The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1002: Eight treasures

Xiao Han smiled. He wasn't worried about this. Before entering Penglai Wonderland, he didn't seem to have heard that Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, invited other people into Penglai Wonderland. After all, Lu Xuan even used the Universe Bag that she used personally. It was handed over to Xiao Han, and it is still in Xiao Han's pocket.

According to Xiao Han's idea, Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, could never invite masters from all major sects to organize a group to help Penglai Island find neon clothes in Penglai Wonderland, right? Even if it is necessary, Penglai Island does not have so many bags and materials to prepare!

Of course, this was just Xiao Han’s simple thoughts, and he didn’t think deeply about this issue. Otherwise, after Xiao Han met old acquaintances one after another in Penglai Wonderland, he would not be surprised and speechless. .

The saint Xu Taoist said here, and said with relief: "The reason why I told you about Penglai Wonderland before you ask me questions is to make it easier for you to understand your current situation when answering questions for you. The situation, now that I have finished talking, I will leave the rest of the time to you to ask questions!"

"The first question is, where can I find the neon feathers, Master Shengxu, do you know the clues about neon feathers? After all, I came for this treasure."

Nishang Yuyi is the magic weapon of Penglai Xiandao, the most powerful cultivating school in your world. It has been personally in charge of each generation of Penglai Xiandao. The master of that generation of Penglai Xiandao was called Xiang Wentian is an indomitable hero. He was one of the main initiators of the original battle between the immortals and demons. Among the leaders of the eight sects, his strength is also one of the best. Already about to ascend to the immortal world, as long as he crosses the last heavy catastrophe, he can become a real immortal.

Hearing this, Xiao Han couldn't help but wonder. The owner of that generation of Penglai Fairy Island was Xiang Wentian? Is a hero who stands tall and strong?

Isn’t the owner of Penglai Island always female? Just like Lu Xuan, Xiao Han thought that the island owner of Penglai Island had always been a female gas refiner!

However, the words of Taoist Shengxu hadn't been finished yet, so Xiao Han didn't interrupt in wit.

Shengxu Taoist glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "In fact, in addition to Penglai Island, other schools have been sending disciples into Penglai Wonderland for so many years, most of them are trying to protect the Zhenshan Zhibao in the school. Take it back!"

Hearing this, Xiao Han finally couldn't help but ask: "Shen Xu Taoist, listening to you say that, that was when many treasures of the Eight Martial Arts were left in the Penglai Wonderland during the Fairy Demon War?"

The Taoist Shengxu nodded and said, "Yes, not only the neon clothes of Penglai Xiandao, but also the Taiyin sword of Xuanzong of Tianwu, the Chongxu seal of our Chongxu Gate, the Burning Sword of Burning Heaven Palace, and the Buddha of Prajna Temple. The Prajna stick, the Yin-Yang pen of the Linglong Academy, the Xuantian Shield of the Xuantian Temple, a total of eight treasures of heaven and earth are left in the Penglai Wonderland, and they are all in the same place, which is the Zhenmo Mountain behind us. The eight treasures of heaven and earth are still on the top of Zhenmo Mountain, but so far, no one can take any treasure from the top of the mountain."

Hearing this, Xiao Han was stunned: "Why? Could it be that after so many years, there hasn't been a more powerful figure to take away a treasure from Zhenma Mountain? In other words, those eight heaven and earth treasures should now be regarded as unowned. Right? Who can get it? It's whoever can get it. Even if the treasure of this door cannot be found, other treasures should be found, right?"

The sacred Taoist nodded and said: "Of course, during that battle between immortals and demons, our human monks left in this world far more than the eight heaven and earth treasures. There are also quite a few other treasures, whether they are treasures. Well, whether it is the inheritance and opportunities left by the predecessors, of course those who are predestined live in it, whoever can get it!"

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Listening to you, people from the world of ten directions have sent so many masters to Penglai Wonderland, why can't you find treasures like neon clothes and feathers?"

The Taoist Saint shook his head and smiled: "It's not that I can't find it, but I can't take it!"

"Ah? Can't take it? What do you mean?" Xiao Han is a little confused, why can't he take it? If you want to take something with your shoulder and carry it in your pocket, there are so many ways, how can you not take it?

The sage Taoist continued: "Let’s not talk about the inheritance and opportunities left by the predecessors, just talk about the Zhenshan treasures of the Eight Martial Schools like Nishang Yuyi. They are on the top of Zhenmo Mountain, the hands of the eight master statues. Here, but there are restrictions left by the eight heads, not to mention, there are countless magic spiders and evil spirits at the foot of the mountain surrounding the town, not to mention walking to the top of the mountain, even walking to the foot of the mountain is very difficult !"

Before Xiao Han could answer, the Taoist Saint smiled slightly and jokingly said, "Do you want to fly directly to the top of Zhenmo Mountain? Let alone whether you have this strength, you can't go up even if you have this strength, because Within the entire mountain range of Zhenmoshan, there are restrictions left by eight heads. No matter whether it is a human refiner or a demon, there is no way to fly.

After the Great War of Immortals and Demons, the heads of the Eight Major Sects jointly sealed the remnants and the extraterritorial demons under the Zhenmo Mountain, and also imposed a lot of restrictions on this world. For example, if you want to enter the Penglai Wonderland, A cultivator whose strength exceeds the transformation stage will not be able to enter the Penglai Wonderland. Similarly, the people of the demon race outside the territory will also be subject to this restriction, so whether it is a human race or a demon race, both parties can be sent to enter The disciples who arrive in the Penglai Wonderland have their strength at the peak of the God Transformation Stage at the most. Even if one level higher, even if they barely enter the Penglai Wonderland, their strength will be limited. They can only use the strength that does not exceed the God Transformation Stage. Once their strength is exposed , Will be backlashed by the rules of the world! "

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, he hurriedly asked: "Sage Xu Dao, what you mean is that I will not only meet people in the Penglai Wonderland, but also the demons outside the territory. ?

"Yes, after all, the extraterritorial demons occupied two worlds in the ten worlds more than a thousand years ago, and those two worlds also have entrances to the Penglai fairyland. So once the entrance to the Penglai fairyland opens, the outer demons You can also enter the Penglai Wonderland!"

"Xiao Han, I have to make one point clear to you. Although your secular world is currently in a competitive relationship with other worlds, if you encounter a demon race outside the territory, you should fight against the enemy and fight together!"

Xiao Han said sternly: "Don’t worry, I’m from other worlds or people from our world. These are internal contradictions between the people. Once we encounter the demons outside the territory, It is the external contradiction. The external contradiction is definitely higher than the internal contradiction. At that time, I will persuade them to temporarily give up their estrangement and deal with the demon race outside the territory first!"

Although the Taoist Sheng Xu didn't know what Xiao Han meant by the internal and external contradictions among the people, he still heard it, and Xiao Han had fully understood what he meant.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Sheng Xu Daochang, according to what you said, does that mean that our Terran Qi refiners basically have no possibility of taking the treasures from the Mountain Demon Mountain?"

"That's not necessarily true. First of all, although the head of the eight sects in Penglai Fairyland has imposed a ban, cultivators who have passed the transformation stage cannot enter, but once you enter the Penglai Fairyland, you will break through the transformation stage. When you have reached the cultivation base of the Tongxuan period, the prohibition in Penglai Wonderland will not work for you.

Zhenmo Mountain is surrounded by countless demon spiders and evil spirits. The strength at the beginning of the metaphysical stage, not to mention climbing the town of the magic mountain, even the foot of the town is not able to do it, and there will be a large number of demons. The spiders or evil spirits were torn to pieces, but if they were of the strength of the Profound-Through Stage, there was still a glimmer of life. "

Is there a trace of life? Is there just a chance? If the strength of the Profound Enlightenment Period is only a glimmer of life, then the combat effectiveness of these Tier 3 Demon Spiders is also too strong? The Tongxuan period is like a super power!

In other words, Xiao Han has practiced for so long, and he really hasn’t met a master in the Tongxuan period. Although Xiao Han doesn’t know how awesome the masters in the Tongxuan period are, he knows after thinking about it. There are some in the cultivation world. One sentence is a word specifically used to describe a cultivator who has reached a certain level of advanced realm. It is called Xiuweitongxuan, just like in martial arts novels and martial arts TV series, to describe a person's internal strength to what extent? Has reached the stage.

Cultivation bases of Tongxuan and Already attained realm, these are quite arrogant vocabulary, but they are specifically used to describe super masters, but even those who are cultivated to Tongxuan are really not complete. Sure you can go to the magic mountain.

Xiao Han thought for a while, and asked: "Sage Xu Dao, do you mean that with my current strength in the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, don't even think about getting close to Zhendevil Mountain, only think of ways to improve your strength as soon as possible. Huh?"

The Taoist Saint nodded and said with a serious face: "Yes, after entering the Penglai Wonderland, the entrance to the Penglai Wonderland opens to the exit. There will be a year during this period. As long as you improve your strength as soon as possible, you may not have no hope of setting foot in the town. Magic Mountain.

You also know that there is no aura in the world of Penglai Wonderland. If you want to replenish the aura, you can only kill the spider and obtain the inner crystal from the spider. This inner crystal contains a certain amount of aura, just fine. Used to supplement aura.

(End of this chapter)

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