The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1012: Signal transmitter

Ye Longxuan was relieved now that his fellow apprentice brothers were not in danger of life. As for the disciples of other sects, Ye Longxuan was not worried. They were invited by Lu Xuan, the master of Penglai Island, to participate this time. Those who went to Penglai Wonderland and entered Penglai Wonderland with Ye Longxuan and others are the best young disciples carefully selected by various schools. Entering this Penglai Wonderland, in addition to the mentality of exploration and treasure hunting , The most important thing is to take this opportunity to train and sharpen the younger generation of masters in the sect, so among the nearly 100 people, they are basically the cultivation base of Jin Dan stage and above. No, let alone the Zongmen dispatched, I am afraid he himself is embarrassed to enter this Penglai Wonderland with Ye Longxuan and others.

After all, the Golden Core Stage is a threshold for all Qi refiners, and only when they truly step into the Golden Core Stage can they barely be considered a master.

This way of entering Penglai Wonderland has always existed, and it was the last time that the fairy demon station appeared. Ye Longxuan did not dare to jump to conclusions, but according to Ye Longxuan’s estimation, this way of entering Penglai Wonderland is very It is possible that this world has come to select and eliminate the weak again.

Fortunately, Ouyang Bing’s previous proposal worked. If it weren’t for Ouyang Bing’s proposal to use signal flare as a means of summoning everyone, and he happened to bring five flare flare, now Ye Longxuan wants to find his own. A fellow junior, I'm afraid it is completely impossible in a short time, and the situation between the world and the earth is complicated but the terrain is vast. If you want to meet in the next few days, this possibility is very slim.

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan found the box of flare bombs that Ouyang Bing gave him from the Qiankun bag.

After opening the tin box, there were five signal flares about the length of a palm and the thickness of a baby's arm. There was nothing else, and Ye Longxuan was a little dumbfounded.

The signal bomb is a kind of ammunition with unique colors and special properties. Its light is very bright. The light emitted by a medium-caliber signal bomb can reach 40 to 500,000 candles, and the duration can reach at least 25. Between seconds and thirty-five seconds, it can illuminate all targets within a radius of one kilometer.

This kind of signal flares are generally used in military operations. You can use the light of the flares to quickly find out the local deployment and observe your own shooting effects, that is, to correct the shooting deviation in time to ensure the accuracy of the attack. In defense, you can even monitor the enemy's activities, and when necessary, it can also be used as a special signal to transmit information.

Although the flare is not lethal, but because of its special function, it is still a military control product. It is difficult for ordinary people to get the finished product, and they don't know how Ouyang Bing of the Kongtong school got it.

Of course, the special function of signal flares is not only used in military division operations. This kind of signal flares can also be used for peaceful purposes, such as search, rescue and night management in the sea and desert.

Ye Longxuan knows that this kind of signal flare is a military product. Although it has not been used, it has been seen many times from some film and television works. If you want to launch the signal flare, there is no signal flare. At least it must be equipped with a special transmitter that always fires the flare. ?

Now that there is a flare, what about a dedicated transmitter for flare? Ouyang Bing gave him the signal flare, but he didn't seem to give him the special transmitter.

How to launch this kind of signal flare without a dedicated launcher and throw it high in the air by hand? Even if Ye Longxuan's strength is used to throw a flare up with all her strength, at least it can be thrown into an altitude of several hundred meters, but the flare is up, how to trigger the flare? This kind of signal flare is a military-standard flare, but it's not a sky monkey used by children to play. It will fly into the sky if it is lit with a lighter.

Ye Longxuan was completely dumbfounded this time, if he could find a way to solve other things, but this kind of modern technology, he was not good at it at all, and now he was embarrassed.

Ye Longxuan picked up a signal flare from the iron box containing the flare, and found that this flare has a long palm of an adult, and the baby’s arm is thick and heavy. When Ye Longxuan put the flare in his hand. At that time, I discovered that under the row of five signal flares, there was a layer of thin tin foil under the iron box.

Ye Longxuan curiously took all the five signal flares out of the iron box, and after uncovering the thin layer of tin foil, he discovered a flare firing gun placed under the iron box.

Ye Longxuan's face blushed, shook his head, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It turned out that the iron box containing the flare was used to place the flare firing gun. Ye Longxuan was not aware of it, and almost made a big noise. Jokes.

Looking at the sky, the sun is about to set, and it will be dark in a short time. At this time, it is most appropriate to launch a signal flare. The distance of the light is also very far. If it is later, wait until it gets dark. It would be better to launch this kind of flare again, but after dark, if other people want to rush to his current location, it will be a lot of trouble to find it. Moreover, the terrain in Penglai Wonderland is complicated, and there may be some hidden dangers. .

After thinking about it, in order for everyone to be able to see the signal flare he launched, Ye Longxuan felt that around his location, find a place with the highest terrain to launch the flare, so that the signal flare can radiate farther. Up.

Looking around, Ye Longxuan really found a small hillside, which was the highest place where he was currently standing, only about one kilometer away from where he was standing.

Ye Longxuan was just about to leave for the hillside, when he suddenly got a stop and stopped on the spot again, because he faintly heard a "hissing" sound.

Ye Longxuan's current position is exactly at the lowest point of a small valley, surrounded by black sand dunes that are constantly undulating, and some movement faintly heard in his ears, and he is moving at an extremely fast speed. The location moves over.

Listening to the movement in his ears, Ye Longxuan's face slowly showed a look of alert, because he had already heard that this kind of movement was definitely not the movement made by people walking, and the hissing sound was very loud. It was like the sound from the mouth of a certain reptile, and it sounded more than one.

I just arrived in the Penglai Wonderland, and there was no time for the terrain and the situation near the observer. What was moving here, Ye Longxuan didn't know anything about it.

Then, Ye Longxuan stayed on guard, until the end of his sight, four figures appeared on a small hillside.

These four figures crawled towards Ye Longxuan at an extremely fast speed. When they got close, Ye Longxuan realized that the four monsters that were crawling towards him were actually four monsters about the same length as a spider.

But, these spiders are really too big, right? Each of their claws has the thickness of Ye Longxuan's arm, and the fine fluff can be clearly seen on it. Even the so-called fluff, at least the length of Ye Longxuan's hair.

But normal spiders have eight legs, and these spider-like monsters have only six legs. Four of them should be used for walking. The other two legs are much thicker and longer than the other four legs, especially at the ends. A few long spikes look very sharp.

The exterior of these four giant spiders is covered with a hard shell, which looks like armor, and their shells actually emit a metallic luster under the reflection of sunlight.

Seeing this kind of giant spider as big as a millpan quickly crawling towards him, Ye Longxuan's heart flashed with surprise. After all, it was the first time to see a giant spider as big as a millpan when she grew up so big, but Ye Longxuan blinked. Just thought of a very serious problem.

If it is easy to encounter this kind of giant spider with amazing attack power in this Penglai Wonderland, that is to say, the nearly one hundred people who entered the Penglai Wonderland with him are likely to encounter this kind of giant spider. Siege.

Ye Longxuan knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible, whether to fight or run, either he ignored the encirclement of the four giant spiders, turned around and fled, and then used a signal flare to notify others to come and join as quickly as possible, or he would fight as quickly as possible. Make a quick decision, kill the four giant spiders at the fastest speed, and then find a high ground to launch the signal flare in your hand.

After thinking about it, Ye Longxuan chose a quick battle. After all, he has just arrived in the Penglai Wonderland and has not figured out the details of these giant spiders. Only after fighting once, can it be better to judge the fighting power of these giant spiders as large as a millstone. To what extent, the threat to Qi refiners in this Penglai Wonderland is great or not.

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan put the iron box in his hand and the signal flare into the Qiankun bag, and then he said that his hands were spread out, and a ball of sky thunder appeared in each of his palms.

Ye Longxuan sat on the top of the Wudang Sect's volley for three days and three nights. In addition to stepping directly from the peak of the Golden Core Stage to the middle of the Nascent Soul Stage, he also comprehended a magic method on the top of the volley: Thunder Tribulation.

Ever since Ye Longxuan realized the thunder tribulation, he can use his own power to trigger the sky-thunder thunder between heaven and earth. Even Yelongxuan's body is full of the power of the sky thunder, and he can mobilize the power of the sky thunder to attack anytime and anywhere. enemy.

Just like now, the two spherical sky thunders that appeared in Ye Longxuan's palm were transformed by the strength of the sky thunder in his body. As long as Ye Longxuan activates the aura in his body, he can continuously mobilize the strength of the sky thunder. , As for the two heavenly thunders in the palm of the hand, that is absolutely trivial.

(End of this chapter)

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