Ye Xuan chose to believe in Gong Ming, jumped down, and spent most of the day in the well.

When I came up again, everyone was looking forward to it, but...

Ye Xuan was also disappointed.

"The rock layer below is very hard, and it is not something ordinary people can crack."

"You kid, just **** with us again!" Long Aotian was angry again, but Gong Ming still believed:

"There are really water veins under here, there really are water veins!"

"Fuck, there is water veins, go down and fight for me!"

Suddenly, I heard some killing shouts in the distance, and those bandits riding big wolves.

The chief said goodbye to Ye Xuan and he had to lead people to resist.

Ye Xuan discovered that the children had been hidden, leaving some old, weak, sick and disabled to guard it. It would definitely not work just to rely on some fighters. They came in and started to **** them, and they killed many compatriots and took a lot of them. Of water.

"This matter, we are afraid we can't control it, this world is over..."

Long Aotian always felt that this Gong Ming was unreliable, saying that the portal was behind, and in the end there was such a world behind.

Ye Xuan also believed in Gong Ming at first, but Gong Ming disappointed him time and time again. There was no portal in the palace. After a week of drilling a well, there was no water at all.

Hearing from the chief, it has been almost half a year since it has rained, and there are predators. They are coming more and more frequently now, but the chief has not stingy with Ye Xuan and the others, and let them use it as much as possible.

"Where is Zhan'er?" When Ye Xuan was talking with Long Aotian, he found that Long Zhan had disappeared.

This is a different world, and getting lost is not a joke.

The two hurried out to search.

Suddenly, I discovered that there was a brightly lit bonfire beside the dry well.

"let's work hard together!"

"Come on!"

Ye Xuan taught them their own language again, and the learning ability of these creatures was so powerful that they could learn it in one go!

Then Long Zhan went down in person. At this time, he also went down with the other people. They began to dig in parallel, digging out a large space below.

"Zhan'er..." Long Aotian wanted to stop him.

But Ye Xuan stopped him: "Don't you think we are wrong? I gave up so easily!"

"When will it be digging? Now it is not. If there is, then if the water is digging for a year, do we have to wait here for another year?"

"No, they succeeded immediately." Gong Ming said suddenly.

In the current dragon battle, he wakes up early every morning and goes to bed late. He starts digging wells with all his heart, and uses the knowledge learned from Tianjizi and George to dig and reinforce the edges of the wells so that there will be no collapses.

On this day, Long Zhan has been working for three consecutive days, and his body can’t stand it anymore. The chief entertained them with the meat of high-quality Letti beef. This is a huge creature with very delicious meat. The main source of meat here in the past is now severely gilded, and grass and snow are rarely seen.

The Lieti cattle are also about to die out, only higher than the evil energy can't reach, and there is room for them to survive.

"You take a break, let me do it!"

Long Zhan came up from below and saw Ye Xuan's hand extended. Long Zhan looked at it, stretched out his hand to catch it, and jumped down instead of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan jumped down, stunned by everything below.

A huge space has been dug out here, and it is illuminated by a bonfire, and several survey points have been set out. With simple tools, they are constantly probing and looking for water sources.

Ye Xuan went down. Long Aotian couldn't help but go down. It was close to a hundred meters deep from the ground. On the earth, oil would not be so hard to beat, but he was still rejected by the design of Long Zhan!

"How is this possible? How did he do it..."

Gong Ming also came down from above, it was incredible, how such a large space was dug out, watching the people passing by, still holding a simple drawing in his hand.

And they can already have a simple conversation.

"Oh, thank you..."

"I know your language..." Gong Ming said.

"No! I'm practicing!"

The chief also came down with his **** at this time, and couldn't help crying with excitement, Gong Ming didn't understand!

It turned out that Long Zhan was not only here to help them dig a well, but also to build an underground shelter for them, so that they could avoid the predators.

"Zhan'er, it's really incredible!" Ye Xuan watched their offensive.

At this time, Long Zhan was full and came down again from above. Someone ran over excitedly, and they found the mezzanine again.


Ye Xuan didn't understand!

"Brother Ye Xuan, the meaning of the interlayer is that the geology here is very special. Maybe a place where the soil is very loose after a few tens of meters will appear. There is about a dozen meters of space!"

So special?

Ye Xuan was stunned!

He dug so much, he hadn't found this!

Because although this interlayer is very loose, the rock with a very hard texture can be several times harder than the granite on the earth!

Therefore, the soil sandwiched between the two layers is also very compact. The Dragon Fight relies on loosening them first, and then starts again.

"Why is there no feeling here?"

Ye Xuan didn't feel any difference here from outside. If the gravity here is several times that on the earth, then the underground pressure will be even stronger.

Ye Xuan didn't know this, maybe we were cultivators.

"But look at them? They don't have any discomfort either!"

Ye Xuan said: "It may be that their system is like this. I heard that their ancestors came from the ground."

"Haha, there won't be any evil dragons in this underground!" Suddenly Long Aotian also joked.

Several people looked at him and didn't seem to know what he was talking about.

Long Aotian's sneer didn't seem to have a good effect, everyone looked at a loss!

"Well, let's work too!"

"Okay, come and see this." The deepest part of this space!

It is tens of meters deep from the entrance of the cave, and there is a specially protected place here.

After they walked over, they found that the soil here was already very moist...

"Have you dug out the water?"

Long Zhan grabbed a hand and squeezed it in his hand: "It seems there is, but it seems there is not!"

"What does that mean, what does it mean there seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be?"

Because although it is already very wet here, the soil here has been wet since the beginning.

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