Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

If this is said, Bing Qingya once saw that stone tablet!

He placed it in the most conspicuous place of Jianxianmen, which was unexpected, even such an ordinary stone monument, which contained such a big secret!

"Isn't everyone able to read it?" Bing Qingya asked strangely.

"I don't know this, and I don't know if my master has also read it!"

Bing Qingya was lost in contemplation, knowing that Prince Wu Xiu without a trace did not want to restore the Zhenlan Empire. He wanted to deal with an enemy. It was most likely the invasion of evil energy, or he took a hundred years of blankness and darkness. What does history record? Maybe it will unlock the key to this evil invasion.

At this moment, the door of the two people was pushed open, and Fang Mu unexpectedly found them.

"Tell me what is evil energy?" Fang Mu was very serious.

Witherwood and Lin Na glanced at each other. This person was also righteous and evil, and could not be trusted, but after thinking about it, he still explained to him what the evil energy is.

After listening, Fang Mu took a breath of breath:

"That evil energy is here!"

Long Nuo is now the power of evil energy. He didn't shoot, but Fang Mu's eyes were tricky. When he saw him, that kind of powerful evil spirit was full of resentment.


Withered sigh, touched his huge sword fence, said: "I will protect this world for you."

"Are you going to find him?"

"I advise you not to, maybe the three of us join forces, and that is not the opponent of Lonnor now."

Fang Mu did not exaggerate, and the power of Lonno was unprecedented.

"Well, I have to try his strength first." The first confrontation with evil energy, if blindly evading, Ye Xuan never knows what evil energy is.

"Are you really going?" Fang Mu said coldly.

"I'm going now!" Withered Wood lifted his "Fence" and turned out.

But the dead wood let them stay.

"If I have something wrong, you go back to find Ye Xuan, he will protect you!"

Bing Qingya has five flavors in her heart, and Ye Xuan's side cannot go back.

The dead wood turned and went out.

Fang Mu and Bing Qingya stayed behind, Huo Qilin opened his eyes and continued to lie down and continue to sleep.

"I'm going too!" On this way, the dead wood took great care of him. Bing Qingya couldn't let him be involved in danger alone!

"No need, we are going, maybe it will only bear him!"

The duel between masters, but they can not intervene.

Ye Xuan felt a sour feeling in his heart, and did not know why.

But he did not say it, nor did he show it.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, so it was not a way to watch a weirdo not sleep, he planned to try the black flame on that man!

"City Master, be careful!" Long Aotian reminded.

Every nerve in Ye Xuan's body was lifted, his lips were squeezed, and when his hand was about to go up, he suddenly found that something was not going well. He was not a black fire at all, but a force to be released.

"Flash away!"

Ye Xuan shouted!

Then lying on the ground, Xuan Xiao protected Lin Na under her body. From which strange person, a huge force burst suddenly and rushed directly towards the sky. Then, the entire Qishan camp was Hearing a ghost crying and howling, his voice was extremely miserable.

This sound, he does not enter through the ear, can penetrate the body, through the skin, stimulate every nerve, every cell ...

When the sound dissipated a little, Ye Xuan felt a sudden palpitations. How many life and death he experienced, there was no fear of coming this time.

After this power was released from his body, the real person seemed to be reborn, the blackness of his body was gone, and the whole person's face also appeared shiny.

Slowly raised his head and looked at the few people in front of him: "Sorry."

"It's all right!"

At this time, Dragon Warfare came looking for this force and saw it all here. Also asked first: "What happened."

Then he saw this strange man again and said in surprise, "Why is he?"

He is now judged to be two people. It just looked very painful, but now it looks much better.

First introduced myself.

"My name is Gong Ming, I am a believer in the Holy Light, and I hope to get your help."


Gong Ming got up and knocked down the dirt on his body, and continued: "The door to a different world has been opened, and evil energy is about to flow in!"

Fel energy is also evil energy!

Ye Xuan also asked a question: "What is evil energy?"

"Evil energy is a kind of energy that can devour life. I found a place, if I don't hurry to stop it ..."

"Why should we believe you?" Long Aotian said at this time.

"Then you can come and see with me, the current fiasco is not far from here."


Ye Xuanmeng took a breath: "Well, where are we going to see!"

"Can you give me something to eat? I'm going to starve to death!"

Ye Xuan prepared a table of delicious food for him. The mountain and sea flavors are everything, but he just chewed the sturdy bread and drank a little water.

"This is a Buddha, why don't you eat meat?" Long Aotian murmured softly.

Ye Xuan shut him up with a look.

Immediately after eating, "Go, let me take you!"

"You don't need to rest for one night?" Ye Xuan has prepared the room for him.

"It's too late. The current gap has been widening. What is passed now is just some small ones. As long as the gap is large enough, the army of evil energy comes in ..."

He said that while he was packing up, he had been there once, and this time it was a familiar journey.

"Well, let's go together." Ye Xuan decided to believe him and go with him.

"Urban Master, you really intend to believe this man ... we don't know anything about him!"

But evil energy cannot wait, this force comes to this world, that is devastating.

"I'll get you a car!"

Gong Ming heard a car: "It's great to have a car so we can get there soon."

Ye Xuan nodded and prepared an extra car. This time, Ye Xuan, Long Aotian and the Dragon War were all over, and they had to deal with it with all their strength.

"Let's go." Ye Xuan directly handed over Qishan Camp to Lin Na, hoping she would not live up to her trust.

Taking away all of them, in fact, is also afraid that Lin Na will be betrayal. After all, the strongest fighting power here is on Lin Na's side.

The four men drove to the mainland and drove for a short time. Then Gong Ming directly said, "No, it's going to go there!"

"Over there?" Long Aotian didn't believe that where there was a vast primitive jungle, it would be difficult to come out if it was in here.

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