground to pounce towards Ye Longxuan,

At this time, Ye Longxuan did not dare to be big. After all, he was only a cultivation base in the middle of the Nascent Soul stage, and he couldn't do the same as the transformation of the spirit of the body as a means of attack. You can easily block back the black sand flying all over the sky.

After all, the black sand raised by these four giant spiders pounced in all directions. Even if Ye Longxuan held two incredibly powerful sky thunders in his hand, there was no way to block these tiny black sands at the same time, so this This trick used by giant spiders to confuse the enemy’s sight is still very useful. Xiao Han encountered this type of first-order demon spider several times before, and at first he could only deal with it carefully, until later on. The Tier Demon Spider fought many times before finding a way to restrain this kind of attack that was somewhat subordinate.

Even Xiao Han's strength at the pinnacle level of the Nascent Soul Stage, the first time he faced this giant spider, he could only temporarily avoid the black sand flying in the sky. Although Ye Longxuan was powerful, it was compared. Xiao Han's strength was still a bit worse, so Ye Longxuan had no choice but to avoid such black sand first.

Ye Longxuan didn't wait for the black sand to pounce on, the next moment, his feet slammed heavily on the sand, and the whole figure jumped high like a cannonball.

The method that Ye Longxuan used to deal with the attacks of these four first-order demon spiders was surprisingly similar to the previous Xiao Han's method of dealing with this first-order demon spider.

Before Ye Longxuan descended from the air, Ye Longxuan, who broke free from the encirclement, waved down the two sky thunders in his hand, and the two sky thunders swiftly directed at the two giant spiders. Attacked from the top of the head, leaving a trail of tiny lightning in the air.

I have to say that this thunder catastrophe is indeed the immortal magic that Ye Longxuan has understood. The power is indeed amazing. When these two sky lightnings hit the two giant spiders, the giant spiders are strong. It was also struck by the thunderstorm from the sky thunder and flew far away, and the powerful sky thunder blasted the heads of the two giant spiders into a **** mess.

But before Ye Longxuan’s feet stepped on the ground, he was surprised to find that although the two giant spiders were tumbling far away by the sky thunder from him, their heads were bloody, but those two The giant spider that received only the severe damage fluttered for a few times, and still crawled over towards Ye Longxuan. Although the speed had dropped a lot, what made Ye Longxuan amazed was that these two giant spiders actually returned. Have combat effectiveness.

Ye Longxuan grinned bitterly and muttered to himself: "Fuck, the shell of this giant spider is so hard, it has been attacked by a t-thunder, and it's not dead yet?"

Ye Longxuan said in his heart that he knew how powerful the two sky thunders he sent just now. If a gas refiner of the Golden Core Stage is hit by the sky thunder in his hand, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead. It has completely lost its combat effectiveness, but can this giant spider actually survive?

Excited and exclaimed, Ye Longxuan had no time to continue to be distracted, because he had just fallen from mid-air, and two other giant spiders had already attacked him.

Ye Longxuan completely put away his contempt, and now he has regarded a real opponent among this giant spider.

Ye Longxuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a scarlet fairy sword appeared out of thin air in his hand. His figure flashed, and his whole person suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he appeared on top of one of the giant spiders. The scarlet fairy sword fiercely pierced into the back of the giant spider.

Although the fairy sword was completely submerged in the back of the giant spider, Ye Longxuan's expression became more solemn, and the feedback force from his hand made him secretly frightened. The immortal sword in Long Xuan's hand is a sub-grade magic weapon, and now this sword can pierce the back of this giant spider.

After one hit, Ye Longxuan pulled out the fairy sword, and the whole person flew back, and instantly left the battlefield. Ye Longxuan took a look and discovered that the giant spider he stabbed before had fallen to the ground. He completely lost his combat effectiveness.

It turns out that this kind of giant spider is useless to attack his head, and it can only be killed with a fairy sword through its back.

After figuring this out, Ye Longxuan killed the remaining three giant spiders much easier.

Not long after, Ye Longxuan raised his hand, and the scarlet fairy sword disappeared out of thin air. Ye Longxuan frowned in disgust, looking down at the green blood of the giant spider splashing on his body during the battle.

Ye Longxuan always likes to be clean, not to mention this smelly green blood, even if a trace of dust gets on his clothes, he will feel very uncomfortable.

So, in the next moment, Ye Longxuan took out a new set of clothes from his Qiankun bag and put on it.

It has to be said that among all the nearly 100 people who entered the Penglai Wonderland, only Ye Longxuan’s cultivation level is the closest to Xiao Han, and Ye Longxuan has lost to Xiao in that league competition. Han, after being stomped by Xiao Han, Ye Longxuan's whole body was like a different person.

Before that competition, Xiao Han was just a four-no person with no school, no background, no backing, and not even many people knew Xiao Han as a person, and who Ye Longxuan was? He was a young Wudang sect. The most outstanding first among the disciples. From the beginning of his cultivation, he has always been the fastest-moving person among the disciples of the same generation in the entire sect. In the hearts of the elders of the sect, Ye Longxuan is the rising star of the Wudang school. , Has unparalleled potential, for this kind of genius, how to cultivate the Wudang faction that has passed on for thousands of years can not be excessive.

However, it was such Ye Longxuan, but in the competition was abruptly defeated by a little-known unknown pawn, which made Ye Longxuan, who had always been strong, a hit.

In Ye Longxuan's heart, the most important thing in his life was to find a way to improve his cultivation level and strength, and then find a chance to fight Xiao Han again, and defeat Xiao Han dignifiedly.

This is why I know clearly that there is a huge risk of entering the Wudang school’s volley top retreat. If you are not careful, you will die, but Ye Longxuan still enters the volley top without hesitation, and at the last moment, he realizes a kind of immortal. The law "Thunder Tribulation" and successfully broke through, became a super master in the Yuan Ying period.

(End of this chapter)

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