The robbery took more than half an hour, and it was also estimated by Ye Xuan. Because of the influence of gravity, there were still two suns. Ye Xuan's watch went very slowly. When they snatched enough water, the wolf soldiers started. Receiving the soldiers, ran towards the distance of the golden sands.

Gong Ming felt a little strange.

"What's wrong with you, your body feels sick again?"

At this time Gong Ming stood up: "I can feel that there is a water vein in the ground of that small village, it is a big water vein!"

"Have water veins?" Ye Xuan was strange!

Don't they know how to dig a well?

"Obviously so..."

In any case, this is life, maybe their world is over, but they are still trying to live on.

This is what moved Ye Xuan, even if their survival is based on a kind of "request" condition.

But in any case, it can be said to be much better than those who accept fate.

Although it crossed the race and the world, Ye Xuan wanted to give them hope.

Ye Xuan stood up, Gong Ming stopped him: "What are you going to do, we don't need to waste time here..."

"Don't you still claim to be a descendant of the gods, don't the gods treat their people like this?"

Ye Xuan smiled, Gong Ming felt a little embarrassed.

Long Zhan also stood up and said, "Furthermore, we also need water and some food supplies. I don't know where to go."

Long Zhan has experienced it, so he won't stand by.

"It's just that you saved them, isn't it tantamount to helping the evil energy? The evil energy absorbs energy from this place, and the world is finished." Gong Ming thought that he could not let the evil energy continue to develop and grow.

"The world is over, but they haven't, they are still alive!"

Gong Ming stopped talking.

"I can't understand you, it's true, the holy light that keeps on talking, the power of light, but in the end it just treats human life like weeds..."

"Bah!" Long Aotian sipped fiercely.

Gong Ming's face couldn't hold back.

"Who said that, who said that I didn't help, you didn't understand their language in the past, but I know..."

Gong Ming knew that they were right and wanted to help, so he found himself a step down.

A group of people approached slowly, very carefully, knowing that there was an invisible killer.

Sure enough, when they approached the door, the guard at the door suddenly rushed up.

Ye Xuan knew that these people were just ear soldiers, and the real killers were invisible.


Long Zhan suddenly took out his sword, as if he had encountered something and made a crisp sound.

Then there was Long Aotian. Although he couldn't see it, it was not difficult to detect. It seemed that he had caught something, but there was nothing.

Long Aotian then shouted: "Be careful, their attacks are weird, and their bodies are also weird, they can't be touched at all!"

Ye Xuan relied on detecting the footprints on the ground. At least seven or eight invisible assassins were nearby. He had clearly judged the right position, but when he shot, it really hit the air...

"Arthur didn't have..."

At this time, Gong Ming suddenly said something that he didn't understand.

"I want to talk about buying a car, but none of them belong to the Accord!"

Ye Xuan is stupid, what is this...

Gong Ming speaks their language, it turns out to be true...

It was the same thing that didn't understand anything, but their attack really stopped like this.

Gong Ming exchanged ideas, but Ye Xuan still maintained a high degree of vigilance.

There was no movement for a while.

Ye Xuan asked, "What's wrong?"

Gong Ming proudly said: "Let's wait a moment, he is going in and ask the chief!"

"Do you really understand their language?" Long Aotian finally noticed Gong Ming's brilliance.

"Of course, the people in Sky City can speak various languages." Gong Ming was really full of pride.

"And it's born, this is the holy light..."

Speaking of the Holy Light, I couldn't help feeling shy, remembering what Long Aotian said just now.

After a while, someone who looked like an old man came out from inside. He was holding a cane, wearing a thick robe, and something like spikes on his back. His teeth had fallen out, and only one die was exposed. It looks really ugly.

This is their chief, Gong Ming went up to talk.

"We entered this world by mistake, knowing that you are short of water, so we will create water for you!"

"Really, can you help us create water?" The chief was surprised and excited.

Looking at the chief's expression, Ye Xuan suddenly thought, the creatures here are so simple!

After a few words, they believed it so easily. Gong Ming said: "Because there are no more of their kind here, in fact, life is not important to us. Instead of fighting with us, we should believe us!"

The chief took a few of them into the big tent, which was also very primitive, but animal skins were everywhere, and the chief introduced them to the origin of this and that.

"Tell him that we will go to dig a well for them at once, don't worry."

Gong Ming immediately went to convey that the chief brought people over to salute. Maybe the world is different, but the culture has something in common. Ye Xuan didn't know the etiquette for the big gift that the chief took the lead.

Gong Ming can perceive the water veins, so he will hit directly from the most comfortable place.

"City Lord, give this to me!"

Long Aotian looked as if he couldn't try it hard, Ye Xuan flashed his body, and put in a please posture.


Long Aotian had enough strength, and his whole body flew into the sky in one breath, stretched his fists, and rushed straight down in one breath. Suddenly he experienced a burst of dust. People who don't know the truth don't know what this is. I thought that the water would only come down from the sky, and I didn't know that there was still water underground.

I stretched my head to look, but didn't want to. Suddenly, there was a burst of blast, and the direct air wave rushed out from both sides, rushing people away.

The golden light of Long Aotian came out, and found that the sand layer here was more than one meter thick, and the rock below one meter was hard, and Long Aotian's head was drilled out.

When I came up with this shot, I had to go to that Gong Ming to settle accounts. He said there was water veins, what about water veins? Only rocks!

Rocks won't hold water, this is a common practice, just hold on to Gongming.

Gong Ming yelled his grievances: "Believe me, there is really water under here, there really is water!"

Ye Xuan chose to believe him, because there was no water below, and Long Aotian would not kill him, and the villagers would kill him too, because water is their life, and no one can deceive them.

"Is there really water down here?" Ye Xuan still asked him.

"Really, really." He was really afraid of this Long Aotian.

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