The figure of Saint Void Taoist who was already somewhat Ruoyingruo flashed suddenly, and then turned into a powerful light projected into the sky sword in Xiao Han's hand.

Xiao Han looked down and found that the crystal clear sword of the Sky Sword had an extra black spot, like a piece of leather moss attached to the body of the Sky Sword. Although it was a bit ugly, it seemed that the Sky Sword had nothing else on it. influences.

At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly heard a voice in his mind: "Xiao Han, the old Dao has already entered the sky sword, please pour a spirit energy into the sword body of the sky sword from time to time. I can use the sky sword to do it. Warm my remnant soul."

Isn't this the voice of the saint imaginary Taoist? Could it be said that he attaches himself to the Sky Sword, can communicate with Xiao Han, and Xiao Han can hear what he says?

That's good, because this way, Xiao Han and Shengxu Taoist can communicate with each other more conveniently.

Xiao Han thought about the request of the Taoist Saint, and agreed, anyway, just let himself infuse a spiritual energy from time to time, and it is not an excessive thing. In the future, Xiao Han will walk in this barren and crowded area, and there will be dangers everywhere. In the Penglai Wonderland, it is indispensable to consult the Taoist Sheng Xu.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will take a good rest in this sky sword. From tomorrow on, I will be ready to slowly advance towards Zhendevil Mountain while killing the devil spiders that I encounter on the road one by one. Can you break through the current pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage as soon as possible, and step into the Deity Transformation Stage?"

Then Xiao Han put the Cangqiang sword away, stood up, looked up at the stars in the sky, and began to ponder the next arrangement in Penglai Wonderland.

These magic spiders in the Penglai Wonderland have inner crystals that can be used to replenish their spiritual energy. This is a great help to Xiao Han. Just kill as many magic spiders as possible and collect the inner crystals in their bodies. Don't worry about not being replenished for the spiritual energy consumed in the battle. If enough demon spiders are killed and enough inner crystals are collected, Xiao Han can completely let go of his hands and feet in each battle and go to the battle happily.

Xiao Han’s current strength has stayed at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage for some time. Originally, there was no aura in the Penglai Wonderland. This delayed the time for Xiao Han to break the realm a lot. In this way, he could only pass Kill the demon spider to sharpen the repair.

The sacred Taoist also said that the area where Xiao Han is now is exactly the area where he is at the entrance of the world. There will not be people from other worlds who come to Penglai Wonderland, and of course it is impossible to touch outside the territory. Demon people.

However, this does not mean that there are no other regions. Sooner or later, Xiao Han will have to face people from other worlds who also come to Penglai Wonderland to hunt for treasure. There will still be a certain competitive relationship with each other. If Xiao Han's strength is too weak, follow Just stand up for a master of the transformation stage, and you can beat Xiao Han all over the floor to find teeth, not to mention encountering the powerhouse of the outer demon race.

Xiao Han's eyes on the Penglai Wonderland were darkened. Fortunately today, he was lucky and fainted the remnant soul of Taoist Shengxu. After learning about the situation in Penglai Wonderland from Taoist Shengxu, Xiao Han could be better. Survived in Penglai Wonderland.

Xiao Han doesn’t understand the Penglai Wonderland. It doesn’t mean that the disciples in other worlds don’t understand. Maybe they are fully prepared. It's okay to meet someone who is more friendly. If you meet a more aggressive master, your realm and strength are higher than himself. , That person might have a murderous mind.

It seems that regardless of whether you can find the neon clothes or not, the most important thing now is how to survive in the Penglai Wonderland, and then find a way to improve your strength, break through the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage as soon as possible, and step into the God Transformation Stage. When the second-order demon spider is still outside the domain, Xiao Han has the strength to fight.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed long, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The problem of slaying the demon spider to gain inner strength and replenishing the consumed aura was solved, but the problem of food and drinking water still did not think of a solution. So far, Xiao Han has not drunk a drop of water and eaten a grain of rice in the Penglai Wonderland. How long can he last without eating or drinking? A week? Or half a month? A month?

Xiao Han didn't know anything in his heart. Xiao Han had to stay in the Penglai Wonderland for at least one year. Can he last for so long?

Looking at the starry night sky, Xiao Han's heart flashed with melancholy. In the end, he was really hungry. Even if it was the smelly flesh and blood of the Devil Spider, it could only force his eyes to eat.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's inspiration suddenly flashed. I wonder if those demon spider meats that don't look good, will it be better to roast him?

Should I try it when I kill the Devil Spider tomorrow?

Anyway, even though Penglai Island’s Qiankun bag prepared for Xiao Han has no food or drinking water at all, there are a lot of wild survival equipment like gas stoves, Xiao Han’s Qiankun bag, enough for Xiao Han to be in Penglai Wonderland. Among them is consumed.

Starting tomorrow, I will kill all the demon spiders in this nearby area and store the inner crystals in them.

At dawn, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes. Because he lived in a tent, and the original light inside the tent was not very good, so the inside of the tent was still very dark. After climbing out, walked to the entrance of the cave, and the sun had just slowly risen above the horizon.

What a wonderful morning, if there is a hearty breakfast waiting for Xiao Han, then everything will be perfect.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help but muttered in his heart, thinking what was wrong, he had to have a hearty breakfast, now it's fine, I didn't feel hungry at first, but now it's better, and my stomach is starting to feel a little hungry.

Xiao Hanqiang tried not to think about it so much. He jumped from the entrance of the cave and stood firmly in the place where he fought with five evil spirits last night, and started the morning warm-up exercise.

If in the secular world, at this point in time, Xiao Han has also gotten up from the dormitory. Normally, because he is in Shuimu University, there are too many classmates around. It is too difficult to find a place where no one can exercise. So Xiao Han usually moves his muscles and bones like normal people, stretches his limbs, nothing more. If Xiao Han really lets go of his hands and feet, he jumps ten meters high, steps five or six meters, and punches out the air. It was a bit shocking to be seen by other students.

Fortunately, this Penglai fairyland is desolate and there are no onlookers, so Xiao Han let go of his hands and feet in the exercise this morning.

For a long time, Xiao Han's fist and foot skills have been his strong points. Since his consciousness awakened, Xiao Han's body speed and strength have soared to an incredible degree, even without the help of aura, Xiao Han's close combat is also It's still scary.

With Xiao Han's current realm, the average powerhouse wouldn't say hit him in the body.

Today’s Xiao Han is completely different from yesterday’s Xiao Han. After the explanation by the sage Taoist last night, Xiao Han has already understood the situation in the Penglai Wonderland. He no longer blindly wants to go to Zhendevil Mountain. Instead, it is decided to walk over one area slowly.

Yesterday, Xiao Han encountered two waves of first-order demon spiders. They happened to be encountered, but today is different. Xiao Han is consciously looking for the traces of demon spiders, as long as he finds which hill has a demon spider. Xiao Han immediately searched for traces of walking and activities. Whether he encountered two demon spiders or ten or eight demon spiders, Xiao Han decisively killed those demon spiders and found the inner crystals on the demon spiders. Keep it.

Compared with yesterday’s battle, in today’s battle, Xiao Han consciously recorded the time he took his shots, striving to kill all Tier 1 demon spiders in the shortest possible time, regardless of whether it would be consumed. Too much aura, just to solve the battle quickly.

After all, Xiao Han is no longer worried that the spiritual energy in the Penglai Wonderland will not be replenished. As long as a sufficient number of first-order or even second-order magic spiders are killed, Xiao Han will collect all the inner energy of the magic spiders. Enough for Xiao Han to replenish his aura.

Today, Xiao Han found a total of seven hills where demon spiders were active near the cave where he lived last night, and killed a total of 96 first-order demon races, and not even a second-order demon race. It seems like what Sheng Xu Taoist said, this area belongs to the edge of Penglai Wonderland, and there is no second-order demon spider moving in this area.

After tonight, Xiao Han planned to walk five or six miles in the direction of Zhenmo Mountain, and then look for another suitable place to camp, and then set out to clean up the magic spiders in the surrounding area. It took less than two days. Here, Xiao Han has already killed nearly a hundred demon spiders. Xiao Han has prepared a small cloth bag to hold the collected demon spider inner crystals. The harvest in two days is pretty good, nearly one hundred. Nei Jing was placed in the cloth bag, and a smile of content flashed across Xiao Han's face.

After a day of fighting and fighting, the aura in Xiao Han's body became more condensed, but the signs of breaking the boundary still did not appear. However, Xiao Han experienced more than a dozen fights and faced the siege of more than 20 magic spiders at most. , Xiao Han was stabbed in the back by a demon spider’s forelimb, coupled with a few minor injuries on his arm, it can be said to be a complete victory, if it weren’t for Xiao Han’s effort to get all the first-order The devil spider slashed, it is estimated that there will be no such injury.

Xiao Han wandered outside for a whole day today. When he returned to the cave where he stayed last night, he still had less than two hours before the sun went down.

(End of this chapter)

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