The blood moon hung in the sky, and there was a desolate feeling.

The sky suddenly changed from night to day. At this moment, no one reacted.

The sun suddenly stretched the shadows of several people very long.

"Don't you have no coordinates?" Ye Xuan asked.

"Coordinates can't be determined, but I can try!" Gong Ming's attitude seemed to change a bit too quickly, and he definitely couldn't adapt.

Gong Ming fell into a kind of long-term grief, with a sense of loss. This feeling is hard to describe, but Ye Xuan could feel his pain.

There seems to be some kind of dissatisfaction!

"Really unexpected, unexpected!" Gong Ming murmured lightly.

"Can't think of anything?" Ye Xuan asked suddenly.

"Oh, nothing!" Gong Ming came to say this.

"Then I'll go back and prepare first, and I will come to you soon!"

Seeing Gong Ming's lonely figure, Ye Xuan suddenly sighed: It seems that what they just said was heard by Gong Ming, and they were also right, Gong Ming does not belong to the earth, his hometown is here.

"City Lord, can we trust him?" Gong Ming's mystery made Long Aotian even more afraid to believe him.

Ye Xuan was also suspicious now, Gong Ming's identity was too special.

Recalling when he first saw him in prison, he had been trying to use the power of the holy light, but he could not use it at all. Also, although there were thousands of spells on the earth, they never Never heard of the power of the Holy Light...

"Maybe he has some secrets, but he will definitely not harm us!" Suddenly Long Zhan said.

The feeling of Long Zhan seems to be very accurate, and the accuracy is a bit scary.

"Why do you think so?" Ye Xuan now believes in Long Zhan's words very much. Although he is not very old, he has experienced a lot of things.

Xuan Xiao was drinking in a pub at this time, and one person, one person almost drank the whole wine in the bar. Later, a few gangsters came in, and they seemed to be dazzling. I don’t know if he just made a fortune or just went to work. Button!

"Boss, serve wine, serve the best wine!"

The owner of the bar is wiping the glasses, but today their wine has been sold out.

"What, old thing, do you know who my boss is? Tell you to scare you to death!"

The gangster became dissatisfied. At this time, a man with tattoos all over his body stood up from behind, pointed to the wine in Xuan Xiao's hand and said:

"Asshole, isn't this the **** wine?"

The boss is an honest person. He doesn't want to offend these people, so he greets him quickly to see if there is any wine in the future, but the business of the bar is very good these days, and the fastest wine will come tomorrow.


Upon hearing that the wine was gone, the gangsters began to smash the bar.

"My son, you **** run wild here!"

Although the owner of the bar doesn't want to cause trouble, there are really a lot of such people. The group of thugs he raises includes cultivators.

"To make trouble, you are tired of living and crooked!"

Now the world is in chaos, and there has just been a great war. It is definitely chaos. Ordinary people generally don't dare to go out. It is not a last resort. They may keep themselves at home every day.

The bar's thugs stepped out aggressively, and at this time the gangster took out the wanted order directly, and it came out.

"Have you never heard of the recent Zhengtai meeting? This is our boss, A's wanted man, who is wanted by every country. Today, I just took off a disgusting boy. You know, get out. !"

The world is in chaos, and there will always be many messy, all kinds of gangs. The thugs are still shocked, and they received the wanted order. Seeing that it is the leader of Emperor Xuancheng, the four countries are wanted. It is said that there are a lot of crimes, and it is Brutal means!

"Hmph, just killed a few people, what the **** is it?"

It seems that the bar's thugs do not attack them at all, but the bounty above is still very objective.

Five hundred thousand!

"It just so happens that I can take your head to receive the reward!"

When the bar owner spoke, the boys were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, you guys are really toasting and not eating fine wine, let's see how good we are!"

Suddenly the spirit power exploded in the entire bar, and several guests ran away in fright. The bar owner smiled, lowered his head and continued to wipe the cups, and two groups of people started fighting here.

"Grandson, look at your grandpa's greatness!"

These gangsters were not lacking in strength. They broke the tables, chairs and benches here. These thugs were not opponents, and they were all beaten on the ground.

Xuan Xiao had been sitting on the bar all the time. The wine was spinning around in his hand, but he couldn't spill a drop. The bar thugs all got up from the ground.

"Fuck, you really don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has."

The eldest brother of the bar beater grabbed a sword formed by spiritual power from his palm!

This sword has a lot of power. With a light swing, the Feng Shui turns, Zhengtai Gang is no longer an opponent. It was pressed on the ground, and it was beaten crying.

"Fuck, it's worth half a million at this level?"

"In the past, tie them up, and tomorrow we will go to collect the reward..." the barman ordered loudly.

At this time, the thugs in the bar went up to tie up the people in various ways.

"Big Brother...Big Brother... Misunderstood, misunderstood, we are not just too helpful, we have no money!"

The Zhengtai Gang began to beg for mercy.

At this time, Xuan Xiao was still drinking alone, and in the entire bar, he was the most calm person.

The boss felt that Xuan Xiao had something different on his body, and he felt very cold!

"Boss, serve wine!" Xuan Xiao took another sip.

"Guest, there is no wine..." the boss said calmly.


"In a bar, there is no alcohol, so what bar is there?" At this time, the boss was a little uneasy.

But this person couldn't afford it at first sight, and he forcedly said calmly: "Mr., I want to drink, come back tomorrow."

But who knows, Xuan Xiao suddenly raised his head, and the boss's eyes suddenly widened.

"This guest...your eyes..."

I have never seen such eyes. His eyes are so different from his own. His pupils are a strange shape.

"You are about to die, do you still care about my eyes?"

As soon as he said this, the cup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered. For some reason, he felt that his whole body was cold, as if he was about to die.

I lowered my head and saw that blood was printing on my chest, which was full, getting bigger, bigger and bigger, shocking.

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