The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1003: Self taught

"Furthermore, I also told you before that you met twice during the day. There were a total of sixteen magic spiders. They were as big as a millstone, right? A magic spider of this size is just a larva of a magic spider. There are no adult demon spiders. We call them first-order demon spiders. The internal strength of this first-order demon spider is only the size of a little finger, but it is better than nothing.

But the second-order demon spider, although their combat effectiveness is more powerful, and the outer shell of their body is harder, but a second-order demon spider is killed, and the inner crystal that can be found in its body is equivalent to twenty The inner crystal in the first-order demon spider's body also contained more auras.

As for the third-order demon spider, apart from the foot of the mountain, other edge areas will not appear at all. Moreover, the third-order demon spider must at least be able to deal with the peak realm of the transformation stage, but even in the transformation stage The strength of the pinnacle realm, if you want to kill a Tier 3 demon spider, you have to use your hands and feet, and this is still a separate battle, if there are a few Tier 2 demon spiders next to a Tier 3 demon spider plus a large group of one Rank Demon Spider, let alone be killed, even if it is the strength of the peak realm of the Transformation Stage, it can only escape.

However, although demon spiders are powerful and numerous, they have another fatal weakness, that is, they are not united. Each Tier 3 demon spider has its own sphere of influence, and other demon spiders cannot set foot, even if they are affected by the human race. The cultivator attacks the territory of one of the third-order demon spiders, and the other third-order demon spiders will not intervene in the rescue, so this can be regarded as a flaw of the demon spider.

The area we are now in is hundreds of miles away from Zhende Mountain, and belongs to the outer area of ​​Penglai Wonderland. This area is not to mention the third-order demon spider, even the second-order demon spider is hard to see. , But the more you go towards the town of Demon Mountain, the greater the number of magic spiders. In addition to a large number of first-order magic spiders, there are also some second-order magic spiders that generally exist in the group of magic spiders as leaders. Only Tier 3 demons will appear in some areas of Zhen Demon Mountain. "

Xiao Han has already dealt with Tier 1 Demon Spiders today, and the two Tier 1 Demon Spiders who are alone can cooperate with each other in battle, and the 14 Tier 1 Demon Spiders Xiao Han encountered for the second time , The coordination between each other is even more tacit. The level of tacit understanding is like a veteran who has been fighting for a long time. It can demonstrate the tacit understanding between them as they advance and retreat.

If the average cultivator encounters hordes of magic spiders, they have no choice but to escape.

Xiao Han thought for a while, since the sacred Taoists have already introduced the current situation in Penglai Wonderland clearly, then there is no need to hesitate and no wandering, it is unrealistic to blindly advance in the direction of Zhenmo Mountain. , Not to mention whether Xiao Han could walk to the foot of Zhenmo Mountain, even if he could break through the blockade of those magic spiders and walk to the foot of the mountain, he would still not be able to go to Zhenmo Mountain, so blindly moving forward would be no different from going to death.

The Taoist Saint saw that Xiao Han was lowering his head in thought, and knew that he was digesting the situation he had just told, so he didn't go on.

Xiao Han pondered for a moment, then raised his head, and gratefully glanced at the Taoist Shengxu. If he hadn't met the Taoist Shengxu today and told him so much about Penglai Wonderland, if Xiao Han didn't know it, he would head towards the town. Going in the direction of Demon Mountain, one day you will encounter many demon spiders. Otherwise, it will be like a headless fly in the Penglai Wonderland. One day you will fall into the circle of Tier 3 demon spiders. do not know.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han asked, "Master Shengxu, I think your current situation is not very optimistic."

Shengxu Taoist laughed bitterly and said: "It's true that I, as an elder of Chongxu Gate, came to this Penglai Wonderland with my sect master to take part in the battle against the demons outside the territory. The reason why the heads of the Eight Martial Schools wanted to jointly seal the remaining extraterritorial demons under the Zhenmo Mountain was because the situation at that time had reached a very critical juncture. It was a bit awkward to say, except for the heads of the Eight Martial Arts. Almost all the other people who participated in the war were killed under the strong attack of the demon race outside the territory.

It was the first time that the Holy Xu Taoist talked about the specific battles of the Immortal Demon War. Xiao Han was shocked. He cried, "Ah? The heads of the Eight Martial Arts have joined forces to seal the outer demon race. It doesn't sound like our human race has won a lot. Is it a complete victory? How could this be?"

The sage Taoist smiled bitterly: "It's not our human race that won a big victory, it was the outer demons who won the big victory. At that time, the thousands of disciples of our eight sects participated in the battle, but only less than 30 people were left in the fight. At the juncture, not only was our Chongxu doorman killed and wounded, the rest of the seven main sects were not much better, except for the eight heads, I and less than ten other people were still struggling to support. The eight masters decided to give up their lives and forget their deaths, and tried their best to seal the remaining extraterritorial demons. If they can win the extraterritorial demons, the eight masters don't need to die together!"

When Xiao Han heard this, he admired the feats of the eight masters in his heart. If it weren’t for the Demon Race outside the Sealed Territory who gave up their lives back then, perhaps as early as a thousand years ago, the Shifang World would have been Occupied by the outer demons.

The sage Taoist sighed: "After that battle, although our human race suffered heavy casualties, the top masters in the Octagonal world were almost dead, but fortunately, in that battle, the extraterritorial demons were also greatly injured, and the few of the extraterritorial demons The demon veterans are all sealed under the Zhenmo Mountain. Over the past thousand years, the demon races outside the territories have also been cultivating and rejuvenating. When the right time is right, they may make a comeback. By that day, I am afraid it will be another fairy and demon war. "

When Xiao Han heard the words of the Taoist Shengxu, he already fully understood how tragic the battle was back then. Think about how so many Human Race refiners, in order to resist the invasion of foreign capital, they went to death with generosity, even Xiao Han felt in his heart. I feel shocked, and haven't recovered for a long time.

Think about it, too, in order to protect the Octagonal world, the head of the Eight Martial Arts Group saved his life and sealed the outer demons. The so-called seal means that the outer demons did not die. Maybe one day, the outer The remaining forces of the Demon Race will come back. If they are allowed to release the sealed Demon Venerables, if there are no peerless powerhouses in the Human Race, I am afraid that the end of the world of Eight directions will be coming.

Suddenly, the Taoist Shengxu asked: "Xiao Han, I don't know how your current cultivation strength is in the world where you came from. Is the strongest sect on your side still Penglai Immortal Island?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. When the Taoist Shengxu asked him, he stopped Xiao Han. For a while, Xiao Han didn't know how to answer.

Although Xiao Han is not a disciple of any sect, he still has a general understanding of the strength of the cultivation sect in the secular world. Although Penglai Island is currently ranked in the forefront of the cultivation world, it is the most powerful master island master Lu Xuan. It seems to be a bit worse than Xiao Han himself. Of course, it does not rule out that there will be some old seniors with advanced cultivation levels hidden in sects like Penglai Island that have passed on for thousands of years.

Except for Penglai Island, the strength of the other sects seems to be similar to that of Penglai Island. At least Xiao Han has not heard of the existence of cultivators who have transcended the stage of transforming gods, even if they are the old monsters who are not born. Counting that, in the current secular world, the overall strength of the cultivation world is compared to that of the time when the fairy and demons fought.

The situation in the world where Xiao Han lives is almost like this. Although Xiao Han doesn’t understand what the other worlds are like, it shouldn’t be much better. As long as you think about it, you can get it. In the battle between immortals and demons, the top masters in the human world almost died. The loss was not only the most powerful masters, but also a large number of magic weapons, fairy swords, and the biggest loss was interrupted by a sect. Inheritance, this is the real reason for the failure of cultivation.

However, there is no other way. In order to resist the encroachment of the demon clan outside the territory, all the elites sent by the Bafang World are well understood. Even Xiao Han can imagine that among the people who participated in the battle of the immortal demon back then, there were probably Many people who originally regarded as enemies on both sides let go of their gaps and prejudices, and come together to fight side by side. This is the difference between internal and external conflicts among the people.

Xiao Han couldn't bear to tell this old man who had participated in the Fairy Demon War before him. If he told him the truth, he would be disappointed. Besides, maybe what Xiao Han can understand is not the truth. After all, he is not a clan. Sect disciple, maybe there are some hidden sects of cultivation that Xiao Han is not aware of.

Moreover, this is the world that Xiao Han is in. Maybe in the other seven worlds, generations of young masters are constantly popping up like bamboo shoots after the rain!

Thinking of this, Xiao Han intends to fool the past with a white lie. He pretended to smile and said: "Sheng Xu Dao, I am not a disciple of the sect. I don’t know much about our world and the overall strength of Penglai Island. So I have no say in the question you asked."

The saint Xu Daoist was taken aback for a while, he hurriedly asked: "You are not a sect disciple? What do you mean?"

Xiao Han smiled and said: "I haven't joined any school, let alone the school, I don't even have a master, I belong to the four no people who have no school, no background, no backing!"

The sage Taoist smiled and said, "Isn't it possible? You don't even have a master, who taught your skills?"

Xiao Han had to truthfully replied: "No one taught me, I was self-taught!"

Seeing that Xiao Han said this, the saint Xu Taoist thought he was unwilling to reveal the origin of his master, so he stopped asking questions anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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