From this point of view, Xiao Han has inherited the feelings of this Wuyi Palace disciple. Xiao Han is like this. The kindness of dripping water should be reported by the spring, so he decided to bury this Wuyi Palace disciple. At the same time, he put away the valuable but significant piece of mutton jade pendant from him. If he meets a disciple of Wuyi Palace in the future, Xiao Han will return the piece of mutton fat jade pendant in his hand to Wuyi Palace. , If there is a chance in the future, if the Wuyi Palace is in trouble, Xiao Han doesn't mind to hand in hand, it can be regarded as returning this favor.

If you have a grudge, Xiao Han will certainly remember it very firmly, just like the great elder of Penglai Island. When Xiao Han leaves the Penglai Wonderland in the future, Xiao Han will naturally ask him to settle accounts.

At this moment, the Taoist Sheng Xu suddenly said: "In fact, you don't need to feel unhappy. After all, the purpose of Penglai Island is very clear. As long as you find the neon clothes and bring it back, you will wake up. What does it matter who brought it back? For Penglai Island, the more people enter the Penglai Wonderland, the more likely it is to bring the neon feathers back. Therefore, it is not normal for Penglai Island to invite you to the Penglai Wonderland alone. Penglai Island invites many It is more common sense for people to enter the Penglai Wonderland together."

Xiao Han understands what the sacred Taoist said. Hearing this, Xiao Han smiled and said: "What you said makes sense, I just wonder why the island owner of Penglai Island didn't mention it to me before I came in. There are other people who will enter this Penglai Wonderland. There may be something strange in it, but I can't figure it out for the time being."

The Taoist Saint said with a smile: "Although I don't know what the intention of the island owner of Penglai Island is, I don't think this is the focus of your attention. Besides, you are already in this Penglai Wonderland, and still think about it. What are there so few? Anyway, whether you can take away the neon clothes, whether you can gain inheritance and opportunities in this Penglai Wonderland, in the end, it depends on who is stronger."

Xiao Han laughed and said: "The truth is such a truth, I also know that, except that Penglai Island has concealed that other people have entered the Penglai Wonderland, the Great Elder of Penglai Island took me into the Penglai Wonderland to use food and drinking water. It's really tolerable to switch to turning your head, which one is unbearable."

The sage Taoist laughed, and he reminded: “When you go out of Penglai Wonderland in the future, you can naturally find him to take revenge. Moreover, the reason why the great elder has all the food and drinking water you need in Penglai Wonderland If you turn your head, I definitely don’t want you to survive in Penglai Wonderland, and it’s even more impossible to hope that you will gain a lot from Penglai Wonderland. The more you do this, the stronger you are, not just to make yourself stronger. , And gain a lot from the Penglai Wonderland, this is the best revenge against that great elder."

Jiang is still old and spicy, this Saint Xu Taoist is worthy of being a figure who has lived for thousands of years, and he helped Xiao Han analyze it thoroughly.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Shen Xu Daochang's words are reasonable, if I not only take the neon clothes and feather clothes back from Penglai Wonderland, but also my cultivation base, even get a great opportunity in this Penglai Wonderland, then Penglai Island The elder's face looks good, and if I don't fix him then, he can only bow his head to me obediently."

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's whole person was a lot relaxed. He left everything behind his head, turned and walked towards the cave where he lived. Anyway, now Xiao Han has no worries about eating and drinking. In the next few days, Xiao Han plans to Put all your thoughts into hunting the first-order magic spider.

After only one day of hunting, Xiao Han gained a lot from the fight with this Tier 1 Demon Spider. In addition to the more condensed aura in his body, his combat effectiveness and awareness of close combat have also been strengthened. These experiences For Xiao Han, they are all very precious wealth, and this kind of fighting experience is difficult to obtain in the real world.

Xiao Han also experienced many fights in the ghost domain before, and it was also very helpful to Xiao Han's combat effectiveness, including in the soul orb world, Xiao Han turned that world into his own territory. In this process, what Xiao Han valued most was not only that the world could continuously provide him with the power of faith, but also the combat experience he experienced in the process of fighting in that world. These were all in the secular world. Valuable experience that is difficult to obtain.

However, Xiao Han's battle with these first-order demon spiders in this Penglai Wonderland is still somewhat different. Although these first-order demon spiders are different from Qi refiners, they have no powerful magic weapons, nor powerful auras and moves, but These first-order demon spiders are tough and flexible, and they know how to cooperate with each other. When Xiao Han fought with them, they completely regarded these first-order demon spiders as sparring roles, specially used to hone their combat effectiveness. Stepping stones.

And Xiao Han knows that in addition to these first-order demon spiders, as they slowly approach the Zhenmo Mountain, in addition to the increasing number of first-order demon spiders, slowly second-order demon spiders will begin to appear. According to the sage Taoist, the combat effectiveness of this second-order demon spider is comparable to the siege of dozens of first-order demon spiders, so before encountering the second-order demon spider, what Xiao Han has to do is to store as many demon spiders as possible. Spider Inner Crystal, by the way, further improved his combat power. Whether it was the speed or intensity of his shots, as well as the reaction ability and sensitivity of the whole person, Xiao Han felt that he still had a lot of room for improvement.

Today’s battle is over here. Before he left, Xiao Han walked to the Wuyi Palace disciple who had just been buried with his own hands. He put his hands together for the last time and said softly, “This unknown brother, I’m Xiao Han. Will slay more and more magic spiders, and I will take revenge for you."

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed softly. This person had just arrived in the Penglai Wonderland, and this person was dead, only a pile of black sand accompanied, which is a pity to think about it.

Hey! You still have to cherish your life, after all, only living is the best hope.

Xiao Han's expression suddenly became firm. For the rest of the time, staying in this Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Han planned not to think about neon clothes and feathers for the time being, nor about things like heaven, material and earth treasures and chances, Xiao Han I am ready to focus all my thoughts on improving my own strength. Only when I become stronger can I save my life at a critical juncture. Only when I become stronger can I protect the most important people in Xiao Han’s life. 'S mother, Li Xiaoya, Fatty Li

Xiao Han turned and left, and walked towards the cave where he lived. At this time, the sun that was already slanting west has slowly set, leaving a little outline at the end of the boundary between heaven and earth. You don’t need to go into it. How long will it take to darken the entire sky.

The food and drinking water problems that had plagued Xiao Han were solved in this way. Xiao Han is still very happy now. At least, he will no longer have to worry about eating and drinking when he stays in Penglai Wonderland.

Just as Xiao Han was walking towards the cave where he was living, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the sky that had been darkened. In the sky in front of Xiao Han, that dazzling light slowly rose from the ground. , Although the sky hadn't completely dimmed yet, in this case, the dazzling red light still made Xiao Han's eyes narrow.

Under the dazzling red light was a faint black smoke. When the red light rose to a high altitude, the red light suddenly burst, forming a large light curtain in the sky. The space around Xiao Han shines like daylight.

Xiao Han stared at the dazzling red light in a daze. After knowing that for a moment, Xiao Han didn’t think he closed his eyes. He stared at the dazzling red light just now, and now he realized that his eyes were a little bit Tingling.

Xiao Han's face changed. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes before, he still knew it at a glance. It was not something else but a flare that appeared in the distant sky just now.

Yes, it is a signal bomb. Xiao Han knows that this kind of signal bomb is generally used in military operations. Other people can use the light of this signal bomb to quickly find the launching position. It is usually used as a special signal to transmit information. , This kind of signal bomb can be used for military purposes as well as peaceful purposes, such as search, rescue and night management in the sea and desert.

How can anyone fire a flare in a place like Penglai Wonderland? This stuff is modern technology. How can there be a signal flare in a place like Penglai Wonderland where the bird does not **** and the rabbit is disturbed?

The only explanation is that someone brought this flare into the Penglai Wonderland and launched it to tell others where he is now.

In other words, besides the disciple of the Wuyi Palace just now, there are really other existences nearby. They are from the same secular world as Xiao Han, and the purpose of entering the Penglai Wonderland is the same.

Actually using the signal flare, it means that there are more than one or two notification objects. Maybe a huge team has entered the Penglai Wonderland like Xiao Han.

In this way, Lu Xuan, the island owner of Penglai Island, really did as Xiao Han thought, and invited other sect disciples into the Penglai Wonderland to find neon clothes for Penglai Island.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed softly. It seems that he can only rush over to see who is firing the flare and see how many people have entered Penglai Wonderland like him this time.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, at least Xiao Han should also go over and inquire now, this is for sure.

(End of this chapter)

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