Ouyang Bing took out an iron box from his Qiankun bag, and then said: "In this way, there are a total of five flare bombs, and the launch height is 2,000 meters. Under normal circumstances, they can be seen in a radius of tens of kilometers. According to word of mouth, I believe that people within a radius of hundreds of kilometers can be notified. Let’s make an agreement before entering the Penglai Wonderland. If we enter the Penglai Wonderland, we will still gather together. The first flare will not be fired. Let's discuss directly about the next rendezvous and go on the road separately.

Then, we meet every three months, so that five flare flares are more than enough, and the remaining two flare flares will be launched after some critical situations. What do you think? "

Ouyang Bing's proposal really fits the current situation too well, and it is the most convenient way to use a signal flare to notify everyone to gather.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus, and Ouyang Bing's box of flare was unanimously recommended to be kept by Wudang Sect's Yelongxuan. As for the timing of launching the flare, Yelongxuan also waited for the opportunity to choose the timing of launching the flare.

Ye Longxuan reached out from Ouyang Bing's hand to take the iron box with the signal flare, and put it directly into the Universe Bag. Then he clasped his fists and arched his hands at all, saying, "Okay, since everyone trusts me so much." , Then I, Yelongxuan, accepted this, and when we enter this Penglai Wonderland, if all of us appear together, then I will not send the signal flare, if everyone does not appear together, then I will Long Xuan found a higher location and fired a signal flare. If people nearby see this flare, they will quickly move closer to me. If they meet other people on the road, everyone will inform each other!"

Seeing that Ye Longxuan took over this task simply and neatly, everyone was relieved.

Everything was planned, and everyone no longer had any objections. Anyway, the issues that needed to be considered had been taken into consideration. Then, everyone held hands and walked into the colorful light curtain.

The ones who led the way in were Wang Mang of the Kunlun School and other disciples of the Kunlun School, and Ye Longxuan and other disciples of the Wudang School were responsible for the breakup. As for Ouyang Bing of the Kongtong School, Huafeng of the Huashan School and the Emei School Ye Yu and others walked in the middle of the team with their respective disciples, until the last Ye Longxuan stepped into the Penglai Wonderland, and the journey of nearly a hundred people in Penglai Wonderland officially began.

The moment Ye Longxuan stepped into the colorful light curtain, the fellow junior who was walking in front of him with his hand had disappeared. Ye Longxuan had nothing in his hand, and he The whole person appeared in mid-air, falling down at an extremely fast speed.

Rao is always calm and composed by Ye Longxuan, and suddenly faced this situation, he couldn't help but lose his face. He obviously held the palm of a fellow junior at a moment before, how could he become alone in the next moment. Appeared in mid-air?

At the next moment, Ye Longxuan also thought that he might be in a state of illusion just like before. Maybe what he is encountering now is just an illusion, but when he sees the scene below clearly, it is the same. The shocked dumbfounded.

The whole earth is riddled with holes, as if it had been struck by a dense meteorite shower. The world that was brought to the eye was only monotonous in two colors, one was black, the other was yellow, and the two colors sometimes appeared. Mixed together, sometimes Weijing is distinct, the black parts are like grasslands burned by wildfire, and the yellow ones are like endless deserts.

Ye Longxuan realized that the land below should be the Penglai Wonderland that Penglai Island’s master Lu Xuan and the blind old man said, although before entering Penglai Wonderland, Ye Longxuan also roughly imagined Penglai Wonderland. But when he saw it with his own eyes, he was still taken aback by the scene in front of him.

What kind of Penglai Wonderland is this? It's completely incompatible with the word Wonderland. It is more appropriate to say that this is Penglai Wasteland.

The ground below was devastated, and there were deep pits on the ground. Judging from the shape of the pits, it looked like a meteorite from outer space hit the ground, leaving deep pits of different sizes. It's as if there had been a meteorite shower here.

In the so-called Penglai Wonderland, apart from black and yellow, there is no trace of other colors. It is completely gray and black. The land in some places is gray, and the land in some places is black, which looks like it has been roasted by fire. Scorched in general.

However, Ye Longxuan has no time to express his feelings about what strange people are in the world of Penglai Wonderland. Now he is facing the situation Xiao Han has faced before. What he needs to worry about now is falling from such a high altitude. What to do if it falls?

Ye Longxuan, like Xiao Han, was also the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period, but his strength was a little worse than Xiao Han's peak realm of Yuan Ying period, and now it was only the realm of the middle Yuan Ying period.

Even at the peak of Xiao Han's Yuanying Period, he was worried that he would have his life if he fell from such a high altitude, and that Ye Longxuan's cultivation level was worse than Xiao Han, so he was even more worried.

It’s a pity that the Qi refiners of the Yuan Ying Period are not up to the point of staying high in the sky. Even Xiao Han’s state of the Yuan Ying Period peak is only a dozen meters or tens of meters above the ground. Lin Kong and Void Step, this is already an ability that can only be possessed by Qi refiners who are close to the transformation stage.

Because the speed is really amazing, in addition to the screaming wind in his ears, Ye Longxuan's face is like Xiao Han, deformed by the wind.

Ye Longxuan didn’t know how high he had fallen. He could only make a rough estimate. From the feel, he was at least above a thousand people. As for the specific height, that’s very It's hard to tell.

The wind whistling in Ye Longxuan's ears, the whole person is like an athlete without a parachute, falling straight to the ground. Ye Longxuan also understands that his current situation is very bad.

He knew that he was in mid-air and was falling at an extremely fast speed. According to the current situation, he fell directly to the ground at such a high place, even if he was a master of the Nascent Soul Stage, he would not escape death.

Although Ye Longxuan has entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and he has successfully realized the "Thunder Tribulation" magic on the Wudang School's Volleyball Book, even if Ye Longxuan is very confident in his physical strength, but, Falling from a height of thousands of meters, no matter how powerful a master is, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured, right?

At least Ye Longxuan still hasn't even reached the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, let alone the God-Transforming Stage. If it is in the God-Transforming Stage, you can also try to hover in mid-air.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise on the black desert, and a figure fell from the sky, smashing a deep hole on the ground, and the huge impact splashed the surrounding black sand high, like a A person jumped off a high platform and fell into the water.

With the strength of Ye Longxuan's body, Rao was also stunned by the huge impact of falling from a high altitude.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Longxuan woke up slowly and quietly. He shook his head and shook the black sand above his head. When he opened his eyes, he realized that it might be due to the impact. Until now, his head is still dizzy, and even his eyes are dizzy. The body just supported by his hands almost fell in the sand again. .

After resting for about three or four minutes, Ye Longxuan recovered a little. At least his head was not dizzy and his eyes could see objects. Then he crawled out from the bottom of the pit and stood on the sandy ground above. Panting.

Ye Longxuan simply inspected it and found that apart from the aches and pains throughout his body, he was not injured, but he had never tried to fall from the height of the purchase. Suddenly he couldn't stand the impact, and his body felt it. It's a bit overwhelming, but in fact there is nothing wrong with the whole person.

Ye Longxuan rested for a while, then got up from the sand and looked at the deserted and crowded scenery around, not to mention people, even half of the ghost shadow was not seen.

When they stepped into the entrance of Penglai Wonderland, nearly one hundred of them walked hand in hand, but they didn't expect that even this kind of soil method would not have any effect. Now everyone has separated. , To be precise, it should have fallen from mid-air.

Ye Longxuan carefully stroked his thoughts and thought for a while, it should be caused by the rules of the world of Penglai Wonderland. All people who enter Penglai Wonderland will appear in different positions.

I don’t know how other people are doing now. According to Ye Longxuan’s estimation, if all people fell from such a high altitude, if they did not reach the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm, then the whole person would inevitably suffer. Suffering some minor injuries, if you don't even have the Golden Core Stage cultivation realm, it's not as simple as suffering some minor injuries, let alone being killed on the spot, serious injuries are inevitable.

Ye Longxuan thought for a while, and the fellow juniors who followed him to this Penglai Wonderland were at least the cultivation base of the early Jindan period. Even if they fell from such a high altitude, they suffered a little injury. However, death is definitely not going to happen, and besides practicing for thousands of years, their Wudang school's medical skills are particularly good. The Wudang school's disciples have always walked the world with the mentality of hanging pots to help the world. So not to mention minor injuries, even serious injuries, and those fellow juniors can also treat themselves in time.

(End of this chapter)

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