Ye Xuan knew a secret!

In this place, there is a powerful fel demon, and there is a powerful army under him.

The power of this world is absorbed through there.

That place was called the "Dark Fortress" and tried to overthrow them, but there was nothing he could do.

Ye Xuan considered that adding a few of them would be of no use, but if this "dark fortress" is not pulled out, the power will be continuously transmitted to the evil forces, and the earth will inevitably suffer persecution!

"Are there any portals!" Gong Ming asked.

The chief said: "Yes, there are several portals, but they are all the dark fort controllers. This is the most difficult thing to do."

But then I thought about it again: "One place is abandoned, but I don't know if it can be transmitted!" After all, it has been abandoned for many years.

Gong Ming suddenly became excited: "I know the spell, but it needs a very powerful force!"

At this time, Ye Xuan's brows frowned, whether Gong Ming knew too much.

"You seem to know everything?"

Gong Ming didn't hide it: "Because there is a portal in the Sky City!"

Is there a portal in the Sky City?

"What is the purpose of this portal?" Ye Xuan asked.

Gong Ming thought about it for a long time. This is a secret. If it is said, it is equivalent to revealing the location of the "Sky City" and the origin of the Sky City.

"Are you talking or not!" Long Aotian blew his beard directly and stared.

Gong Ming was scared: "I said, I said!"

The city in the sky comes from the planet of the gods, and the "city in the sky" is not only on the earth, but also on every planet.

"Your so-called gods just watch the planets being controlled by evil energy? Become their batteries?"

Because life is equal, not just the earth, Long Zhan is also dissatisfied with the so-called gods.

"Because the Sky City has also lost contact with the Celestial Planet for many years, now the portal of Sky City is also closed!"

In other words, there is also a city in the sky in this world!

At a deeper level, this world has been abandoned by the gods.

Ye Xuan wants to save the world that the gods have abandoned!

"Can you contact the Sky City here?"

Gong Ming was stunned!

"Since I came here, I tried to contact them, but I couldn't sense it!"

Ye Xuan felt it was necessary to go there.

"I can't determine the coordinates, because the sky cities are all floating, and they are not static."

Can't go?

"Let's talk about it after finding the portal first!"

The chief promised to take them to find that ruined portal tomorrow!

"This Gong Ming seems to have a lot of secrets!" Long Aotian found Ye Xuan at night. People who know so many secrets are not ordinary people.

Ye Xuan had this idea too, but he didn't say anything!

Gong Ming hid his strength, in fact, he showed them weakness again.

"What do you think this means?" Ye Xuan asked Long Aotian.

Long Aotian thought for a while: "My idea is that he is using us. He knew before that the world is behind the fortress."

Long Aotian's idea is very bold, but unexpectedly, what is his purpose for doing this!

Long Aotian said: "What if we continue to think boldly?"

Ye Xuan also thought for a while, and suddenly the whole person was surprised by his own thoughts.

What sky city does not exist at all, Gong Ming originally belongs to this world!

Gong Ming used them again, let them come into this world, see this world, know some things, and then...

Then help him conquer the world again, free from the control of the evil energy.

Since he knew the language of this world, and since he came here, he said that his strength has been improved...

And you can also discover the water veins in this underground...

All this seems to make sense.

It's terrible, it turns out that everything is in his calculations...

If this is the case, Gong Ming's goal has actually been achieved.

To fight against the fel tribe, it is necessary to solve the problem of this fel tribe absorbing energy here, otherwise the power of a planet can provide the fel tribe for a long time.

"City Lord, do you really plan to help them?"

"If the portal is very stable, maybe the troops on the earth can be brought here!"

Colonize the planet!

This is far more realistic than building a spaceship.

"Don't say so, let's find the portal first, and make a decision when we go back!"

But Ye Xuan was thinking about being cheated by this person.

Long Zhan, who had not spoken at this time, suddenly spoke.

"Brother Ye Xuan, if we zoom in on some ideas, this world is actually a world of evil energy!"

This is a transit point for the Fel Force. The chief also said that there are several portals here, so where are the remaining portals?

"If we opened the so-called abandoned portal, what happened to be the one that the Fel Force wanted to open, but couldn't open it?"

Then they are sinners of the earth.

It seems that they are still very backward, although they have very strong spiritual power, but they don't know how to use it.

Although this seems to make sense, it actually doesn't make sense.

"Because, how many fel forces have been opened, and where are the fel forces?"

They haven't found any of them since they came here.

"Suppose these people are capable troops?" Ye Xuan suddenly thought.

The chiefs and the predators are something they have never seen before, and they are very ugly. It seems that they really seem to be dressed up as a Fel Force.

Gong Ming has always said: Fel energy is the root of all energy, and he has two forms.

Also, when he was on Earth, he had never confronted the Fel Force, no matter what form he was in.

"We must be more vigilant against him."

Long Zhan thought for a while: "No, these people are not fel forces!"

"How did you know?" Ye Xuan asked Long Zhan.

Long Zhan said: "Because they are so simple, they can pretend to be anything, but simple can't be pretended!"

Long Zhan has been dealing with them for a long time, and they have been in contact with people of all ages. This small village looks small, but there are more than a thousand people.

When Long Zhan was helping them, he was actually watching them.

"Then, if Gong Ming really has any wrongdoing, it is also a strategy set up by him alone!"

"Then what is his purpose?" Ye Xuan is already full of curiosity about this person now.

Then at this time, Gong Ming came over.

"If you want to see the Sky City here, I can lead the way!"

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