"Why don't you continue to dig down?" Gong Ming didn't understand...

Long Zhan pointed to the soil and said, "Look carefully!"


Ye Xuan was in a cold sweat. Although the soil here was very slow, he was beating regularly.

It's like a heart!

Long Aotian took a breath: "Could it be that there is really an evil dragon here?"

Long Aotian hadn't come to understand yet, one world has the rules of one world.

But Ye Xuan had already understood that Long Zhan was extremely clever and did not provoke local customs.

Today the chief came down, Long Zhan went out and called the chief over.

When the chief saw it, he immediately bowed down first!

"God Bless"

There have been similar things on the earth. This is earth movement, not the existence of evil dragons.

Ye Xuan wondered how Long Zhan learned this...

Long Zhan had already found the second point, and Ye Xuan felt that Long Zhan was particularly comfortable around him.

Long Zhan is actually only a twelve-year-old child.

Sometimes genius is often what people worry about most.

Tuer Tujia!

Zhuo Ya has never regarded Xuan Xiao as his colleague, and always discussed with him.

"Since the technology is so advanced, why not just copy a Xuan Xiao?"

Zhuo Ya had thought about it, but if the same deadwood was copied, it would not achieve the same ability.

But the impermanence sword had to take it, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Perhaps Xuan Xiao's ability can help him a lot!

Zhuo Ya took a deep breath, Xuan Xiao's ability still needs to be improved.

"Impermanence Sword, I will help you get it back..." Xuan Xiao already knew what he meant.

Ha ha!

Zhuo Ya won't go on, Xuan Xiao wants revenge from the Sword Saint Gate.

But what Zhuoya wants is the dominance of this world, whether it is Central Plains or Yunhuang!

"Then the obstacle now is..."

Xuan Xiao already understood: "Emperor Xuancheng, and Ye Xuan!"

Zhuo Ya was so relieved.

But I don't know, Xuan Xiao's ambition is more than just these.

I don't know who the two are calculating, and Lon Nol, the three have become a tripartite.

Lon Nol studied Liu Bei at the time and visited the thatched cottage to invite Tuoba Zai out of the mountain, but Tuoba Zai could not be found.

"The water comes out...the water comes out..."

After unremitting efforts, Long Zhan finally got the water out.

This world is equal to coming alive again.

"Chief...you go up and have a look!"

Someone came over excitedly!

Ye Xuan and the others also went up to have a look, and they were shocked and dumbfounded!

The big trees walking in rows are coming towards this.

"It's a tree spirit, it's a tree spirit..."

It was extremely exciting, the tree spirit came over, it has already explained that the world is gradually waking up.

The tree spirit represents the power of nature, and the awakening of the power of nature also represents the awakening of this world.

"Brother Ye Xuan, come and see!"

Long Zhan discovered the New World again, and the water produced here carried very powerful spiritual power.

For cultivators, this is a precious resource.

"It's incredible!"

Ye Xuan couldn't help being surprised.

Following the advent of the Dryad, all the creatures remaining in this world also came.

In the evening, the chief was really grateful, thank them for these outsiders, they brought the vitality of this world.

However, if the world wants to rejuvenate, it will affect the evil energy.

Zhuo Ya was given the last warning.

When Zhuo Ya was looking at the flowers, the five black figures suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Enough time for you!"

Zhuo Ya's soul suffered greatly.

"I want time!"

"No more time will be given to you, we can't wait!"

"In other words, we have already seen your ability, you are no longer our pawn!"

Just call the name, Zhuo Ya is just a **** of evil!

But would Zhuo Ya really fear them?

"I knew I was your pawn. Do you think I would be your pawn?"

Suddenly a voice became angry: "You are using us!"

"I know if it's too late, I can open your channel anytime, but this world belongs to me!"

Zhuo Ya's eyes suddenly changed shape and kicked all the five black shadows out.

"You are too naive to think, I am not anyone's pawn!"

No fel!

Will he really do this kind of killing chickens to get eggs?

Zhuo Ya has mastered all the abilities of the evil energy, and he can control the evil energy!

But evil energy is indeed a very powerful force.

At the same time, Bai Xiu led some people to the lava waterfall where the dead wood had come!

"This place was originally Yandi Shennong Cave, but what was sealed inside was a demon!"

"Devil?" When Bai Xiu asked what was behind this, Fang Mu was shocked.

"This demon is not an ordinary demon, he is Chi You!"

Chi You? Known as the supreme ruler of the Lord of the Rings!

"But he is already dead, but his body is still here!"

Fang Mu already understood: "Then where is his soul?"

Bai Xiu glanced at the "Emperor Heaven" Fang Mu he was wearing on Fang Mu's hand and was completely speechless.

"Chi You's soul is inside?"

The struggle for power is always so erratic. The strongest force against the evil energy was Chi You's power!

Moreover, Bai Xiu poured out a shocking secret!

"Chi You is not from this world..."

The power on the earth originated from evil energy, one of the earliest powers.

"The emergence of light comes from infinite darkness, and darkness...!"

"You mean that evil energy is the most rooted energy?"

Bai Xiu didn't want to admit it, but the facts were indeed like this, and there was no reason to refute it.

Without darkness, how can there be light, without fel energy, how can there be magical techniques?

"There is a power called ultimate darkness, he will cover all the universe!"

For so many years since Bai Xiu disappeared, he has been searching for "Ultimate Darkness!" and the power of "Ultimate Darkness" has been continuously expanding.

"We have no choice but to deal with the evil energy first."

"If you want to deal with the evil energy, you must bring Chi You back to life!"

But the lava waterfall in front of you is a big problem!

Bai Xiu took a deep breath: "I have nothing to do with this lava waterfall!"

The lava waterfall, which is non-stop all year round, actually shows that this power does not come from this world.

Fang Mu was lost for a while: "The time left for us is really running out!"

"But there is still time." This Bai Xiu was confident.

"Why are you so confident!" Huo Qilin asked him.

From the time they met, Bai Xiu seemed to have been so confident.

"I'm not confident what else..."

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